AVZ Discussion 2022


Biding my Time 1971
And so it starts again just when we think we might be getting somewhere.

No coincidence it is regurgitated on the day of the first roadshow.

Another Q for you @JAG, if this is not pooh-poohed in the presentation - can you confirm the suggested date of the next ICC hearing is May 23, as suggested in the Asian media (twice)
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Yes you’ve got an interesting set of questions.
It may well be the tenement rezoning covers suspension. Maybe this is why AVZ is rather circumspect about an X subject of initial trading halt is incomplete.

Then, all the political thuggery is maintained as suppositional.

Just a hypothesis. There’s got to be a way to survive and if this is it also with ASX and ASIC, then shareholders indeed need to support the company.

I think you’re being a bit paranoid and vexatious. It occurred to me that you’re not just a company shill but a PR guy for AVZ? You’re very intent on being the shepherd here?

What I’ve said about Cong needs filling in.
Briefly, in the first few weeks, it indeed looked like AVZ was hiding bad news and was losing control. The May media speculation statement fuelled uncertainties that were only much later clarified to me privately from excellent sources and I am convinced it’s the truth and this will come out in the roadshows.

But before then, the May 04 statement could not be reconciled with the Dathcom Statuts Coordonnes regards transfers to third parties: a simple “any” transfer is a breach that could not be reconciled with the agreement Statuts meant I had to spend time arguing with shareholders.

AVZ’s statement assumed no one would have access to the agreement. If it did I think we would have a much more sensible media speculation statement than the one tossed out by a paranoid lawyer. Sensible as in direct reference to clauses in the agreement would be startling and probably would change AFR-Tom’s reliance on Boatman. In fact we may not have heard from Boatman. So could AVZ have handled things better? I can’t see why the agreement can’t be published - what’s precious about it?

As I noted to one esteemed shareholder in early May who said to me the company was refuting Jincheng 15%, AVZ made no reference to the RCCM record in it’s refutation fuelling my suspicions. Hence why I was eager to get as much information from Cong - but quickly realised trying to make sense of machine translations the feckless illiteracy was a fraud.

Nothing was also said about charges against AVZ and Mr Johnson. The meaning of “intellectual fraud” the basis for suing AVZ and Johnson for denying there was a dispute was not covered by Boatman nor AVZ. It was clear skullduggery was untouchable.

At that time, information assymetry was high. And without that Dathomir information I could not have helped shareholders with the AFR response, as I could see clearly what Boatman, gleaning from the Cominiere side, was withholding. Some just want to take sides. I just want the truth as objective as possible. It could easily be AVZ was in serious shit. Then everyone would be wanting my material.

So my position is always mixed. It is always dialectical, provisional attempting Hegelian dialectics impartially.

The RCCM is equivalent to Australia’s ASIC registration, it’s what the Congolese rely on. To me this registration doesn’t equal “spurious”, “spurious” as stated at an Axino video interview in support of the May 04 statement- a statement that did not say anything on the RCCM record. On the RCCM record, for me, as an ordinary reasonable reader, It’s an administrative block no longer categoriseable as Suppositional (NF’s spurious comes under this) for regulatory exemptions for disclosure. But that’s where the tenement issue comes in handy¿? Not sure, don’t care so much to untangle.

What I care about is, how much managment is trusted without material evidence to support it. If they are occasionally sloppy with details it suggests other mistakes in my opinion. And caution is required.

Back to RCCM record non-reconciliability as above. Combine that reasonable suspicion with a history that showed in 2019 two separate sources (one below
attached) claiming The managing director NF allegedly designed the Patterson capital raise to benefit shareholders, as pure gaslighting in my opinion. The other is a WhatsApp screenshot from 2019 showing a conversation allegedly between NF and a shareholder, the same ordinary shareholder who discovered the Moba route and shared it with Langford who then shared it with AVZ for inclusion in the scoping study. But didn’t get performance rights for his efforts.

