AVZ Discussion 2022



Welcome to Week 26

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Hi Chilla

Welcome to TSE..........I can already tell you are RIPPER poster !

IMO, I not only want Nigel to get his " house " together with AJN holdings and sever ties with that wanker Klaus and co but i also want him to get his " house " together and make sure AVZ / Dathcom retain the ENTIRE CDL tenement.............PERIOD !

Regardless of whether there might be MICA in the northern section , which i highly doubt considering no holes have been drilled there, that is a shit load of money via stealth.........billions worth!!

Now maybe there are other posters out there that can glean the results of the 4 holes that were drilled in the southern section of CDL, but i bet there wasnt any mention of mica in them, does any one believe that a cross over to the northern section would give you a different result ?

The only thing thats going to " placate " me and other shareholders whilst enduring this complete head fuck of suspension is the RD ML and complete retention of CDL.

Definitely the heat needs to be put on Nigel with the next roadshow regards to his AJN holdings , conflict of interest and the status of the northern section of CDL.

I can feel my blood pressure rising.......:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Hay Beisha, Thanks for the warm welcome. I wholeheartedly agree with your points, they are the same as my position. Nige and the BoD cannot relinquish 50% of the companies main asset without shareholder approval imo as it would be a significant variation in the assets and value of the company. If the 50% being the bulk of the northern PR13359 tenement containing CDL is illegally taken from AVZ, then the BoD have a duty to shareholders to use all legal means and avenues necessary and available to them to recover those assets.
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While remaining confused, which seems to be the status-quo for me over the past six months, I wonder if there is absolutely nothing to AJN's claims, and it's just a fairy tale.
We know that AJN has form, and is not above making wild meritless announcements. Maybe it's just more of the same destabilising narrative circulated by a bunch of corrupt fat Africans and greedy Chinese rodents in order to get a slice of our pie.

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*No wonder every Chinaman and his Chihuahua, Cock Head Klaus and his German Shepherd are fighting for a slice of Manono,

To remind,

Canada orders three Chinese firms to exit lithium mining

Canada ordered three Chinese companies on Wednesday to divest their investments in Canadian critical minerals, citing national security.

China in response accused Ottawa of using national security as a pretext and said the divestment order broke international commerce and market rules.

As countries compete to shore up reserves of materials needed for a transition to a cleaner economy, the news pushed down the Chinese companies’ shares on Thursday, although they said in stock exchange filings they did not expect a major impact on their performance.

The three ordered to divest their investments are Sinomine (Hong Kong) Rare Metals Resources Co Ltd, Chengze Lithium International Ltd, also based in Hong Kong, and Zangge Mining Investment (Chengdu) Co Ltd.

The Canadian government ordered the divestiture after “rigorous scrutiny” of foreign firms by Canada’s national security and intelligence community, Industry Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne said in a statement.


Albermarle reports eye watering quarterly net sales of US$2.1bn.

That’s almost $US1m PER HOUR

Albermarle, the world’s top lithium producer, reported a 152pc increase in quarterly net sales totalling US$2.1bn driven by strong lithium pricing and demand for lithium-ion batteries.

Adjusted EBITDA of US$1.2 billion also marked a 447pc increase on the year ago period, with lithium sales more than quadrupling to $1.5 billion due to the opening of new processing plants and several expansion projects underway in China, Chile, Australia and the United States.

Other highlights included net income of $897.2 million, or $7.61 per share, compared with a net loss of $392.8 million, or $3.36 per share, in the year-ago period.

“As one of the world’s largest producers of lithium, we are well positioned to enable the global energy transition,” Albermarle CEO Kent Masters says.

“With our acquisition of the Qinzhou lithium conversion plant in China and mechanical completion of our Kemerton II expansion in Australia, we are on track to more than double our lithium conversion capacity compared to last year.”

There’s $30 billion downstream to produce lithium batteries

The buzz phrase at the International Mining and Resources Showcase in Sydney this week is “critical minerals”, capturing both the need to develop battery supply chains in Australia and the genuine scarcity of these metals compared to demand in the coming decades.

