BRN Discussion Ongoing


A small detail with great significance for us:



Autonomous driving: New rules for driver assistance systems come into force​


With the regulation on the general safety of vehicles, driver assistance systems will be introduced from July 6th, 2022, which are intended to make road traffic safer. This creates the legal framework for the approval of automated and fully driverless vehicles in the EU. Based on the regulation, the Commission will present technical regulations for the approval of driverless vehicles this summer. In this way, the EU can play a pioneering role in driverless driving. In the coming year, the regulations on the technical inspection of vehicles will also be revised. The Commission is asking for feedback on this in a consultation.

The aim of the regulation that came into force today is to better protect vehicle occupants, pedestrians and cyclists. Projections show that by 2038 more than 25,000 lives can be saved and at least 140,000 serious injuries avoided.

Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager said: “Technology helps us increase the safety level of our cars. Today we are making sure that our regulations allow us to introduce autonomous and driverless vehicles in the EU in a framework that puts people's safety at its core.”

General safety regulations
From 07/06/2022 the new measures introducing safety functions to support the driver include the following aspects:
for all road vehicles (i.e. cars, light commercial vehicles, trucks and buses): intelligent speed assistant, reversing assistant with camera or sensors, warning system for driver drowsiness and dwindling attention, event data storage and emergency brake light;
for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles: additional functions such as lane keeping systems and automatic braking systems;
for buses and trucks: technologies to better detect possible blind spots, warnings to avoid collisions with pedestrians or cyclists and tire pressure monitoring systems.
The regulations initially apply to new vehicle types, and then to all new vehicles from July 7, 2024. Some of the new measures will be extended to different types of road vehicles by 2029.

Technical regulations for automated vehicles
Based on the General Safety Regulation, the Commission plans to issue technical regulations for automated and connected vehicles this summer, with a focus on automated vehicles replacing the driver on highways (automation level 3) and fully driverless vehicles such as urban ones shuttle buses or robot taxis (automation level 4). The new rules align EU legislation with the new UN Level 3 Automation Regulations and adopt new EU technical legislation for fully driverless vehicles, the first international regulations of its kind. The technical rules, established through a delegated act and an implementing act, will require a comprehensive safety and maturity assessment of fully automated vehicles before they are placed on the EU market. They will include testing procedures, cybersecurity requirements, data recording regulations, safety performance monitoring and incident reporting requirements for fully driverless vehicle manufacturers.

Public Consultation
In a public consultation, the Commission is asking for help in revising the rules on roadworthiness tests for vehicles. The regulations will be revised in mid-2023. On the one hand, the focus is on road safety, but also on maintaining the environmental compatibility of a vehicle throughout its entire service life. Interest groups, NGOs and companies are invited to participate. The results of the public consultation will feed into the revision of EU roadworthiness testing rules.

Consultation on the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation
In a further consultation, the European Commission invites all stakeholders to comment on its draft proposals on the future of the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation (“Automobile Block Exemption Regulation”). Specifically, it is about the draft of a regulation to extend the validity of the existing motor vehicle BER by five years and the draft of a communication with targeted updates of the supplementary guidelines. Comments can be submitted via a public consultation and a sounding out.
Executive Vice-President Vestager said the proposed extension of the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation aims to maintain a rule to make it easier for car companies to assess whether their agreements comply with EU competition rules. “We also propose targeted updates to our guidance to address the issue of vehicle-generated data providing essential input for repair and maintenance services. Stakeholders are invited to submit their comments, which will help us to further refine the regulations, which are due to come into force on 1 June 2023.”
The draft proposals follow a review launched in December 2018 in view of the expiry of the MVBER on 31 May 2023. The purpose of the review was to determine to what extent the rules applicable to vertical agreements in the automotive sector are fit for purpose. Stakeholders are invited to comment on the draft rules by September 30, 2022.
More information on the consultation, proposed changes and next steps here.

Source: EU Commission, Representation in Germany, press release of July 6, 2022
LINK to the press release )"

I will look for more specific information, but I need time for that. This info suggests that these EU wide regulations are still in the making and will be finalized next year. Fatigue recognition seems to be set and I think that facial recognition as a key could follow probably optional but surely like with phones and fingerprint scanners it will quickly become standard. My speculation is that none of the politicians want their face to be recognized and stored on a (private) server and database, data protection laws. As I said, I will provide all this in time from the EU Commission page. However, I have to assume that the car OEMs with their legal departments have already done this for a long time.
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They definitely releasing it on the last trading day for July 😩😩😩😩😩
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bavarian girl ;-)

Top Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Blogs/ Websites to Follow in 2022​

Prathamesh Ingle
July 26, 2022

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I'm not Andreas because I'm a girl
I´m know him so well

man did I laugh:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

O....M....Gawd I remember 80s videos being a bit ordinary but this was a crime o_O
(the song/singers are fine)
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Hi to all,
did a bit of research concerning NVISO. Does anybody have an idea, why they keep their smart wealth business separate (I do not remember that it was mentioned in one of the webinars, was it? It is a separate homepage, too.)? Rise from the ashes postet a link in the NVISO/BRN discussion (May 20th, #90,
Regards, cassip
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I can deny this speculation. Electrical engineering was and is my weakness 😅

I did not have the time to read all the posts regarding this and hope that the case has not yet occurred. To all, I would like to remind zeeb0t's and all of our rules:

"No Personal Identification - When posting any type of comment (e.g., Question, Discussion, Research, etc.) you must never identify, or remark otherwise, that, which may intentionally or inadvertently identify any living person(s), without their permission."

So my suggestion, let's just let Andreas be Andreas and be happy that Akida gets more and more attention. I think most people around us personally know our passion. 🤗
@cosors my apologies. No harm intended.

