"Because I wasn't overly excited by the SP raising as I'm not concerned about the drop today. It is meaningless other than to say wow my shares went up today or damn i lost 10 %"
Pretty much my thoughts Skutza
Although I was happy to see the share price go up and not happy to see it going down today, I was not elated or depressed either way..
Everything to me, is going as best as it possibly could at the moment, as far as the Company’s concerned.
But to get where I think we
should or can be, we need more "solid" progress and that’s going to be an organic process.
I don't think anybody here, doubts that we in that process now.
Considering we are on the ASX, which is a resource dominated exchange, I think we are doing extremely well, as far as the valuation of our potential future.
When we list on the NASDAQ, in the next year or two, we will be valued, much more, than what people currently think we should be and much more again, with additional progress and building cash receipts.
I'll say now, that I wouldn't be surprised if our next quarterly has lower revenue again, but I expect to see significant traction, in the December quarter.
As a Company, I don't think we are speculative, anymore.
But there is still plenty of speculation, as to what we are worth.
If you're holding this Company, with a 6 month or less price target, you are making a mistake, in my opinion.
If BrainChip can fulfill its stated goals, of being the Default Standard in Edge and Extreme Edge on the Global Stage..
Then this is going to be a Company, that you don't ever want to sell.
I have plans to sell a percentage of my shares, when they reach my own personal targets, to make my life comfortable, but I'm keeping the Lion's share indefinitely, to benefit the Family/Friends, in my life, on an ongoing basis.
And no, that's not so they can all go out and buy Ferraris
At least that's the plan..
You can make money in many ways, from being involved in this Company, but in my view, there will never really be a good time to "sell".
Good Fortune to All Holders.