AVZ Discussion 2022


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:unsure: can't remember specifically Frank. I'm not so sure that it was, perhaps briefly in a different context?
Dunno maybe someone else remembers.
All I know is, I keep seeing and thinking of good questions that weren't asked after the fact. :rolleyes:
Or was it something to do with a Local Facebook Group :unsure:

Or did i just Dream about it :sleep:

Fecked if i know now :oops:

#me-want-cookie !.jpg
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*Ditto Bro, I concur, as

The Road Shows were a good idea and a great opportunity for a lot of us long suffering SH's to get up close and personal with our fearless leader, as well as, meet & greet and hear from the Horses Mouth for the first time in a long time, especially for someone like me who didn't get to go to the last Road Show and didn't quite qualify this time, but thanks to the lovely Jodie at HQ who decided, what the Hell, let's let him go if he wants to.

Nigel was asked a few times why he was there doing Road Shows before the AGM which pissed me off a bit tbo

As i thought, Mate be bloody grateful he's here at all after all the Pitchforks and Pineapples Talk :rolleyes:

Not to mention the Fact that most of us can't drop everything or make it to Perth for the AGM anyway :(

So Sit Down - Shut Up and just be grateful you got the chance to hear from the "Big Cheese" at all

I think the AGM will more than likely get Clogged Up or Bogged Down if nothing Positive comes out beforehand :unsure:

As Nigel said, to paraphrase,

If it can help stop some of the 300 odd Phone calls asking where's the ML every Day :rolleyes:

Then the RS's were a good thing, plus you got the chance to Vent your Spleen at a person, Not a Screen

Food for thought :unsure:

Frank :cool:
hey Frank, so that was me who asked the objective of the roadshows. If it pissed you off then you're easily pissed. I dont apologise for wanting transparency on why these roadshows at this point in time when all this crap is going on.

fwiw I greatly appreciated the information and went up thanked nigel afterwards as well as thanking him for the event on the way in. I walked away thinking he is genuine and from his perspective he believes he's right, I also believe he does have principles and a good set of values. so from that perspective I trust him to try to do what is right by shareholders and indeed the common folk in the DRC. However and its a big however, he is presenting his perspective, life is not fair and the good guy doesnt always win, the jury is still out on whether his team can bring it home. I'm at ease that the avz team has the best intent and can only trust they are now doing everything they need to do. I think nigel's motivation is to deliver on the project and earn the satisfaction and recognition that such a massive task would deliver, its not about the money for him imv. my criticism of avz is that I do think in the whole they let these issues get out of control, harry hindsight would say they should have been on the ground earlier, had lobbyists earlier, got out in front of their detractors and so forth. I still dont have full confidence that they have the right political connections.

the other comment I would make is that with all the bitching and moaning that goes on in these forums, in the main, people at the melbourne rs were a bunch of timid pussy cats. I'm stressed, I've got millions on the line here as I'm sure many others do but apart from a few, the many were very silent and timid saving their strength and bitching for the keyboard.

btw I do appreciate your informational postings.
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Guys do not bother asking/wondering whats being said in this video below it is an absolute shitshow, she is the puppet master and they seem to be following her lead. What a bunch of clowns. Half of it makes no sense tbh. IGNORE. I tried to watch but had to stop... horrible what a farce

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Guys do not bother asking/wondering whats being said in this video below it is an absolute shitshow, she is the puppet master and they seem to be following her lead. What a bunch of clowns. Half of it makes no sense tbh. IGNORE. I tried to watch but had to stop... horrible what a farce

That green dress C#&T says we have only 60%, no mining experience and have never done anything for the people of Manono in this video... FMD
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Pretty sure this Topic was brought up and discussed all be it briefly at the Melb RS tbo :unsure:

