AVZ Discussion 2022



Here is some more speculation from me that you top blokes and ladies might enjoy...

What if the Zijin/Comminarie, as well as the Dathomir/Cong issues, are really no issue at all, and never truly were.
Which is why it was indeed immaterial and why BOD didn't bother to inform the market.

We don't yet truly know what this massive extension is really about.
What if it is only about the tenement CDL cut-off thing?

I'm saying this because a lot of us are furious we werent alerted to these issues with ownership % earlier... but what if they're nothing to do with the hold up?
I'm just speculating, but I'd say we are mostly assuming it is to do with that. But it might not be.

I guess I'm just saying, let's wait and see.
I think you said a lot without saying very much
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I know it’s bad and certainly frustrating @Fletch77 but there’s an effort going on by Der Geist - ChrisU (R2D2) to steer the conversation towards attacking AVZ in a way that would not only be detrimental to AVZ, but also to shareholders.

That agenda along with pure trolling for the purpose of disrupting questions and conversations already underway
Surely its no coincidence that Der Geist & ChrisU (R2D2) are more active when Ann is "imminent" (sorry) and RS starts in 25 Hrs. I agree with prev poster - "try to decipher good from bad info in Der Geist's posts", even though MB is probs right about him. ChrisU is just a waste of time. Go AVZ !!!
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Look folks, most here know I’m sincere,
I’m a large holder and I want AVZ to succeed but I’m not scared of fronting them or being scathing if I think it is warranted.

I’ve put this post in bold because it probably means more to me than anything else I’ve posted on TSE.

I personally believe Der Geist and R2D2 (and his new alias Chris U) have an agenda to try and steer shareholders into accusing AVZ of acting illegally in regards to their market sensitive disclosures.

I would not be surprised if he (or they, which ever is the case) turns up to a Roadshow or the AGM with this in mind and is hoping they will have backing from other shareholders to push their agenda.

The reason for this is bullshit for us, as frustrated and angry as we may be, it would totally oppose our purpose of moving forward and our chances of getting answers on so many levels.

A simple person may think it’s an attempt to cause a drop in SP coming out of suspension creating a buy opportunity but that’s a weak reason.

Der Geist has admitted he has colluded with Simon Cong, and a few hours ago he limited access to his account here so you cannot access his posts through his account.

This is what he has previously posted:

“When I started getting info from Cong, I could tell there were issues with their documents straight away, I even offered to advise him on what the issues are”

“He accepted but I never got around to it. The paper trail was getting to interesting. Moreover the court judgment that AVZ didn’t attend”

He also communicated with the Australian Financial Review’s Tom (who we know colluded with Boatman) saying

When AFR-Tom climbed on with his hit piece, it was clear to me, that I had to separate my views from the real troll camp”

“When I contacted Tom to offer him a better perspective, he was such an arrogant twat, that I resolved to distance my questions from such idiocy”

I’ve tried to help fellow shareholders here by offering information as well as some humour along the way, but there comes a point where you all have to make an informed judgment and not keep sitting on the fence.

Goodnight and good luck all, in the end we have to stick together and fight for this company, especially from the corruption we are up against 👊💥😭
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I see they got the date wrong. Dickheads.
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Look folks, most here know I’m sincere,
I’m a large holder and I want AVZ to succeed but I’m not scared of fronting them or being scathing if I think it is warranted.

I’ve put this post in bold because it probably means more to me than anything else I’ve posted on TSE.

I personally believe Der Geist and R2D2 (and his new alias Chris U) have an agenda to try and steer shareholders into accusing AVZ of acting illegally in regards to their market sensitive disclosures.

I would not be surprised if he (or they, which ever is the case) turns up to a Roadshow or the AGM with this in mind and is hoping they will have backing from other shareholders to push their agenda.

The reason for this is bullshit for us, as frustrated and angry as we may be, it would totally oppose our purpose of moving forward and our chances of getting answers on so many levels.

A simple person may think it’s an attempt to cause a drop in SP coming out of suspension creating a buy opportunity but that’s a weak reason.

Der Geist has admitted he has colluded with Simon Cong, and a few hours ago he limited access to his account here so you cannot access his posts through his account.

This is what he has previously posted:

“When I started getting info from Cong, I could tell there were issues with their documents straight away, I even offered to advise him on what the issues are”

“He accepted but I never got around to it. The paper trail was getting to interesting. Moreover the court judgment that AVZ didn’t attend”

He also communicated with the Australian Financial Review’s Tom (who we know colluded with Boatman) saying

When AFR-Tom climbed on with his hit piece, it was clear to me, that I had to separate my views from the real troll camp”

“When I contacted Tom to offer him a better perspective, he was such an arrogant twat, that I resolved to distance my questions from such idiocy”

I’ve tried to help fellow shareholders here by offering information as well as some humour along the way, but there comes a point where you all have to make an informed judgment and not keep sitting on the fence.

