AVZ Discussion 2022


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A Vuka Group delegation led by its Event Manager, Patricia Kazaka was received in audience this Tuesday, November 22, 2022 by the National Minister in charge of mines, Antoinette N’Samba Kalambayi in her office in Kinshasa Gombe.

The stake of these exchanges was essentially based on the post-event report of the DRC Mining Week (DRC mining week), organized in June 2022 in Lubumbashi, capital of the province of Haut-Katanga. Patricia Kazaka, on this occasion, gave the patron of the mines an invitation for the launch of the mining week which will take place in Lubumbashi from June 14 to 16, 2023 on the strategic minerals involved in the manufacture of electric batteries.
At the end of this hearing, Mrs. Patricia Kazaka expressed herself in these terms:

We are very happy to be received by Her Excellency the Minister of Mines, Antoinette N’Samba Kalambayi. We discussed the launch of the project on the minerals of the energy transition, in particular the metals involved in the manufacture of the cars of the future, electric cars. Currently, there is an increasingly growing demand for minerals involved in the production of electric car batteries and the DRC is full of five (5) types of these strategic minerals (Cobalt, lithium, nickel, etc.). This is why we are considering the organization of a forum to facilitate the development of the mining sector with regard to the minerals of the energy transition in Africa with a focus on the DRC”, she specifies.

Thus adds, Patricia Kazaka, Vuka Group is an organizational structure of the mining conference “DRC Mining Week”, it is based in Cape Town in South Africa.
The Minister of Mines, Antoinette N’Samba Kalambayi, who greatly appreciated this very fruitful meeting, explained to her hosts that her Ministry has taken an active part in this event for seventeen years. It wishes the accompaniment in a transverse way of the sectoral Ministries of which, Industry, Economy, Environment.

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We all knew he was sick.

Why don't they roll him into court handcuffed to a stretcher?

He is highly likely packing his loot at this very moment, so he can shoot through without leaving a trace asap.
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We all knew he was sick.

Why don't they roll him into court handcuffed to a stretcher?

He is highly likely packing his loot at this very moment, so he can shoot through without leaving a trace asap.
Doesn't matter, won't get far, the roads are no good...
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Doesn't matter, won't get far, the roads are no good...
He's been spotted on national highway one!
images (1) (16).jpeg
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Doesn't matter, won't get far, the roads are no good...
Is that because we didn’t fix them? No wait, that was Z. Carry on.
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I guess an apology might be in order on that point, if you’re not the Powerage from the crapper who said you were at the presentation and joined in with Mining8 calling me a troll

There’s no bravado about me, just a desire to see face to face the people with a pack mentality who join in when others are putting shit on me

People call MoP bitch, cunt etc.... no comments
Marius calls them evil.... no comments

I put up some voodoo dolls and the shit hits the fan. I grew up having to develop an invisible mirror against my own mum because when she put a curse on me or anyone else, you learned what came of it. She was doing the ouija board with us kids from before we were in our teens so if you think I'm joking you've got the wrong fucken bloke.

There are plenty of people here who lurk in the background and don’t contribute anything other than an occasional judgmental opinion, I’m interested in people who have fun, and people who provide information and aren’t scared of calling the DRC corrupt… They’re the one’s who bring about change, not people like you.

As far as getting the last word in, there’s no winners and losers, it’s not about that, so you can apply that shit to yourself rather than me

Thats it for me today doubt, no doubt you'll be happy about that





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Havent actually screwed my fellow countrymen over by illegally taking money or placing them in a poverty situation through utter greed/deceit .Must have led a boring life/childhood but have done some dumb things when younger which mates thought amusing/funny ….Wont use language just incase i may offend these criminals but how about a off the cuff stoning
View attachment 22997

*Ditto Bro (y) :ROFLMAO: (y)

Must have led a boring life/childhood, but have done some dumb things when younger which mates thought amusing/funny

OLd and Wise.jpeg

Haven't actually screwed my fellow countrymen over by illegally taking money or placing them in a poverty situation through utter greed/deceit

funny quotes humor.png

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He's been spotted on national highway one! View attachment 23007
The tosser has highway tyres on his rig.

However from Kinshasa one would want to go north to escape, to get across the Congo river to Brazzaville, he will have to go to Matadi, it is the first bridge.

However JFM highly likely has his own private plane.
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The tosser has highway tyres on his rig.

However from Kinshasa one would want to go north to escape, to get across the Congo river to Brazzaville, he will have to go to Matadi, it is the first bridge.

However JFM highly likely has his own private plane.
That’s ok - the U.S. knows where he is. Calls can be made between friendly countries.
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I guess an apology might be in order on that point, if you’re not the Powerage from the crapper who said you were at the presentation and joined in with Mining8 calling me a troll

There’s no bravado about me, just a desire to see face to face the people with a pack mentality who join in when others are putting shit on me

People call MoP bitch, cunt etc.... no comments
Marius calls them evil.... no comments

I put up some voodoo dolls and the shit hits the fan. I grew up having to develop an invisible mirror against my own mum because when she put a curse on me or anyone else, you learned what came of it. She was doing the ouija board with us kids from before we were in our teens so if you think I'm joking you've got the wrong fucken bloke.

There are plenty of people here who lurk in the background and don’t contribute anything other than an occasional judgmental opinion, I’m interested in people who have fun, and people who provide information and aren’t scared of calling the DRC corrupt… They’re the one’s who bring about change, not people like you.