Thus in two separate instances years apart, two shareholders one directly showing and one recalling but with loads of integrity and both persons unrelated to each other, seems reliable. And I’m sure there are more witnesses if ever required. (I’m not seeking.)

That Patterson raise saw the share price drop from 7cps to 3.8cps. 7cps was holding up well until this no floor price capital raise. That same year the first Dathomir contract was signed setting the price if my recollection is correct and it can be surmised the share price destruction also benefited acquisition of Dathcom %s. Cong et al also feeling cheated? This is why he is playing so hard I imagine besides trying to save face and for a key beneficiary Z Kabila.

And I surmised, hypothesis, that, this raise was a desperate plan after Airguide failed but also another offer was made before Airguide failed that few know about, from Eckhoff (Canada) at 9 cps and he says he left as consultant October 2018,
“when they decided not to raise money at 9 cents in Canada”

So yes I am concerned about stewardship of this project and I do have a dossier of reasons for my concerns. And I want Nigel to improve in this area regards proofreading announcements checking nomenclatures stack up with legal names etc, that data points relied on are accurately represented . He hates being told things like this but it is us shareholders that often suffer when things are not checked. October 2018 scoping study, go check reference to PAM’s Scoping study. How the Fuck do they get a key data point on SC6 price wrong but I can find it’s wrong in a minute?! It’s because it means more to us how our company makes representations? I actually called Nigel that evening the announcement was raise, and kept the mistake quiet, and likely Langford’s (he said he got it from FT - FT didn’t have the data point). Hence the infraology studies as T1 and T2 appendices referred to in DFS not in DFS is a sore point, because this should not happen considering the history of fk ups and then performance rights dished out.

Further, Michael Hughes didn’t turn up to last AGM and there was no follow up for him to talk the talk of an engineer, what Nigel can’t do.
I had my suspicions aroused once again for the project. And how right I was : Hughes appears to have tendered notice in February (3 months) and resigned May 24.
Very suspicious Hughes resigns just when construction is to start and at a time AVZ was seeking interest for a roadshow early 2022.

What happened to the Australian roadshow? Instead Germany? Why?

Basically, from above, one has to be diligent in your own due diligence (that can involve seeking material from others for assessment) is what I’ve learned. Some people can get close to management but it can also blind.

Wow, what a waste of time time it is interacting with you

You begin by saying that…. I’m “paranoid and annoying” …. and “a company shill and a PR guy for AVZ”

- I notice your alias (R2D2/JohnU) has used that exact term ‘shill’ three times in his comments…. Coincidence, I don’t think so.

- Those other comments, as everyone here knows, are bullshit and it shows how desperate you are getting….

You go on trying to defend your reasons for contacting Cong, but don’t actually say anything about your relationship with him, including your offer to advise him on issues.

I don’t know if R2D2 is another of your aliases or not, though it’s common knowledge you are known to have a number of aliases. What you both have in common is a theme of trying to incite shareholders into taking legal action against AVZ.

Over the years I had many interactions with Sandra Wutete (previously in charge of ASX market sensitive disclosures) and if you have actually done your homework, you and your alter ego already know you are talking bullshit when referring to taking legal action against AVZ.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you are Cong’s lunch boy but I don’t really care, I gave you an opportunity to just have a normal conversation with me weeks ago and you chose not to so don’t bother trying now.

The only time you provide a few paragraphs of content is when you are trying to defend your own actions

Don’t waste any more of my time with your bullshit
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Hates a beer
I appreciate your post, just wanted to highlight this odd fact and because of that, my scepticism of the article.

An image of a car in the DRC and the location of the steering wheel is clearly visible:

View attachment 20664

Yep, I get the right hand drive thing - and what you're saying is correct. The Facebook group link I posted this morning wasn't me justifying the photo posted yesterday, it is a new group, so figured it might be a useful place to lurk at the moment for local intel.
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And so it starts again just when we think we might be getting somewhere.

Even the poxy headline is incorrect, AVZ an Zijin fight for biggest deposit. Since when did 15% equate to majority ownership?

