BRN Discussion Ongoing


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Been offline for a couple of days but @Dos is a goodie. Long termer and I assume posted in good faith so lay off. A few dicks will sleaze in here but let's trust our 1000 eyes. Ask for corroboration on rumour type stuff but a 1000 eye reporting facts should trusted.

Thanks @Doz
Pretty sure everyone has long moved on from this... but ok.
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A quick question I ask myself. If I step back for a second, continue to listen but take no action in the short term and let this period pass, what do I stand to lose? In my opinion - Nothing

If there is a takeover attempt at any stage (and I don't believe there will be any time soon) it will drive the price up, perhaps even start counter offers as some have suggested. The only potential down side is the loss in potential growth that many, including myself expect in the next 2-10 years.

If there isn't a take over attempt then we are on the same path we were 1-2 weeks ago with the same levels expected exponential SP growth in years to come. The fundamentals have not changed, the iceberg is just as big with as many names attached as before.

The recent speculation and subsequent sense of dismay is self generated. Let it Pass. Hold your shares and IMO we will win regardless. For me the only way we stand to lose here is if we panic sell. I for one will be holding tight and may even consider picking up some more. Who knows we may even look back on this period of SP manipulation as a blessing in disguise.

Not financial advice, just my own personal feelings on the matter.
Well said...👌👍
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An incredibly interesting podcast from Valeo throwing more light on where they see the future of Lidar, ADAS and autonomous vehicles in general heading in the next few years. The Valeo-Brainchip connection is incredibly exciting with so many potential applications for our tech to be incorporated in.

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20 - 4,416,795
30 - 3,200,000
40 - 2,317,156
50 - 2,081,731
100 - 1,134,424
150 - 920,000
200 - 687,000
250 - 555,000
300 - 477,708
350 - 402,000
400 - 363,315
450 - 315,000
500 - 299,176
550 - 275,000
600 - 250,000
650 - 234,116
700 - 210,674
750 - 200,000
800 - 200,000
900 - 173,798
1000 - 150,000
Last place poor old me 25,000 but increasing weekly
Don’t think what it’s worth now, but what their value will be when we get just 1% of the market, and then it will be a lot
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Move on, nothing to see.
Just noticed that Audi's Q6 e-tron 2023 Sportback model has been spied. Article says it will use an electric platform jointly developed with Porche. Am trying to find out more about the "Hey, Audi" diologue system in the Q6 to see whether it is the same as the Audi Q4 e-tron in which they teamed up with Cerence.

See below the Audi Q4 e-tron has "A hybrid system with both cloud-based and integrated elements means drivers are never left without key capabilities, even in areas of low or no connectivity." I feel like the "integrated elements" referred to could include Akida.

In which case, you would think the system used in the Q4 would likely be used in the Q6...

Typing time: half an hour

View attachment 11205

Well done for persisting @Bravo. I couldn’t type one-handed even if one of my hands was tied behind my back.

BTW - haven’t you found the “dictate” option yet? It looks like a little microphone. At least on phones and tablets!


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Oh dear, whatta read the last couple of hours have been for me to catch up. Pheew! (a guzzle of beer later)

I remain very confident of my SOLE investment choice as I have been over the last number of years of this company. Yep, all my eggs are in ONE basket and have been told before that that is not the most wisest investment choice to make. But.......anywho!

I continue to accumulate when realistically able to and will continue to do so while my arse points to the ground. But hey, that's my decision.

What is influencing the share market and everything else that people rely on to hopefully provide wealth and or happiness for themselves and their families is really up in the air at the moment. Anxious times IMO. I know I cant do anything about that. In my opinion, it'll continue to happen till things play out for us all. Hopefully, in a good way. Not Putin's!!

What I do know is that BrainChip is FIRST to market with the world’s FIRST commercially produced and proven neuromorphic IP that may very well be everywhere, and not just have 1% hold of this type of market. Certainly just my opinon!

I will continue to


My goal may not be achieved overnight but I believe it will happen!

Pantene Peeps!
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I am a dinosaur when it comes to this technology stuff but I have noticed a lot of posts have spelling mistakes and words that dont seem to make sense in the context of the conversation.
Is this because people are talking to their phones and it is getting translated in to text?
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Absolutely fair and worthwhile points Yak.

Just posted some other info you may find interesting.
Yes interesting post with info on Beneficial ownership of Nominee Accounts. And it shows IF management wanted to tell us who was behind the CITICORP Nominee holdings they could do so via a Tracing request but of course they know anyway without having to do that.
I wonder if they dare to state the business relationship behind who ever is going to be added to the Board or will it just be a name with a career? I am sure we will dig up everything known on planet earth about them anyway.

I cannot help but still be peeved that they consider it none of our business knowing about this accumulation and change with the NEW largest shareholder in the company. (CITICORP Nominee Pty)

Most would consider that a Buy signal alone! lol.

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This does not sound like anything BRN related at all. What am I missing?
View attachment 11186
Hey wilzy, normally leave the research to others as I'm way out of my depth and probably same here but the following paragraph from the article caught my attention

The vast amount of our customer demands and fan insights would not be satisfied without the power of machine learning and the cloud,” says Heyden

Missed reference to the cloud so agree with you, not BRN if cloud based
Cheers for reply
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Yes interesting post with info on Beneficial ownership of Nominee Accounts. And it shows IF management wanted to tell us who was behind the CITICORP Nominee holdings they could do so via a Tracing request but of course they know anyway without having to do that.
I wonder if they dare to state the business relationship behind who ever is going to be added to the Board or will it just be a name with a career? I am sure we will dig up everything known on planet earth about them anyway.

