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NASA SBIR 2022-I Solicitation | Proposal Summary › sbir › SBIR-22-1-H6.22-2237.html

Not sure if posted already? NASA/Brainchip (working together! )

25 May 2022 — Numem proposes in Phase-I to create a interface system with MRAM which can connect with AKIDA Neuromorphic Processor from Brainchip to ...

Proposal Information

Proposal Number:
22-1- H6.22-2237

Subtopic Title:
Deep Neural Net and Neuromorphic Processors for In-Space Autonomy and Cognition

Proposal Title:
Neuromorphic Processor with radiation tolerant MRAM

Small Business Concern


Numem Inc


440 N Wolfe Road, Sunnyvale, CA 94085


(408) 836-8795

Principal Investigator:


Nilesh Gharia



440 N Wolfe Road, CA 94085 - 3869


(408) 836-8795

Business Official:


Nilesh Gharia



440 N Wolfe Road, CA 94085 - 3869


(408) 836-8795

Summary Details:

Estimated Technology Readiness Level (TRL) :
Begin: 4
End: 6

Technical Abstract (Limit 2000 characters, approximately 200 words):
Space missions require high-performance, reliable computing platforms and can function in challenging environments. The von Neumann bottleneck constrains performance due to the time and energy consumed during the required data exchange between main memory chip sets and the processor. Neuromorphic computing could emerge as a game changer for space applications where mission success relies on fast and autonomous analysis of a vast array of incoming information from multiple sources.
The future space applications will drive the need for
  • Reduced size, weight, and power constrains
  • Data retention
  • On-board adaptive learning capability
  • Autonomous, onboard, and fast data analysis
Neuromorphic processors aligns with the above capabilities. Neuromorphic architectures are inherently fault tolerant, and several hardware implementations have high-radiation tolerance. In addition, neuromorphic algorithms are well-suited to classes of problems of interest to the space community.
Present Neuromorphic solutions for Space applications require FLASH memory for boot and weight storage in case of power loss or intermittent power failures. The FLASH memory has limitations on speed and life-time is limited by about 1M cycles of memory operations due to its endurance. For Deep Space Missions where continuous learning is required with updates on the non-volatile memory, a robust radiation tolerant memory with SRAM like performance but still with non volatility and high endurance is required. MRAM which offers 2.5X to 3.5X density advantage over SRAM, 1000X better endurance over FLASH, high radiation tolerance above 100Krad to 1Mrad and ultra-low power standby leakage which is critical for long battery life between solar recharge is a big advantage for these critical SPACE missions. Numem proposes in Phase-I to create a interface system with MRAM which can connect with AKIDA Neuromorphic Processor from Brainchip to either limit or replace FLASH operations with MRAM.

Potential NASA Applications (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words):
Object Identification and Change Detection - Neuromorphic Computing could enable more efficient on-orbit data processing and storage
Autonomous Control - As activities in space become more remote and automated, without a human in the loop, this advantage could improve the satellite’s ability to analyze onboard sensor data with better autonomous decisions.
Cybersecurity - Neuromorphic Computing onboard a spacecraft would provide a trusted protection mechanism
It can resolve a fundamental time-energy problem with fast low cost results.

Potential Non-NASA Applications (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words):
Artificial Intellligence applied at Edge for ultra low power IOT applications,Large Scale Operations & Product Customization with vast amount of data-sets,Medicine and Drug discovery for faster analysis and iterations,Imaging & Vision Sensors for classification and detection, Autonomous Operations in Drones and Cars, Robotics Technologies,Defense - Hypersonic and Ballistic Missile Technologies
That is why it is already on @BaconLover ‘s Iceberg.

But it never gets old.

I wonder how many Australian companies have this many engagements with NASA and US Defence contractors and the various arms of the military.

While at the same time working with global companies for civilian applications like Mercedes Benz, ARM, Edge Impulse, Tata, Valeo MOSCHIP, SiFive, MegaChips, Renesas, Prophesee and NViso.

Not to mention also working in the medical technology space with Biotome, NaNose, Noisey Gut Belt, Renesas, Tata, NViso etc;

On reflection I am not sure if there is another company covering all three areas.

My opinion only DYOR

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6 hours 17....this must have been posted before.

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Has this been discussed? There are more slides about Brainchip on the PPT. You can download the PPT here by registering an email address:

Sorry if already discussed. It does excite me though.

