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Surely we can play even a small part in this program. Huge amounts of money being spent around the globe.

I don't think it's possible to achieve autonomous driving by government fiat (not the Italian government's car fleet).
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Rather than replying to FF with another Knock Knock joke (which I'm sorely tempted to do, don't you worry about that), I did have something a bit more pressing that I wanted to pitch to everyone, which is whether anyone has looked into Arm's recent announcement (28 June 2022) of the second generation of Armv9 CPUs?

Just between you, me and the lamp post, I feel like there's a reasonably high possibility that we MIGHT have something to do with this. When I say 'we', I mean BrainChip/AKIDA, but you know what I mean.

Please tell me I'm wrong, or otherwise tell me to run to the fridge and pop open a bottle of champers! 🥳

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Yes I agree Bravo, this sounds like it could be Akida and considering all of the circumstances it probably is. There will be so many products coming out with Akida soon, we are right at the starting gate of the new Akida era. It's just the waiting game now. Patience, patience dear friends is all that is required now :cool:
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Rather than replying to FF with another Knock Knock joke (which I'm sorely tempted to do, don't you worry about that), I did have something a bit more pressing that I wanted to pitch to everyone, which is whether anyone has looked into Arm's recent announcement (28 June 2022) of the second generation of Armv9 CPUs?

Just between you, me and the lamp post, I feel like there's a reasonably high possibility that we MIGHT have something to do with this. When I say 'we', I mean BrainChip/AKIDA, but you know what I mean.

Please tell me I'm wrong, or otherwise tell me to run to the fridge and pop open a bottle of champers! 🥳

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Just before you get sloshed 🍾 @Bravo, I don't know about this. When I look at ARM's partnership catalogue, BRN isn't listed as a partner in the Cortex-A series, Mali GPU's and Cortex-X isn't even listed under ARM IP. We are listed as a partner in the Industry and Technology section under Mobiles but not sure that means Mobile Phones or just a mobile connection to the cloud. We are also listed under Cortex-M.

They also may not have updated it yet.

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I'm Spartacus!
"I AM about having self respect and showing that retail investors are no less important a group in the market than any other and in fact retail investors are the only reason the share market survives.

We are gaining the respect of the company as a group and it was a hard won victory which was facilitated by @zeebot opening the TSEx forum.

Remember the stability in the Brainchip share register was recognised by the company in this half yearly report and recognised as reducing costs in this area. I credit this to the work of the 1,000 Eyes and how it has brought retail shareholders together and made manipulation very difficult. I personally believe this is not something to be thrown away lightly.)

My anonymous opinion only so DYOR

Fact Finder


I think much of the derision that we 'Mum & Dad retail investors' suffer is due to the fact that we are risking our own money, rather than that of other people for a fee, and tend to research, buy and then hold.
This does not suit the business model of the controlling entity, the ASX, nor the spiv's and other associated professional experts who make their money based on the number of trades made.
It is irrelevant to any of them who "wins or loses" on any given transaction, just so long as people keep putting money down and the wheel keeps spinning. They take their cut, from both the buyer and seller, before any other distribution is made, as their fee for providing the service, which is their modus operandi. They would much prefer a thousand trades at $1000 a pop to a single sale valued at $1,000,000.

Having chosen to have a few dollars tied up in BRN over 7 years has served me well so far and obviously I expect it to provide many multiples more going forward.
For much of that time I was in the red and I am sure any expert that I may have consulted would have advised me to either trade in and out, which I have heard others do most profitably, or to take my loss and invest elsewhere, quite likely into something they suggested. 🤣
With the benefit of hindsight I would have traded and could have much increased my accumulated holding, but instead have just held and apart from one panic driven sale, (rapidly repurchased) and another pressie to myself having achieved a particular target, continue to add more when funds and the opportunity manipulator's provide, arises.
As the news from Mercedes has shown, I can never be quite certain just when a spike may occur, and whilst previous jumps have fallen back over time, I still believe that one day, news will arrive that will precipitate a rerate that will take us to a new level, making 'todays price' absurdly cheap.

