BRN Discussion Ongoing


Nobody really gives a rats about who's got what so amounts should not be mentioned...dick measuring comps,,,
Here we go again - another post about biggus dickus.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!

Sat 12 Feb 2022 02.19 AEDT

Arm has been nicknamed the Switzerland of the semiconductor industry because of its neutral status supplying chip designs to almost every industry player. It has more than 500 clients globally, from Apple and Samsung to Qualcomm.

“If Arm has an independent future, I think you will find there is a lot of interest from a lot of the companies within the ecosystem to invest in Arm,” said Cristiano Amon, Qualcomm’s chief executive, last June. Other clients that analysts have speculated could show an interest in taking a stake in a publicly listed Arm include Apple and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.
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Hey Dingo,

The future gets brighter...
Hey Quatrojos, an extra 3 billion people on this Planet now, at 7.9 billion, is not going to be like an extra 3 billion people, when we "only" had 4.9 billion.
I personally don't think, we will even get to that level, on our current trajectory.

Standards of living, are rising across the Planet, as well as consumerism, our energy needs and our pace, of destruction of it.

The "Green Movement" is mostly a lie.

Bio fuels, are the most destructive forms of "Green Energy"
Because they come from things that are grown, or alive now, does not make them "sustainable".
Their BTU or energy values, are far less than the values of fossil fuels and reserves, that have been concentrated, over 100s of millions of years.
There is simply not enough "living" stuff, to meet the increasing need for bio fuels and it cannot be grown fast enough.
They are now also looking to seaweed, as a major source.

Energy from the Sun, Wind, Wave, is not "free" or sustainable, over hundreds of years, because the infrastructure is not free, or sustainable.
The infrastructure, for these things needs to be replaced, every 25 (designed in) or 50 years max, the more technologically advanced, the harder it is to recycle.
Mining fresh materials, is always and will always be the cheapest and therefore, most attractive alternative.

Nuclear, Uranium only has projected reserves, of 250 years, at "current" usage rates".
Thorium reactors, are a good one.

I see carbon sequestration, and the control of the atmospheric levels, while also producing fuels, as a positive.

Geothermal energy production, is great, but the places where it is practical, are few and far between.

The push to make everything electric, is just increasing the electrical energy needs of the Planet and exacerbating, all of the above.

Do you think the manufacturers, of all these cars and technological products, want you to keep them for 20 years? 10 years? 5 years?..

Nothing is built to last.

If we had a resource based World economy and not one based on profit, one based on true sustainability, which means reducing power needs and consumption, not increasing them, one not based on greed, or protection of self interests, whether corporate, or personal, but one based on true consideration, for the well being of the Planet Earth, then there is no limit, to the things Mankind can achieve.

But I see none of these things, in us, in general.

Even most of the so called "Green" thinkers, are blinded by the idealism of their futures, rather than looking into, what really is.

I implore anyone interested, to watch the following short documentary, by Michael Moore.
It's interesting and entertaining, it will make you laugh at some of the ironies, it may make you sad in parts, or even bring a tear to your eye.
Some of the things, are used for shock value and maybe dramatised a little, but I understand, it's to try to get the message across, to a basically dumb or ignorant population.

I've provided the trailer and the full movie.

And I consider myself, to be a fairly positive person..
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TSExers may know my story with Apple…in a nutshell, I bought in soon after Steve Jobs returned from his hiatus, and sold soon after he died. I was a deadset Jobs fan, and considered it ‘the day the music died’

Tim Cook was appointed CEO shortly before Steve died, and whilst he was a competent businessman, I thought like many others, the loss of such an inspirational leader, would cause Apple to begin a gradual slide.

We all know how that decision worked out.

In modern parlance, my learning from this was…it’s wonderful to have a visionary like Steve to create the magic, but there is no substitute for a canny business person like Tim to take that magic and run it for all it’s worth.

Peter has / is creating the magic…can Sean do a Tim Cook?

Just some weekend musings for TSExers to think about.
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Here we go again - another post about biggus dickus.
I have a vewy good fwiend in Wome called, Biggus Dickus.
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
Hey Quatrojos, an extra 3 billion people on this Planet now, at 7.9 billion, is not going to be like an extra 3 billion people, when we "only" had 4.9 billion.
I personally don't think, we will even get to that level, on our current trajectory.

