My way of approaching it now is best to wait until ICSID commences. These morally bankrupt entities always settle before being put to the fire. Assuming funding okay, best to step back until mid 2025, with purported interested buyers the DRC would be mad not to let us sell RD rather than a judgement with the world bank. Key is Locke plus some opex off the back of that announcement
My sentiment too mate.
We hope funding comes through of course or else it's all over.
In my opinion only....
There's no deal anywhere near being even considered at present.
There will be zero news comming out of the AGM, and the BoD are unlikely going to answer a single question.
Geo, I wonder if you were sent in to quell a bit of shareholder frustration going into AGM. There was never any impending deal as you suggested.
We need funding secured, and it's reasonable to assume that the DRC would prefer to let us sell the project, rather than be hit with billions of dollars by the ISCID, and will settle before the case really gets going. But of course the country and government are absolute fruitloops and sensible action can't be counted on.
I also wouldn't count on something happening mid 2025, these assholes know how to delay delay delay, we STILL haven't heard about the fines from ICC, it's batshit crazy that they can constantly caused delays in that case, but it's the way the law works unfortunately.
My advice is to forget about AVZ, and just hope one day we get a settlement, and something out of this mess.
Again, in my opinion, there's absolutely nothing about to happen, nothing on the cusp, nothing even remotely close to that at present.
All we're trying to do is secure funding.