Mr Inappropriate
That’s 39 jobs right there, 40 if you include the photographer. Let’s crack on and start employing a few hundred (thousand?) more locals.
That’s 39 jobs right there, 40 if you include the photographer. Let’s crack on and start employing a few hundred (thousand?) more locals.
Again, if they are the actual AVZ crew. How come it’s not released from AVZMinerals twitter handle. Definitely this is not market sensitive news?
Because they are actually not the AVZ crew, but the Dathcom crew, AVZ is a 75% Shareholder in Dathcm.Again, if they are the actual AVZ crew. How come it’s not released from AVZMinerals twitter handle. Definitely this is not market sensitive news?
This is a very important point and you have to take a leaf out of the press club play book of grilling the politicians. If one journo doesn't get a satisfactory answer often then next journo will take up the mantel (@MoneyBags1348 that doesn't mean you) and continue to press the point that was not answered before then going on the the next question.If he cuts you off on asking too many questions we’ll just have someone else start up from where you finished in Melbourne, Brissy etc. no getting out from answering Mr Nigel!
Hey Winenut, they do read this forum and HC and Twitter mate. So they know exactly what questions are coming their way.Oh Georgy, Georgy ...
That makes me piss myself laughing
AVZ have bothered to infiltrate the mighty TSE, read all the fucking crap we post and then made up a dossier on each and every subversive shareholder while matching up their nics
Can't wait to read my dossier!!
Fuck me
They'll be all over the shop with my psychiatrist, therapist, dealer, AA group, local pharmacist, breaking bad mate, moonshine buddy and then they'll be in my backyard looking for the summer crop of skunk and sinsemilla!
Best question is not "what is soon" but "what information/advice are you using to estimate your timelines for suspension, and given it's been incorrect so often so you still consider it to be reliable"This is a very important point and you have to take a leaf out of the press club play book of grilling the politicians. If one journo doesn't get a satisfactory answer often then next journo will take up the mantel (@MoneyBags1348 that doesn't mean you) and continue to press the point that was not answered before then going on the the next question.
I think this is an approach that could garner a more candid response.
It does however require a mutual understanding or at least a co-ordination from the interrogators to follow on from each other and to not miss a beat.
And as mentioned. "Soon" is a word that keeps popping up. Please tell us when we will be trading again as it's often mentioned that "Soon" we will be.
Nigel might say "Well we can't put an actual exact time or date on it" So then the question would be how can you then suggest soon? If you have not idea when, how can you begin to suggest it will be soon?
What is "Soon"? Are we talking in a geological sense because that could be thousands if not millions of years. ( given that you are a rock licker)
So define "soon", In your best words and language for the rest of us. If you don't mind.
Yes, a coordinated approach is definitely the best approach. We are equity providers for this company, and deserve honest comprehensive answers.Those who are attending Monday please message me as others have put it, let's plan the press club play book.
Morning all. Not sure about the general feeling out there about the behaviour of De Geist and R2D2 but happy to put it out there that I have reported it. Flaming, baiting, personal attacks and totally unwarranted criticism of AVZ holders with a positive attitude towards our stock is straight from the hotcrapper playbook.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread for it’s often robust conversation, excellent research by members and light hearted banter and ribbing. It has made a difficult trading period a whole lot more bearable.
I haven’t directly responded to any of their posts and won’t but it is difficult to watch others being attacked unnecessarily and unfairly.
Not sure if TSE can do anything about it but if not it will be very sad to see this poor behaviour destroy a thread with a healthy culture many good people have worked hard to create.
Good luck to all and have a good day.
In fact what you’re doing is exactly what happens on HC. It’s exactly what HC moderators hope to purge. If you want a safe “positive attitude” therapy space, form a private group elsewhere.Flaming, baiting, personal attacks and totally unwarranted criticism of AVZ holders
Here ….take the boxCan you outline what “unwarranted criticism” you are referring to?
Your group dynamic tactics are in essence, no different to Cominiere and Dathomir gas lighting on AVZ’s compliance.
I think you’ll find with robust research, that perpetrators of the below, first instigators, is not myself.
In fact what you’re doing is exactly what happens on HC. It’s exactly what HC moderators hope to purge. If you want a safe “positive attitude” therapy space, form a private group elsewhere.
Right now my investment needs not negative or positive attitudes, but realism.
A forum on a stock encompasses a variety of opinions some substantiated, some poorly, some not at all.
if you note my coming onto this forum, on continuous disclosure rules is also expressed by other members. I am purely interested in discerning the truth of AVZ matters including Director conduct.