One of the big questions for the resources sector and Australian Government is just how much work it can do to take its rich mineral endowment and convert it into a manufacturing powerhouse.

It is something Australia, which lost its car manufacturing industry several years ago, has rarely enjoyed.

Even its biggest export industry, iron ore, is founded on the relatively low capex and cost base associated with mining ore and shipping it at huge scale to be converted into steel in China.

But as the world’s largest producer of lithium for the emerging electric vehicle battery supply chain — WA’s hard rock spodumene mines supply around half of the world’s lithium carbonate equivalent production — experts say we are well placed to capture the added value normally left on the table downstream.

“In seven years’ time, we have to see a six-fold increase in the amount of hydroxide produced in order to meet what we think will be EV demand forecasts, that’s 25% compound annual growth,” CRU Group head of Australia and New Zealand Alex Tonks said.

“Not many commodities have grown like that. It is going to be difficult for the industry to keep up, but it is an enormous opportunity.

Homer simpson Pie.png

Food for thought :unsure:

Frank :cool:
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From their website: https://avzminerals.com.au/manono-mine/

Manono Mineralisation
The presence of lithium mineralisation in pegmatites at Manono has been confirmed to extend along strike for more than 13km.
Two large areas of pegmatite have been identified, with the northeast area, referred to as the Manono sector and the southwest area, referred to as the Kitotolo sector. Mapping within the two sectors has established that there are many pegmatites, representing separate intrusions, including six large pegmatites.
The large pegmatites all contain spodumene mineralisation. The majority of the smaller pegmatites also contain spodumene and in some cases other lithium minerals. The two largest pegmatites (known as the Carriere de l’Este Pegmatite and the Roche Dure Pegmatite) are each of similar size or larger than the famous Greenbushes Pegmatite in Western Australia.
In addition to geological mapping and trenching, AVZ completed an initial phase of due diligence drilling in 2017, comprising seven diamond drill holes for a total of 1,739m and testing four of the large pegmatites. In all cases, thick intervals of pegmatite were intersected and spodumene was present within all the pegmatites. The drill results included:
PegmatiteMain Pegmatite IntersectionDrill-hole ID
Roche Dure235.0m @ 1.66% Li2O, 1001ppm SnMO17DD001
Roche Dure202.8m @ 1.57% Li2O, 1078ppm SnMO17DD002
Mpete45.7m @ 1.59% Li2O, 1230ppm SnMO17DD005
Tempete65.9m @ 1.51% Li2OMO17DD006
Carriere de l’Este250.9m @ 1.48% Li2O, 913ppm SnMO17DD007
The Roche Dure Pegmatite has a proven length of at least 2,100m. Drill-holes MO17DD001 and MO17DD002 are centrally located within an 800m long interval in which the Roche Dure Pegmatite’s average true thickness is interpreted to be 200m and drilling has proven the pegmatite extends down-dip more than 250m and remains open. Secondary mineralisation in the form of tin and tantalum should not be discounted either.
The Mpete Pegmatite is estimated to have a strike length of 1km and the Tempete Pegmatite is estimated to have a strike length of 1.5km. Both pegmatites are potentially large sources of lithium mineralisation within the Kitotolo sector.

The Carriere de l’Este Pegmatite, with a mapped length of about 5,500m, is potentially the largest pegmatite in the Manono Project. Assay results from drill-hole MO17DD007 initially confirmed the mineralisation distribution and tenor evident from the spodumene present in the drill-core. Sampling commenced at 1.9m from which depth the pegmatite is unweathered. The thickness of intersected pegmatite and the geometric relationship between the location of the drill hole and mapped pegmatite boundaries suggests the thickness of the Carriere de l’Este pegmatite may be up to 280m true thickness at this location. The initial drilling program has confirmed the immense size and potential of the Manono Lithium project.

Based on detailed prospect scale mapping, trenching and drill results, and given the size and mineralised nature of the pegmatites at Manono, AVZ generated an exploration target of between 1Bt to 1.2Bt of 1.25% to 1.5% Li2O for the entire Manono Project, including between 300 and 400Mt of 1.25% to 1.5% Li2O for the Roche Dure Pegmatite alone. The potential quantity and grade of the exploration target as stated, is conceptual in nature as there has been insufficient exploration to estimate a Mineral Resource and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the estimation of a Mineral Resource.

