I would also like a feel for the future but I think it is way too early to do a revenue forecast. Our business model is IP and that relies on other companies selling their gear with us in it. We haven't reported any IP royalties as far as I'm aware and if they are in the $1.2 m then they are tiny. If I was in management I wouldn't go near revenue forecasts yet - because if I get them slightly wrong I'd get smashed by shareholders, media, downrampers and the cleaner!Totally agree with you . We do have questions to ask. If there is an NDA in place atleast a forecast of the revenue. We as shareholder bought the share so that compnay can grow and do what need to do. But we shareholders deserve to be told and keep on top of the things. Aĺl these genuine questions you mentioned, company should answer otherwise shareholders will start to lose faith and patience. Like they way you and me are feeling but dont normally say anything because some here would call you a downramper or sell and move on. I dont want to sell but if things dont get answered then one day that will happen too. Dont need anyones opinion on selling wise enough to decide. It is getting really frustrating with all those promises and no actions . Apologies if offended anyone but that how few of us feel.
We are still at the start of commercialisation. I want my Porsche now. Somewhere between the two there is a balance.....but I think it is a year or two away before we can see a forecast and I can forecast my delivery date.