It then continues its downhill descent from there, surprised they didn't give the obligatory mention to Boatman. Talking about Dathomir lol, no mention of the IGF moving the court case though, and as we are well used to with 'impartial' journalism, no mention of IGF catching out Zijin or Cominiere.

Looking forward to the Perth boys feeding the 1st round of pineapples today, please make sure we get a breakdown when you're ready so the Brisbane crew can start looking at what questions we need to ask before the pineappling no doubt begins.
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Yes you’ve got an interesting set of questions.
It may well be the tenement rezoning covers suspension. Maybe this is why AVZ is rather circumspect about an X subject of initial trading halt is incomplete.

Then, all the political thuggery is maintained as suppositional.

Just a hypothesis. There’s got to be a way to survive and if this is it also with ASX and ASIC, then shareholders indeed need to support the company.

I think you’re being a bit paranoid and vexatious. It occurred to me that you’re not just a company shill but a PR guy for AVZ? You’re very intent on being the shepherd here?

What I’ve said about Cong needs filling in.
Briefly, in the first few weeks, it indeed looked like AVZ was hiding bad news and was losing control. The May media speculation statement fuelled uncertainties that were only much later clarified to me privately from excellent sources and I am convinced it’s the truth and this will come out in the roadshows.

But before then, the May 04 statement could not be reconciled with the Dathcom Statuts Coordonnes regards transfers to third parties: a simple “any” transfer is a breach that could not be reconciled with the agreement Statuts meant I had to spend time arguing with shareholders.

AVZ’s statement assumed no one would have access to the agreement. If it did I think we would have a much more sensible media speculation statement than the one tossed out by a paranoid lawyer. Sensible as in direct reference to clauses in the agreement would be startling and probably would change AFR-Tom’s reliance on Boatman. In fact we may not have heard from Boatman. So could AVZ have handled things better? I can’t see why the agreement can’t be published - what’s precious about it?

As I noted to one esteemed shareholder in early May who said to me the company was refuting Jincheng 15%, AVZ made no reference to the RCCM record in it’s refutation fuelling my suspicions. Hence why I was eager to get as much information from Cong - but quickly realised trying to make sense of machine translations the feckless illiteracy was a fraud.

Nothing was also said about charges against AVZ and Mr Johnson. The meaning of “intellectual fraud” the basis for suing AVZ and Johnson for denying there was a dispute was not covered by Boatman nor AVZ. It was clear skullduggery was untouchable.

At that time, information assymetry was high. And without that Dathomir information I could not have helped shareholders with the AFR response, as I could see clearly what Boatman, gleaning from the Cominiere side, was withholding. Some just want to take sides. I just want the truth as objective as possible. It could easily be AVZ was in serious shit. Then everyone would be wanting my material.

So my position is always mixed. It is always dialectical, provisional attempting Hegelian dialectics impartially.

The RCCM is equivalent to Australia’s ASIC registration, it’s what the Congolese rely on. To me this registration doesn’t equal “spurious”, “spurious” as stated at an Axino video interview in support of the May 04 statement- a statement that did not say anything on the RCCM record. On the RCCM record, for me, as an ordinary reasonable reader, It’s an administrative block no longer categoriseable as Suppositional (NF’s spurious comes under this) for regulatory exemptions for disclosure. But that’s where the tenement issue comes in handy¿? Not sure, don’t care so much to untangle.

What I care about is, how much managment is trusted without material evidence to support it. If they are occasionally sloppy with details it suggests other mistakes in my opinion. And caution is required.

Back to RCCM record non-reconciliability as above. Combine that reasonable suspicion with a history that showed in 2019 two separate sources (one below
attached) claiming The managing director NF allegedly designed the Patterson capital raise to benefit shareholders, as pure gaslighting in my opinion. The other is a WhatsApp screenshot from 2019 showing a conversation allegedly between NF and a shareholder, the same ordinary shareholder who discovered the Moba route and shared it with Langford who then shared it with AVZ for inclusion in the scoping study. But didn’t get performance rights for his efforts.

