AVZ Discussion 2022


The only market sensitive Ann we wanna see is the ML haha

mad the rock GIF
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Now, when did Nige say to Misfits the ML was coming??? :unsure:

Nothing sensitive about today's announcement...:sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep:

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Some people are pissed off with me for recruiting new members from HC.

So OK, no more.
Pissed off ?

You are a legend brother, keep recruiting, no issues with me, the more members that you take away from HC is always a blessing, just make sure FP aint one of them and i am all good !!

Good crew here, nice and respectful and dont mind a laugh................perrrfect.
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Not a huge fan of the recruiting personally, before you know it we'll end up with a :poop: show like on the 🚽 - the Crapper mk2.
Anyone who didn't make it here by now likely ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. Or they just enjoy spending time on the Crapper and that's fine too.
The hints are already there and over many months. 🍲🤔
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Not a huge fan of the recruiting personally, before you know it we'll end up with a :poop: show like on the 🚽 - the Crapper mk2.
Anyone who didn't make it here by now likely ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. Or they just enjoy spending time on the Crapper and that's fine too.
The hints are already there and over many months. 🍲🤔
I admit I’m ain’t the sharpest tool in da shed .... furken Morse code :( .... thanks @Remark old buddy won’t be long before “all that glitters is gold “
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Not a huge fan of the recruiting personally, before you know it we'll end up with a :poop: show like on the 🚽 - the Crapper mk2.
Anyone who didn't make it here by now likely ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. Or they just enjoy spending time on the Crapper and that's fine too.
The hints are already there and over many months. 🍲🤔
I understand what you are saying , but collectively, we have the power to fuck people off if they dont conform to the standard that we require, which basically is, be a reasonable human and not a grub.

We dont need to have top level brains in this group, we already have plenty, a nice personality with a little bit of knowledge of AVZ is all thats required plus you get bonus points for girly pics......................🤟
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Seriously the Crapper is fkd

How's this numpty posting like he knows fkn everything........got it all wrong


What a complete wevans!!! 😵‍💫

Plus the dopey twat ended up with 25 likes or something so there's a whole group of idiodic tards who clearly also don't have a fkn clue

I put up the response......couldn't stand seeing the misinformation and bs that absolute wevans had posted


I'm getting cranky.....bring on the ML!!!!

Rant over

Think i'll have a cup of tea and a lie down :rolleyes:
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You guys need to get adblocker plus and ublock origin extensions for Firefox browser. Never have to deal with ads. Just FYI.
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No, Lambo here
I see your Lambo and raise you a real beast!!


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Seriously the Crapper is fkd

How's this numpty posting like he knows fkn everything........got it all wrong

View attachment 5132

What a complete wevans!!! 😵‍💫

Plus the dopey twat ended up with 25 likes or something so there's a whole group of idiodic tards who clearly also don't have a fkn clue

I put up the response......couldn't stand seeing the misinformation and bs that absolute wevans had posted

View attachment 5134

I'm getting cranky.....bring on the ML!!!!

Rant over

Think i'll have a cup of tea and a lie down :rolleyes:
I'm getting cranky.....bring on the ML!!!!

Yep, I'm hearin ya......I'm getting cranky as well mate.

I always just try to focus and revert back to my happy place :cool:
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Now, when did Nige say to Misfits the ML was coming??? :unsure:

Nothing sensitive about today's announcement...:sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep:

It's price sensitive alright! Price is going down :LOL:

Market doesn't seem to have much confidence in the latest tune from the pied piper 😤

But time will tell. Still hanging in there 🦥 dancing to the tune like a 🐒 ffs 😜
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Caps on chaps....we've just had another reverse $1 party
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Sorry to rain on some folks parade but personally I'm here to make $$ and talk about AVZ and other stocks. Not really interested in pictures of cars, boats, or scantily clad woman (or men for that matter) or the "boys club mentality". Plenty of better websites for that than this one. Conversely I think if you saturate these threads with this stuff then less people will inclined to contribute quality investment content here ... of which this site needs more.

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Hi peeps, long timer here both on the hot crapper and AVZ….back to the days of mineralised waxing lyrical about the stock he alerted me an so I did my DD, spent a month or two procrastinating about DRC and Sov risk then realised the EV revolution NEEDS AVZ.
Pretty much lurk and like is my MO, far too many dickheads on the crapper.

