Nintendo ?To me that was the most exciting part of the entire report. Who exactly licensed IP from Megachips?
from Megachips annual report
78 % of revenue comes from Nintendo
Business and Other Risks
MegaChips has identified the following risks pertaining to its operations and other matters that may have a material impact on the financial position and the cash flow of the Group. Forward-looking statements in this section represent the judgment of MegaChips as of March 31, 2021.
Dependence on specific customers
(1) Purchasers MegaChips principally sells LSIs for a game software storage (custom memory) for the amusement field; LSIs for game consoles and peripheral devices; LSIs for digital cameras and other image processing; LSIs for OA equipment. The percentage of net sales involving LSIs for storing game software (custom memory) to Nintendo Co., Ltd. (“Nintendo”) is increasing and accounts for 78.0% of the sales for the current fiscal year. Therefore, the performance of the Company could fluctuate depending on the sales trend of the game consoles and software that use our LSI products, and the market of LSI. The risk is not something that can be completely eliminated, we have the good and close relationship with Nintendo and aim to meet customer satisfaction with our products by providing ideal solution and stable supply and minimize the possible risks. Besides, we focus on the development of the new business in the fields including in-vehicle device, industrial equipment, telecommunications infrastructure, energy control and robotics as well as improve the business portfolio in the mid- to long-term.
The megachips podcast
At 14.20 - 14.50 time stamp
Doug Fairbairn mentions that there is a good match between their current customer base and what Brainchip has to offer.
He also makes a point about in the shorter term timeframe customising their product using on chip learning when in the hands of the actual user.