AVZ Discussion 2022


I fully agree with you Chilla that Nigel should get rid of his AJN shares to sincerely show his heart is with AVZ. Trust is important.
I was at the Perth RS and came back with lots of doubts on CDL. Nigel did say (from memory) that AVZ will give up the northern part if the government asks for it. Govt has a shareholding in Dathcom, so why should govt ask it back?
Regarding TO, he said that if the price is right he will take it to the board and then to the SHs. Then he said, we will get another Manono. The guy nearby whispered, "what, another Manono?"
Towards the end, I felt like Nigel was getting a bit cocky in answering questions. Some may say it is confidence, but I felt differently.
Personally, I completely disagree with the long suspension in the guise of protecting shareholders. The share price may drop, but at some stage new buyers will emerge. Short term volatility shouldn't be a problem for long term holders. You hold and even buy if you believe in the company. When it comes back to trade, price could potentially drop as many shareholders press for the exit. So, we get the same effect 8 months delayed, with the net accrued result of mental anguish and suffering. I have no access to my investment money and I am stressed with that.
It is childish to keep on harping that shorters will burn (they may), without providing any sympathies to the suffering of LT holders.
Someone should have asked him what that price is for TO that he would consider
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So on top of everything Nigel seems to have a bit to answer for as one sitting on the board of AJN right up until suspension and still most likely in possession of nearly 10% of that companies shares.
This whole thing is really starting to stink to high heaven if it wasn't already.
We can't seem to go for more than a week without another setback or misinformation attack.
Are DRC determined to get their 60% of the Northern section of 13359 through any corrupted means? While we're told they're fully supportive (without evidence) and the ML remains blocked.
AVZ appears to have been backed into a corner with all progress stifled while the crooks and hyenas move in from every direction to start eating us alive, every time the licence looks close another attack from somewhere else.
We appear have been forced into a position to either accept unjust and illegal outcomes or remain blocked as competitors pile in around us at a time when we were supposed to be beginning construction.
What looked so promising 6 months ago has devolved into something more akin to Chinese water torture.
This coming fortnight before the AGM will be absolutely telling.
As Klaus, Cong, Cominière, Zijin, Jean Felix Mupande, slimy princess and god knows who else position themselves to further ram the enormous pineapple up our collective asses.

Hopefully it ain't that bad but despite what we're hearing that's what we're seeing.
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Well whoopty fucking doo waking up to this shit in the morning great!

The team and Nigel in particular needs an absolute grilling in nz today!!

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Well whoopty fucking doo waking up to this shit in the morning great!

The team and Nigel in particular needs an absolute grilling in nz today!!

And this is an example of why NF said to not disseminate RS information online/anywhere. Now the opposing party knows the gameplay. I get the keen interest from those who didn't attend but please keep it all in private DMs, not in public.
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And this is an example of why NF said to not disseminate RS information online/anywhere. Now the opposing party knows the gameplay. I get the keen interest from those who didn't attend but please keep it all in private DMs, not in public.
Exactly someone with rs info had clearly been sharing it far and fucking wide! That said no stone uncovered, we should trust bod but not blindly! We need to do our due diligence as much if not more than anyone.
Best clean out all the cobwebs while these roadshow are going on.
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I fully agree with you Chilla that Nigel should get rid of his AJN shares to sincerely show his heart is with AVZ. Trust is important.
I was at the Perth RS and came back with lots of doubts on CDL. Nigel did say (from memory) that AVZ will give up the northern part if the government asks for it. Govt has a shareholding in Dathcom, so why should govt ask it back?
Regarding TO, he said that if the price is right he will take it to the board and then to the SHs. Then he said, we will get another Manono. The guy nearby whispered, "what, another Manono?"
Towards the end, I felt like Nigel was getting a bit cocky in answering questions. Some may say it is confidence, but I felt differently.
Personally, I completely disagree with the long suspension in the guise of protecting shareholders. The share price may drop, but at some stage new buyers will emerge. Short term volatility shouldn't be a problem for long term holders. You hold and even buy if you believe in the company. When it comes back to trade, price could potentially drop as many shareholders press for the exit. So, we get the same effect 8 months delayed, with the net accrued result of mental anguish and suffering. I have no access to my investment money and I am stressed with that.
It is childish to keep on harping that shorters will burn (they may), without providing any sympathies to the suffering of LT holders.
Haha no. No trade before ML. Mental anguish ffs. Nice try guy I've never heard of.
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Since the Perth RS there has been an increase in defamatory articles and fluff towards AVZ, someone getting nervous!? More desperate attempts to bring down AVZs name.
Its absolutely pathetic to think how much this mine up and running would help the DRC but nope a few greedy cunts holding it back for their own ends at the expense of everyone that would benefit from it.
Pretty sad tbh.

Hope more info can be extracted from the NZ RS later on
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I have just put this on the crapper in response to Obe and my opinion of Nigel’s conflict of interest with his AJN shareholding and the fact he resigned from AJN on 8 May the day before AVZ went into perpetual suspension due to issue of ML and PE area….which now appears to be directly related to the move by AJN imo

It does in fact matter imo and there needs to be more explanation on what Nigel will do with these AJN shares and Options as he is a substantial holder of AJN with about 10% of the company.

If …. And I stress if…..AJN are successful in stealing the north of the PE 13359, being the majority of CDL with an exploration target of 400-600 million tonnes at 1.7% ….and likely larger than that….then two things happen:

1. AVZ and it’s shareholders lose about 50% of its potential value. So Nigel owns about 1.5% of AVZ, if AVZ lose half of PE 13359, then his value of 13359 will reduce to 0.75% of AVZ’s current value. It means my value of AVZ holding in 13359 will also be half of what it potentially could have been…..as will every other shareholders value.

