AVZ Discussion 2022


Don’t tease us Hedrox 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
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Ease up everyone…….not done until the ANN


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Dude stop it! STOP IT STOP IT!!! I'm gonna cry I think.
*Though I think everyone is so fatigued, no one gonna celebrate until it's official, we've become a cybical bunch.
Screen Shot 2022-11-13 at 8.15.01 pm.png
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CAMI portal goanna get smashed to hell next 48 hours.
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Live look in at Nigel's home office right now. No pineapples to be seen.


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Let’s all salivate over these puppies…. Fresh caught by Mwah and cooked by Mwah 😘


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My DRC connection just told me full mining licence granted for Roche Dur and CDL....
this would explain as well, that Nigels holding in AJN would be not an issue.
I heard another few very interesting things....very positive all....
but lets leave some excitement for the official announcement.
Time to pop some bubbles...(y)
I don't trust this source as you haven't said anything about "pineapple".

Jokes aside, appreciate for sharing your sentiment. We shall await for the official announcement next week. Fingers crossed.
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I not blowing up the balloons until it's official . This meeting was a couple days ago . Why so long for it to leak ? Smells like a head f--k to me . Hope I'm wrong . GLTAH
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lol, if a certain ML was to drop prior to the AGM............well maybe my questions will be irrelevant ?

View attachment 21863

No B they are not irrelevant regardless of ML materialising. It would be positive for sure but dare I say a "not out of the woods yet" moment.

I would continue to try get the answers and highlight those concerns.

Unfortunately I can not make it to WA for the AGM but would have loved to back you up. But don't forget, everyone here, you must vote online for your wishes on each resolution. Every share we own will count.
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Let’s all salivate over these puppies…. Fresh caught by Mwah and cooked by Mwah 😘

Mate they look absolutely fucking scrumptious. Perfectly cooked. Man! Party at yours when first shovel goes in.
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Actual footage of me celebrating this ML news while I wait for an official announcement.

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Mate they look absolutely fucking scrumptious. Perfectly cooked. Man! Party at yours when first shovel goes in.
We will have the Party at the Shack😎😎😎
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We will have the Party at the Shack😎😎😎
Hey Jag nice feed mate!..deep dive for a special occasion?
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1) When were you aware of the Zijin / Cominiere transaction of 15% and why you did not disclose this information to the ASX / AVZ shareholders ?

2) When were you aware of Dathomir / Simon Cong disputing the 15% transfer to Dathcom / AVZ and why you did not disclose this to the ASX / AVZ shareholders ?

3) Is the BOD compliant with LISTING RULE 3.1 of the ASX code ?.........CONTINUOUS DISCLOSURE.


May i remind you, there was a MASSIVE sell off just after the award of the Mining License decree, was there inside information behind that ?

4) Is the end of extension of suspension of AVZ shares relying on the outcomes of ICC arbitration regards to Zijin ( April 2023 ) and / or Dathomir / Cong ? Are there any updates to these court cases that you can share ?

5) Are these 2 disputes the reason for the extension of suspension or are there other complications, such as the exploration permit regarding CDL , surface rights payment or other ?

6) How are the two court cases with Dathomir / Zijin effecting the JV relationship with CATH and their 24% interest in
Manono ?
What happens if we lose both court cases, therefore relinquishing 51% control if we assume CATH is still in the frame ?
Do you have a PLAN B ?..........aka ditching CATH and seeking out an alternative JV arrangement possibly with the US / Europe ?

7) Was the important items such as UPDATED DFS, SEZ, BFS etc delayed massively because of all these disputes ?

8) Why does the BOD have very little ownership of AVZ shares compared to the chinese entities ?
DO you foresee a problem going forward regards to voting rights ?

9) Are you in close communication with the president Felix Tshisedeki regards to the court cases of Dathomir / Zijin or is it just with lower level Govt personnel at this stage ? Does Felix Tschisedeki acknowledge the IGF report and why is it taking so long for that report to be enacted ?

10) What time frames can you offer up regards to construction / production of RD given this long drawn out dispute which is now 6 months and could be longer ?


