Multiple lenses are already commonplace on phones and as we have seen they already know how to combine the imagery to produce the desired blur free result and apparently also provide the ability to post event choose certain alternate settings thus providing further processing options.
I guess now it's just the engineering required and timing to release this innovation into the product marketing cycle.
Another nail in the seperate and dedicated, specialist camera's coffin lid.

( have a lot of dosh tied up in expensive lenses

I'll miss the tech but having the same or better capability incorporated in the form factor of our carry everywhere ubiquitous pocket computer just chime's it's death knell louder.
This application, which we will be a part of, may well prove to be our money/mid term security maker.
Personally will be happy when we are finally beyond this stage in our Company's infancy and look forward to an exciting future when we are out in the open.
I understand there needs must, always be tight lips around the bleeding edge of innovation and development and commend the Company for it's remarkable discipline but will be glad when, over time, we become a more widely recognised brand.
Bring it, BrainChip.