It's total fuck up . Instead of discussing the building of the mine we are are talking about a possible punishment for a bunch of corrupt scumbags . The Chinese are the instigators of all this. They provide the snacks to this weak bunch of immoral arseholes. The Chinese are untouchable and are laughing their arses off . Tick Tock Chinese TiME .
DRC-China: exchanges of experience between the Senate and the National People's Assembly
The China-DRC Friendship Group of the Chinese National People's Congress expressed its availability to strengthen the exchange of experiences with the Congolese Parliament in terms of bilateral cooperation, in a correspondence delivered this Saturday, November 26, 2022 to the President of the Senate, Modest Bahati.
“Today is a very significant day in the annals of the history of Sino-Congolese relations.
I am very happy and very honored to be received in audience by the Honorable President and the members of the China-DRC friendship group of the Senate.
It was a very friendly meeting.
Our history of friendship and cooperation dates back fifty years,” said China’s charge d’affaires in the DRC, Wang Hailong, after the audience granted to him by Modeste Bahati at the People’s Palace.
According to the Chinese diplomat, the message of the Chairman of the China-DRC Friendship Group of the National People's Congress of China, Gao Hucheng to his counterpart in the upper house of the Congolese Parliament, constitutes an invitation to work together with the Senate of the DRC with a view to strengthening bilateral cooperation between Kinshasa and Beijing.
"I take this opportunity to reiterate to all dear Congolese friends the availability of the Chinese government to always work hand in hand with the Congolese government for the development of a strategic partnership for the benefit of our two peoples," said the Chinese diplomat. .
On this occasion, he handed over a batch of computer equipment to the President of the Senate, as part of parliamentary diplomacy, in order to support the reforms undertaken by the Upper House of Parliament in its service modernization component.
Bilateral cooperation between the DRC and China, it is recalled, has just completed 50 years of existence with several achievements in various fields.
On November 04, 2022, Senate First Vice President Eddy Mundela had a video conference with Deputy Chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee and Chairman of the China Democratic League Central Committee Ding Zhongli , from whom he sought Beijing's support within the UN Security Council to force the M23 to withdraw immediately from Congolese territory.
The two personalities also mentioned the intensification of the activities of the DRC-China Friendship Group, the installation in the DRC of a subsidiary of the Chinese Development Bank as well as the strengthening of military and economic cooperation.
Houses in the Gecamine district of the DRC on the edge of the abyss of the Chinese mining company COMMUS, downtown Kolwezi.
Once a thriving neighborhood of neat houses and tree-shaded avenues, this district of the city of Kolwezi is now nearly destroyed.
“We are finished,” said Alphonse Fwamba Mutombo, standing on a rubble overlooking an open-cast cobalt mine in Kolwezi, south eastern DR Congo.
His had once been a thriving neighborhood of neat houses and tree-shaded avenues.
Today, the wreckage of demolished houses, separated from the sprawling pit by a concrete barrier, surrounds his cherished home.
The Chinese-owned mine wants to expand, and many of Mutombo’s fellow residents have taken buy-outs.
Mr Mutombo does not want to leave.
The 70-year-old is clinging on, hoping to secure a better deal.
“We live on top of minerals,” Mr.. Mutombo said.
But he had no delusions about what ultimately awaited his neighborhood: “It will disappear,” he said.
Kolwezi, home to more than half a million people, sits atop some of the world’s richest mineral reserves — a treasure trove of copper, cobalt and gold that provide the motor for DR Congo’s economy.
The city is already ringed by a moat of industrial mines, a sandy moonscape of enormous open pits, access roads and pylons.
But mining is increasingly edging inside the city itself, uprooting thousands of people who often complain of unfair treatment.
Mining permits cover most of Kolwezi’s surface area, according to the Democratic Republic of Congo’s mining cadaster .
Kolwezi was founded in 1937 by the then Belgian Congo’s mining monopoly.
Seven years after independence in 1960, the monopoly was nationalized, eventually becoming a giant called the Generale des Carrieres et des Mines, or Gecamines.
As mining in Kolwezi flourished in the subsequent years, the parastatal built neighborhoods such as Mutombo’s Quartier Gecamines Kolwezi for its workers.
Gecamines’ production collapsed in the 1990s after decades of mismanagement, but many of the neighborhoods’ remaining residents still have ties to the firm.
“Everyone’s gone, we’re the ones who are left,” said Martin Tino Kolpy Kapenda, a retired Gecamines employee, standing on the plot of what was once his neighbor’s house.
Kapenda, 60, also wants more money from Compagnie Minière de Musonoi (COMMUS), the Chinese firm that owns the adjacent copper-cobalt mine.
Some of the remaining residents fear the money on offer will not allow them to find similar-quality housing elsewhere.
Their district has reliable electricity and running water, a rarity in the DRC.
About 2,000 people out of 38,000 have left the neighborhood within the last six months, according to city figures seen by the media.
An official in the city administration, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the entire district may disappear within three years.
COMMUS is offering residents $7,500 to leave, the official said, although many of the remaining residents are asking for at least three times that amount.
A semi-abandoned housing estate several kilometers outside of Kolwezi has served as a warning to some about enticements offered to leave neighborhoods’ opened up for mining.
Luzanga Muteba, 78, accepted an offer in 2017 from Chinese firm Congo Dongfang International Mining (CDM) to leave his native Kasulo district.
A portion of that neighbourhood was razed to make way for a cobalt mine. In surrounding houses, many residents have taken to digging in their gardens for minerals themselves.
CDM built 21 houses for displaced Kasulo residents, but they say the firm never finished the work.
Muteba, wearing an oversized pinstriped shirt, said he once had a thriving bakery in Kasulo, but cannot replicate the business in his new location, which is relatively isolated.
There is also no running water or electricity, although pylons carrying power to nearby mines stretch over the housing estate. Only a few of the houses are now inhabited.
“They have to come and finish the work,” said Muteba, pointing to fetid green puddles in a ravine, where he and other residents draw their water.
“They take our minerals and develop their country,” he added, noting that he was losing hope after petitioning the government several times, without success.
“I wait only for death,” Muteba said.
Shanghai-based Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt, which owns majority stakes in both COMMUS and CDM, did not respond to questions.
A senior official in the local government, who asked for anonymity, said he thought it was “inevitable” that Kolwezi would one day disappear under expanding mines.
“This is the mess we live in,” said the official.
Source: The EastAfrican
Food for thought