Thus in two separate instances years apart, two shareholders one directly showing and one recalling but with loads of integrity and both persons unrelated to each other, seems reliable. And I’m sure there are more witnesses if ever required. (I’m not seeking.)

That Patterson raise saw the share price drop from 7cps to 3.8cps. 7cps was holding up well until this no floor price capital raise. That same year the first Dathomir contract was signed setting the price if my recollection is correct and it can be surmised the share price destruction also benefited acquisition of Dathcom %s. Cong et al also feeling cheated? This is why he is playing so hard I imagine besides trying to save face and for a key beneficiary Z Kabila.

And I surmised, hypothesis, that, this raise was a desperate plan after Airguide failed but also another offer was made before Airguide failed that few know about, from Eckhoff (Canada) at 9 cps and he says he left as consultant October 2018,
“when they decided not to raise money at 9 cents in Canada”

So yes I am concerned about stewardship of this project and I do have a dossier of reasons for my concerns. And I want Nigel to improve in this area regards proofreading announcements checking nomenclatures stack up with legal names etc, that data points relied on are accurately represented . He hates being told things like this but it is us shareholders that often suffer when things are not checked. October 2018 scoping study, go check reference to PAM’s Scoping study. How the Fuck do they get a key data point on SC6 price wrong but I can find it’s wrong in a minute?! It’s because it means more to us how our company makes representations? I actually called Nigel that evening the announcement was raise, and kept the mistake quiet, and likely Langford’s (he said he got it from FT - FT didn’t have the data point). Hence the infraology studies as T1 and T2 appendices referred to in DFS not in DFS is a sore point, because this should not happen considering the history of fk ups and then performance rights dished out.

Further, Michael Hughes didn’t turn up to last AGM and there was no follow up for him to talk the talk of an engineer, what Nigel can’t do.
I had my suspicions aroused once again for the project. And how right I was : Hughes appears to have tendered notice in February (3 months) and resigned May 24.
Very suspicious Hughes resigns just when construction is to start and at a time AVZ was seeking interest for a roadshow early 2022.

What happened to the Australian roadshow? Instead Germany? Why?

Basically, from above, one has to be diligent in your own due diligence (that can involve seeking material from others for assessment) is what I’ve learned. Some people can get close to management but it can also blind.
I doubt @MoneyBags1348 is a company shill, unless he has changed his tune since last years roadshow.

The original post was modded but you get the drift from the thread title.


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Wow, what a waste of time time it is interacting with you

You begin by saying that…. I’m “paranoid and annoying” …. and “a company shill and a PR guy for AVZ”

- I notice your alias (R2D2/JohnU) has used that exact term ‘shill’ three times in his comments…. Coincidence, I don’t think so.

- Those other comments, as everyone here knows, are bullshit and it shows how desperate you are getting….

You go on trying to defend your reasons for contacting Cong, but don’t actually say anything about your relationship with him, including your offer to advise him on issues.

I don’t know if R2D2 is another of your aliases or not, though it’s common knowledge you are known to have a number of aliases. What you both have in common is a theme of trying to incite shareholders into taking legal action against AVZ.

Over the years I had many interactions with Sandra Wutete (previously in charge of ASX market sensitive disclosures) and if you have actually done your homework, you and your alter ego already know you are talking bullshit when referring to taking legal action against AVZ.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you are Cong’s lunch boy but I don’t really care, I gave you an opportunity to just have a normal conversation with me weeks ago and you chose not to so don’t bother trying now.

The only time you provide a few paragraphs of content is when you are trying to defend your own actions

Don’t waste any more of my time with your bullshit
Just let it go through to the keeper Bags …i do …can’t be fucked …In my almost 9K posts on Crapper have NEVER posted on a non- held stock …who has time or be bothered …these pricks have agendas 🤷‍♂️
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It looks like it's just not including the live price, it doesn't let you add it to the your cart and shows an 'unable to fetch live price' error.