It will be something like a buyout offer or a considerable contract with an established well recognised corporate entity like a Sony or a Samsung.
Whilst we have been somewhat tenuously linked to both those Companies in the past, due to the ubiquitous nature of our offering, it could be any, or indeed many, of dozens of potential candidates.
Of course, as others have pointed out, due to our current sales strategy and the NDA's we operate under as commercial imperative, we may not initially be aware of all the places our influence extends, in which case, we will only become cognisant of our success as revealed by our financial statements. A perhaps slower and more deliberate ascent as those pundits who examine and prognosticate on such matters gradually incorporate us into their recommendations.
This type of announcement could conceivably occur at any time ( and could have over the last seven years that I have been involved), and having the good fortune to be already invested, my conservative nature precludes any tendencies or inclinations I may have to gamble with my holdings.

Of course, none of this is meant as advise nor censure to anyone, merely my musings.
As expressed many times over.........
DYOR, Invest within your means and with regard to your own personal circumstances, and

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LOL! 🤣 It's FANTASTIC to have you back FF!

View attachment 14908
Ok. I admit. I was too scared to do frown face on that one - for fear of being escorted from the forum!
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Just before you get sloshed 🍾 @Bravo, I don't know about this. When I look at ARM's partnership catalogue, BRN isn't listed as a partner in the Cortex-A series, Mali GPU's and Cortex-X isn't even listed under ARM IP. We are listed as a partner in the Industry and Technology section under Mobiles but not sure that means Mobile Phones or just a mobile internet connection. We are also listed under Cortex-M.

They also may not have updated it yet.

Perhaps they don't think they need to update the catalogue when it already says this! 🥳

1 pm.png

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
$107.99 plus GST for a tin while stocks last! Sorry, I had to put my prices up in-line with inflation.

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Newk R

Knock Knock

Who's there?


Wilma who?

Wilma shares go up today??
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It was suggested that my decision to step back was sudden and akin to a dummy spit. In reality I spoke with @zeeb0t following the AGM and told him I was thinking of doing so well before the fact.

While not the primary reason I stood back the timing was precipitated by a medical issue detected on my 6 monthly eye exam that ordinarily is an indicator of a potential sudden deterioration in vision.

Fortunately it was as it turned out a side effect of the heavy duty blood thinner required after cardiac stenting.

My scan on Monday proved this to be the case and my glaucoma continues to be stable. The best part is I can go back to moving furniture and not telling Blind Freddie.

My reason in disclosing is twofold. Firstly I privately communicate with many long term investors and I made some aware at the time and wanted to make sure they were kept in the loop as to how it turned out.

Secondly I have been reminded by this chain of events that @uiux is right in principle to demand proof of AKIDA’s use before breaking out the champagne.

Every indicator was that I was about to assume the identity of my alter ego Blind Freddie but as it is now proven there was something else in play.

Remember we are not gamblers trying to guess the number of jelly beans in the bottle we are investors. By the way there are 692 if you want to place a bet.

So remember even if AKIDA is correctly identified as being in an ARM or Renesas chip by the 1,000 Eyes until proof positive exists the BRN share price will remain immune to that knowledge.

Unless Brainchip or the customer make an announcement the market will not give this proof its proper value.

So do not make rash or sudden decisions while drunk that ignore your plan and present financial circumstances.

My opinion only DYOR


PS: I must thank @Diogenes who after I informed him was kind enough to do his own research into the side effects of Plavix and send me his research and I was much reassured by this full list of terrifying consequences of this medication including the parts about sudden brain hemorrhage. I didn’t lose any sleep at all after reading that. 😂😂🤣
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Perhaps they don't think they need to update the catalogue when it already says this! 🥳

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I'm hoping you're right. I could never understand why it couldn't but not being listed has always troubled me. Just looking to dot the I's and cross the T's. We are listed in most categories. Why would ARM do an incomplete list and post it on their website to be referenced?
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I'm not sure its an entirely valid presumtion that its for one customer. BRN have promoted "packages" before to assist in uptake so this amount might represent (say) 4 engagements at $100k each that were invoiced/paid on successful completion of the projects during the half year. Speculation either way until an announcement is made that explains it.....or not.