The Roche Dure Mineral Resource now stands at 400 million tonnes at 1.65% Li2O, 715ppm and 34ppm Ta as reported in May 2019 and includes 269m @ 1.65 Li2O of Measured and Indicated Resources. Additionally the Roche Dure deposit has reported JORC compliant Tin and Tantalum resources of 275m @ 962ppm Sn and 38 ppn Ta for 264,55t of Sn metal and 10,450t of tantalum metal. At this size, Roche Dure stands as one of the largest and highest grade undeveloped hard-rock lithium deposits in the world.
No mention of MICA regards to CDL............intercepts just as huge as RD, grade a bit less , but very early stages.

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Questions also need to asked on the companies expenditure in Q2 and Q3 with regards to the amounts lumped up Capitalised to Exploration and Evaluation Costs. Big number that is given one line in the Corporate section of the previous 2 Quarterly Reports.

Q2 - $10.24 million was capitalised. What was this spent on? What do we have to show for it?
Q3 - $10.85 million was capitalised. Again explanation needs to made on what it was spent on and what do we have to show for it?

The Bod approved $25mil for early works. They have now spent $21mil plus. Yes we have a crane, loader, grader, roller and concrete mixer that have been purchased, so thats maybe $2.5 million at most. We have workers adding to Camp Colleen, how much did we spend there? We have drillers doing infill who are about halfway and the budget was $6million for all of it, so maybe we have spent $4 million or so.

Nige should be asked to provide some there abouts numbers on how this $21 million has been spent in the last 6 months. You cant capitalise legal costs as far i know????

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Hay Beisha, Thanks for the warm welcome. I wholeheartedly agree with your points, they are the same as my position. Nige and the BoD cannot relinquish 50% of the companies main asset without shareholder approval imo as it would be a significant variation in the assets and value of the company. If the 50% being the bulk of the northern PR13359 tenement containing CDL is illegally taken from AVZ, then the BoD have a duty to shareholders to use all legal means and avenues necessary and available to them to recover those assets.
Is it pertinent in this instance that in fact it is Dathcom that holds the "asset" (ie the permit for 13359)

Dathcom can give it back to the DRC......AVZ shareholders may not need to be consulted

Dathcom shareholders would make the decision

Just thoughts
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I don't think we gave anything back. Just from what Nigel said it sounded like we probably indicated a potential willingness to consider this if need be, if it was mandated as such from FT to "give something back to DRC" and receive the RD ML in return. CAMI and KE then have probably taken this and said well they voluntarily gave it back, and so tried to get it official, and that's when we said no we didn't give it back after digging and finding it out it didn't come from FT, and the subsequent fight over this is a key factor behind blockage of the ML.

It all seems to fit now, with the AJN/DRC government JV timeline and how everything has shaken out since. I think we can put all our misery down yo the unholy KE/Cong/JFM triangle, with those actors also pulling in their agents and supporters to also cause us problems.

Klaus Eckhof has a lot to answer for. He's probably still pissed at how things went down with AVZ at the end, and angry he missing out on his cut of the billions, and now is seeking both to throw AVZ under the bus whilst gaining a retirement pot of gold from this hustle play.

Surely the AJN board would've known that the company and Eckhof was planning to get tenements around Manono when the JV documents and terms were being negotiated early in 2022 - when the AVZ directors were also involved. Is that why Huj left? Saw a greater potential for quick cash through tenement sales? He's in tight now with KE, as is Rhett.
Roon I reckon you are absolutely spot on the money there, we didn’t give it back we probably indicated a potential willingness to consider. and then what's transpired since.

Can’t help but think that the latest crap from Eckhoff/AJN/CDL is (very clever) fake news designed to stir the pot (again), and it’s getting a lot of people sucked in. Lotsa of people jumping at shadows.

Nigel said the other night don’t believe any of the crap on social media, this is an example.

