BRN Discussion Ongoing


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Move on, nothing to see.
I think that BRN and WBT show similarities.They might even combine someway in the future.

Today I received a Q2 2022 update email from WBT . Sorry, I can't see a way to post a link to it without possibly risking my security, but I believe it would be accessible to anyone interested via a request to their website.

I liked the way it attempted to take me, as a shareholder, kind-off into its confidence, by explaining processes they have to go through to ultimately get their chips to market.

I think it would be interesting and educational for BRN to post a similar update.
@MADX - You should look in the WBT Discussion thread ( to see what I have been doing to try and get these two companies (BRN and WBT) working together.

I also posted a link to the WeeBit, ReRAM InSights Q2 2022 update in post BTW - I found a way to post it without risking my security. I also received a personal copy but the link I included was to the public version Coby Hanoch (CEO of Weebit) posted on LinkedIn.
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At 50:25 Tim mentions wearables and motions to his face/nose area

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I just don’t get your word grim. If you thought things were grim you would sell and move on as grim is a situation that is ‘very worrying and without hope.’

You are suggesting those who are manipulating the price are justified because the company has not made announcements.

This argument makes as much sense as saying bank robbers are justified as banks keep money on hand.

Your post is quite frankly from my perspective invalid. I have said the common denominator across Brainchip and my other manipulated investments is that they are all pre-revenue.

The CEO Sean Hehir has said that the customers they engage with are reluctant to expose themselves and that income will be the best indicator of Brainchip’s progress and has said he looks to be judged on progress and not effort by next years AGM which is May, 2023.

He has not said announcements are impossible but your desire for a constant flow of IP announcements is unrealistic in view of what he and Brainchip has said and is saying.

My opinion only DYOR

I just don’t get your word grim. If you thought things were grim you would sell and move on as grim is a situation that is ‘very worrying and without hope.’

You are suggesting those who are manipulating the price are justified because the company has not made announcements.

This argument makes as much sense as saying bank robbers are justified as banks keep money on hand.

Your post is quite frankly from my perspective invalid. I have said the common denominator across Brainchip and my other manipulated investments is that they are all pre-revenue.

The CEO Sean Hehir has said that the customers they engage with are reluctant to expose themselves and that income will be the best indicator of Brainchip’s progress and has said he looks to be judged on progress and not effort by next years AGM which is May, 2023.

He has not said announcements are impossible but your desire for a constant flow of IP announcements is unrealistic in view of what he and Brainchip has said and is saying.

My opinion only DYOR

I never said it was without hope, the word grim is defined as unattractive or gloomy. I’d say that this is a fair description of the share price over the past eight months.

Why don’t I sell? As stated, I was referring to the current share price, not the fundamentals of the company. The long terms prospects of the company excite me, but that doesn’t mean I’m not entitled to be disappointed with current PA, or even slightly concerned about the lack of (announced) commercial take up. If I were a trader I would be seriously looking at it, especially those who are less researched on fundamentals and more interested in charts. So yes, I stand by that comment. To compare them to bank robbers is just nonsensical though, robbing banks is illegal, trading shares from lack of perceived progress isn’t. Just because I don’t like what they do, doesn’t mean they aren’t entitled to do it.

Shaun did say that customers are reluctant to expose themselves and that income is the best indicator, but any direct contract with Brainchip would fall under continual exposure requirements, so at this stage I can only assume that there aren’t any more than we know of. I also said that it’s entirely possible that they were engaged with Brainchip via a 3rd party, and that what I currently have my hopes pinned on. I don’t have, as you say “a need for constant flow of IP announcements”, but I also don't think that it’s unrealistic to expect more than the two we’ve had over the past 18 months.

It’s was stated by the company that 2022 would be a huge year in the commercialisation space for Brainchip, but so far this hasn’t proven to be the case. We still have another five an a half months left though, so as stated I will watch the quarterly reports for increased revenue, and eagerly await further announcements.

I‘m bullish on Brainchip. I understand how AI and low-power edge processing is essential to many evolving industries. I understand our market positioning. But I’m also going to call a spade a spade.

It isn’t my intention to get into these scuffles with you every time I post FF, I just seems like my posts get disregarded without a hint of consideration. This is a forum and everyone’s genuine opinion should count, otherwise, what’s the point?!
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“Colin do we have any non-Akida related questions?”

tumbleweed GIF
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
This slide shows a connecting line for Panasonic to Smart Living, Siemens Healthineers to Smart Health and ZF to Smart Mobility.
The BrainChip Chip to me appears to travel through all of them to aid in their "smartness"
Infiltrate, Impregnate and Generate revenue😁😁

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Founding Member
I never said it was without hope, the word grim is defined as unattractive or gloomy. I’d say that this is a fair analysis of the share price over the past eight months.