Standards of living, are rising across the Planet, as well as consumerism, our energy needs and our pace, of destruction of it.

The "Green Movement" is mostly a lie.

Bio fuels, are the most destructive forms of "Green Energy"
Because they come from things that are grown, or alive now, does not make them "sustainable".
Their BTU or energy values, are far less than the values of fossil fuels and reserves, that have been concentrated, over 100s of millions of years.
There is simply not enough "living" stuff, to meet the increasing need for bio fuels and it cannot be grown fast enough.
They are now also looking to seaweed, as a major source.

Energy from the Sun, Wind, Wave, is not "free" or sustainable, over hundreds of years, because the infrastructure is not free, or sustainable.
The infrastructure, for these things needs to be replaced, every 25 (designed in) or 50 years max, the more technologically advanced, the harder it is to recycle.
Mining fresh materials, is always and will always be the cheapest and therefore, most attractive alternative.

Nuclear, Uranium only has projected reserves, of 250 years, at "current" usage rates".
Thorium reactors, are a good one.

I see carbon sequestration, and the control of the atmospheric levels, while also producing fuels, as a positive.

Geothermal energy production, is great, but the places where it is practical, are few and far between.

The push to make everything electric, is just increasing the electrical energy needs of the Planet and exacerbating, all of the above.

Do you think the manufacturers, of all these cars and technological products, want you to keep them for 20 years? 10 years? 5 years?..

Nothing is built to last.

If we had a resource based World economy and not one based on profit, one based on true sustainability, which means reducing power needs and consumption, not increasing them, one not based on greed, or protection of self interests, whether corporate, or personal, but one based on true consideration, for the well being of the Planet Earth, then there is no limit, to the things Mankind can achieve.

But I see none of these things, in us, in general.

Even most of the so called "Green" thinkers, are blinded by the idealism of their futures, rather than looking into, what really is.

I implore anyone interested, to watch the following short documentary, by Michael Moore.
It's interesting and entertaining, it will make you laugh at some of the ironies, it may make you sad in parts, or even bring a tear to your eye.
Some of the things, are used for shock value and maybe dramatised a little, but I understand, it's to try to get the message across, to a basically dumb or ignorant population.

I've provided the trailer and the full movie.

And I consider myself, to be a fairly positive person..

I thought I came to this site to read and learn about BRN?
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Founding Member
( Posted in one of the other threads, but realised may be it's better here for people to see )

Ticker Symbol YOU

Discussing the wider AI players. Brainchip is not mentioned in this video, but one can see the potential even small players will have in this space.

Brainchip being the first to the market, with commercial deals already signed, it is fair to say we can grab a good chunk of this.

Projected hardware spending in AI :
2021 - $17 Billion
2025 - $285 Billion
2030 - $1.7 Trillion

Expected collective revenue by AI software companies:
2030 - $14 Trillion

Expected collective revenue by AI hardware companies:
2030 - $1.7 Trillion

Now I know why Brainchip is concentrating on IP. Does anyone want to do some maths on what Brainchip will do if we manage a meagre 1% of the market?
Being the first neural network on the Edge player, how much would we be able to achieve?
I would say, taking profits is well and good, but Brainchip is one company I will never sell out.


I can't believe he sold all his BRN, lost all respect for the guy after that lol

why would you do that.gif
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Founding Member
I thought I came to this site to read and learn about BRN?
Pretty easy to keep scrolling. Dingo is a great contributor and worth paying attention to imo. Admittedly, this post is not about BRN, if you're not interested, don't whine, just scroll.
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Founding Member

I can't believe he sold all his BRN, lost all respect for the guy after that lol

View attachment 842

Oh well. He'd have been sitting on a nice 200% profits now if he HELD.

I think he sold BRN and around at the same time he bought Palantir? which is at least 20% down since he bought in.

Proof that even a rocket scientist can get it wrong when trying to TIME the Market, all we need to do is HOLD.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Oooohhh..Yummy num nums!!:p

Screen Shot 2022-02-12 at 12.19.15 pm.png
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
A very interesting read.

