In the following quarterly activities report, it addresses the permits where people are getting a hernia about.
To the Company’s knowledge, there has been no sampling or drilling activity on the Licences by previous licence holders. As part of an initial review, the Company completed site visits to the four southern licences (PRs 12436, 12450, 12454 and 12459). The objective of the site visits was to assess these licences for potential pegmatite mineralisation. Twenty seven samples were collected of either rock outcrop, soils or lateritic material as part of the reconnaissance field work.
Lithologies encountered within the two permits PR 12450 and PR 12454 are typical Kibaran system rocks consisting of sedimentary metamorphics especially quartzites, micaschists, pegmatites as well as a sandstone sequence similar to those found near Manono.
As was expected, results from the sampling show anomalism, within this heavily weathered terrain, is low level and usually running within 2 to 3 times background for the elements of interest. Specifically, PR12454 returned elevated Ba, Sr, Zn, LiO2 (4 times background) Sn, Ta and Ce and additionally, slightly anomalous levels of Hf, Gd, La, Nd and others. PR12436 also has samples reporting anomalous levels of Ba, Sn, Li, Ce, Gd, Ho, La, Th and Yt. The results on both permits are indicative of pegmatite intrusives with a REE signature accompanied by weakly elevated Sn levels. No significant results have been reported for the other southern licences (PR12450 and PR12459) which may in part be due to a lack of outcrop and presence of recent soil cover.
Acquisition Agreement
AVZ acquired a 60% in the Licences from the current interest holders La Congolaise D’exploitation Miniere SA (Cominiere) and Dathomir Mining Ressources SARL (Dathomir) whereby AVZ paid Dathomir A$500,000 in cash. The interests of the parties in the Licences are AVZ 60%, Cominiere 30% and Dathomir 10%. AVZ is responsible for funding expenditure to completion of a feasibility study.
AVZ can relinquish its interest in any of Licences at any time.
In the 18/4/2019 AVZ's Quarterly report the following entry:
10. Changes in tenements (items 2.1(b) and 2.2(b) above)
Tenement reference and location Nature of interest
10.1 Interests in mining tenements and petroleum tenements lapsed, relinquished or reduced
PR12436 PR12449 PR12450 PR12454 DRC – Katanga Regional Relinquished
Interest at beginning of quarter 60%, Interest at end of quarter 0%
What Cominiere did with those permits after AVZ relinquished them, is Cominiere's responsibility and has absolutely nothing to do with AVZ.