Thanks for the tip. I will have a look at this and to be fair, I have never had a chance to read anything about this type of batts. I know from fact, that Fuell cells will be and are implemented in busses, HGV, ships and vans. From the practical point of view I think they are better than batteries, especially in very crowded places like London etc. Full EV is good for someone who doesn't have to drive 40-50miles to work one way or goes for shopping to a local shop. I work for HV company and had spoken with some of the engineers working at Grid and they said there is no chance for full EV being adopted fully. Beside, looking at the prices of electricity I don't think people will be in rush for change like this. And bare in mind not all country have a nice access to Sun to use solar systems. I live in the UK and can tell you know...9 months of rubbish weather and 3 months of ok-ish