Bring on that ML ….not Langford the ML that’s going to set of a chain of Ann’s


I'm thinking AVZ has bottomed out here as below this point there is just masses of support (formally resistance points now support) months of it actually. Looking at course of sales it looks like bots holding foot on price rise with tiny sells into buy Q down whilst they are loading up with much bigger buys to the hitting the sell Q. Will not be surprised to see it rally shortly given many of our peers are up

PLS up 3.8%
LTR up 1%
CXO up 2.2%
GLN up 4.4%
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Get your point Freeo

Reality is we really are just stuck waiting for the mining license

Agreed I think there's plenty of support in/around and just under $1 but there's sweet bugger all to do but wait

Unless of course you are looking at trading the pips or potentially topping up

A lot of the dudes here already have a significant investment in AVZ at very low average prices (some single digits) and so it's a waiting game

Last trading parcel I purchased was in the very low 70's

Thought about selling it as it approached the $1.40 mark but in the end decided to continue to hold ....most likely until maybe $2 and after 30 June and even then only if I need the cash

It's all about the ML

After that ....well then it's a different game again

Nut :cool:
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Seriously the Crapper is fkd

How's this numpty posting like he knows fkn everything........got it all wrong

View attachment 5132

What a complete wevans!!! 😵‍💫

Plus the dopey twat ended up with 25 likes or something so there's a whole group of idiodic tards who clearly also don't have a fkn clue

I put up the response......couldn't stand seeing the misinformation and bs that absolute wevans had posted

View attachment 5134

I'm getting cranky.....bring on the ML!!!!

Rant over

Think i'll have a cup of tea and a lie down :rolleyes:
Sorry to rain on some folks parade but personally I'm here to make $$ and talk about AVZ and other stocks. Not really interested in pictures of cars, boats, or scantily clad woman (or men for that matter) or the "boys club mentality". Plenty of better websites for that than this one. Conversely I think if you saturate these threads with this stuff then less people will inclined to contribute quality investment content here ... of which this site needs more.

I am here to make money too Freehold, but it doesnt have to be stiff upper lip either, its a pretty tough world out there, a bit of fun and frivolity is good for the heart and soul, so balance is the key here IMO.

Regards to the bottom of the SP, refer to my recent chart, I think it still can go to 90.

100 support aint that strong....with only 6 touches.

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Sorry to rain on some folks parade but personally I'm here to make $$ and talk about AVZ and other stocks. Not really interested in pictures of cars, boats, or scantily clad woman (or men for that matter) or the "boys club mentality". Plenty of better websites for that than this one. Conversely I think if you saturate these threads with this stuff then less people will inclined to contribute quality investment content here ... of which this site needs more.

It's doubtful there are many here who wouldn't rather be discussing the ML, the spectacular numbers in the BFS, the FID, ongoing construction and so on.
Regarding making $ most couldn't say to the contrary with regards AVZ however the other element to this is the opportunity cost as every single thing drags out longer than anticipated and by quite some margin.
My personal targets have been missed to date and a few well researched boats have already sailed.
Not going to say my investment here has quite been regrettable but having doubled down many times, bring on those key milestones so we all have something to celebrate and discuss.
Until then it's all very very stale and so the banter although I take your point is harmless. Perhaps better than conspiracies or 🦗?
Personally not all that interested in the daily/weekly fluctuations in share price and the reasons behind them only that the criteria for progress is met.
What's currently troubling with regards to the above to my mind is the lack of urgency demonstrated to date by the DRC government as well as with their battery precursor aspirations. With the later seemingly further impacting our progress.
Now a this might be fine to many, maybe some are retired with all the time in the world and perhaps enough money/assets elsewhere to not worry about anything too much. I'm one with a little more hinging on this venture.
While progress to date has been adequate it's also failed in inspiring too much in the way of confidence.
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I am here to make money too Freehold, but it doesnt have to be stiff upper lip either, its a pretty tough world out there, a bit of fun and frivolity is good for the heart and soul, so balance is the key here IMO.

Regards to the bottom of the SP, refer to my recent chart, I think it still can go to 90.

100 support aint that strong....with only 6 touches.

Geez if she drops back to 90 I would be looking at another potential trading parcel

Gut feeling is if the ML isn't announced tomorrow then we would have to see an extension to the CATH deal announced before close of trade

If neither of those two things are forthcoming it would put serious downward pressure on the SP and rattle plenty of the average SH's

Of course the instos would be all over it (as they have been) and push it down as hard as possible to then accumulate

Make some coin on their short postitions before loading up for the long

IMO tomorrow (and the next few days of trading) are very important days to potentially put in place some additional strategies or rethink a few opportunities to take advantage of the situation

Of course if they drop a TH and the license is confirmed well then it will be the shorters scrambling for cover and I'll crack a nice bottle of red...or two
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