The Fox
Mate, I think the commercial strategy being undertaken by AVZ to overcome current hurdles in the DRC is a little more important then taking this fight to social media or via positive company announcements (just to keep shareholders a little happier if that is at all possible.) Hint, this is one of the reasons for the road shows, to make some effort at this difficult time to assure larger holders there are reasons for the way things are being managed and in due course playing out for our expected benefit.If we can afford to pay the outragous salary of 500k for the boss of a non producing wannabe mining company that has yet to even get a mining licence, I'm sure we can afford to pay a local (probably a pittance) to conduct PR interviews and photos and stories, and a freelance Aussie copywriter to publish to an English speaking audience.
Again, there is so much in terms of positive future stories behind AVZ, other than just the excitement of an up an comming Aussie company.
The green EV future, ethical employment in the DRC, money injection into impoverished nations, you all know the drill.
There is SO much to pump and keep us all excited about.
I think it's a massive oversight that is isn't already happening.
There is a strategy for positive info to be timed appropriately IMO. Personally I would only like to see any positive announcements released once AVZ is trading again, not now (if there is any discretion) as such annoucments would be lost like tears in the rain and sucked up and spit out by AVZ adversaries in a moment.
Of course I'm sure any announcements that require disclosure under listing rules are being released etc, yet I think we all know there is a certain amount of discretion available to the company much of the time on such things.
I'd suggest radio silence is the smart move at present no matter how anxious some shareholders are seeking a better social media footprint or announcements to combat attacks by incumbent, corrupt and nefarious players. For what it is worth, sit tight, what you seek will not help or change the game afoot.
Cheers The Fox