I thought i would copy & paste the questions @MoneyBags1348 and i compiled for the Perth roadshow for those that didnt see it under the thread of ( QUESTIONS TO ASK NIGEL )

These questions will be asked again at the AGM , all still relevant plus i neeed to include the CONFLICT OF INTEREST with NIGEL / AJN / CDL which i now have all the facts thanks to @Chilla, the problem is.......... i reckon the BOD will onley tolerate 5, so i will put it out for a vote, which 5 questions are the most pertinent ?

Only one other poster has confirmed to catch up with me prior to AGM for a chat, so if that poster isnt prepared to ask the other 5 questions, then i have to be choosey withe the questions i ask, to get some overall clarity for the group.

Put the think tank on.............best be prepared, 4 days to go.

This is a group approach, not all about me.

View attachment 21861


BEISH I actually have faith in Nigel’s determination to get this project to production and I believe he hasn’t been able to spend a great deal of time at home with the misus over the last 6 months because he’s been trying to deal with corruption issues and the conspiring of Cong, Adele Kayinda, Jean Felix Mupande, Cominiere and Zigin.

He has stated many times from the beginning that the reason for the suspension is due to the mining and exploration rights, nothing else. I believe that and if the current speculation is correct and the PE and PR rights have been determined and granted, and can now be paid, then we will come out of suspension and more than likely with some very good announcements to follow.

As far as CATH, Nigel also stated during the roadshow’s that CATH want our product and my view is we want them just as much as they want us so I don’t see any reason to ask about they’re involvement other than if they want a smaller %.

As far as the BOD, it’s obvious they were more aware of the risks than us, which is why they haven’t put their hands in their own pockets. Whether this is addressed at the AGM is up to others, I made my thoughts clear on this previously and have since moved on.

Fortunately I don’t think the Chinese entities have the voting power to disrupt our BOD and I think the majority of shareholders know the best way to move forward is to back Nigel.

I believe Marius and and the Momentum Attorneys have been able to communicate with Felix and have been well compensated for that, and any questions I would ask at the AGM would involve them.

That’s all I’ve got to add BEISH, hope that helps

@JAG I’m so jealous
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Deleted member 1612

What on earth. Could this actually be happening. Me whilst waiting for an ASX announcement
Nervous The Big Bang Theory GIF
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Between 8-12 minutes the Honor Deputy mentioned 2 times they have recently been made aware mining license has been issued. License was initially blocked and now given to AVZ.


There's actually a whole lot more in the video that is very juicy. At the 15min mark he talks about how pissed people are on social media regarding the project being held up!
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BEISH I actually have faith in Nigel’s determination to get this project to production and I believe he hasn’t been able to spend a great deal of time at home with the misus over the last 6 months because he’s been trying to deal with corruption issues and the conspiring of Cong, Adele Kayinda, Jean Felix Mupande, Cominiere and Zigin.

He has stated many times from the beginning that the reason for the suspension is due to the mining and exploration rights, nothing else. I believe that and if the current speculation is correct and the PE and PR rights have been determined and granted, and can now be paid, then we will come out of suspension and more than likely with some very good announcements to follow.

As far as CATH, Nigel also stated during the roadshow’s that CATH want our product and my view is we want them just as much as they want us so I don’t see any reason to ask about they’re involvement other than if they want a smaller %.

As far as the BOD, it’s obvious they were more aware of the risks than us, which is why they haven’t put their hands in their own pockets. Whether this is addressed at the AGM is up to others, I made my thoughts clear on this previously and have since moved on.

Fortunately I don’t think the Chinese entities have the voting power to disrupt our BOD and I think the majority of shareholders know the best way to move forward is to back Nigel.

I believe Marius and and the Momentum Attorneys have been able to communicate with Felix and have been well compensated for that, and any questions I would ask at the AGM would involve them.

That’s all I’ve got to add BEISH, hope that helps

@JAG I’m so jealous

MB, what I find weird, as it has been mentioned few times by others as well as you, that NIge has spent pretty much 95% of his timeover the last year in the DRC in order to advance the project. But despite all that time there and all the possible opportunities, not one photograph of him with any of the other key characters or at the site or anything really has surfaced.


That's what I find weird.
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There's actually a whole lot more in the video that is very juicy. At the 15min mark he talks about how pissed people are on social media regarding the project being held up!
For real?
It's good to know they're aware of how fucking bullshit this whole thing has been.
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