Chilla - Sam - anyone ?
:unsure: can't remember specifically Frank. I'm not so sure that it was, perhaps briefly in a different context?
Dunno maybe someone else remembers.
All I know is, I keep seeing and thinking of good questions that weren't asked after the fact. :rolleyes:
It was brought up and Nige jumped into how much AVZ do to support the community which was good. I think from memory AVZ will be gifting 2 more ambulances to the hospital in addition to the work they do in supporting the doctors who visit the community.
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That green dress C#&T says we have only 60%, no mining experience and have never done anything for the people of Manono in this video... FMD
Cut It Out Reaction GIF
Haha according to princess bitchface we don’t even own a shovel and have done zip in the last six years🤣🤣. Must be AJN’s drill crew that got sabotaged…….ohhh wait…..no one else drilling around town except for Dathcom/AVZ. I don’t call TTX work drilling when you are just sampling waste dumps.
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To me it reads like she's confusing the Zijin arbitration with the Dathomir fiasco.
Either intentionally or stupidly not understanding the facts.
Lucky for her she was born into royalty because she seems to be as dumb as a box of rocks and does whatever the corrupt pay her to say
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If it’s true about the ambulances then NF should learn something from my uncle.

(Not boosting anything but there is a lesson in the below story)

I donated an ambulance in one of the developing countries because when my mum was really sick that hospital helped her. As I wasn’t able to go there in person, my uncle represented me. But he made sure the whole community know it was donated by me so he put my family name on all sides of the ambulance. To top it off, he made sure when he presented the van, it’s handover appears in the local newspaper and of course on Facebook. That’s the kinda enthusiasm we want from AVZ when the time comes to deliver those ambulances and not the back door dealings 😂😂😂😂

If it’s not on social media I will assume it never happened 😂😂😂
I think from memory AVZ will be gifting 2 more ambulances to the hospital in addition to the work they do in supporting the doctors who visit the community.
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Lucky for her she was born into royalty because she seems to be as dumb as a box of rocks and does whatever the corrupt pay her to say
Indeed, well look I've tried to be a little bit diplomatic in a couple of responses. But honestly it's clear with just one glance at her demeanour that she's a nasty piece of shit out to get as many snacks as she can. I've rarely witnessed such a nasty looking woman, rotten to the core no doubt. 😄
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hey Frank, so that was me who asked the objective of the roadshows. If it pissed you off then you're easily pissed. I dont apologise for wanting transparency on why these roadshows at this point in time when all this crap is going on.

fwiw I greatly appreciated the information and went up thanked nigel afterwards as well as thanking him for the event on the way in. I walked away thinking he is genuine and from his perspective he believes he's right, I also believe he does have principles and a good set of values. so from that perspective I trust him to try to do what is right by shareholders and indeed the common folk in the DRC. However and its a big however, he is presenting his perspective, life is not fair and the good guy doesnt always win, the jury is still out on whether his team can bring it home. I'm at ease that the avz team has the best intent and can only trust they are now doing everything they need to do. I think nigel's motivation is to deliver on the project and earn the satisfaction and recognition that such a massive task would deliver, its not about the money for him imv. my criticism of avz is that I do think in the whole they let these issues get out of control, harry hindsight would say they should have been on the ground earlier, had lobbyists earlier, got out in front of their detractors and so forth. I still dont have full confidence that they have the right political connections.

the other comment I would make is that with all the bitching and moaning that goes on in these forums, in the main, people at the melbourne rs were a bunch of timid pussy cats. I'm stressed, I've got millions on the line here as I'm sure many others do but apart from a few, the many were very silent and timid saving their strength and bitching for the keyboard.

btw I do appreciate your informational postings.
Hi Jason,

Fair enough mate, I apologise, In hindsight i should / could have said Surprised :oops:

Hopefully when this Drama is behind us we can catch up at Y & J for that long overdue $2 Party 🥳

I owe you a Beer (y)

Til then 🤞

Cheers 🍺

Frank :cool:
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If it’s true about the ambulances then NF should learn something from my uncle.