Goodnight and good luck all, in the end we have to stick together and fight for this company, especially from the corruption we are up against 👊💥😭
Good afternoon Money,

Just a quick thank you for all the work you did trying to hook Wombat and myself up, only to find out that our little fury friend is already taken!

Totally agree with your post and in my opinion 'he' (der geist) is a mangy dog, with plenty of fleas!

I wouldn't put anything past him at all. Geez who knows, he has probably been paid for some of his twitter postings before. But geez who knows?

Anyway looking forward to tomorrow afternoon where we can hopefully gain some insights to what is happening with our company.

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@Der Geist you ‘appear’ to post information but to anyone who looks closely at your content it’s not hard to see that your information is agenda driven and not as informative as you would like others to believe.

I thought you were the one who was going to provide Cong’s number to anyone here, now you suggest to @JAG that it was someone else.

Your constant referring to AVZ’s legal accountability and ASIC is misleading as anyone who has experience communicating with ASIC knows.

I personally feel that you are either in cahoots with R2D2 (and his alter ego) or you are all the same person.

You talk about Cong contacting ASIC…. If anything mate, my belief is that you have worked with Cong and that Cong orchestrated the the timing of the Dathomir claim with Mupande’s refusal to sign the ML and I suspect you had knowledge of both.

What I would really be interested in, is seeing you perform against a lie detector.

You may have @Roon and @Xerof and a few others thinking your information is worth considering, but to me, let’s just say…. You know what Cong is having for lunch

The fact that at this very moment modo just ‘liked’ one of my posts only confirms that you are all four of the above mentioned and you are working together.

No sense me getting bothered by it, more important is what you and Cong are up to.
Yes mate, also had exactly the same on twitter... his asian female handle (sorry cant remember the handle atm) liked my tweet... minutes later it was der geist that liked it... with no notification....
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Hates a beer
Yes mate, also had exactly the same on twitter... his asian female handle (sorry cant remember the handle atm) liked my tweet... minutes later it was der geist that liked it... with no notification....
Li Tao
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Hmm.. when I brake down what we know, I can't see that being the case.
They would have done their due dilligence and found out about the pre emptive rights, unless Com lied to them about it.
The snack fee, the low price overall, speaks of a bribe and a hope they would be successful, them giving up that deposit speaks to me that it was just the cost of doing business and a risk they took. They would demand their money back if they acted in good faith with the purchase.
And if they were legitimate, it still doesn't mean it was Com's to legally sell anyway.
If in an alternative universe they did get the 15%, we can still go mining with a majority (however I would sell out if they did).

So are we doubting that video we were shown about Zijin giving back the shares and forfitting the deposit?
I know people would rightfully believe they are still at the table with the ICC hearing still going ahead, but as I said in a previous post, they would need to complete those hearings to be able to answer to their shareholders/stakeholders.

Fuck me time seems to be going slower than molassis in winter!!!
But what else are we gonna do since none of us can stop thinking about and speculating about all of this drama.
And I highly doubt that asx hasn't been inundated by angry shareholders, shorters and shitloads of trolls re disclosure obligations and possible breaches... nothing surer than they've actually asked the questions... so if nothing to date re these, then your conclusion, and avz's statement, is highly probable.
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Der Geist

Hujlich resignation

I think some here know why Huljich left.

Yes, wait for roadshow meetings.

After learning the AVZ side of story
I therefore personally can not see how AVZ could have done things differently except Nigel spending more time in Kinshasa like other company executives. He could have charter-sailed to Adelaide or Darwin and fly out from there. I did a bit of interstate sailing during COVID so I know that marine travel is possible.combined with lamd route access to airports.

I would be interested to see when the mining minister signed and dated the mining license decree. Perhaps the tenement issue unclarified covers for other ‘political blocks’ and when all or most is resolved trading resumes? Or ML simply granted changes the dynamic?

So, AVZ can claim xyz issues with Zijin, Cominiere and Dathomir is immaterial but tenement zoning is?

I’ve seen a few other posts tonight, but frankly emotions are high obviously,
And it’s great shareholders are using their nouse to stand up to management with questions. This will be a different AGM. Not all questions will be satisfied in the roadshow, but I think the company will seduce many with some clarity for once.
PS: anyone who wants to talk to Cong can get number from Royal Viking . Or they can do what I did and fuxking learn some Chinese and search for it.
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I’ve doxed once, for good bloody reason hence why I am here with like minded investors who share the same passion.

