Brainchip Podcasts, Interviews and Presentations


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Not to take anything away from previous Podcasts, this most recent episode, I think, has heightened my sensors the most.
Between this and the backstory with Ouster Auto, Manny, and Apple, this morning I very excited. Holy shit.
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Podcast is up

Well, what an intriguing podcast, Super Pod and Super Cast IMHO.

Just finished listening to this fabulous interview with Doug and have come away with shivers in my timbers. As good as an Announcement IMHO.

Whilst listening, I was imagining the smiles broadening on the faces of the thousand eyes, and how many of those faces/eyes were transfixed simultaneously with mine and being dazzled and exhilarated in unison whilst being mesmerized and transfixed on these words of wisdom, that were poring out of the mouth of Dougy Fairbairn. So excited currently.

Akida Ballista >>>>>> Superman --- Super Akida o_O I think so <<<<<<<<

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If you watch/listen-to podcasts on YouTube, and click on the 3 horizontal dots under the right-hand corner, you can view the transcript with timeline (which in turn you can copy and paste etc)
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Podcast is up

Well, that was easily the best podcast so far - (paraphrasing) on chip learning customisation WILL be adopted by the masses… wow I’m freaking excited 😆 We know we are the only ones who can do on chip learning and have patent protection around our implementation of STDP… wow I keep saying wow the Mega Chips BrainChip partnership could truely take off. Make sure you stay on the bus 🚌. We’re about ready for departure. AIMO.
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Finally got a day off and Brn drops a nice little podcast to start my days off. Definitely one of the better ones for positive vibes from a partner company. Fingers crossed this year is finally the year we start to gain real market traction and revenue. I still have 3 years to my planned retirement at 55 so they still have time to make it a very comfortable lifestyle for me with dividend payments.
The future keeps looking better and better
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The exciting part about this podcast from my personal perspective is that while I enjoyed all bar one of the podcasts in the series to date they all tap danced around in the rehearsal room.

What I as an investor want to know is are you using the technology in a way that will in the near term bring a commercial product to market.

The statements we have had from SiFive and Nviso are about what they are intending to do with Brainchip in real world products but do not quite appear to have lined up customers who they are deeply into discussions with and in saying this they could well have but are still tap dancing around in the rehearsal room on this question to some extent.

In this podcast Doug has moved onto the stage for a full blown performance and has nominated three market sectors where MegaChips expects products containing AKIDA technology to appear Gaming - think Nintendo, Appliances - think anyone as MegaChips have kept their customers a complete secret and Cameras - think Sanyo because of MegaChips known relationship.

So in one podcast with a real world semiconductor producer we have received what I have been waiting for and the most credible links to both Nintendo and Sanyo you could hope to have.

So our list of engagements from customers, early adopters, partners, and the highly probable keeps on growing:

Mercedes Benz
DELL Technologies

I do not know about anyone else but if you add up the market cap of these companies it is starting to look like Brainchip can claim to be achieving traction in the market place not only of sufficient weight to impress Doug and Co; at MegaChips but perhaps and institution like ARK Investments.

My opinion only DYOR

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I love the bit at around 13:00 where they talk about the fact BRN have such great traction in the market already and the confidence that gave Megachips in forming the partnership. Great work BRN, great podcast Rob!
The future is looking very bright indeed!:cool:
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All that grabbed me was something along the lines of "everything you touch" will have a Brainchip.
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The exciting part about this podcast from my personal perspective is that while I enjoyed all bar one of the podcasts in the series to date they all tap danced around in the rehearsal room.

What I as an investor want to know is are you using the technology in a way that will in the near term bring a commercial product to market.

The statements we have had from SiFive and Nviso are about what they are intending to do with Brainchip in real world products but do not quite appear to have lined up customers who they are deeply into discussions with and in saying this they could well have but are still tap dancing around in the rehearsal room on this question to some extent.

In this podcast Doug has moved onto the stage for a full blown performance and has nominated three market sectors where MegaChips expects products containing AKIDA technology to appear Gaming - think Nintendo, Appliances - think anyone as MegaChips have kept their customers a complete secret and Cameras - think Sanyo because of MegaChips known relationship.

So in one podcast with a real world semiconductor producer we have received what I have been waiting for and the most credible links to both Nintendo and Sanyo you could hope to have.

So our list of engagements from customers, early adopters, partners, and the highly probable keeps on growing:

Mercedes Benz
DELL Technologies

I do not know about anyone else but if you add up the market cap of these companies it is starting to look like Brainchip can claim to be achieving traction in the market place not only of sufficient weight to impress Doug and Co; at MegaChips but perhaps and institution like ARK Investments.

My opinion only DYOR

Could TESLA be added to the list soon? I have just watched a YouTube about a Tesla phone rumoured to be released this year, packed with features, user repairable, best of everything, solar-panel charging, Starlink connection etc etc. and able to connect with devices implanted in people using Tesla's Neuralink brain chip. Cheaper than Apple & Samsung flagships too. With Elon's form it is bound to be a success. Surely Akidas would be an ideal inclusion in the next version if not in the 2022 model?
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Another article

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WOW. I was at the AGM and there was some negativity at how Sean delivered his speech by reading it out. Have look at his fluidity of delivery on the link. He's got his job crystal clear in his brain. I've commented elsewhere how PVDM looked pleased when Sean got up to speak at the meeting and regards him as his golden-hehir'd discovery. I'm a fan too. (Am I getting the hint about his hair through or should I leave it alone?)
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Sean Hehir in the latest comsec interview
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Sean Hehir in the latest comsec interview

There were two things that tickled my fancy in this great interview:
  1. When Sean noted that when using Akida you get more output from the same input and the interviewer interrupted him and said that in fact you get more output with LESS input. Very cool & funny I thought. Awesome to have the interviewer selling the product more than the CEO. He is obviously a convert!
  2. When asked about market cap Sean replied by saying that it is "nowhere near where it can and should be over time."!! Huge statement and one that I suspect might see an uptick in the SP today (not that this is of any concern to anyone LTH's because it's the market cap statement itself and what that means that will keep me holding).
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Sean Hehir in the latest comsec interview

Morning all In my opinion this interview is so far the best. So much confidence so much focus and with ease he said market is no where near. And how confidently he said next year AGM i will be standing here and talk about results. Building large sustainable multi national company and de-facto standard for Edge AI , dominant market share wow 👏
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Sean Hehir in the latest comsec interview

Great interview! Sean is ambitious, confident, and well experienced to lead Brainchip into a prosperous future.
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Just keeping things tidy.
I'm sure most will have watched this already

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The latest Brainchip podcast is up.

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