AVZ Discussion 2022


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Der Geist and ChrisU have been set to a restricted profile... let me know if I missed any other trolls.
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Der Geist and ChrisU have been set to a restricted profile... let me know if I missed any other trolls.
What is a restricted profile Zeebot ?
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What is a restricted profile Zeebot ?
I'd guess they are restricted from posting in certain areas, if not all the areas. Or even better, they are on global ignore so they can continue posting away, thinking they are doing the Lords work, but in reality no one is listening; just like what should have actually happened in the first place.
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They can’t post without me first approving their content. Which if it is anything like what we’ve seen, that won’t be happening.
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Also they are rate limited to how much they can really visit the forum. It’s to discourage them from acting the way they are.
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@LzrTr8dr, Unfortunately both portals I use show it’s still PR stage. You might have the pointer over the tailings area (Maps below)

Now that two trolling shorter’s are restricted (thanks to a dedicated bunch of shareholders) my work is done and finally off to bed, although those shorter’s never give up and will try again

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View attachment 20908

Asset transformation PR to PE?? Are things moving?
I noticed and queried this before, apparently status on CAMI site has been like this for extended period.

I wait for AVZ's ASX announcements for real news.

The company has indicated to ignore the noise of aggressive parties trying to achieve their agendas.
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No, Jag did not share everything. And neither did the company, for reasons the company has stated according to attendees. I’m self censoring because the company is still mute on some details. So just be patient, I can’t share an avalanche.

Disclaimer: Nothing ominous in the omissions.

People here need to evolve from the Manichean headspace. Case on point, Elphamale can express very pointed criticisms, and no one presses the like button on Twitter — people just don’t like pointed criticism. And if there has ever been a flamboyant ramper with nouse, it’s him, and he can straddle for and against (photo attached)
Likewise I try to be just as balanced. I could easily go rogue - occasionally I provide samples of this—, but I am being objective: the company is full of good people— sometimes they occasionally, some of them, fk up— I’m simply making people alert to this and assess with a little more literacy about ‘what to look for.’ It’s why I drilled around for clues why Nigel was being embarrassed endlessly about timing.
Nigel is a rough cut ‘mineral’ being polished nicely by all of this— he must have had goosebumps being compared to Jesus. It could be he is finally escaping the yoke of Klaus with all this diplomacy work. Some caution: when the candle flame is just about to burn out it burns more fiercely - this is what we saw in Manono with a firebomb in a Landcruiser.

While Klaus might say what is good for Nigel is good for him business wise, he tags along with what the ‘children’ want. Today I sent a message to JAG asking who is Cong’s cohorts. It must still be sensitive. But as Jens has noted on the bird, we know who they are, likely.

Are you as sick as I am of KE getting away with shit everytime? What to do about it? I’m serious and I am fearless with my paper trail.
This gang will interfere every way they can.
Don’t expect Nigel to do anything. He has too much history with Klaus.

Who else would have told Cong et al that there’s a website where AVZ shareholders sing kumbayahs every evening then we saw the Lomela1 HC account in 2021? Then there is AJN, I suspect the ‘carve up’ FT allegedly didn’t know about, was the work of Cong’s gang once again.

On this forum:

If everyone looks back to the hyper ramping of the Ninja, and his ardent followers, you’ll likely see what I’m saying about 70% of the members here and on Hotcrapper: there is so much intense fixation on the positive you’ll blind yourself to facts only fleetingly acknowledge the ‘issues’ with expletives— it’s addiction. And it is so hard to break— time is best medicine— have a look at Ninja’s posts and recall what it was like— what you were like if you were a part of it, then Klaus DUMPING. Even then the belief doesn’t die because xyz..yada yada — I was one of them in many ways and for three years limped ahead to recover.

hotcrapper really is a healthier place in my view. But if every one here self regulates and asks is this about the stock or a person and make the right choice then it’ll improve. TSE has private chat rooms, parties can happen there.

