@VictorG and
@Stable Genius
I'm just going off successful companies like Apple and Amazon... Apple only just started paying divvies again after 17 years. They accrued $35 billion dollars into their war chest. So it kind of made sense to pass some of it onto Share Holders. They also peaked at $176USD..
But whatever the company does i am sure it will be the smart decision for all of us holders.
I hear what you're saying Townyj, but VictorG is on the money here, in my opinion.
Our IP business model, craps all over Amazon's, Apple's, Tesla's, Intel's, Samsung's, Nvidia's and almost any other company's you want to throw out there..
They would all have
huge costs associated with marketing, staff costs, inventory, warehousing etc, etc, etc, etc...
LDN said, it's not a question of if AKIDA will be successful, but
when AKIDA will be successful and although he was known for hamming things up a bit, time has shown, that much of what he said, was on point.
And that was when they were pursuing an IP
and chip production business model.
We are fast approaching success.
The IP revenue model, is so Golden, it couldn't help but excite, even the most dispassionate investor in this Company,
if the scale of use, is even a fraction of what we anticipate..
We will produce no products!
(other than for reference)
Our marketing costs are minimal, as they are direct to OEM.
They and their customers and their customers, customers, customers, carry the brunt of marketing and advertising costs,
for us.
As our business grows, staff levels and costs will grow, but at
magnitudes less than pure revenue, from our IP model, with increasing revenue streams.
I'm thinking onwards of 3 years from now, we will start to see dividends.
A 10 cent dividend, would be around 180 million dollars, so we obviously need a shit load of traction by then and it's only going to be pocket money, unless you have very substantial holdings.
They would of course rise over time, but yeah..
Not much point speculating on them at this point in time, unless for fun