BRN Discussion Ongoing

Too many years ago to admit here, and for reasons I can no longer recall, I attended Ron Turnbull’s Friday School of Sales. It was a wearisome day to say the least, but there was one message I took away from it…

’Show me the order’

At the 2018 AGM, I spoke about premature and excessive remuneration, and at the most recent AGM, I spoke briefly about the following things I passionately believe in relating to remuneration…

(a) that incentives / rewards should only be bestowed for achieving things above and beyond what is reasonably expected.

(b) that incentives / rewards should only be paid AFTER such achievements have been acknowledged.

(c) that incentives / rewards should be structured so that directors and senior executives are given a bit less, so that deserving employees down the line can also receive them.

Our CEO has said that to date he’s only been able to tell us about his activity, and as wonderful as I note many of you here are saying, for mine nothing has been achieved above and beyond what any reasonable person would consider he should have. To put this in context, Sean’s salary is USD450,000 pa, and this can be doubled if certain parameters are met. He went on to say that at our next AGM in May 2023, he expects to be able to tell us about results…in other words he expects to show us the money.

In the meantime in between time, on top of the above salary he’s received 1,081,000 restricted shares for signing on, plus 6,000,000 restricted shares under the incentive scheme.

What do we reasonably expect these shares to be worth by May’23?

I accept that this is a sensitive subject, that I may lose a bit a skin in the coming hours, and that some may accuse me of cultivating a culture of envy...this is not my want, but this is clearly premature and excessive reward for simply doing his job.

There has been debate about revenue, indeed our CEO has said to not look for announcements but rather watch the financials. The second quarter 4C is around the corner and people are saying not to expect too much. C’mon people, stop pussyfooting around…I for one expect a helluva lot more than $200K, and I expect to see revenue ramp up in the third and fourth quarters.

The clock is ticking Antonio, Sean et al…show me the order !!!
"Yet another well reasoned posting Fact, and another example of the priceless value of the 1000 eyes.

My only remark is this Fact…what happens to the 99%, or the 70% to 40% of companies who don’t use Akida? The number depends upon what percentage of market share you believe BRN will achieve.

My guess is the way of Kodak.

For mine, it really doesn’t matter what industry you consider, I cannot imagine any company tempting fate by not using Akida. To do so would give their competitors such an advantage, it would be difficult to see them surviving.

Before the AGM, I had a brief chat with Peter. I told him how pleased I was to see him looking so fit and well, because we could afford to lose the occasional CEO, but we can’t afford to lose him. To my question of what next after Akida 3000, he answered with a twinkle in his eye…lots."
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@chapman89 hey mate - a Nasdaq listing at some stage truly is an exciting prospect

Can you or another experienced poster please help me out with my query below. Thank you in advance and apologies if what I am asking is naïve

At such time would we need to also purchase Nasdaq listed BrainChip shares, additional to our to ASX listed BrainChip shares?

I still do not understand how it works with shares in one company spread across numerous markets ie the ASX, several in Germany and Nasdaq at some stage. All with different values based upon the local currency

Are they interrelated or completely separate?

Will additional shares be created for the eventual Nasdaq listing? Or is the existing global share pool diluted - if such a thing exists?

Note that my query is in no way negative, I simply do not want to miss any BrainChip driven bus - be it right or left hand drive 🇦🇺 🇺🇸
"or another experienced poster"

It depends on how the Company wants to do it, but a dual listing is the best for us.

The Company knows, that any other way, would be seen as a betrayal to its loyal shareholders.

A dual listing, means the same share float of around 1.75 billion shares.

Much like it is now, with BRN shares, traded on various stock exchanges, around the World.
Most notably Germany.

All these shares come from the same float and have to be bought on the ASX, if supply is needed on the other exchanges.