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View attachment 10713

View attachment 10716
Nice Slade.

So the questions for me.

Presso by "Vice President - Marketing & Business Development" (sales) not a specific R&D Tech Head or engineer for a technical audience.

Wording for the conclusion is like a pitch for a product ready to go and implies to me almost a fait to see a licencing deal please :)

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Nice Slade.

So the questions for me.

Presso by "Vice President - Marketing & Business Development" (sales) not a specific R&D Tech Head or engineer for a technical audience.

Wording for the conclusion is like a pitch for a product ready to go and implies to me almost a fait to see a licencing deal please :)

View attachment 10718
He is one of the speakers in the video I just posted.
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That is why it is already on @BaconLover ‘s Iceberg.

But it never gets old.

I wonder how many Australian companies have this many engagements with NASA and US Defence contractors and the various arms of the military.

While at the same time working with global companies for civilian applications like Mercedes Benz, ARM, Edge Impulse, Tata, MOSCHIP, SiFive, MegaChips, Renesas, Prophesee and NViso.

Not to mention also working in the medical technology space with Biotome, NaNose, Noisey Gut Belt, Renesas, Tata, NViso etc;

On reflection I am not sure if there is another company covering all three areas.

My opinion only DYOR

It is clear to me that, to their detriment, NASA, MosChip, Mercedes, Vorago, Valeo, Renesas, SiFive, Nviso and other tech companies do not read MF, otherwise they would not be wasting their efforts in flogging this dead horse. Oh! the wasted resources ...
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Sorry, I just couldn't help myself....this song is for all shareholders worldwide, but especially for our Founder, Co-Founder and
all our wonderful staff in Australia, US, France and India....thanks for all your passion, Brainchip's work culture is second to none,
led by high standards, mutual respect for other staff members, but most of all, a group of professional ladies and men pulling
together as a "team".....I love our technology and our company....are we growing, oh yes we are !...have a great afternoon/evening.....Tech x

Danced around the house to this track... Kids were in shock. 🤪
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Deleted member 118

It is clear to me that, to their detriment, NASA, MosChip, Mercedes, Vorago, Valeo, Renesas, SiFive, Nviso and other tech companies do not read MF, otherwise they would not be wasting their efforts in flogging this dead horse. Oh! the wasted resources ...

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Who is going to pop first? Megachips, Moschip, Renesas, Nviso, SiFive? My money is still on Renesas breaking the ice this year.
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Nice Slade.

So the questions for me.

Presso by "Vice President - Marketing & Business Development" (sales) not a specific R&D Tech Head or engineer for a technical audience.

Wording for the conclusion is like a pitch for a product ready to go and implies to me almost a fait to see a licencing deal please :)

View attachment 10718
Would much prefer to appear on your side of this argument as it does seem a slam dunk????

My opinion only DYOR and form your own opinion but you need to watch to do so.

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Who is going to pop first? Megachips, Moschip, Renesas, Nviso, SiFive? My money is still on Renesas breaking the ice this year.
My bet is SiFive later this year with a mobile phone chip design....perhaps with Microsoft/Nokia... just a hunch/guess.
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Hi Krustor

As @VictorG posted a company must publish on the ASX full details of any event that a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect on the share price.

The event can be a positive or a negative event. For example if the company is making a product to sell the successful or unsuccessful production of the product could be a material event and require an announcement on the ASX.

The successful production of AKD1000 is a good example.

When a company signs a contract or enters a partnership it has to decide if this contract or partnership is material and the guidance from the ASX is that if it does not have a dollar value that can be calculated with certainty it is not something which meets the definition of being material and announced on the ASX.

So MegaChips was able to be announced because they could calculate the value of the licence fee. If there was no upfront licence fee and just the hope of future royalties Brainchip would not have been allowed to announce it on the ASX.

The partnership with ARM could not be announced on the ASX because neither Brainchip or ARM could put a dollar amount on what sales this partnership was likely to generate in the future.

The real problem for companies is that they have to decide if the event is price sensitive and and whether to publish or not publish on the

The ASX only decides if the company did the right thing afterwards. If the ASX decides the company made the wrong choice they can penalise and suspend the company and Directors.

It is like having a highway where there are no speed signs to tell you what the speed limit is and it is up to you to guess what speed you are allowed to travel.

You are not allowed to ask the police on duty what speed is legal but if you make the wrong choice the police jump out and take away your car and fine you for travelling too fast or too slow.