As for his conflict of interest, the fact that he resigned from AJN shows he recognised that, so save yourself the witchhunt.

Calm down, the AGM is only two weeks away and who knows what might happen in that time?!
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Whilst I agree in theory we should retain the whole CDL, we bloody have the right to! In reality, we are dealing with DRC and we can’t afford to delay this any further. It has been a long and difficult 6 months without access to our investments. Some of us do need access. I for one would not want to be in a trading halt any longer whilst we fight this out. If Nigel believes if we have no choice but to give up part of CDL, I will support his decision.
Just consider how many lithium mining operation we have in Pilbara region, and so what if they are next door. We know we have got the good shit, we just need to get on with it!
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Think Royal Shit Show ..NZ Style is on tonight but then again i thought today was fucking Thursday …Sorry Nut for copy right but thought gif was appropriate😆🤪Timekeeper 🙈the pressure
View attachment 21199
It's a bloody crackin' gif isn't it John!

I love it :ROFLMAO:
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Biding my Time 1971
Are you going ?
Unfortunately I can't, as already advised here when the date was mentioned. I would love to be there, as it's not often any Australian company makes an effort to cater for NZ shareholders
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Is it pertinent in this instance that in fact it is Dathcom that holds the "asset" (ie the permit for 13359)

Dathcom can give it back to the DRC......AVZ shareholders may not need to be consulted

Dathcom shareholders would make the decision

Just thoughts
Yes it is pertinent to the point that AVZI with 75% of Dathcom is the controlling shareholder and operator of the JV. AVZI 100% controlled by AVZ. So in effect AVZ has full authority over Dathcom and what it does and thereby extension AVZ needs approval from its shareholders to acquire or dispose of any significant assets under its control or related subsidiaries imo.
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I don't think we gave anything back. Just from what Nigel said it sounded like we probably indicated a potential willingness to consider this if need be, if it was mandated as such from FT to "give something back to DRC" and receive the RD ML in return. CAMI and KE then have probably taken this and said well they voluntarily gave it back, and so tried to get it official, and that's when we said no we didn't give it back after digging and finding it out it didn't come from FT, and the subsequent fight over this is a key factor behind blockage of the ML.

It all seems to fit now, with the AJN/DRC government JV timeline and how everything has shaken out since. I think we can put all our misery down yo the unholy KE/Cong/JFM triangle, with those actors also pulling in their agents and supporters to also cause us problems.

Klaus Eckhof has a lot to answer for. He's probably still pissed at how things went down with AVZ at the end, and angry he missing out on his cut of the billions, and now is seeking both to throw AVZ under the bus whilst gaining a retirement pot of gold from this hustle play.

Surely the AJN board would've known that the company and Eckhof was planning to get tenements around Manono when the JV documents and terms were being negotiated early in 2022 - when the AVZ directors were also involved. Is that why Huj left? Saw a greater potential for quick cash through tenement sales? He's in tight now with KE, as is Rhett.
Why would Eckhof be pissed about how things went down with AVZ ?

He sold out..........creating anarchy with the SP.

Thats his modus operandi...........discover, then sell.

LSA another prime example
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Questions also need to asked on the companies expenditure in Q2 and Q3 with regards to the amounts lumped up Capitalised to Exploration and Evaluation Costs. Big number that is given one line in the Corporate section of the previous 2 Quarterly Reports.

Q2 - $10.24 million was capitalised. What was this spent on? What do we have to show for it?
Q3 - $10.85 million was capitalised. Again explanation needs to made on what it was spent on and what do we have to show for it?

The Bod approved $25mil for early works. They have now spent $21mil plus. Yes we have a crane, loader, grader, roller and concrete mixer that have been purchased, so thats maybe $2.5 million at most. We have workers adding to Camp Colleen, how much did we spend there? We have drillers doing infill who are about halfway and the budget was $6million for all of it, so maybe we have spent $4 million or so.

Nige should be asked to provide some there abouts numbers on how this $21 million has been spent in the last 6 months. You cant capitalise legal costs as far i know????

