"I AM about having self respect and showing that retail investors are no less important a group in the market than any other and in fact retail investors are the only reason the share market survives.
We are gaining the respect of the company as a group and it was a hard won victory which was facilitated by @zeebot opening the TSEx forum.
Remember the stability in the Brainchip share register was recognised by the company in this half yearly report and recognised as reducing costs in this area. I credit this to the work of the 1,000 Eyes and how it has brought retail shareholders together and made manipulation very difficult. I personally believe this is not something to be thrown away lightly.)
My anonymous opinion only so DYOR
Fact Finder
I think much of the derision that we 'Mum & Dad retail investors' suffer is due to the fact that we are risking our
own money, rather than that of other people for a fee, and tend to
research, buy and then hold.
This does not suit the business model of the controlling entity, the ASX, nor the spiv's and other associated professional experts who make their money based on the number of trades made.
It is irrelevant to any of them who "wins or loses" on any given transaction, just so long as people keep putting money down and the wheel keeps spinning. They take their cut, from both the buyer and seller, before any other distribution is made, as their fee for providing the service, which is their modus operandi. They would much prefer a thousand trades at $1000 a pop to a single sale valued at $1,000,000.
Having chosen to have a few dollars tied up in BRN over 7 years has served me well so far and obviously I expect it to provide many multiples more going forward.
For much of that time I was in the red and I am sure any expert that I may have consulted would have advised me to either trade in and out, which I have heard others do most profitably, or to take my loss and invest elsewhere, quite likely into something they suggested.

With the benefit of hindsight I would have traded and could have much increased my accumulated holding, but instead have just held and apart from one panic driven sale, (rapidly repurchased) and another pressie to myself having achieved a particular target, continue to add more when funds and the opportunity manipulator's provide, arises.
As the news from Mercedes has shown, I can never be quite certain just when a spike may occur, and whilst previous jumps have fallen back over time, I still believe that one day, news will arrive that will precipitate a
rerate that will take us to a new level, making 'todays price' absurdly cheap.
It will be something like a buyout offer or a considerable contract with an established well recognised corporate entity like a Sony or a Samsung.
Whilst we have been somewhat tenuously linked to both those Companies in the past, due to the ubiquitous nature of our offering, it could be any, or indeed many, of dozens of potential candidates.
Of course, as others have pointed out, due to our current sales strategy and the NDA's we operate under as commercial imperative, we may not initially be aware of all the places our influence extends, in which case, we will only become cognisant of our success as revealed by our financial statements. A perhaps slower and more deliberate ascent as those pundits who examine and prognosticate on such matters gradually incorporate us into their recommendations.
This type of announcement could conceivably occur at
any time ( and could have over the last seven years that I have been involved), and having the good fortune to be already invested, my conservative nature precludes any tendencies or inclinations I may have to gamble with my holdings.
Of course, none of this is meant as advise nor censure to anyone, merely my musings.
As expressed many times over.........
DYOR, Invest within your means and with regard to your own personal circumstances, and