This is how the ASX works.

Brainchip has the intention of listing on the Nasdaq one day and so as their good character as a company is a consideration they are taking a very cautious approach to the ASX Rules so that they do not have adverse notations by the ASX to explain to the Nasdaq.

The Non Disclosure Agreements are a separate issue as these are between Brainchip and third parties that have nothing to do with the ASX.

If Brainchip enters a material contract with a company even if they have a non disclosure agreement this material agreement has to be announced in accordance with the Rules on the ASX.

The non disclosure agreement does not override the ASX Rules.

I hope this helps your understanding.

My opinion only DYOR


Dear BRN community,

I'm coming over from the TLG threads to ask some ASX related question that effects (as far as I could see) almost all stocks at the ASX, but not all in the same manner. You guys seem to have more experience than us with these things, thats why I am coming here for the question. (nice 10% pop for you today :) )

Today is a bad example, but I have observed quite a number of times that the share price seems to rise a few % in the last hour of a trading day. Look at the plot yesterday for an example which was quite typical. I didn't do any statistical analysis, but I bet that it would stick out if you do. I have seen it in TLG quite often and also a couple of times in BRN, though I dont follow BRN that closely.

Do you have any idea why that is? Does it have anything to do with canceled orders or maybe a change in bid-ask spread towards the end of a trading day? Is there a way to see the spread on the ASX?

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Learning to the Top 🕵‍♂️
Copy from FB.


BrainChip could prove to be such a moving train. With its Akida chip, the company offers an extremely power-saving and powerful model that is based on the human brain. BrainChip is considered the first commercial manufacturer of neuromorphic AI chips and cooperates with Mercedes, among others. Tests have shown that BrainChip's solutions are suitable for significantly improving voice control in new Mercedes models. In addition to Mercedes, BrainChip also cooperates with the chip legend ARM and is part of their partner program to further advance AI solutions.

The latter cooperation in particular has hardly been noticed by the market. ARM has been considered by industry experts for decades as a company with extremely efficient chip technology. Among others, Intel is also a licensee of ARM. Even in the current market environment, the company is striving to go public and expects robust growth, especially in the area of chips for the automotive industry. The IPO gives a battered industry hope. In addition, ARM could also appear as a buyer - after all, the funds from the IPO want to be well invested. After a significant correction to penny stock levels, investors should keep an eye on BrainChip. A lot can still be done here. However, the value is still a hot potato.

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Dang Son

Nice Slade.

So the questions for me.

Presso by "Vice President - Marketing & Business Development" (sales) not a specific R&D Tech Head or engineer for a technical audience.

Wording for the conclusion is like a pitch for a product ready to go and implies to me almost a fait to see a licencing deal please :)

View attachment 10718
I love how AKIDA NNP IP take up as much real estate on the board as CPU
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It looks to me like Moschip is ramping up in preparation for Akida,

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It looks to me like Moschip is ramping up in preparation for Akida,

The steams building up in the boiler and it’s going to blow soon
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Afternoon Saap25,

Thankyou for posting the above info once again.

I have since had three conversations today with the chaps at one of the big four banks, brokers regarding this trade, and yet still on clarification.

Comsec records for the day 1/7/2022 do not show this trade .

Thay recommended I have a chit chat with ASX followed by ASIC.

ASX phone no : 131279
ASIC ph: 1300300630.

Shall give them a call and see what bullshite thay come up with.

Afternoon Chippers,

Just got off the phone with nabtrade regarding the above...

Well, due to the fact I'm not a client of theirs the lass was reticent at first,
After a while she said the technical departmant had got back to her and the jist of it was that..

1, The trade had not originated in or through nab.

2, It was a Trade Match , , ie , same participants on both sides .

3, Aftermarket algorythems balancing out the flow / volumes.

*I then reminded her that it was ..
a negative trade for no price and on volume which far and away exceeds the entire stock ( listed, unlisted & options ) issued in the company by a vast margin.

The above reply from a nab technical person shows the little time spent actually looking at this trade , and giving a accurate response , I give up.

For anyone here that has a nab trading account, allegidly you may be able to speak directly with the technical department and receive a logical reply. Good luck.

The nab help desk person I spoke to was accommodating, yet was fed b.ll s.hite from those above.

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Danced around the house to this track... Kids were in shock. 🤪
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