So you can imagine the effect on the ASX share price, should demand on the NASDAQ, be Solid 😉

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"So you can imagine the effect on the ASX share price, should demand on the NASDAQ, be Solid "
As long as it's a dual listing
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Top 20
I’ve deleted the post that I moderated. No room in my life for WANCA’s and people that want to ignore all the research and the incredible efforts of members, who because of their efforts enable us all to see more clearly what lays in BRNs future. No time for people who insist their investment strategy is the one that others should be following.
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This will be my final post. It has been an education in many respects but we have now reached the point where I can see no value in the process from my personal perspective. @zeeb0t has done a remarkable job of creating this place for shareholders to engage and exchange views and research and I have great admiration for him.

There are posters now though who post what they claim to be contrary investment arguments however they are on analysis simply expressions of their anxieties. There are those who post statements about what they are going to do if x, y or z does not happen. Which again being charitable these pointless threats are expressions of anxiety but some I suspect when I read their previous posts are probably just bullies. There are those who post claims about future income and when it is going to show up that are unsupported by anything published or spoken by the company.

There are those who continue to research and post links and articles that increase knowledge of the technology and partners but I personally no longer need any further validation of the technology and its revolutionary nature.

So to all those who I have enjoyed the journey with to this point and who like myself have no doubts about the company and its future success I say thank you and may the 1,000 Eyes continue to be an unbelievable source of information and inspiration to all new shareholders.

I look forward to meeting up again at the 2023 AGM in Sydney.

My opinion only DYOR

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Founding Member
We all want revenue.
We all want BRN SP to be $100 a share.
We all want that yesterday.
Unfortunately that's not the way world works.

Pantene, Palmolive, Head and Shoulders and Garnier.
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Move on, nothing to see.
We know that NUMEN was awarded an SBIR to explore replacing SRAM on AKIDA with its patented resistive Ram but do not know if it was successful however the following which I have extracted from Numen’s website might be a pointer to the outcome:


Artificial Intelligence is poised to affect virtually everything. It is slated to be embedded into virtually all electronics equipment.AI processing will be done both in the Cloud and on the Intelligent Devices in order to reduce the data sent over the network to the cloud, for latency sensitive applications and also for better autonomy in case of poor network performance. This means more and more Devices will embed AI, including battery operated devices.
Numems’ Intelligent Memory products enable lower power than conventional memory and have optimization for the higher performance required by AI applications. At a fraction of the size of SRAM, it provides a path to both lower power and lower system cost. In the future, Numems’ memory products will enable the efficient implementation of Neuromorphic chips where both storage and processing are connected within these “neurons” that are communicating and learning together.

My opinion only DYOR

Not that I want to detract from the point you are making, only for clarification:

- Numem were using MRAM, which is quite different from ReRAM.

- They were planning on replacing the FLASH memory, and not the SRAM.

- This was not ON Akida, it would have to interface with Akida via a bus as the technologies are not compatible at the fabrication level—they cannot co-exist on a chip. Not one that is manufactured on a single wafer that is.

The wording used in the solicitation may have caused some confusion as they stated MRAM has “SRAM like performance”. Which it does!


NASA SBIR 2022-I Solicitation​

“Present Neuromorphic solutions for Space applications require FLASH memory for boot and weight storage in case of power loss or intermittent power failures. The FLASH memory has limitations on speed and life-time is limited by about 1M cycles of memory operations due to its endurance. For Deep Space Missions where continuous learning is required with updates on the non-volatile memory, a robust radiation tolerant memory with SRAM like performance but still with non volatility and high endurance is required. MRAM which offers 2.5X to 3.5X density advantage over SRAM, 1000X better endurance over FLASH, high radiation tolerance above 100Krad to 1Mrad and ultra-low power standby leakage which is critical for long battery life between solar recharge is a big advantage for these critical SPACE missions. Numem proposes in Phase-I to create a interface system with MRAM which can connect with AKIDA Neuromorphic Processor from Brainchip to either limit or replace FLASH operations with MRAM.

As a massively scaled down comparison:

MRAM uses magnetism to define states. For this is needs exotic materials and a very complex production process. MRAM is extremely expensive to manufacture, as well as being very complicated to manufacture.

ReRAM uses resistance to define states, and the manufacturing is much simpler and is compatible with Akida.

Due to the vast differences in materials involved, I don‘t even believe it would be possible to fabricate a chip that has both MRAM and Akida on it. Any MRAM solution will require a separate chip and interface via a bus.

