BRN Discussion Ongoing

Ron- don’t think”dominate” - let BRN just be UBQTS-😁- just everywhere and bringing in the revenue to get BRN with an acceptable MC and share price-😁 as there are no ‘Penny Stocks’ that show on the Nasdaq- 👍

Very good point you make re The Nasdaq
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And I thought our 5% total shorted was a lot

Fisker (EV startup) catches my eye 😲 Wow - 33%! In the last two years they were often in the media, there was a lot of speculation. Take a look at their chart. Crass
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bavarian girl ;-)

Machine Learning Sensors: Truly Data-Centric AI

A new approach to embedding machine learning intelligence on edge devices

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Erste Daten des Raumfahrzeugs deuteten darauf hin, dass es während der Zeit ohne Funkkontakt zur Erde weiterhin autonom operierte. Das abgebrochene Manöver zur Korrektur der Flugbahn wird ebenfalls fortgesetzt.
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Erste Daten des Raumfahrzeugs deuteten darauf hin, dass es während der Zeit ohne Funkkontakt zur Erde weiterhin autonom operierte. Das abgebrochene Manöver zur Korrektur der Flugbahn wird ebenfalls fortgesetzt.
Initial data from the spacecraft indicated that it continued to operate autonomously during the time without radio contact with the earth. The cancelled manoeuvre to correct the trajectory will also continue.
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My my look at that 324k price tag, looks like an amazing car - no Akida though. I’d still rather my 8k euro 1982 W123 :p
Love that model. 👍

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Let’s just say the sooner we move to the Nasdaq, the better. I have no doubt in my mind that despite Antonio’s comments regarding a listing on the Nasdaq that they never speak of it, imo, is rubbish, of course they talk about it and have plans for it, again this is my opinion.

I would say within 2 years we will move to the Nasdaq, whether it’s dual listing or not remains to be seen!

By the time Brainchip lists on the Nasdaq, we would have flooded the market, gained more IP contracts, partnered with more customers, and received ongoing revenue, and if we are the de-facto, and according to Michael Dell that by 2025 over 75% will be at the edge, it would make sense that Brainchip have at least 5% of that at least, the mainstream media will be talking about Brainchip, and institutions such as ARK and many others will be scrambling for Brainchip shares, we will be compared to the next ARM, Nvidia, Intel, you name it.

Truly exciting times!
I agree, and hope that the 2023 AGM big reveal will allow for the requirenets for entry into the Nasdaq to be met.

Perhaps then, companies like Vanguard will allow for the trading of shares in Brainchip. Now, Vanguard does not. That fact, and the annoying $50 foreign transaction fee attached to every buy or sell order at Fidelity's platform, regardless whether it's 100 shares or 100,000 shares, is a HUGE reason that the "truly excitng times! " are not taking hold in U.S. markets, ... currently.

Let us all remember when Alex "the rocket scientist" revealed he was selling his position in Brainchip, NOT because he wasn't excited about the tech or their future prospects, but because, as I recall, the U.S. market our shares trade in was "dysfunctional" (that's my opinion and my word, not his).

Unfortunately, in the US. at this time, Brainchip is deemed by traders and the market to be "not ready for primetime" yet as proven by the lack of interest in accumulating shares of either BRCHF or BCHPY. as demonstrated daily by low volumes. Since markets and equity prices are generally discounted about six months out, in the absence of a jaw dropping announcement, I am not holding my breath for a blockbuster finish to 2022.

I am holding my breath (and my shares by the way) waiting and anticipating Sean's must see 2023 AGM presentation, however.

Regards, dippY
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I can update shareholders on this fact....

Now with Covid travel restrictions being lifted by many major western countries, our staff, meaning our key technical staff, will be
travelling over the coming months to assist in California and France, as many would be aware of the competitive landscape in securing permanent, highly qualified staff, it's dog eat dog, and as more and more companies are seeking personnal whom have "experience" in the space with which we play, it's getting harder and harder to find the right individuals, with the right experience and work ethic etc....that old saying about, paying peanuts you'll end up getting monkeys will become more prevalent as time goes by....the word "poaching" comes to mind, just ask Apple !!

I do know of one staff member who will be dividing their time between, Perth, California and France to assist our teams, but knowing this staff member only fills me with confidence that goals will be achieved and customers will be the ultimate beneficiaries of his/her knowledge. :geek:

Have faith in our company, I know it's a trying time, we all want to see deals signed off on, revenue starting to pour into the coffers, I'm doing my best to evaluate the situation in late January, that's a fair enough time to make a respectable call on commercial progress, in my opinion.

Cheers from Perth.......Tech x
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I don't write much but read all the posts,
I feel like I know you all a bit,
We all share the same dream which is in our opinion damn close to becoming a reality, shining at the edge,
I have worked hard ,as I should be, to own a piece of the future ..... like you all, Let's ride together to the land of riches,
We are all Getting Closer,
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Mercedes-Benz now offers further variants of its electric model EQE. The new price list of 5 July lists a total of six variants, including the new entry-level EQE 300 and the EQE 350, both of which are equipped with a slightly smaller 89 kWh battery.

The battery in the previous EQE 350+ and above (i.e. the EQE 500 4MATIC and the two AMG models) comes with a usable energy content of 90.56 kWh. Mercedes does not confirm it directly, but it is therefore likely to be a battery with ten modules as well (the larger EQS has up to twelve modules), but the cells in the EQE 300 and EQE 350 are likely to come from a different supplier – only this would explain the small difference of around one and a half kilowatt hours.
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The most undervalued and least referred to words used by one of the great Automotive makers of the last 100 years when speaking about AKIDA technology solutions.

Argo the creator of a yet to be fully approved autonomous vehicle platform is valued at about $US12.4 billion and Ford and VW have invested $US3.6 billion in Argo.

Does Argo have a place in medicine, white goods, security, space, military, IOT, 5G, 6G, toys, companion robots, retail, remote monitoring, heavy rail maintenance etc; etc;

My opinion only DYOR

Hey m8 ,
We are sooo close.
We know what we know an soon all will.
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Afternoon Dhm,

Agree with the above.

Good looking golf course, I'm Shaw you are having a great time.
Might have to slip a bottle of GlenDronach 50 year old into your golf bag, on the off chance we get a great ASX announcement.

One can never be to prepared.

This is for you @Violin1 and any other golfers out there. If this isn’t the most beautiful golf course you’ll ever see, I’ll give away my BRN shares.

Back to BRN discussion.
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Hey RFTA at my work 7 ppl got it as we were in the office most of us, for me it came out negative but i got bad Cold/flu still recovering. and yes its back again by the look of it.
Hi Baisyet definitely a time not to be complacent more than ever in my opinion, seems to be hitting hard in the last few months and hitting people left right and centre of me. Which has truly opened my eyes. Not to say I was not taking all the necessary precautions before although I refuse to take any of the currently available so called vaccines for this virus.
All of the people I know that have been infected are all double/triple vaccinated.
I've been associating with them yet not infected. The mind boggles.

Happy hunting diggers.....
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I have my heart set on seeing revenue come in sometime in the next 6 months. If not, you will find me in the far North of Thailand, bald headed, wearing an orange robe, sitting in the lotus position upon a mountain top, chanting the BrainChip mantra as I fondle my Buddhist beads.
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