ChillaThe conflict is not what its worth now!
The conflict is what is it worth if AJN are successful in stealing the north??
That potential huge windfall for Nige conflicts with his duty and responsibility to AVZ shareholders to have no relationships or associations that have the potential to harm, damage, devalue AVZ.!!!!
Everyone will be crying foul if that happens and bitching that Nigel had a conflict of interest all along.....and talks of law suits will ensue.
Better for him and AVZ to remove the conflict immediately.
You make some interesting points.
NF sits on AVZ's board and gets to discuss and vote on all matters AVZ. He is also a major shareholder of AJN, which is attempting to steal AVZ's exploration ground (if recent AJN announcements are genuine).
While he must declare his interest in AJN prior to every board discussion about AJN, it is up to the board to determine on a case-by-case basis whether he is conflicted. However, this is not a transparent or efficient way to do business, and fails to remove the perception of conflict. It also has the potential to influence how board members discuss AJN on the sidelines (outside board meetings).
It would be far better for there to be no perception of mixed loyalties. The board should act on this.