I’m happy to do it again if required and called for!

Come Here Lets Go GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden
I would believe what you posted and without screenshots.

Don't need to shoot yourself in the foot, though it does feel like we're in the trenches.
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Der Geist

That’s the plan mate, share the love around with others whom I am meeting earlier.

He must know who I am as he refuses to respond….
Yes Nigel is tracking who is who with certain shareholders - it’s been going on for years
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I agree Dergeist is abstruse, but have you asked for clarification? He seems to be very approachable.

On the other hand, I agree he has an agenda. That agenda is is exactly what is fomenting now: disclosure of what’s material. AVZ has a history of getting into trouble with the ASX. The ASX appears hostile and AVZ have every right to be afraid of the ASX including any vested nefarious interests at work within ASX discretionary targets.

In reference to doxxing, as I’ve stated on my own behalf, doxxing is pointless and endangers the very thing that you’re trying to protect: the company. If DerGeist is a sleuth what else does he know? Think about it.

He has been around long enough to know everyone’s identity and I haven’t seen him once dox a member anywhere. Looks to be a thorough-going decent chap to me.
So he knows everyone's identity???

Puleeese stop playing with your dick ffs.
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Biding my Time 1971
Waiting to see what the Company has to say, then will reset my thinking based on that.

Thanks for the inputs from various corners today. Cause for thought indeed from a lot of angles
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Top 20
All the best for tomorrow one and all . I'm giving Nige and crew the benefit of any doubt and my full support until feed back from the Road Show . Come Tuesday I may turn into a c--t but I hope not . It's all in your hands Nige .
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Look folks, most here know I’m sincere,
I’m a large holder and I want AVZ to succeed but I’m not scared of fronting them or being scathing if I think it is warranted.

I’ve put this post in bold because it probably means more to me than anything else I’ve posted on TSE.

I personally believe Der Geist and R2D2 (and his new alias Chris U) have an agenda to try and steer shareholders into accusing AVZ of acting illegally in regards to their market sensitive disclosures.

I would not be surprised if he (or they, which ever is the case) turns up to a Roadshow or the AGM with this in mind and is hoping they will have backing from other shareholders to push their agenda.

The reason for this is bullshit for us, as frustrated and angry as we may be, it would totally oppose our purpose of moving forward and our chances of getting answers on so many levels.

A simple person may think it’s an attempt to cause a drop in SP coming out of suspension creating a buy opportunity but that’s a weak reason.

Der Geist has admitted he has colluded with Simon Cong, and a few hours ago he limited access to his account here so you cannot access his posts through his account.

This is what he has previously posted:

“When I started getting info from Cong, I could tell there were issues with their documents straight away, I even offered to advise him on what the issues are”

“He accepted but I never got around to it. The paper trail was getting to interesting. Moreover the court judgment that AVZ didn’t attend”

He also communicated with the Australian Financial Review’s Tom (who we know colluded with Boatman) saying

When AFR-Tom climbed on with his hit piece, it was clear to me, that I had to separate my views from the real troll camp”

“When I contacted Tom to offer him a better perspective, he was such an arrogant twat, that I resolved to distance my questions from such idiocy”

I’ve tried to help fellow shareholders here by offering information as well as some humour along the way, but there comes a point where you all have to make an informed judgment and not keep sitting on the fence.

Goodnight and good luck all, in the end we have to stick together and fight for this company, especially from the corruption we are up against 👊💥😭
I simply said, if I see red, I reserve my rights.
And I can see shareholders are increasingly questioning continuous disclosure obligations. It is everyone’s right to discern how they protected by the law of the land.

It may be AVZ is exempt from certain disclosure rules. I haven’t seen anyone provide convincing evidence they would be exempt. The facts are ASX is extremely serious about this. And AVZ know too darn well about that.

If a fat, well invested shareholder like yourself feels threatened by truth seeking whoever it favours then this shows we are not all necessarily on the same page. Everyone here may not share the same consensus as those who would like some here to ignore their legal rights in preference for pineapples.
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I know it’s bad and certainly frustrating @Fletch77 but there’s an effort going on by Der Geist - ChrisU (R2D2) to steer the conversation towards attacking AVZ in a way that would not only be detrimental to AVZ, but also to shareholders.

That agenda along with pure trolling for the purpose of disrupting questions and conversations already underway
I don’t see anything different from what I’ve discussed than to others. The discussion, random as it is on continuous disclosure is self generating and gathering it’s own momentum.

Shareholders have a right to discuss continuous disclosure rules and many are doing that. If anything it would appear you have an agenda, as a company shill looking for scapegoats?

And I think you’re creating a boogeyman in the process.
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