This part of the below article should be interesting to anyone who attended the roadshows with regards to Nigel's version of events and the twisted narrative of the Minister of Portfolio:
The Office of Her Excellency the Minister of State, Minister of Portfolio, recalls with regard to the dispute between DATHOMIR and AVZ, the following:
Under two share sale contracts entered into in June 2019 and August 2020, AVZ INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD acquired 15% of DATHCOM MINING shares held by DATHOMIR MINING RESOURCES SARLU at the price of
21.0. 000 US. But, towards the end of 2020, a stock market announcement from AVZ revealed an agreement to sell its own 24% shares in DATHCOM MINING SA to the company Cath Energy at a price of US$240,000,000.
This strong disproportion between the two prices led DATHOMIR to request, by its letter of December 31, 2020, the valuation of its 15% of shares to protect itself from the possible risks of injury and even significant tax adjustments.
Given the refusal of AVZ INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD, DATHOMIR terminated the contracts on May 14, 2021.
After termination, AVZ INTERNATIONAL, after payment of a deposit of USD 1.0,000, attempted to pay USD 20,000,000, a sum which was immediately returned to it.
Curiously, by fraud, the CEO of DATHCOM obtained from the Principal Registrar of the Single Window for Business Creation, Lubumbashi Branch, a share certificate and a register of associates of DATHCOM MINING SA dated August 31 and 1 September 2021 according to which AVZ INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD would have become the holder of 75% of the shares of DATHCOM MINING SA,

that is to say the 15% of DATHOMIR MINING included despite the termination of the contracts and the restitution of 20,000,000 US$.
Cited by DATHOMIR MINING RESOURCES SARLU before the TGI/Lubumbashi under RP 14944 for forgery, the CEO of DATHCOM MINING SA, the Principal Registrar of the Single Window for Business Creation and the civilly liable DATHCOM MINING SA were sentenced respectively to 3 years in firm main penal servitude, 1 year suspended SPP and 50,000,000 US dollars for DI on the basis of the judgment of December 24, 2021.
The CEO of DATHCOM MINING SA, the Principal Registrar of the Single Window had appealed against this judgment before the Court of Appeal of Lubumbashi under RPA 7610.
The Court of Appeal of Lubumbashi condemned the CEO of DATHCOM MINING to 3 years of SPP and DATHCOM MING SA to 25,000,000 $US in damages.
In addition, the Commercial Court of
Lubumbashi, seized under RAC 2858, ordered the suspension of the payment of the amount of US$20,000,000, and this, while waiting for the ICC, arbitration judge chosen by the parties, to rule on the decision. termination of two aforementioned contracts for the sale of shares between AVZ and DATHOMIR. 
For the Ministry of Portfolio representing the interests of the State, the share capital of DATHCOM Mining is distributed as follows:
- AVZ International: 60% instead of 75%
- COMINIERE: 25 of which 15% were sold ZI JING and 5% to MMCS
The State shareholder, expects, in accordance with Article 71 of the Mining Code, to obtain the transfer of 10% non-dilutable of the share capital, percentage to be distributed in proportion to the shares of each shareholder, after transformation of the exploration permit (PR13359) into operating license.
*Hier, lundi 7 novembre 2022, Adèle Kayinda, Ministre d’Etat, Ministre du Portefeuille, a eu des échanges francs et directs avec les Députés de Tanganyika et de Haut Lomami autour de l’épineuse question aussi bien de l’exploitation du Lithium au Tanganyika et Haut...
Either she's got nfi what's actually going on and AVZ needs to send a representative to get her up to date with the facts.
Or more likely she's corrupt as all get out.