"I can't share an avalanche"


Oh blow my fucking pospsicle


You coudn't share a fucking sand sandwich in a desert

You provide zero to the conversation

Absolutely zero....except innuendo, falsehoods, division, inflammation, doubt, anxiety and personal self interest (Mods take note)

These are not contributions with legitimate simple questions, rigorous and interested debate, decent robust ideas and certainly not open, altruistic, well-meaning, community spirited posts

There is no actual provision of documented information from which others could augment decision making or pursue further follow up


You cannot even answer the simplest of basic non-threatening, personally unobtrusive questions I have put to you on numerous occassions on the forum

If we cast decent, open, modern, community minded investing forums in old, traditional biblical terms it seems unfortunately we may have actually encounterd the Anti Geist....:rolleyes:
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OMG :oops:

Well there you go!

For the record I was posting my previous comments before going back and realising the community and admin had moved about 30 mins ago

So let's get on with some decent, thoughtful discussion which as shareholders we can all consider, utilise, further research and share for the true benefit of all concerned

Keep the questions up to the BOD on the roadshows, get the truth out there and in the light, share the information you might come across (good and bad) to the simple and unselfish benefit of all

Good luck to all genuine holders and all genuine interested parties
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E"I can't share an avalanche"

View attachment 20907

Oh blow my fucking pospsicle


You coudn't share a fucking sand sandwich in a desert

You provide zero to the conversation

Absolutely zero....except innuendo, falsehoods, division, inflammation, doubt, anxiety and personal self interest (Mods take note)

These are not contributions with legitimate simple questions, rigorous and interested debate, decent robust ideas and certainly not open, altruistic, well-meaning, community spirited posts

There is no actual provision of documented information from which others could augment decision making or pursue further follow up


You cannot even answer the simplest of basic non-threatening, personally unobtrusive questions I have put to you on numerous occassions on the forum

If we cast decent, open, modern, community minded investing forums in old, traditional biblical terms it seems unfortunately we may have actually encounterd the Anti Geist....:rolleyes:

Angry Get Out GIF
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Had to laugh too....I wrote pospsicle instead of popsicle :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Didn't want to edit my post to tidy up spelling (the desire though was huge!!!!)......wanted to ensure everyone knew the post was real, genuine and unadulterated
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OMG :oops:

Well there you go!

For the record I was posting my previous comments before going back and realising the community and admin had moved about 30 mins ago

So let's get on with some decent, thoughtful discussion which as shareholders we can all consider, utilise, further research and share for the true benefit of all concerned

Keep the questions up to the BOD on the roadshows, get the truth out there and in the light, share the information you might come across (good and bad) to the simple and unselfish benefit of all

Good luck to all genuine holders and all genuine interested parties


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They can’t post without me first approving their content. Which if it is anything like what we’ve seen, that won’t be happening.
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Also they are rate limited to how much they can really visit the forum. It’s to discourage them from acting the way they are.
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AVZ Minerals confirms high-grade lithium body extends beyond pit design at Manono’s Roche Dure​

09:09 Tue 01 Nov 2022
Phoebe Shields
ViewAVZ Minerals Ltd
AVZ Minerals Ltd - AVZ Minerals confirms high-grade lithium body extends beyond pit design at Manono’s Roche Dure

Close up visible spodumene from MO22DD001 at 64.9 metres downhole.
AVZ Minerals Ltd (ASX:AVZ)’s latest round of drilling has revealed high continuity of lithium mineralisation at the Roche Dure prospect of the flagship Manono Lithium and Tin Project, with the first four of 46 planned holes demonstrating widespread, high-tenor lithium mineralisation outside the current pit design.
Best assays from these early results include 226.8 metres at 1.67% lithium and 307 parts per million (ppm) tin and 226.8 metres at 1.67% lithium, demonstrating the size and tenor of the orebody at Roche Dure.
AVZ collected samples from 16 completed holes. 75 returned lithium values grading higher than 2%, and three individual samples graded higher than 3% lithium, the highest being an intersection from 122 to 124 metres downhole grading 3.59% lithium.

Mineralisation increases in grade down-dip​

“The first 4 holes drilled at Roche Dure, as part of AVZ’s commitment to the Early Works Program this year, are of the same lithium grade, tenor and intersection widths as previously encountered,” AVZ Minerals managing director Nigel Ferguson said.
“Whilst only 4 holes have been reported, samples up to hole MO22DD016 out of the 23 holes completed to date have been dispatched from site and these pending results will be reported soon.”

