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Excellent work grassseeds cheers,Like most shareholders, I was concerned that Dathcom could lose part of CDL.
My understanding (after the Roadshow and my interpretation of answers given ) of the status of CDL is that originally Mupande advised Dathcom that the President wanted the part CDL area now being discussed to be relinquished. Dathcom initially felt that if this was what the President wanted they may have to accept that this was part of the deal to get the ML. Subsequently Dathcom have had confirmed that the use of the President's name is a tactic used by many unscrupulous people to further their own agenda. The rumour is that the President has apparently repudiated this action on the CDL hive-off initiated by Mupande.
All comments given at the Roadshow were that Dathcom are fully committed to gaining all of CDL.
Mupande may be playing a game to further muddy the waters and create more problems for Dathcom. Even after the ML is granted I am sure further games will be played by large corporations who want part of the pie.
My suggestion is for everyone to sit back, do not jump at shadows, and wait for official comments to be posted by AVZ. Note the AGM is not too far away.
I still believe that after the ML is issued the size and quality of Manono will initiate a bidding war by large corporations to take over the project.
I just finished looking at the fact Nigel has an almost 10% holding in AJN, it would not be a good optic for him to unfortunately 'lose' the CDL tenement to