If this fellow is a shareholder, may you and that person reap the benefits that our little Nipper shall provide (y)
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@cosors my apologies. No harm intended.

If this fellow is a shareholder, may you and that person reap the benefits that our little Nipper shall provide (y)
All fine! I just wanted to prevent that he might turn away from us because of the attention here.

I just read the Forbes article. We couldn't expect the general public to even know about something as special as neuromorphic chips or SNN. This shows how brilliant MB's free advertising is for us. They didn't have to mention us. But they decided to decorate themselves with us and to advertise themselves with us. Many here have found out about us through this advertising in the first place, like perhaps this electronics engineer. Especially for Germany, the development in the automotive or the mechanical engineering sector in general is the driving factor for our economy. Everyone is paying close attention to what the other is developing and who is ahead. As has already been mentioned, our follower comes from automation. That's a very huge and important sector. I'm just thinking how it would be if Akida optimized automation is used to mount Akida containing chip boards. Wouldn't that be a nice circle?! Akida ubiquitous!
If he knows us then the really big ones all the time. We can't thank MB enough for that I think!
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bavarian girl ;-)
BrainChip proves that Australia can compete on the world stage (y):love: of semiconductor innovation with its neuromorphic processor called Akida.

A neuromorphic processor is a computer chip that attempts to mimic the human brain’s method of processing data, so it should be no surprise that Akida’s development goal is to improve the performance of artificial intelligence (AI).

While we won’t dive into the technical details here, it is important to note that BrainChip still has a ways to go before Akida is fully commercialised. Still, Akida has a lot of research backing it as a cutting-edge chip, well above its peers.

So, where is the risk? In the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 24 May 2022, the chairman noted that many better technologies lost out to better sales techniques, like BetaMax did when it was sidelined by slick marketing from VHS. From that example, the risk for BrainChip lies in management’s ability to achieve industry adaptation.

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ok i don't have Verification engineer behind my name @chapman89 but i do like some of my stalkers 😀
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if yak is right i will shout you and yak each a beer or fav cocktail, in fact i will ask zeebot how the tip function works 👍
No @MDhere - these promises must be delivered in person! It's the personal fun and joy of the transaction that counts so you canot use the tip function.
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Hi alwaysgreen..............I posted in here about 2 weeks ago..ish a list of Aust Banks & Brokers who supplied shares for Shorting.

Sadly it involved EVERYONE of the Big 4 Banks and most of the minors plus every Broker name of consequence here in Australia.

Do they need to "ask" you before "loaning" your shares to Shorters? Not sure. We have all probably agreed to it some fine print on page 121 of some disclosure documents we signed or agreed to when opening our trading accounts.

Myself my Big 4 Bank accounts I am sure are used and I know for certain my SMSF accounts with Specialist Brokerages are definitely being used to supply Shorters even though I do not see any fees. (must check for that).

Sad world. Greedy.

Stake (trading platform) actually asks you if you want to loan shares out. I have declined - but am impressed they provide an option.
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Peering into the ruby glow of the last of the claret in the crystal drinkware, the world takes on a kinder aspect.

A few pages ago someone ('pologies for forgetting) posted a report suggesting that by 2027, 87% of chips would have some form of AI.

So, how many of these chips will incorporate the first to market, best in class, all purpose, adaptable, ultra-low power, ultra-fast, de-complexed, affordable AI chip?

So in 2027, there will be N chips p.a. with AI.

Let's say we get one fifth, and let's say we get 50 cents per chip (assuming only a couple of nodes per chip).

So we would get $N/10 p.a.

Professor google tells me that there are about 170 billion chips p.a., 87% of which is about 150 billion.

Now the IoT and ADAS/AV and other growth sectors will produce a large CAGR, say 30%. This results in north of 400 billion by 2027, ie, N= 400 billion chips. That seems a little high, so lets say N = 300 billion chips p.a. by 2027.

How much is Microsoft worth?

NFA: DYOR and beware of the alcohol-infused cogitations of known unknowns.
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Learning to the Top 🕵‍♂️
Peering into the ruby glow of the last of the claret in the crystal drinkware, the world takes on a kinder aspect.

A few pages ago someone ('pologies for forgetting) posted a report suggesting that by 2027, 87% of chips would have some form of AI.

So, how many of these chips will incorporate the first to market, best in class, all purpose, adaptable, ultra-low power, ultra-fast, de-complexed, affordable AI chip?

So in 2027, there will be N chips p.a. with AI.

Let's say we get one fifth, and let's say we get 50 cents per chip (assuming only a couple of nodes per chip).

So we would get $N/10 p.a.

Professor google tells me that there are about 170 billion chips p.a., 87% of which is about 150 billion.

Now the IoT and ADAS/AV and other growth sectors will produce a large CAGR, say 30%. This results in north of 400 billion by 2027, ie, N= 400 billion chips. That seems a little high, so lets say N = 300 billion chips p.a. by 2027.

How much is Microsoft worth?

NFA: DYOR and beware of the alcohol-infused cogitations of known unknowns.
So base on the alcohol-infused cogitations of known unknowns.

In the year 2027

From Doc Google figures:-
150 Billion ÷ 5 = 30 Billion x $ 0.5
= 15 Billion Revenue

On the figures of IoT and ADAS/EV with 30% growth:-
300 Billion @ 1% = 3 Billion × $ 0.5
= 1.5 Billion Revenue

(Please note 1% market saturation is the lowest end of the spectrum)

Please DYOR as these are numbers has derive from the intoxicated and alcohol-infused cogitations of known unknowns.😂😂😂

It's great to be a shareholder.
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