Transparency is important and we need to show to be above the old dirty dealings, but... when you try to hang in there in the DRC and do business, be careful what you ask for
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I’m attaching a few maps of the area of CDL that we have drilled plus a few ASX Announcements related to it.

I think the Klaus stuff is all bullshit, but Nigel should be questioned about all things mentioned earlier (Ownership in AJN and knowledge of CDL ownership issues)

What I would say is that the portion of CDL that is still covered under our current license is still the major portion of pegmatites in that NE zone

I attached @cruiser51’s map below for comparisons, so anyone wanting to make further assessments can use the maps and ASX Announcement to form your own opinions.



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Firstly with regards to Nigel's situation I will let him speak first before I jump to any conclusions . Regards CDL . No surprises these scum bags would attempt something like this. Is it an attempted blackmail by the CAMI prick ? For me I have really only focused on Roche Dure . The potential 1 Billion tonne high grade Beast . If we can secure that I will be happy and grateful . I will be long gone before CDL comes into play (if we retain it ) . Lets not let the CDL issue f--k up the success of Roche Dure / Sth CDL .If I remember correctly our south CDL section alone is 200 mil tonnes +. Not a bad add on to have up your sleeve . We need that ML extremely imminently .
Already jumped. But the rest is about the same I'd rather have minimum 6-7 hundred million ton with ml in the hand rather than an extra 300 million ton but all in the Congo bush.
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Biding my Time 1971
@BEISHA said:

Also ask him if the necessary work was actually done to CDL, to receive the 5 yr exploration renewal.

Yes, the PR is overtaken now by the (successful) application to proceed to a PE - for the whole fucking tenement.

DRC are breaking their own laws by splitting this up IMO

BP? yeah, mines fucked as well lately. If I stop posting for more than a day, send an ambulance, no, too late send a hearse
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Whist I agree in theory we should retain the whole CDL, we bloody have the right to! In reality, we are dealing with DRC and we can’t afford to delay this any further. It has been a long and difficult 6 months without access to our investments. Some of us do need access. I for one would not want to be in a trading halt any longer whilst we fight this out. If Nigel believes if we have no choice but to give up part of CDL, I will support his decision.
Just consider how many lithium mining operation we have in Pilbara region, and so what if they are next door. We just need to get on with it!
I understand people becoming frustrated and looking at potentially the easy option of somehow giving up part of 13359 and giving the northern section of CDL away to progress with what we've currently got

But fuck it would stick in my fucking throat because there is no doubt if that happened the pricks would end up getting the Northern Section of CDL and a large chuck of the original 13359 permit through illegal and corrupt means

I'm not naive and realise this is the DRC but fuck me I will seriously hunt those pricks down if they benefit illegally and they'd want to be looking over their shoulders for the rest of their miserable fucking lives

It's the fucking principle of the matter
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Why would Eckhof be pissed about how things went down with AVZ ?

He sold out..........creating anarchy with the SP.

Thats his modus operandi...........discover, then sell.

LSA another prime example
About him trying to sell off the project to all and sundry, failing, and then selling out prior to the company value increasing exponentially
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Loosing the nothern cdl part really sucks. But when this is the price for a mining license, for rd and south cdl with maybe 1 billion tons, i can live with it. After 7 months i have learned a few things:

-drc is fucking more corrupt then i thought
-it looks like the president doesn’t have the power that i thought or didn’t will/want to using it
-after all that shit MoP and cami is still there and going on and on
-IGF is good in reporting things, but no one cares
-I’ve learned through a documentary that they kill each other daily in the streets of kinshasa with machetes, even for a few cents or street credibility
-i will never ever invest in africa again
-when 200 village people protest peacefully the police use gas to stop it
-Klaus Eckhoff is a weasel with a polished bald head
-the president’s hobby is flying through the world to do some handshakes and maybe dancing moves
-the one day you have hope everything is going good with avz the next it will destroyed, you can use a clock for it

But when we really get the mining license, we have so much white shit in the dirt which is enought to become a bigger company than pls, i mean only cong don’t burn everything after we build our mine that we have to build it again and again and again. And the next loop of frustration is coming
Post of the day brother..............AMEN.
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