They reached out to AVZ and no response..Somebody better get on the fkn email to Nigel and sort this shit out quick smart!!!!!
Is it recycled bullshit.......They reached out to AVZ and no response..
Not a great look. Dirty laundry being aired.
Somebody better get on the fkn email to Nigel and sort this shit out quick smart!!!!!
This article is rehashed and is a bunch of BS . IMOSomebody better get on the fkn email to Nigel and sort this shit out quick smart!!!!!
If so, such BS should be easily squashed no? As per the the last quarterly we have had the DRC court issue the 15%? Am I reading that right. If so, then this is indeed nonsense?This article is rehashed and is a bunch of BS . IMO
I do hope so Free, I found the order for Graeme's arrest for forgery interesting reading.This is a rehash of BS published on HC/twitter several times by a couple of potentially dodgy D/Rampers. My understanding is that its ALL or Mostly fiction. It has not been verified at any other source that I can find other that that website. Its been months now and still no independent verification.
If this were the case then Nigel would have had to disclose it under his directors obligation to keep market fully informed. In fact, when mentioned on HC and twitter some time ago a share holder contacted Nigel (Via email) and that shareholder published Nigels response which was that its "Utter Garbage" or something similar from memory. This effectively snuffed the issue out and poured water on the D/Ramp efforts at the time.
Interesting the timing of when this keeps getting rehashed ... never during a rally always during a retrace. I leave you all to ponder why that timing.
Exactly, disclosure is a requirement ... why has Nigel not disclosed ... because there is nothing to discloseWell, it should be re-buffed by official announcement by AVZ and should have been before, not by alleged email to some random holder by allegedly NF saying this is BS and “has been dealt with before”. Now is the time for an official re-buff, there is still no $240M US from CATH, no ML, no BFS, no updates whatsoever. Roadshow starts tmw in Europe, question’s will be asked no doubt. Anyway we could get a TH before opening tmw, or notfar out. Disclosure is an ASX requirement.
Panic slowly George..Well, it should be re-buffed by official announcement by AVZ and should have been before, not by alleged email to some random holder by allegedly NF saying this is BS and “has been dealt with before”. Now is the time for an official re-buff, there is still no $240M US from CATH, no ML, no BFS, no updates whatsoever. Roadshow starts tmw in Europe, question’s will be asked no doubt. Anyway we could get a TH before opening tmw, or notfar out. Disclosure is an ASX requirement.
"Roadshow starts tmw in Europe, question’s will be asked no doubt" .Well, it should be re-buffed by official announcement by AVZ and should have been before, not by alleged email to some random holder by allegedly NF saying this is BS and “has been dealt with before”. Now is the time for an official re-buff, there is still no $240M US from CATH, no ML, no BFS, no updates whatsoever. Roadshow starts tmw in Europe, question’s will be asked no doubt. Anyway we could get a TH before opening tmw, or notfar out. Disclosure is an ASX requirement.
Is anyone on this forum attending?"Roadshow starts tmw in Europe, question’s will be asked no doubt" .
Perfect opportunity for Nigel to set us all straight on these "exit strategies" . I can't wait to hear what he says
I reckon he will cop a hammering from the H.tcropper longs who are heavily invested if there is any inkling of selling out now .
I thought there was someone from the other site but I can't remember whoIs anyone on this forum attending?