Why don’t I sell? As stated, I was referring to the current share price, not the fundamentals of the company. The long terms prospects of the company excite me, but that doesn’t mean I aren't entitled to be disappointed with current PA, or even slightly concerned about the lack of (announced) commercial take up. If I were a trader I would be seriously looking at it, especially those who are less researched on fundamentals and more interested in charts. So yes, I stand by that comment. To compare them to bank robbers is just nonsensical though, robbing banks is illegal, trading shares from lack of perceived progress isn’t. Just because I don’t like what they do, doesn’t mean they aren’t entitled to do it.

Shaun did say that customers are reluctant to expose themselves and that income is the best indicator, but any direct contract with Brainchip would fall under continual exposure requirements, so at this stage I can only assume that there aren’t any more that we know of. I also said that it’s entirely possible that they were engaged with Brainchip via a 3rd party, and that what I currently have my hopes pinned on. I don’t have, as you say “a need for constant flow of IP announcements”, but I also don't think that more than two in the 18 months we’ve been ready for market is unrealistic.

It’s was stated by the company that 2022 would be a huge year in the commercialisation space for Brainchip, but so far this hasn’t proven to be the case. We still have another five an a half months left though, so as stated I will watch the quarterly reports for increased revenue, and eagerly await further announcements.

I‘m bullish on Brainchip. I understand how AI and low-power edge processing is essential to many evolving industries. I understand our market positioning. But I’m also going to call a spade a spade.

It isn’t my intention to get into these scuffles with you every time I post FF, I just seems like my posts get disregarded without a hint of consideration. This is a forum and everyone’s valid opinion should count, otherwise, what’s the point?!
Let’s just say the sooner we move to the Nasdaq, the better. I have no doubt in my mind that despite Antonio’s comments regarding a listing on the Nasdaq that they never speak of it, imo, is rubbish, of course they talk about it and have plans for it, again this is my opinion.

I would say within 2 years we will move to the Nasdaq, whether it’s dual listing or not remains to be seen!

By the time Brainchip lists on the Nasdaq, we would have flooded the market, gained more IP contracts, partnered with more customers, and received ongoing revenue, and if we are the de-facto, and according to Michael Dell that by 2025 over 75% will be at the edge, it would make sense that Brainchip have at least 5% of that at least, the mainstream media will be talking about Brainchip, and institutions such as ARK and many others will be scrambling for Brainchip shares, we will be compared to the next ARM, Nvidia, Intel, you name it.

Truly exciting times!
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I have a portfolio of once highly speculative stocks and I was discussing with another poster recently off line how each of these stocks have all derisked to the point where no longer is it likely they could fail and like Brainchip are when’s not ifs and the only question is how large will the returns be at the point of when.

They have all validated their platforms, proven their technology or found what they were looking for in barrels but all remain pre- income.

The other similarity they all have is the persistent manipulation accompanied by relentless mindless trolling on HC.

As a straight forward retail investor there is absolutely no point once you have reached the derisked stage of even looking at the share price unless you decide you want to buy more or there has been a price sensitive announcement because a short bot manipulated price is not a true market indicator of the value of your investment.

The true value remains north of $1.50 plus probably around $1.70 at this point. The next IP licence will determine how far north of $1.70 we will then head as we gap up with north of $2.34 seeming reasonable.

My opinion only so DYOR
and ignore the shorts & bots

Sort of secretly hoping nothing major is announced until overall global market sentiment improves. It's a shorters paradise atm. Most of my stocks are being hit. Any new revenue will only be minor in which we might get a temporary SP spike then falls back due to the global malaise. Would rather wait and get sustained full market value in any new revenue stream announcements than a short sugar hit like we got when Mercedes went public. Agree with you, under normal market conditions the SP would have remained around $1.70 after a pull back from the $2.34 top when they went public.

As you know the IT sector has been hit the hardest with companies earning billions in revenue and sitting on $20-$30b in cash harder hit than BRN. Start ups aren't for the faint hearted or inexperienced investors. Doubly so when you're dealing with new tech and the start up is the path finder. The ecosystem was never going to be formed overnight.
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Founding Member
I just don’t get your word grim. If you thought things were grim you would sell and move on as grim is a situation that is ‘very worrying and without hope.’

You are suggesting those who are manipulating the price are justified because the company has not made announcements.

This argument makes as much sense as saying bank robbers are justified as banks keep money on hand.

Your post is quite frankly from my perspective invalid. I have said the common denominator across Brainchip and my other manipulated investments is that they are all pre-revenue.

The CEO Sean Hehir has said that the customers they engage with are reluctant to expose themselves and that income will be the best indicator of Brainchip’s progress and has said he looks to be judged on progress and not effort by next years AGM which is May, 2023.