February 10, 2022

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Pretty easy to keep scrolling. Dingo is a great contributor and worth paying attention to imo. Admittedly, this post is not about BRN, if you're not interested, don't whine, just scroll.
He's probably a HC admin. Whining is a natural response for them. They don't know any better.
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I don’t know if I have seen this before. Can anyone confirm if this is new or not?

Personally, I'm in the carbon sequestration camp, in addition to other technologies.

Carbon sequestration, combined with the production of man-made hydrocarbon fuels, is the "Recycling of Energy" and can be used to balance the amount of carbon in the atmosphere, to any desirable level (at scale).

Hey, I like muscle cars and they don't sound good, with electric motors! 😛

The Planet, needs to get away, from the idea of GDP growth and consumerism, as a measure of wealth and success.

We need to adopt the philosophy and idealism of De-growth, if we are serious about humanity having a lasting place on Earth and I'm not talking about population.
But that, cannot continue to increase either.

Degrowth (French: décroissance) is a term used for both a political, economic, and social movement as well as a set of theories that critiques the paradigm of economic growth.[1]It is based on ideas from a diverse range of lines of thought such as political ecology, ecological economics, feminist political ecology, and environmental justice, pointing out the social and ecological harm caused by the pursuit of infinite growth and Western "development" imperatives.[2] Degrowth emphasizes the need to reduce global consumption and production (social metabolism) and advocates a socially just and ecologically sustainable society with social and environmental well-being replacing GDP as the indicator of prosperity. Hence, although GDP is likely to shrink in a "Degrowth society", i.e. a society in which the objectives of the degrowth movement are achieved, this is not the primary objective of degrowth.

The governments of the World, are not doing what's best, for planet Earth, regardless of their "carbon neutral" targets etc, because they are still pushing these ideals (GDP and consumerism, due to their constantly increasing debt levels).

A Universal Basic wage is coming, so the pushing of consumerism, to protect jobs and keep the economies of the World "moving" are fast becoming obsolescent ideals.

Unfortunately, none of this (De-growth) is likely to happen, because no government, is capable of admitting, that they have farked up and have backed themselves against the wall, with mountains of debt.
They are artificially pushing economies to grow, to hide their mistakes.

Planet Earth and the future of Mankind, is the price that will be paid.

The beauty of Brainchip's AKIDA, is that it is technology, that can play a part, in any future scenario, due to its low power usage and independence, from current infrastructures.

New technologies and products, will still need to be made, bought and sold, but the idea of constantly buying the latest and greatest, the pushing of consumerism, has to stop.

That is, if you want there to be anything left, for future generations.

Look at what we've done to this planet in just 200 years, since 1822 and then think, what another 200 years will do..

How long do we want to continue, as a species, on a planet with finite resources?

Mankind is so selfish.

That's my beef for the day! 👹
We are as much alive
As we keep the earth alive.
(By Chief Dan George)
My Spirit Soars
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Intel said it plans to develop new “energy-efficient” semiconductors geared to crypto mining. It plans to ship the new “blockchain accelerator” later this year and said it has already signed major customers, including Block, the fintech firm previously known as Square.

How can they sign on major customers if they're still developing the tech???

February 11, 2022

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Intel said it plans to develop new “energy-efficient” semiconductors geared to crypto mining. It plans to ship the new “blockchain accelerator” later this year and said it has already signed major customers, including Block, the fintech firm previously known as Square.

How can they sign on major customers if they're still developing the tech???

February 11, 2022

Must be with a "subject to" clause.
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Intel said it plans to develop new “energy-efficient” semiconductors geared to crypto mining. It plans to ship the new “blockchain accelerator” later this year and said it has already signed major customers, including Block, the fintech firm previously known as Square.

How can they sign on major customers if they're still developing the tech???

February 11, 2022

Now wouldn't the biggest shock be if Intel turned out to be an EAP just running quietly behind the scenes. I can just see the new label

Intel inside *(Akida inside)
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Founding Member. It's ok to say No to Dot Joining

Now @Fact Finder don't get too upset by this ok! 😂😂

Paid a visit to the the place that shall not be named! It's a shame that it has descended into the cesspit that it is now. Very greatful of this forum now. 🔥🔥

My opinion only of course.