We will not all agree on AVZ matters, but this should not mean resorting to targeting myself or anyone else.
Quite a few posters intent on demonstrating their loyalty to supposed in-groups here target ‘heretics’. It’s really poor conduct.
Everyone's entitled to go off the deep end at some point, it's madness what we've been through, and given nothing from management, they deserve to cop it at the AGM for that.
Everyone seems super negative and bitter right now, but let me offer some of my optimistic thoughts.
Ownership claims are simply rubbish, and illegal. There's no way they somehow end up with some of the project.
I belive Zijin did bow out to the DRC, but they need the ICC to make a ruling against them, because they cant simply say "Yeah my bad, we acted deliberately with corruption, and we arent getting shareholders money back that we payed a deposit for."
They need the ruling against them, which is why they haven't cancelled proceedings at the ICC, otherwise we're saying that AVZ's lawyers are blatant lyers, or that Zijin blatantly lied to the DRC government (on video), and none of that makes sense.
So Ownership claims are in the bin I'm sure of it... oh and the MMC thing, they had 3 rulings against them in the court in Perth, in the DRC and the ICC.
All of that stuff is worrying for sure, but none of it is going anywhere and I'm sure most on here also know Cong has no merit to persue jack shit too.
I believe this case is so high profile that the risk of getting brown paper bagged up AVZ's asshole just isn't a reality now.
I must admit I don't have any bearing on the issue with CDL cutoff, I've been privetely told that it's sorted in our favor, but regardless... we still have a gigantic high grade deposit with or without it... but I think it's still ours anyway.
We have Nigel stating in the annual report that we will return to trading "soon", we have that other DRC liason guy Marius Mushagalusa Mihigo recently stating on twitter that the mining licence will be released soon, and momentum laywers commenting on that to "watch this space".
AVZ begin their roadshow in 9 days time.
Truely, why in the fuck would they do a victory lap around Australia with having had no progress, still in suspension, still no licence?
The AGM is right after the roadshow, so it's not like they needed a platform to inform shareholders of information as they have a stage for that the following week on the 15th of November!
It makes no sense at all to think they would organise a roadshow if it wasn't in fact a victory lap, and an opportunity to share the plan and vison moving forward.
Although recent rumors of birthdays didn't pan out, I think there is still something in it, whatever people were being told, it seemed to point to things being sorted very soon.
I say this with so much hope, I admit it, but I think we are coming out of suspension next week, with all the news to flow.
So fuck it, I'm gonna make the call that we are trading next week, ML and all the other goodies in hand.
Best of luck to all holders. xoxo
I thought some members here would grasp at that, that’s why I added “in essence”. Yes the animal urge to boundary mark is going on here with those like yourself who target ‘heretics’, and the same grunts that Cominiere and Dathomir make in their law of the jungle are being applied by some who target ‘heretics’You comparing us to Cominiere and Dathomir gaslighting AVZ?
Can you outline what “unwarranted criticism” you are referring to?
Your group dynamic tactics are in essence, no different to Cominiere and Dathomir gas lighting on AVZ’s compliance.
I think you’ll find with robust research, that perpetrators of the below, first instigators, is not myself.
In fact what you’re doing is exactly what happens on HC. It’s exactly what HC moderators hope to purge. If you want a safe “positive attitude” therapy space, form a private group elsewhere.
Right now my investment needs not negative or positive attitudes, but realism.
A forum on a stock encompasses a variety of opinions some substantiated, some poorly, some not at all.
if you note my coming onto this forum, on continuous disclosure rules is also expressed by other members. I am purely interested in discerning the truth of AVZ matters including Director conduct.
We will not all agree on AVZ matters, but this should not mean resorting to targeting myself or anyone else.
Quite a few posters intent on demonstrating their loyalty to supposed in-groups here target ‘heretics’. It’s really poor conduct.
Your a joke, everyone here knows who you are, remember this post you did under another alias:I thought some members here would grasp at that, that’s why I added “in essence”. Yes the animal urge to boundary mark is going on here with those like yourself who target ‘heretics’, and the same grunts that Cominiere and Dathomir make in their law of the jungle are being applied by some who target ‘heretics’
I’m certainly not here to defend HC. There’s a possibility of traffic inducements no doubtCrapper moderators hoping to purge”…trolls
…. don’t you mean “employ trolls to increase traffic”….