He has not said announcements are impossible but your desire for a constant flow of IP announcements is unrealistic in view of what he and Brainchip has said and is saying.

My opinion only DYOR

The only thing "grim " I can think of is the future of big established tech companies that don't adapt brainchip's edge Ai 🤔
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Let’s just say the sooner we move to the Nasdaq, the better. I have no doubt in my mind that despite Antonio’s comments regarding a listing on the Nasdaq that they never speak if it, imo, is rubbish, of course they talk about it and have plans for it, again this is my opinion.

I would say within 2 years we will move to the Nasdaq, whether it’s dual listing or not remains to be seen!

By the time Brainchip lists on the Nasdaq, we would have flooded the market, gained more IP contracts, partnered with more customers, and received ongoing revenue, and if we are the de-facto, and according to Michael Dell that by 2025 over 75% will be at the edge, it would make sense that Brainchip have at least 5% of that at least, the mainstream media and institutions such as ARK and many others will be scrambling for Brainchip shares, we will be compared to the next ARM, Nvidia, Intel, you name it.

Truly exciting times!

I have concerns over listing on the Nasdaq before we‘re ready. I think we need to have dominated the sector before we’re listed or I fear we could be eaten alive. I get your point though, a wider market in time could certainly propel us.
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Yes that's right and happy that Tim found it good question.

Good question @Baisyet and a fantastic answer by Tim. It was music to my ears

He confirms what we all know. We’re the first (only) cab off the rank - in the right place at the right time

There is literally no one else to work with at the extreme edge at this point in time

“…so that’s why we chose BrainChip. (It’s) the commercial availability of their hardware systems and software systems. Make it very easy for us to leverage our tool chains and our investments into our software and then it provides the performance that we seek.”

Why would companies bother investing precious time and money into playing catchup when what they need is here now

My opinion only DYOR
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I think what you might be remembering is an article where Mercedes said they were looking to reduce the number of semiconductors and do this by producing their own custom designs.

As wild speculation only you might also, as I do, see coincidence in the fact that Peter van der Made in his presentation to the 2019 AGM said that AKD1000 technology could significantly reduce the number of processors required for sensors in an AV.

My opinion only DYOR

That's right! Yes, thanks FF... It was a vague recollection. Perhaps they are keen on a cortical column also...
Thankyou kind sir.
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Deleted member 118

US jobless figures out shortly, which should decide if I’m buying a lot more BRN Monday than I expecting.

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Good question @Baisyet and a fantastic answer by Tim. It was music to my ears

He confirms what we all know. We’re the first (only) cab off the rank - in the right place at the right time

There is literally no one else to work with at the extreme edge at this point in time

“…so that’s why we chose BrainChip. (It’s) the commercial availability of their hardware systems and software systems. Make it very easy for us to leverage our tool chains and our investments into our software and then it provides the performance that we seek.”

Why would companies bother investing precious time and money into playing catchup when what they need is here now

My opinion only DYOR
Thanks thelittleshort
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The AKD1000 and the IP are processor agnostic so just relying upon logic I would think this would also apply to the software.

On the present debate about Mercedes I think you need to have regard to the fact that Hey Mercedes has been much criticised since it was introduced in 2018 and there have been multiple upgrades but from what I have read it seems to be more a criticism of what is at the back end than a criticism of the actual ability to understand the owners voice.

I therefore think it is much more than just an improvement in keyword spotting that Mercedes is implementing with AKIDA.

While they may get ahead in some areas of development I personally lean towards it being a whole system release 2024.

I would love an earlier release and do not discount it could happen and I even allow for it being for some Ai sensor about which we presently have no idea. After all in cabin monitoring of children to prevent them being left in vehicles is to be made compulsory across many different countries 2023.

My opinion only DYOR

Just for the heck of it, FF, on HC..someone asked where you were. I commented, that most have left that forum for this one..and that the reason was probably the abysmal content and comments on HC. Was not rude..but I got moderated. Sad state of affairs. Onwards and upwards all, stay healthy and happy.
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Mad Scientist
I have concerns over listing on the Nasdaq before we‘re ready. I think we need to have dominated the sector before we’re listed or I fear we could be eaten alive. I get your point though, a wider market in time could certainly propel us.
Ron- don’t think”dominate” - let BRN just be UBQTS-😁- just everywhere and bringing in the revenue to get BRN with an acceptable MC and share price-😁 as there are no ‘Penny Stocks’ that show on the Nasdaq- 👍

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Mad Scientist
Ron- don’t think”dominate” - let BRN just be UBQTS-😁- just everywhere and bringing in the revenue to get BRN with an acceptable MC and share price-😁 as there are no ‘Penny Stocks’ that show on the Nasdaq- 👍

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