My take on the CDL matter was that Nigel's language on it has definitely changed. Unclear whether that's due to the mineralogy or as a gentle let down. He did mention "giving something back to the DRC", so I was left with the impression that the north section is a bargaining chip to be potentially ceded in negotiations.
If it is the mineralogy (presence of mica), I have to say that I missed that info in previous drilling results - up until Monday I had regarded CDL as even better than RD (but perhaps that was just my assumption rather than fact).
Like most shareholders, I was concerned that Dathcom could lose part of CDL.
My understanding (after the Roadshow and my interpretation of answers given ) of the status of CDL is that originally Mupande advised Dathcom that the President wanted the part CDL area now being discussed to be relinquished. Dathcom initially felt that if this was what the President wanted they may have to accept that this was part of the deal to get the ML. Subsequently Dathcom have had confirmed that the use of the President's name is a tactic used by many unscrupulous people to further their own agenda. The rumour is that the President has apparently repudiated this action on the CDL hive-off initiated by Mupande.
All comments given at the Roadshow were that Dathcom are fully committed to gaining all of CDL.
Mupande may be playing a game to further muddy the waters and create more problems for Dathcom. Even after the ML is granted I am sure further games will be played by large corporations who want part of the pie.
My suggestion is for everyone to sit back, do not jump at shadows, and wait for official comments to be posted by AVZ. Note the AGM is not too far away.
I still believe that after the ML is issued the size and quality of Manono will initiate a bidding war by large corporations to take over the project.
Ok, so two differing interpretations from same discussion. (why is it called chinese whispers.....)
Nurse, NURSE, check my BP FFS, then give me a handful of those pills @MoneyBags1348 recommended
Didn't we protest to get rid of old mate Huljich due to perceived conflict of interest?Excellent work grassseeds cheers,
I just finished looking at the fact Nigel has an almost 10% holding in AJN, it would not be a good optic for him to unfortunately 'lose' the CDL tenement toKuntKlaus and AJN. It would be ridiculous for us to not maintain what we have always had considering the colossal effort and work we have put in so far.
Excellent work grassseeds cheers,
I just finished looking at the fact Nigel has an almost 10% holding in AJN, it would not be a good optic for him to unfortunately 'lose' the CDL tenement toKuntKlaus and AJN. It would be ridiculous for us to not maintain what we have always had considering the colossal effort and work we have put in so far.
Indeed, fuck him!Excellent work grassseeds cheers,
I just finished looking at the fact Nigel has an almost 10% holding in AJN, it would not be a good optic for him to unfortunately 'lose' the CDL tenement toKuntKlaus and AJN. It would be ridiculous for us to not maintain what we have always had considering the colossal effort and work we have put in so far.
No pizza or cake afterwards but apparently bunging on a good old “Boilup”…no wonder there’s no seats availableFull up!! If anyone from NZ cancels or can't make it please let me know and I'll try snag a seat.
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Chur Bro!No pizza or cake afterwards but apparently bunging on a good old “Boilup”…no wonder there’s no seats available
red wine works too... but, i wont cross promoteThanks Nuts, I agree with your assessment, only thing I would add is read exactly what Nigel has said in the ASX Announcements…. Just don’t judge everything on the previous timing he gave for the ML because he already said Cong snd Mupande corrupted to hold that up.
I personally trust @JAG’s judgment and I also think we will keep the northern tenement (perhaps under a new code) that will give us the exploration rights.
Anyway the above is just what I consider based on Nigel’s comments.
As far as blood pressure and other comments here
@Xerof, a low HR is often balanced with a higher BP. If it’s any consolation I’ve had BP as high as 174/90 (since we went into suspension) and in my prime my HR was 45bpm (now anywhere from 60-70bpm)
And @Rediah, I had an ectopic heart beat in my teens and twenties but haven’t had it for years
Don’t know what all that has to do with anything but I can tell you both one thing for sure…. Taking organic Ashwagandha Root capsules lowers your HR and stress and helps you relax and sleep, it’s fucken excellent fellas!! (Picture below)
@Roon and @Xerof, those two trolls had me sucked in too, making out they had done a lot of research (Der Geist more than R2D2) and knew a lot of what was going on behind the scenes all so they could slowly erode shareholder confidence in an attempt to scare shareholder’s into selling…. That’s what shorter’s do
Anyway I think I’ve covered most things, no doubt some out there are sick of seeing me here, I know I fucken am and I’m taking JAG’s advice and taking some time off.
I hope most of you go to the Roadshow’s as I reckon it might calm a lot of nerves
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Epic! I hear Serge is even making an appearance for said boilupNo pizza or cake afterwards but apparently bunging on a good old “Boilup”…no wonder there’s no seats available
How would the President be seen in the World International Business especially after his presentations on DRC following appropriate mining laws if he let's individuals use his name without his knowledge for financial gain.
Last I have seen, but it's not up to date, is he holds 9.45%. He resigned as a Director on 11 May 2022.Wheres the info from regarding NF holding 10% of AJN from? Not doubting it, as a longtime director, but if he's maintained that holding despite AJN's sniffing around our tenements and his resignation as a director that'd be a massive optics failure and a major conflict of interest. Imagine if AJN managed to swoop in and seize the northern half of CDL under those circumstances... especially if we're only just now stating that we aren't THAT interested anymore in CDL due to high mica content after singing its praises all these years. Will hold off on any judgement as yet, given its mostly conjecture right now, but that would be a baaaad look
According to AT, P.MUKAMBA KASEYA the uprising would be following an alleged "abduction and assassination" of an artisanal miner, his colleagues attacked the installations. No body or "kidnapped" found by the attackers, an SUV and machine destroyed
How would he be seen? Probably the same way hes being viewed now, given the same thing happened on video with his close advisor doing exactly that - and everyone's seemingly forgotten about that whilst FT continues his investor roadshows saying we're open for business. And while for optics old mate was arrested, he was then quietly let out a few days later, and is likely to never be prosecuted. And frankly IGF seems to be a toothless tiger, in any case, outside its underutilized ability to impose some administrative sanctions. It's an advisory and investigative body mostly, relying on the judiciary to actually prosecute on any of its recommendations. And we've seen personally how closely the politically and financially contaminated judiciary follows up on these... so sure, bringing in the IGF 'watchdog' can shine attention on things, but don't expect it to result in actual action if this would go against high-level political interests or cause embarassment to the countrys leadership. And who knows what embarrassing goodies Jean Felix has in his grab bag that's let him shake off all the previous attempts to oust him.How would the President be seen in the World International Business especially after his presentations on DRC following appropriate mining laws if he let's individuals use his name without his knowledge for financial gain.
Total embarrassment bring in IGF .
DG days are numbered ?