I believe WeeBit’s ReRAM would be more appropriate than MRAM for replacing the FLASH component and have already passed that information on to Tony Dawe and Coby Hanoch (WeeBit Nano CEO). A solution using Akida and ReRAM could be manufactured on the same wafer with no need for messy, and costly, interfacing or exotic packaging. I have been discussing this over in the WeeBit Discussion thread.
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Too many years ago to admit here, and for reasons I can no longer recall, I attended Ron Turnbull’s Friday School of Sales. It was a wearisome day to say the least, but there was one message I took away from it…

’Show me the order’

At the 2018 AGM, I spoke about premature and excessive remuneration, and at the most recent AGM, I spoke briefly about the following things I passionately believe in relating to remuneration…

(a) that incentives / rewards should only be bestowed for achieving things above and beyond what is reasonably expected.

(b) that incentives / rewards should only be paid AFTER such achievements have been acknowledged.

(c) that incentives / rewards should be structured so that directors and senior executives are given a bit less, so that deserving employees down the line can also receive them.

Our CEO has said that to date he’s only been able to tell us about his activity, and as wonderful as I note many of you here are saying, for mine nothing has been achieved above and beyond what any reasonable person would consider he should have. To put this in context, Sean’s salary is USD450,000 pa, and this can be doubled if certain parameters are met. He went on to say that at our next AGM in May 2023, he expects to be able to tell us about results…in other words he expects to show us the money.

In the meantime in between time, on top of the above salary he’s received 1,081,000 restricted shares for signing on, plus 6,000,000 restricted shares under the incentive scheme.

What do we reasonably expect these shares to be worth by May’23?

I accept that this is a sensitive subject, that I may lose a bit a skin in the coming hours, and that some may accuse me of cultivating a culture of envy...this is not my want, but this is clearly premature and excessive reward for simply doing his job.

There has been debate about revenue, indeed our CEO has said to not look for announcements but rather watch the financials. The second quarter 4C is around the corner and people are saying not to expect too much. C’mon people, stop pussyfooting around…I for one expect a helluva lot more than $200K, and I expect to see revenue ramp up in the third and fourth quarters.

The clock is ticking Antonio, Sean et al…show me the order !!!
Each to their opinion, I respect yours.
My opinion is we will 'see the orders' when the time is right not before. I also truly hope Sean becomes the highest paid CEO in corporate history because of his restricted BRN shares.
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Top 20 have travelled a long road since this 2017 notice-

A step by step long road- and now so close to revenue- one can almost smell the aroma of crispy green notes-
BUT- how watertight is this agreement. 🤷‍♂

How long is an. ’ exclusive license.’ - what stops any of the other three contesting the exclusivity of the agreement. 🤷‍♂️

Hi KM,

As part of the due diligence before signing the licence, the legal title to the JAST IP would have been established.


The length of the agreement will be set out in the agreement.

The IP in the JAST rules and algorithms may include confidential information and copyright for the algorithms.

Copyright lasts for decades, and confidential information is protectable IP as long as it remains confidential.
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
Exactly right, some here don't accept any skepticism at all which is both sad and stupid, it's the whole idea of a forum, discussion about the company, BOTH pros and cons. That's why I am not here much anymore, some of the prominent posters are extremely bullish and don't like criticism at all.
You have to realize some of those posters has a lot of money invested in BRN and "promote" the company hard.

Don't put all your hard earned money into one company!! It's high risk!! Spread your money out like any investment advisor will tell you, you should have minimum 10 companies in your portfolio, 20 is safer.

I am also somewhat disappointed with current MC but as said before, the markets are down and I am eagerly waiting for the next quarterly report and see how much income had been generated. Okay it takes time for the Akida chip to be incorporated into new products and sold in very large numbers.

Holding my considerable investment (for me anyway) in BRN for now, because all in all I am still very bullish and patience will likely pay off IMHO but if income haven't gone up considerable in 2023 I will likely start selling to de-risk my investment.