My opinion only so DYOR
Yea for sure, nature of the transaction is the same ether way.
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Was anything interesting said we need to know about on the webinar early this morning?
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The reported borrowed shorts, more than doubled yesterday, from the already higher than usual numbers (600 to 800k a day)..
Seeing as today's trading has been mostly stable, I'd suggest they were also used yesterday, in the push down to 92 cents..


I think shorting BrainChip at the moment, is just plain foolish..

But what can they do? 🙄...

Are the extra licencing fees, definitely from MegaChips?
Isn't it possible, they could be from ARM? (No, Company has stated from MegaChips).
As it has been stated, by a couple of people who attended the AGM, that Peter said, ARM would be paying us a 1 million licence fee for each customer of theirs, they signed up?

I think there's already been discussion, on how this wouldn't need to be reported to the ASX either..
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Interesting, FF turns up & now multiple buys of 14 shares at a time?

He must have cashed in something to increase from his single share purchases :) (lol).
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I think its still being shorted today
Currently there are "52" orders for volume of 80000 lol
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Interesting, FF turns up & now multiple buys of 14 shares at a time?

He must have cashed in something to increase from his single share purchases :) (lol).
Sprung. I knew splashing the cash from my $2.00 scratchie win would be my undoing. 😂🤣😂
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I think its still being shorted today
Currently there are "52" orders for volume of 80000 lol
The shorters think they can hold back the tide with a plastic cup. What they haven't planned for is the tsunami coming their way.
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I think its still being shorted today
Currently there are "52" orders for volume of 80000 lol
Shorts are taken out everyday.
It's whether it's a "campaign" so to speak, or a large amount taken out, to capitalise on a big rise.

There are algorithms, doing all kinds of things, all the time too, whether for shorting, accumulation, or just trading.

Games are always being played, this is the share market..

Best way to avoid them, is by not participating..
It's a lot better for your health too 😉
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I was musing this morning about FF's advice to shareholders to have a plan and stick to it. I think this is very good advice.....if you have the time and opportunity. Sometimes the timing of such a plan coming to fruition and the timing of life's changing circumstances do not coincide. I am an example of this. I have been holding patiently since 2016 but sold a small part (50,000) of my overall holding (320,000) in February to fund some renovations. Thankfully my average entry price is 12.6c and I sold the parcel at $1.65 so was able to justify the sale to myself on the basis that I had realised a very nice profit. I would rather not have sold but life had its priorities at the time.

My plan now involves the SP firstly getting to $3, at which time I will again sell a small parcel, then I will hold for however long it takes for the SP to get to $20. I will then consider selling the remaining balance....if life allows me to hold out till then. FF's post about his health (eye) scare is all too real for those of us in the autumn of our lives. I am now semi-retired and so starting to draw down on my super. If I or my other half gets very unwell the whole plan for my BRN shares (my largest single investment outside of our home) would likely have to change.

The point of this diatribe is to ask that people do not malign others for selling their shares. Instead of exhorting all and sundry to hold on tight it might be kinder to add "if you can" and bear those who feel they can't (or wish to sell some to make life more comfortable) no malice. This includes our founders...........

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The reported borrowed shorts, more than doubled yesterday..
Seeing as today's trading has been mostly stable, I'd suggest they were also used yesterday, in the push down to 92 cents..

View attachment 14932

I think shorting BrainChip at the moment, is just plain foolish..

But what can they do? 🙄...

Are the extra licencing fees, definitely from MegaChips?
Isn't it possible, they could be from ARM?
As it has been stated, by a couple of people who attended the AGM, that Peter said, ARM would be paying us a 1 million licence fee for each customer of theirs, they signed up?

I think there's already been discussion, on how this wouldn't need to be reported to the ASX either..
Page 2 of the half year report states that the increase in revenue is a result of the partnership with Megachips.

It doesn’t attribute the increased revenue to any other party. Pretty safe to say the entire increase is derived from Megachips at this stage. I’m not concerned about that. In fact I think it’s great. Looking forward to licence income from other parties in the next report.
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