2. AJN and it’s shareholders will gain the 50% of 13359 that AVZ has lost. On the basis Congo Ressources will own 60% of AJN, then AJN shareholders will own 40% of the illegally acquired 50% of 13359. So doing some back of the fag packet numbers, Nigel’s ownership of the northern section under his AJN shareholding becomes 10% x 40 = 4%. Therefore Nigel’s beneficial interest in the total of 13359 becomes 0.75% + 4% = 4.75%.

So….via Nigel’s holding in AJN,if they are successful in stealing the northern CDL section, his beneficial interest in PE 13359 goes from currently 1.5% under AVZ control……to 4.75% under control of AVZ in the south and AJN in the north…..an increase of over 300% in ownership ofE13359. Meanwhile my beneficial interest and every other AVZ shareholder has reduced by 50% in 13359.

Now whilst I believe Nigel is fighting tooth and nail for AVZ, his holding in AJN is an absolute conflict of interest for AVZ shareholders.

So Nigel needs to dispose of his AJN shareholding in whatever manner asap. I think he also needs to publicly sever ties with Klaus, Peter Huljich and Mark Gasson with whom he shares relationships in other DRC companies and who also all apparently share links with Simon Cong in AJN and ANL.

I support Nigel but he needs to get his house in order and quickly imo.

All imo of course.”
So Nigel resigns as a director of AJN the day before we go in to suspension, that just does not happen by chance it is planned. So as a director of AJN what was the plan? He would have been aware of it.
This is a huge conflict of interest and he should resign from AVZ. I would hate to see this happen but this lacks integrity and lacks any ethical prowess, which I believe can be seen in his comments regarding the mica in CDL.
In my opinion only
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Interview with our friend klaus. At 7:15 he says:

Avz had voluntarily give back the nothern part of cdl to the government in march/april. Why he doesn’t know. But they were free for application for everyone.

So if AVZ voluntarily gave back the northern section of CDL to the government back in march April why the fuck are we in suspension then!?

Something doesn't add up with all these perfectly timed articles and videos!
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You may remember @MoneyBags1348 said that Marius Mihigo had posted a recent pic of himself and Felix together on Facebook. So Mines.cd are wrong with their info saying that they didn’t meet.


Therefore I think we know who to believe - most likely it’s more deception from those against us including some that have/had been visiting these threads.
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You may remember @MoneyBags1348 said that Marius Mihigo had posted a recent pic of himself and Felix together on Facebook. So Mines.cd are wrong with their info saying that they didn’t meet.

View attachment 21185

Therefore I think we know who to believe - most likely it’s more deception from those against us including some that have/had been visiting these threads.
Exactly what I thought when I read that trash!
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People here need to remember that while this site feels a bit like a cosy private chat room, it’s a public site anyone (from far & wide) can visit to gather insights / information about the company ie info here is on public display.
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So if AVZ voluntarily gave back the northern section of CDL to the government back in march April why the fuck are we in suspension then!?
This probably refers to when we indicated we would give it back because the President asked for it. But are still in suspension because we retracted this when we discovered that it wasn't the President by JFM's machinations, and the subsequent fury of Jean Felix and Cong et al that their plan was derailed resulted in the shitstorms we have seen across the board subsequently
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Master of Quan
That is a good question for the roadshow today.
Why did they give back the nothern section without announcing it? Was it a cami/cong trap?

More so DID they give it back?
Still not sure Nigel should be touring Australia and NZ while the wolves are kicking the door down in DRC….
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Hmmmm, great analysis as always @Chilla
So the question remains “ why did Nigel at the Perth RS state he didn’t care about the north?” He was prepared to give up!!!!!!!!

All those there heard those very words and I placed them in my notes.

Importantly, AVZ is more than just Nigel Ferguson. The ultimate decision-maker is the board.

The board would need to be in a coma not to be aware of this issue well ahead of us.

While I remain confused about the strategic game being played, I'm damn certain it's not in shareholders' interests.

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There's surely no way we gave back a square inch and we wouldn't have been told!?!? That Klaus jackoff makes my blood boil man!
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That is a good question for the roadshow today.
Why did they give back the nothern section without announcing it? Was it a cami/cong trap?
You may remember when Felix’s advisor was caught on tape, Felix said people think he is naive, or something similar - however he implied he knows what he’s doing.

I have the feeling that Felix may be giving some of his ministers and their sidekicks a bit of rope and see how far they go with it, before he acts. So yes, maybe a Cami/Cong trap imo.
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This probably refers to when we indicated we would give it back because the President asked for it. But are still in suspension because we retracted this when we discovered that it wasn't the President by JFM's machinations, and the subsequent fury of Jean Felix and Cong et al that their plan was derailed resulted in the shitstorms we have seen across the board subsequently
Thats exactly the point I was trying to make, if it was true that it was handed back then we wouldn't be in suspension surely and it would be known by everyone already, as something like that would most definitely have been announced I would like to think!
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Regarding the board, didnt Hurlich recently resign? In January 22 Graham Johnson sold around 750k shares at around 74c. As a board member he knew what was happening eg Sept court issues. Now Nigels conflict of interest. The entire board is corrupt and should be replaced. Unfortunately I see all my investment lost because of these criminals. In my opinion only
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Interview with our friend klaus. At 7:15 he says:

Avz had voluntarily give back the nothern part of cdl to the government in march/april. Why he doesn’t know. But they were free for application for everyone.

He will get a information from cami in the next few days which application they will get in the near future and which will take a bit longer. He sounds like that they will surely get every of the 22 applications. So nothern part of cdl is lost… i have a bad feeling if Avz really telling the “truth“ :eek:

If the Gov wanted it back, why wouldn't we do 60% Gov, 40% AVZ? FFS 🤦‍♂️😫
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