Have a nice day.
Quotes from the investment man himself and I find below quotes apply to Brain Chip/investors: “If you aren’t thinking about owning a stock for 10 years, don’t even think about owning it for 10 minutes.” “Time is the friend of the wonderful company, the enemy of the mediocre.” “The stock...
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Top 20
This will be my final post. It has been an education in many respects but we have now reached the point where I can see no value in the process from my personal perspective. @zeeb0t has done a remarkable job of creating this place for shareholders to engage and exchange views and research and I have great admiration for him.

There are posters now though who post what they claim to be contrary investment arguments however they are on analysis simply expressions of their anxieties. There are those who post statements about what they are going to do if x, y or z does not happen. Which again being charitable these pointless threats are expressions of anxiety but some I suspect when I read their previous posts are probably just bullies. There are those who post claims about future income and when it is going to show up that are unsupported by anything published or spoken by the company.

There are those who continue to research and post links and articles that increase knowledge of the technology and partners but I personally no longer need any further validation of the technology and its revolutionary nature.

So to all those who I have enjoyed the journey with to this point and who like myself have no doubts about the company and its future success I say thank you and may the 1,000 Eyes continue to be an unbelievable source of information and inspiration to all new shareholders.

I look forward to meeting up again at the 2023 AGM in Sydney.

My opinion only DYOR

I feel the same FF. It’s tiring. But I would ask you not to leave. You have come to mean so much more to me, and I guess many others, than a guy that just offers valuable research on BrainChip. Your insights, wisdom, humor and opinions about all things is highly valued. I hope that you would stay. I feel the same, that the amount of research that’s out there speaks for itself and it really is no longer necessary to respond to posts that are really nothing more than anxious ramblings. By all means have a break, but don’t leave us. There are a lot of good times ahead. Let’s share them on here.
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
2 days of green and then Friday red and people are panicking with fire in the house. Where did all this fear and anxiety come from all of a sudden.
Then I look at the shorts at record high and have to think is there a correlation to this?
After all the recent partnerships, news and validation of use case and people gravitate towards fear....
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Move on, nothing to see.
View attachment 10968
Well this is what I get when I expand the compound growth
Now it makes sense why “Compound Growth“ was displayed to you. Thanks!

But in my snippet I see Brainchip. So I’m happy with that.

BTW - I love that CAGR Projection. It sure will be a nice ride.
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I feel the same FF. It’s tiring. But I would ask you not to leave. You have come to mean so much more to me, and I guess many others, than a guy that just offers valuable research on BrainChip. Your insights, wisdom, humor and opinions about all things is highly valued. I hope that you would stay. I feel the same, that the amount of research that’s out there speaks for itself and it really is no longer necessary to respond to posts that are really nothing more than anxious ramblings. By all means have a break, but don’t leave us. There are a lot of good times ahead. Let’s share them on here.

Agree wholeheartedly @Slade. Hopefully you are just having an off day @Fact Finder and can reconsider. This forum will not be the same without your valuable input and banter
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Founding Member.
This will be my final post. It has been an education in many respects but we have now reached the point where I can see no value in the process from my personal perspective. @zeeb0t has done a remarkable job of creating this place for shareholders to engage and exchange views and research and I have great admiration for him.

There are posters now though who post what they claim to be contrary investment arguments however they are on analysis simply expressions of their anxieties. There are those who post statements about what they are going to do if x, y or z does not happen. Which again being charitable these pointless threats are expressions of anxiety but some I suspect when I read their previous posts are probably just bullies. There are those who post claims about future income and when it is going to show up that are unsupported by anything published or spoken by the company.

There are those who continue to research and post links and articles that increase knowledge of the technology and partners but I personally no longer need any further validation of the technology and its revolutionary nature.

So to all those who I have enjoyed the journey with to this point and who like myself have no doubts about the company and its future success I say thank you and may the 1,000 Eyes continue to be an unbelievable source of information and inspiration to all new shareholders.

I look forward to meeting up again at the 2023 AGM in Sydney.

My opinion only DYOR

FF I would urge you to stay.

We will lose too much if you decide to leave. I agree with Slade's point below about the anxious comments re revenue etc. We all know it's going to happen.