As far as getting the last word in, there’s no winners and losers, it’s not about that, so you can apply that shit to yourself rather than me

Thats it for me today doubt, no doubt you'll be happy about that

There’s no bravado about me, just a desire to see face to face the people with a pack mentality who join in when others are putting shit on me

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Dathcom and Manono's lithium: COMINIERE's DG and DT in the sights of Justice

November 27, 2022 Faustin KUEDIASALA 0
Athanase Mwamba, DG ai of COMINIERE, the man by whom the whole mafia prospered within this Portfolio company
Better late than never, they say. Finally, the Congolese Justice decided to look into the serious indications of embezzlement contained in the last report of the IGF (General Inspectorate of Finances) in relation to the opacity which surrounded the sale of the shares of the company of the Portfolio , COMINIERE, in the Joint-Venture Dathcom, i.e. 15% of the shares sold to the Chinese company Zijin. According to Georges Kapiamba, President of ACAJ (Congolese Association for Access to Justice), the Attorney General at the Kinshasa/Gombe Court of Appeal has just ordered the arrest of Director General (DG) ai and Technical Director (DT) of COMINIERE SA He blames them for the “poor management” of the funds resulting from the sale of 15% of shares to a Chinese company. In return, they would have received nearly 34 million USD for a transaction which was equivalent in principle to approximately 150 million USD. Worse, the allocation of these 34 million USD, according to an IGF report dated April 2022, was surrounded by a great mystery that Justice would like to elucidate.
After the multiple alerts from civil society around the Manono lithium exploitation project, in the province of Tanganyika, by the joint venture Dathcom, it is the turn of Justice to take up this case.
According to Me Georges Kapiamba, president of the NGO ACAJ, "the Prosecutor General of Kinshasa/Gombe has just ordered the arrest of the Managing Director and Technical Director of the public company COMINIERE SA. He reproaches them for the + mismanagement + of the funds resulting from the sale of 15% of shares to a Chinese company ”.
The results of the IGF investigation of April 2022 had already condemned the management team of COMINIERE, considering that the sale of its shares in DATHCOM had been done in the most total opacity.
Indiscretions report that the sale of 15% of the shares of COMINIERE to the Chinese company ZIJIN was made in return for approximately 34 million USD, instead of 150 million USD, note the most probable estimates. What's worse, the 34 million USD received in this transaction are difficult to trace, noted the IGF in its report.
In civil society, we would also like Justice to go much further by taking an interest in 5% of the shares of COMINIERE sold to Dathomir, without any real consideration.
“They must also pay for the 5% of COMINIERE graciously ceded irrevocably to Dathomir according to the IGF Report. Let them cite their accomplices in evil, in selling off ,” Frank Fwamba of the “ Tous pour la RDC ” coalition wrote on his twitter account .
It will be recalled that, in its report of April 2022 relating to " the control of the regularization of the transfer of the shares of COMINIERE SA, a public law company, in the company DATHCOM MINING ", the IGF had expressed serious irregularities in these operations.
" The control mission formulated its final observations of a long adversarial procedure, which began with the Provisional observations sheet which allowed you first to reserve written supporting answers, then to elucidate them during an adversarial debate which gave rise to the signing of the minutes ”, noted, in this regard, the boss of the IGF, Jules Alingete, in the sheet of final observations sent to the ad interim director general of COMINIERE.
The mission made three main observations, namely: The sale of COMINIERE's 15% stake in DATHCOM to ZIJIN Mining was carried out in violation of the legal provisions on the withdrawal of the State from the companies in the Portfolio and caused, with regard to the assessments made in the feasibility study , a significant shortfall for the public treasury estimated at USD 116,560,000.00 (US dollars one hundred and sixteen million five hundred and sixty thousand). It was a real selling off of the State's mining heritage, for which you are responsible; Of the total amount of proceeds from the sale of 15% of the shares, which amounts to USD 33,440,000.00 (US dollars thirty-three million four hundred and forty thousand), you have already used approximately USD 6,800,000, 00 (US dollars six million eight hundred thousand) for operating needs to the detriment of productive investments including USD 5,438,198.00 (US dollars five million four hundred thirty-eight thousand one hundred and ninety-eight) for commissions , collations, fees, exceptional remuneration of all those who would have contributed to the operation; The presumed free and provisional transfer of 5% of COMIERE's shares in DATHCOM Mining to DATHCOM Mining Sarl, but which with regard to the transfer contract, was final and irrevocable without the income from the transfer being traced to COMINIERE exceptional remuneration of all those who would have contributed to the operation; The presumed free and provisional transfer of 5% of COMIERE's shares in DATHCOM Mining to DATHCOM Mining Sarl, but which with regard to the transfer contract, was final and irrevocable without the income from the transfer being traced to COMINIERE exceptional remuneration of all those who would have contributed to the operation; The presumed free and provisional transfer of 5% of COMIERE's shares in DATHCOM Mining to DATHCOM Mining Sarl, but which with regard to the transfer contract, was final and irrevocable without the income from the transfer being traced to COMINIERE ".
Today, it is before the Justice that the DG ai and the DT of COMINIERE must explain themselves. If the DT seems to clear himself of any responsibility, internally, it is indicated that he also committed acts as DG. In short, the DT cannot therefore disorient the Justice by arguing that he did not participate in the management. He is part of the game and must assume his actions until the end.
Eco news

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The witch and DG of CAMI are on the chopping board next.


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Another thing to consider is that this could lead to a sector wide corruption review.

Don't let the door hit your arse on the way Zijin.
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Reading the article I can't quite understand what is being said

However one item I am picking up is the illegal activity seems to be stated in relation to tenements other than 13359


What does this really mean for the one tenement that is actually of critical importance to AVZ being 13359 and the delays in the issuing of the ML??

Anyone got any thoughts???
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I'm not sure why this rhetoric cracks me up so much! Certainly a lesson here somewhere, let's hope this is the one.
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