(Not boosting anything but there is a lesson in the below story)

I donated an ambulance in one of the developing countries because when my mum was really sick that hospital helped her. As I wasn’t able to go there in person, my uncle represented me. But he made sure the whole community know it was donated by me so he put my family name on all sides of the ambulance. To top it off, he made sure when he presented the van, it’s handover appears in the local newspaper and of course on Facebook. That’s the kinda enthusiasm we want from AVZ when the time comes to deliver those ambulances and not the back door dealings 😂😂😂😂

If it’s not on social media I will assume it never happened 😂😂😂
From what I recall of where that part of the conversation went, it sounded like AVZ had already gifted an ambulance or two and we are in the process of donating another two. And I agree about the self promotion of the gift….same as you see the RFDS planes here with Rio and BHP painted all over them…..it’s part of the social licence
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That green dress C#&T says we have only 60%, no mining experience and have never done anything for the people of Manono in this video... FMD
Cut It Out Reaction GIF
Well mate the trouble is there is conjure over the 15% from cong. ( which is ezy sorted )Hence the the only give cath 9% scenario. Mmm mining experience? And the rest is probably bulshit.
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Hi Jason,

Fair enough mate, I apologise, In hindsight i should / could have said Surprised :oops:

Hopefully when this Drama is behind us we can catch up at Y & J for a $2 Party 🥳

I owe you a Beer (y)

Til then 🤞

Cheers 🍺

Frank :cool:
I’m thinking the Melb AVZ’rs might get value in having a monthly catch-up at Y&J for a beer dinner and a chinwag.

I’m a member of Melbourne Mining Club. Free to join. They meet second Tuesday of the month at 5pm in Melb Town Hall and have 4 guest companies present for an hour then social drinks and nibbles afterwards. They usually have around 200-300 turn up. Mix of corporates, brokers, bankers, investors.

It was on Tuesday just gone and I didn’t go as it coincided with our pre roadshow meet at Y&J. My thoughts were maybe some here might be interested in joining Melb Mining Club and attending the Preso at the Town Hall…then after social activities there which finish around 7pm….team AVZ could carry on for drinks dinner and discussion at Y&J.

Reach out to me by pm if you are interested in giving it a go🍺🍺
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I’m thinking the Melb AVZ’rs might get value in having a monthly catch-up at Y&J for a beer dinner and a chinwag.

I’m a member of Melbourne Mining Club. Free to join. They meet second Tuesday of the month at 5pm in Melb Town Hall and have 4 guest companies present for an hour then social drinks and nibbles afterwards. They usually have around 200-300 turn up. Mix of corporates, brokers, bankers, investors.

It was on Tuesday just gone and I didn’t go as it coincided with our pre roadshow meet at Y&J. My thoughts were maybe some here might be interested in joining Melb Mining Club and attending the Preso at the Town Hall…then after social activities there which finish around 7pm….team AVZ could carry on for drinks dinner and discussion at Y&J.

Reach out to me by pm if you are interested in giving it a go🍺🍺
Melbourne Mining Club

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If it’s true about the ambulances then NF should learn something from my uncle.

(Not boosting anything but there is a lesson in the below story)

I donated an ambulance in one of the developing countries because when my mum was really sick that hospital helped her. As I wasn’t able to go there in person, my uncle represented me. But he made sure the whole community know it was donated by me so he put my family name on all sides of the ambulance. To top it off, he made sure when he presented the van, it’s handover appears in the local newspaper and of course on Facebook. That’s the kinda enthusiasm we want from AVZ when the time comes to deliver those ambulances and not the back door dealings 😂😂😂😂

If it’s not on social media I will assume it never happened 😂😂😂
“If it’s not on social media I will assume it never happened

You are opposite to Nige….his most common pitch is “don’t believe what you read on social media” 🤣🤣🤣
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This part of the below article should be interesting to anyone who attended the roadshows with regards to Nigel's version of events and the twisted narrative of the Minister of Portfolio:

The Office of Her Excellency the Minister of State, Minister of Portfolio, recalls with regard to the dispute between DATHOMIR and AVZ, the following:
Under two share sale contracts entered into in June 2019 and August 2020, AVZ INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD acquired 15% of DATHCOM MINING shares held by DATHOMIR MINING RESOURCES SARLU at the price of
21.0. 000 US. But, towards the end of 2020, a stock market announcement from AVZ revealed an agreement to sell its own 24% shares in DATHCOM MINING SA to the company Cath Energy at a price of US$240,000,000.