My guess is that's their markup which would normally have the live price added to it automatically
Off topic I know, but was doing some Mint shopping last week and majority of bullion products are out of stock??? Start digging guys! See what happens when Kalgoorlie syndicate wins powerball, reverberates through the supply lines 😆
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- I notice your alias (R2D2/JohnU) has used that exact term ‘shill’ three times in his comments…. Coincidence, I don’t think so.

"Someone" sent me the messages' pattern.
Each date represent single message on this TSE thread, blank space means no messages.

p.s. do not shoot the messenger

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BTW folks happy haloween/shitshow day!
images (1) (8).jpeg
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I don’t know if R2D2 is another of your aliases or not, though it’s common knowledge you are known to have a number of aliases. What you both have in common is a theme of trying to incite shareholders into taking legal action against AVZ.
There is enough evidence out there but it's not worth it. When dogs bark at us, we shouldn't get involved in a barking contest with them, thats what I tell my kids about bullies in school. Just ignore them, move on, your input is much more valuable than addressing people with identity issues.
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The fact that they are waiting to the last minute to release the update as they stated on the previous announcement makes me believe things are not as good as I had hoped and the RS will be full of FLUFF.
Oh well I suppose I will have to wait till Melb RS to hear it from straight the horses mouth. " Not happy Jan"
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Sitting in a Kenworth all day with no news thus far is driving me insane
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There is enough evidence out there but it's not worth it. When dogs bark at us, we shouldn't get involved in a barking contest with them, thats what I tell my kids about bullies in school. Just ignore them, move on, your input is much more valuable than addressing people with identity issues.
Sage advice.
Also the unity here at TSE is a threat to those seeking to damage our prosperity.
One of their goals is to destabilise and divide. And it can be done simply by being ever present, annoying, casting dark shadows and suggesting danger.

They constantly provoke argument, and done cleverly enough they make it look like they never start things, they're just constantly annoying until you snap at them.
I've now seen enough to confirm my suspicions, let's not piss into the wind any longer.

I'm a little disappointed they haven't been banned from here, I know I've reported several times.
And that's how they slowly creep in.
Let's hope not anyway.
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The fact that they are waiting to the last minute to release the update as they stated on the previous announcement makes me believe things are not as good as I had hoped and the RS will be full of FLUFF.
Oh well I suppose I will have to wait till Melb RS to hear it from straight the horses mouth. " Not happy Jan"
Yeah. Could change our name to WeFucked.


We've only been in suspension and radio silence for 6 fucking months.....what's a few more hours?

FFS :rolleyes:
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The fact that they are waiting to the last minute to release the update as they stated on the previous announcement makes me believe things are not as good as I had hoped and the RS will be full of FLUFF.
Oh well I suppose I will have to wait till Melb RS to hear it from straight the horses mouth. " Not happy Jan"

Perth is 3hrs behind Sydney time so AVZ could release a market update after close of trading (4pm Sydney time) re the ML status and it would still be before the roadshow starts in Perth.
I know, I know grasping at straws but ill take late good news over silence or bad news.
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Sage advice.
Also the unity here at TSE is a threat to those seeking to damage our prosperity.
One of their goals is to destabilise and divide. And it can be done simply by being ever present, annoying, casting dark shadows and suggesting danger.

They constantly provoke argument, and done cleverly enough they make it look like they never start things, they're just constantly annoying until you snap at them.
I've now seen enough to confirm my suspicions, let's not piss into the wind any longer.

I'm a little disappointed they haven't been banned from here, I know I've reported several times.
And that's how they slowly creep in.
Let's hope not anyway.
To get those fucksticks whacked you need a few paid up members to report them at the same time and with a reasonable basis behind the reporting....not just I don't like what they have to say

Out of respect for @Xerof who likes to investigate some of the commentary they bring to the table I have personally refrained from doing so thus far
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Anyone who thought it'd be something other than the typical last minute update is bat shit crazy imo.
Y'all should know better :rolleyes:
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