I cannot help but still be peeved that they consider it none of our business knowing about this accumulation and change with the NEW largest shareholder in the company. (CITICORP Nominee Pty)

Most would consider that a Buy signal alone! lol.

Definitely have to look at this in a positive light.

I am in a very similar situation as you Yak. I started buying at 15 cents but kept buying as the company de-risked and my average is a touch under 50c. My holding is about double yours so I have also put a lot on the line by investing in BRN. Like you have mentioned previously, we can either sit back and take it or demand some answers and I will be doing the latter. If I held $10k worth, I'd probably just take the punt and let it slide until they disclosed everything but I believe the shareholders should be treated better here. Who is buying and why?
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Founding Member
Hey wilzy, normally leave the research to others as I'm way out of my depth and probably same here but the following paragraph from the article caught my attention

The vast amount of our customer demands and fan insights would not be satisfied without the power of machine learning and the cloud,” says Heyden

Missed reference to the cloud so agree with you, not BRN if cloud based
Cheers for reply
To be clear... there is definitely a role for the cloud in systems that contain Akida. But this tech was pushing a "cloud first" mentality, which is inconsistent with the role and key value props of BRNs tech.
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Move on, nothing to see.
I am a dinosaur when it comes to this technology stuff but I have noticed a lot of posts have spelling mistakes and words that dont seem to make sense in the context of the conversation.
Is this because people are talking to their phones and it is getting translated in to text?
Out of respect, I’m replying using dictation only. I think many people have English as a second language. And some people just have poor typing skills.
Grammar is important to me. But I think many simply don’t understand the rules of grammar.
Now my dog is looking at me funny.
But realistically, if you are having difficulty with your hands, dictation is a good alternative. That’s why I suggested it.
I actually make more mistakes when typing as I’m looking down at the keyboard and then occasionally look up at the screen and can’t work out why it has interpreted what I’ve typed as it has.
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Angesichts dessen, was heute passiert ist, werde ich es heute sehr ernst nehmen. Wir sind hier eine Community und eine unserer Regeln ist es, auf Englisch zu posten.
Wie Sie bin ich Deutscher und ja, ich übersetze einige Dinge, bei denen ich mir nicht sicher bin. Mir ist auch bewusst, dass ich wahrscheinlich ziemlich viele Fehler mache. Das ist mir egal, es geht um das Signal zur Teilnahme. Ich habe deinen Post zeitlich auf 16 Sekunden übersetzt, um ihn für die Gruppe zu übersetzen. Das sollte es Ihnen wert sein. Ich habe das Tool DeepL mehrfach empfohlen.

Dallas: „Jedes F1-Auto verfügt über 300 Sensoren, die 1,1 Millionen Telemetriedatenpunkte pro Sekunde generieren, die von den Autos an die Box übertragen werden. Diese Echtzeitdaten werden mit über 70 Jahren historischer Renndaten kombiniert, die auf Amazon S3 gespeichert sind, um eine umfassende Bereitstellung zu Einblicke, die das Fanerlebnis zu informieren, aufzuklären und zu bereichern und mehr Einblick in die Wahl der Rennstrategie zu geben, die zu erfolgreichen Streckenleistungen führt. "
Angesichts dessen, was heute passiert ist, werde ich es heute sehr ernst nehmen. Wir sind hier eine Community und eine unserer Regeln ist es, auf Englisch zu posten.
Wie Sie bin ich Deutscher und ja, ich übersetze einige Dinge, bei denen ich mir nicht sicher bin. Mir ist auch bewusst, dass ich wahrscheinlich ziemlich viele Fehler mache. Das ist mir egal, es geht um das Signal zur Teilnahme. Ich habe deinen Post zeitlich auf 16 Sekunden übersetzt, um ihn für die Gruppe zu übersetzen. Das sollte es Ihnen wert sein. Ich habe das Tool DeepL mehrfach empfohlen.

Dallas: „Jedes F1-Auto verfügt über 300 Sensoren, die 1,1 Millionen Telemetriedatenpunkte pro Sekunde generieren, die von den Autos an die Box übertragen werden. Diese Echtzeitdaten werden mit über 70 Jahren historischer Renndaten kombiniert, die auf Amazon S3 gespeichert sind, um eine umfassende Bereitstellung zu Einblicke, die das Fanerlebnis zu informieren, aufzuklären und zu bereichern und mehr Einblick in die Wahl der Rennstrategie zu geben, die zu erfolgreichen Streckenleistungen führt. "
Aus Respekt antworte ich nur per Diktat. Ich denke, viele Leute haben Englisch als Zweitsprache. Und manche Leute haben einfach schlechte Tippfähigkeiten.
Grammatik ist mir wichtig. Aber ich glaube, viele verstehen die Grammatikregeln einfach nicht.
Jetzt schaut mich mein Hund komisch an.
Aber realistischerweise ist das Diktieren eine gute Alternative, wenn Sie Schwierigkeiten mit Ihren Händen haben. Deshalb habe ich es vorgeschlagen.
Ich mache tatsächlich mehr Fehler beim Tippen, wenn ich auf die Tastatur schaue und dann gelegentlich auf den Bildschirm schaue und nicht herausfinden kann, warum es interpretiert hat, was ich eingegeben habe, wie es hat.
Finish ?


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Punch on is a good one
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