This strong disproportion between the two prices led DATHOMIR to request, by its letter of December 31, 2020, the valuation of its 15% of shares to protect itself from the possible risks of injury and even significant tax adjustments.
Given the refusal of AVZ INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD, DATHOMIR terminated the contracts on May 14, 2021.
After termination, AVZ INTERNATIONAL, after payment of a deposit of USD 1.0,000, attempted to pay USD 20,000,000, a sum which was immediately returned to it.
Curiously, by fraud, the CEO of DATHCOM obtained from the Principal Registrar of the Single Window for Business Creation, Lubumbashi Branch, a share certificate and a register of associates of DATHCOM MINING SA dated August 31 and 1 September 2021 according to which AVZ INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD would have become the holder of 75% of the shares of DATHCOM MINING SA, :rolleyes: that is to say the 15% of DATHOMIR MINING included despite the termination of the contracts and the restitution of 20,000,000 US$.
Cited by DATHOMIR MINING RESOURCES SARLU before the TGI/Lubumbashi under RP 14944 for forgery, the CEO of DATHCOM MINING SA, the Principal Registrar of the Single Window for Business Creation and the civilly liable DATHCOM MINING SA were sentenced respectively to 3 years in firm main penal servitude, 1 year suspended SPP and 50,000,000 US dollars for DI on the basis of the judgment of December 24, 2021.
The CEO of DATHCOM MINING SA, the Principal Registrar of the Single Window had appealed against this judgment before the Court of Appeal of Lubumbashi under RPA 7610.
The Court of Appeal of Lubumbashi condemned the CEO of DATHCOM MINING to 3 years of SPP and DATHCOM MING SA to 25,000,000 $US in damages.
In addition, the Commercial Court of Lubumbashi, seized under RAC 2858, ordered the suspension of the payment of the amount of US$20,000,000, and this, while waiting for the ICC, arbitration judge chosen by the parties, to rule on the decision. termination of two aforementioned contracts for the sale of shares between AVZ and DATHOMIR. o_O
For the Ministry of Portfolio representing the interests of the State, the share capital of DATHCOM Mining is distributed as follows:
- AVZ International: 60% instead of 75%
- COMINIERE: 25 of which 15% were sold ZI JING and 5% to MMCS
The State shareholder, expects, in accordance with Article 71 of the Mining Code, to obtain the transfer of 10% non-dilutable of the share capital, percentage to be distributed in proportion to the shares of each shareholder, after transformation of the exploration permit (PR13359) into operating license.

Either she's got nfi what's actually going on and AVZ needs to send a representative to get her up to date with the facts.
Or more likely she's corrupt as all get out.
How is Cominiere taken hostage? Cominiere still have their 25% and no one is disputing that except Zijin.

Our 75% in Dathcom have nothing to do Cominiere. Adele Kayinda is clearly not defending the interests of the State, Dathomir Mining is NOT a state portfolio company! Is she confused?
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This part of the below article should be interesting to anyone who attended the roadshows with regards to Nigel's version of events and the twisted narrative of the Minister of Portfolio:

The Office of Her Excellency the Minister of State, Minister of Portfolio, recalls with regard to the dispute between DATHOMIR and AVZ, the following:
Under two share sale contracts entered into in June 2019 and August 2020, AVZ INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD acquired 15% of DATHCOM MINING shares held by DATHOMIR MINING RESOURCES SARLU at the price of
21.0. 000 US. But, towards the end of 2020, a stock market announcement from AVZ revealed an agreement to sell its own 24% shares in DATHCOM MINING SA to the company Cath Energy at a price of US$240,000,000.
Hi Sammuel

Re: The Office of Her Excellency the Minister of State, Minister of Portfolio, recalls with regard to the dispute between DATHOMIR and AVZ...

The important word here is recalls.

I am not aware of any documentary evidence to back up Princess voodoo bitchface in a green dress's recollection. Her recollection is a fantasy story just like Donald Trump's big steal mantra (apologies in advance to Trump supporters and Collingwood fans).

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Hi Sammuel

Re: The Office of Her Excellency the Minister of State, Minister of Portfolio, recalls with regard to the dispute between DATHOMIR and AVZ...

The important word here is recalls.

I am not aware of any documentary evidence to back up Princess voodoo bitchface in a green dress's recollection. Her recollection is a fantasy story just like Donald Trump's big steal mantra (apologies in advance to Trump supporters and Collingwood fans).

Not to keen on trumpsters but I can wear it but definitely not Collingwood fans
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