Akida Ballista
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Now wouldn't the biggest shock be if Intel turned out to be an EAP just running quietly behind the scenes. I can just see the new label

Intel inside *(Akida inside)
Stranger things have happened and stranger things have not happened. Brainchip and Intel engineers know each other. When you look at what Intel has been directing its Loihi program at in the last three years it has not been at the Edge.

The partnership at Western Sydney Uni is about building a super sized neuromorphic computer for data centre type processing.

AKIDA is very much focused on the Edge Far Edge so Intel and Brainchip are not strictly competing in the same space.

So who knows but remember Brainchip patents locked out Intel from a couple of directions that might have brought them into direct competition so perhaps Intel decided to take the least line of resistance and that is why Brainchip was defensive of Intel when Mike Davies was being trolled by persons claiming to be Brainchip supporters.

Just a thought not an opinion so DYOR

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Hey Quatrojos, an extra 3 billion people on this Planet now, at 7.9 billion, is not going to be like an extra 3 billion people, when we "only" had 4.9 billion.
I personally don't think, we will even get to that level, on our current trajectory.

Standards of living, are rising across the Planet, as well as consumerism, our energy needs and our pace, of destruction of it.

The "Green Movement" is mostly a lie.

Bio fuels, are the most destructive forms of "Green Energy"
Because they come from things that are grown, or alive now, does not make them "sustainable".
Their BTU or energy values, are far less than the values of fossil fuels and reserves, that have been concentrated, over 100s of millions of years.
There is simply not enough "living" stuff, to meet the increasing need for bio fuels and it cannot be grown fast enough.
They are now also looking to seaweed, as a major source.

Energy from the Sun, Wind, Wave, is not "free" or sustainable, over hundreds of years, because the infrastructure is not free, or sustainable.
The infrastructure, for these things needs to be replaced, every 25 (designed in) or 50 years max, the more technologically advanced, the harder it is to recycle.
Mining fresh materials, is always and will always be the cheapest and therefore, most attractive alternative.

Nuclear, Uranium only has projected reserves, of 250 years, at "current" usage rates".
Thorium reactors, are a good one.

I see carbon sequestration, and the control of the atmospheric levels, while also producing fuels, as a positive.

Geothermal energy production, is great, but the places where it is practical, are few and far between.

The push to make everything electric, is just increasing the electrical energy needs of the Planet and exacerbating, all of the above.

Do you think the manufacturers, of all these cars and technological products, want you to keep them for 20 years? 10 years? 5 years?..

Nothing is built to last.

If we had a resource based World economy and not one based on profit, one based on true sustainability, which means reducing power needs and consumption, not increasing them, one not based on greed, or protection of self interests, whether corporate, or personal, but one based on true consideration, for the well being of the Planet Earth, then there is no limit, to the things Mankind can achieve.

But I see none of these things, in us, in general.

Even most of the so called "Green" thinkers, are blinded by the idealism of their futures, rather than looking into, what really is.

I implore anyone interested, to watch the following short documentary, by Michael Moore.
It's interesting and entertaining, it will make you laugh at some of the ironies, it may make you sad in parts, or even bring a tear to your eye.
Some of the things, are used for shock value and maybe dramatised a little, but I understand, it's to try to get the message across, to a basically dumb or ignorant population.

I've provided the trailer and the full movie.

And I consider myself, to be a fairly positive person..

I agree with most of what you posted but, having experience with organic chem, I don’t see co2 levels as problematic. Co2 is fairly useless as a greenhouse gas, whereas h2o, by far the dominant, life-ensuring, greenhouse gas, is a perfect insulator…
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View attachment 844

Now @Fact Finder don't get too upset by this ok! 😂😂

Paid a visit to the the place that shall not be named! It's a shame that it has descended into the cesspit that it is now. Very greatful of this forum now. 🔥🔥

My opinion only of course.

Akida Ballista
Not fussed about him but here is something ironic I now have more followers over on HC than I had when I stopped posting. When I stopped I think it was 433 on Thursday or Friday when I had a look it was 441.

Based on this I apparently have more influence on HC by remaining silent.

It is interesting that a free site where anyone can post like HC can lead to this posters belief that HC owned another anonymous poster.

My opinion only DYOR

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