Locations of drillholes MO22DD001 to MO22DD004
“Of potentially significant interest is the reinterpretation of the Roche Dure orebody from about Section 8,200mN onwards which is well beyond the most northerly edge of the current pit design,” Ferguson continued.
“Hole MO22DD003 shows strong mineralisation with higher grade intercepts downhole but the lower dip of the orebody here, interpreted from both the reported hole and the lithological logging of new holes drilled nearby, is significant in that higher tonnages per section and vertical metre may be generated because of the lower angle of dip of the orebody moving north.

Intersections achieved by MO22DD003 drilled on section 8,200mN
“Further work is required in these areas, but this is an encouraging and unexpected development.”

Tesla kicks off EV expansion at Gigafactory Berlin-Bradenburg

Tesla started its European growth plans at Gigafactory Berlin-Bradenburg in Grünheide, Germany last Friday after reports confirmed the automaker had begun clearing trees in Germany to facilitate expansion plans for electric vehicle production.

According to Bloomberg, in the past Tesla had revealed intentions to expand the factory by around 100 hectares to add a freight yard and warehouse to bolster the site’s rail links and stockpile parts.

It is believed the automaker is working on another application to increase its storage and logistics capacity.

The first 30 Model Y’s built at the factory were handed over to customers in March after months of bureaucratic setbacks, Bloomberg says.

Tesla held talks over buying stake in Glencore – report

Electric vehicles giant Tesla considered taking a stake in Glencore and held talks with the miner and commodities trader, the Financial Timesreported.

Citing unnamed sources familiar with the matter, FT said Tesla discussed buying 10% to 20% of Glencore last year and continued negotiations in March this year, when the Swiss firm’s chief executive Gary Nagle visited the carmaker’s factory in Fremont, California.

Talks concluded without an agreement due to Tesla’s concerns about Glencore’s coal mining business and its impact on the environment, the two sources told FT.

Tesla has spent the past year signing pacts with several producers of battery metals in an effort to secure future supply of key ingredients for its electric batteries, such as lithium, cobalt and nickel.

The two companies already have a deal in place, which guarantees Tesla cobalt supply for its plants in China and Germany.

Glencore is the world’s top producer of cobalt through its mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Australia and Canada.

Since Musk’s pledge to miners, his company has inked nickel supply deals with the world’s largest miner, BHP, in Australia and Vale, the world’s second largest nickel miner.

It has also reached agreements with Prony Resources in New Caledonia and with Talon Metals for its Tamarack nickel project in Minnesota.

Lithium worries

Musk tweeted in April about his concerns over lithium costs. “Tesla might actually have to get into the mining and refining directly at scale, unless costs improve,” he said.

The new owner of Twitter followed up by saying that Tesla was open to buying a mining company if producing its own supply of electric vehicle (EV) metals would speed up worldwide adoption of clean energy technologies.

Since then, the company has been advancing plans to build its own lithium hydroxide refinery in Texas, as Musk considers refining ore a “licence to print money”.

The-future-is-Electric !!!.jpg


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"I can't share an avalanche"

View attachment 20907

Oh blow my fucking pospsicle


You coudn't share a fucking sand sandwich in a desert

You provide zero to the conversation

Absolutely zero....except innuendo, falsehoods, division, inflammation, doubt, anxiety and personal self interest (Mods take note)

These are not contributions with legitimate simple questions, rigorous and interested debate, decent robust ideas and certainly not open, altruistic, well-meaning, community spirited posts

There is no actual provision of documented information from which others could augment decision making or pursue further follow up


You cannot even answer the simplest of basic non-threatening, personally unobtrusive questions I have put to you on numerous occassions on the forum

If we cast decent, open, modern, community minded investing forums in old, traditional biblical terms it seems unfortunately we may have actually encounterd the Anti Geist....:rolleyes:

That's it. I'm changing my name to Anti Geist.

Anti Geist for the win.
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