AVZ Discussion 2022


Hate to say it @Onthefm @protoje @TheCount but you guys know better than I do, that "hope" is not a good investment strategy.

Time to back up the pineapple truck.
It's all we've got mate. Its not as it we can get out.
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Can someone ask them why they think holding shareholders money hostage is a good business strategy
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Hate to say it @Onthefm @protoje @TheCount but you guys know better than I do, that "hope" is not a good investment strategy.

Time to back up the pineapple truck.
You misinterpret, but to clarify, having "high hopes" and "hoping for a good investment" are 2 very different processes.
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Im thinking that if nothing super positive comes out of the Road Show how arrogant & out of touch are our BoD to justify the cost of hosting these events
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Just saying …it may be a mantle passing night tonight pending on news
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It's all we've got mate. Its not as it we can get out.
True that. And I should clarify, the pineapple 🍍 truck is for the BoD to assume the position and receive.
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Here is your update:

You'd hope this wasn't it. They promised an update on our activities in the DRC and this update didn't focus whatsoever on our activities in the DRC. Just arbitration in France, a court case they specifically said we weren't involved in, and a few sentences of nothing re social media. Surely this isn't an overview of what we are doing in DRC
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You'd hope this wasn't it. They promised an update on our activities in the DRC and this update didn't focus whatsoever on our activities in the DRC. Just arbitration in France, a court case they specifically said we weren't involved in, and a few sentences of nothing re social media. Surely this isn't an overview of what we are doing in DRC

If it is - it says that they did SFA in DRC.
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Whatever the news is (if any) I want this show trading this week.

I don't take kindly being locked out of my hundreds of thousands and I'm beyond caring anyway. Take my chances with mr market suck it up and make it up elsewhere
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If John Clarke (different JC) aka Fred Dagg wasn't dead I reckon the BOD would have hired him as a consultant to teach them how to handle question time at the RS and AGM. I'm expecting the question time tonight to go exactly like this:

To those that are going tonight give em hell for the rest of us.
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You'd hope this wasn't it. They promised an update on our activities in the DRC and this update didn't focus whatsoever on our activities in the DRC. Just arbitration in France, a court case they specifically said we weren't involved in, and a few sentences of nothing re social media. Surely this isn't an overview of what we are doing in DRC
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How preposterous and obnoxious.

The enemy is company directors who may try to evade their duties to shareholders. You should be tracking this.

I just wrote "shut the fuck up" as my reply then deleted it because that's not what TSE is about.
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There is enough evidence out there but it's not worth it. When dogs bark at us, we shouldn't get involved in a barking contest with them, thats what I tell my kids about bullies in school. Just ignore them, move on, your input is much more valuable than addressing people with identity issues.
there is enough evidence out there, the kind that gets office holders resigning
I just wrote "shut the fuck up" as my reply then deleted it because that's not what TSE is about.

You are indeed learning
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Where’s the spreadsheet of Congolese progress marked by AVZ expectat

there is enough evidence out there, the kind that gets office holders resigning

You are indeed learning
I'm really slow.....shut the fuck up
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Wtf are you going on about.
Apologies, I changed my mind.
It’s not my business to antagonise here.

I simply wish to sharpen our pencils to make this a better company


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How preposterous and obnoxious.

The enemy is company directors who may try to evade their duties to shareholders. You should be tracking this.
You slipped up pal.
And there we have it folks, poster reveals himself and his beliefs.

His enemy is the company directors.

You forgot where you were for a moment didn't you, woopsie.
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Look, I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who was the first guy who got the second guy onto AVZ. I’m not claiming to be in the know here but I heard a guy was talking to him today and he’s in a really good mood today, so I remain hopeful.
better call saul thread GIF
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