Maybe a time out for a couple days/weeks instead of leaving altogether?

Have greatly appreciated and enjoyed your commentary on Brainchip and one of the reasons why I invested in Brainchip at all.

Please reconsider


Akida Ballista 🔥
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This will be my final post. It has been an education in many respects but we have now reached the point where I can see no value in the process from my personal perspective. @zeeb0t has done a remarkable job of creating this place for shareholders to engage and exchange views and research and I have great admiration for him.

There are posters now though who post what they claim to be contrary investment arguments however they are on analysis simply expressions of their anxieties. There are those who post statements about what they are going to do if x, y or z does not happen. Which again being charitable these pointless threats are expressions of anxiety but some I suspect when I read their previous posts are probably just bullies. There are those who post claims about future income and when it is going to show up that are unsupported by anything published or spoken by the company.

There are those who continue to research and post links and articles that increase knowledge of the technology and partners but I personally no longer need any further validation of the technology and its revolutionary nature.

So to all those who I have enjoyed the journey with to this point and who like myself have no doubts about the company and its future success I say thank you and may the 1,000 Eyes continue to be an unbelievable source of information and inspiration to all new shareholders.

I look forward to meeting up again at the 2023 AGM in Sydney.

My opinion only DYOR


Thanks FF for you considerable time and effort sharing valuable knowledge and research in this forum!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts. Very informative, witty, challenging and sometimes personal reflections.

I value learning from others who have wisdom and your posts help give me confidence in my investment.

I’m at the stage where I have full confidence in where Brainchip is headed. It’s revolutionary technology, best in class has a huge market opportunity which I’m sure the management team are working hard to capitalise on. It’s not always easy but I just have to practice patients.

I read this forum to keep up to date with what is happening as I think with any investment you need to keep an eye on it.

The only reason I keep posting on here is that I value everyone’s contributions and feel it is only fair to try and find a nugget of information every now and then so I’m not just taking but giving/sharing also. That’s how communities are successful: if everyone contributes. I feel the 1000 eyes is a great little community: ahead of it’s time in recognising this great investment opportunity.

As one of the valued Chiefs of this little community you will be missed but I wish you all the best and most importantly good health!

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I'm Spartacus!
I believe Google results get tailored toward your personal history.

“Compound annual growth rate”, as presented to yourself, just doesn’t make sense as a possible solution to your search—unless you have recently been looking into that specific area.

I get the following presented under “Related Searches” when I do the search of “Neuromorphic Computing Com”.

BrainChip is clearly represented.

View attachment 10964
Gee Willikers... all I gets is this?

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This will be my final post. It has been an education in many respects but we have now reached the point where I can see no value in the process from my personal perspective. @zeeb0t has done a remarkable job of creating this place for shareholders to engage and exchange views and research and I have great admiration for him.

There are posters now though who post what they claim to be contrary investment arguments however they are on analysis simply expressions of their anxieties. There are those who post statements about what they are going to do if x, y or z does not happen. Which again being charitable these pointless threats are expressions of anxiety but some I suspect when I read their previous posts are probably just bullies. There are those who post claims about future income and when it is going to show up that are unsupported by anything published or spoken by the company.

There are those who continue to research and post links and articles that increase knowledge of the technology and partners but I personally no longer need any further validation of the technology and its revolutionary nature.

So to all those who I have enjoyed the journey with to this point and who like myself have no doubts about the company and its future success I say thank you and may the 1,000 Eyes continue to be an unbelievable source of information and inspiration to all new shareholders.

I look forward to meeting up again at the 2023 AGM in Sydney.

My opinion only DYOR

I for one am sorry to hear that FF.
But fair enough. I value yours and many other opinions on this forum. Wishing everyone good health and prosperity.
I would like very much to meet you one day.
All the best.
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Now it makes sense why “Compound Growth“ was displayed to you. Thanks!

But in my snippet I see Brainchip. So I’m happy with that.

BTW - I love that CAGR Projection. It sure will be a nice ride.
Get a different resutl on pc and also the second part of the image includes brainchip now for me a while back that was not so.


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