I don’t think anyone here will disagree with this post FF, the question is though, where is the next commercial agreement? We are more than 18 months into our commercialisation phase now and have had two signed contracts, the most recent was almost eight months ago.
We can all see the potential here, that why we’re invested, but the SP does remain important. The reason it’s getting manipulated by bots is because of this lack of formal progression. If new customers were jumping on the buss every month, would the bots be selling or buying? My guess is the latter.
You can argue that Renesas and MegaChips are selling on our behalf, and that is possible, but without revenue how are we as shareholders or potential investors make informed investment decisions?
I think this company will do great things, and will one day see my family in a financial position the previous generation would have thought to be impossible, but nobody can argue that the current financial status from a SH perspective is grim. Shorts higher then they’ve ever been, SP a third of what it was six months ago, with new new customers announced or revenue in sight… Can you blame the market opportunists for playing the game?
Just an off the cuff thought, but the percentage of shares available to short, would be directly proportional to the percentage of shares owned, by institutional investors.
So it makes sense, that as their positions grow, the shares available for borrowing, would also grow.
They are not increasing their positions to lose and are more than likely, very long on Brainchip.
Are their algorithms, working to accumulate, or distribute BRN shares?
Many shorters, will end up being fodder, but they will have served their purpose.
Shorting of BRN, will
never end, no matter how successful we are.
It will just be done at higher and higher price levels.
The current 90 million odd shorts, means at least that, probably more, shares in institutional hands.
The lament of "no shares" available to short, by shorters in the past, was before ASX300 and ASX200 inclusion.
Institutions, could care less, if the current batch of shorters get deep fried to a burnt crisp on news.
The shares will be re lent out to new shorters, at a higher price.
Company’s like Tesla, Amazon, Google, Samsung, Apple etc, are still being shorted and so will we, when we reach their levels.
Enjoy the roller coaster