AVZ Discussion 2022


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From Pilbara minerals:

Production increased by 17 per cent on the previous quarter to 147,105 tonnes. Pilbara Minerals sells its 5.3 per cent-grade spodumene concentrate at an average price of $US4266 ($6740) a tonne.
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You may ask yourself, how did I get here? AND THE DAYS GO BY

Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distance, but you still catch my eye
Tell me baby, do you recognize me?
Well, it's been a year, it doesn't surprise me
Happy Christmas, I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note saying "I love you", I meant it
Now I know what a fool I've been
But if you kissed me now, I know you'd fool me again

Oh, oh, baby
A crowded room, friends with tired eyes
I'm hiding from you and your soul of ice
My God, I thought you were someone to rely on
Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on
A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man under cover, but you tore me apart (clear pineapple reference)
Oh, oh now I've found a real love
You'll never fool me again
Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special, special
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With the Manono project, the DRC seduces the whole world with the quality of its lithium​

October 26, 2022 TIGHANA MASIALA Economy , Politics 0

The DRC is home to a number of metals essential to the energy transition and which arouse covetousness. While the country is already the world's main supplier of cobalt and one of the major players in the production of copper, it now aims to add the exploitation of lithium to its arc. With its immense reserves, the Manono project, in the province of Tanganyika, is ideally placed to help it achieve this objective and the conditions are in place to allow its development.
A healthy market
Analysts and observers are unanimous. The demand for lithium can only continue to grow in the short to medium term, which will support a rise in prices. Like nickel or cobalt, lithium is used in the production of lithium-ion batteries, which are essential for electric vehicles. However, according to a BloombergNEF analysis published in mid-January 2021, sales of these cars should increase by 60% and continue to progress over the decade, thanks in particular to incentive policies in most countries and the announced end of the diesel engine. .
At the same time, a report by the market research firm Market Research Future (MRF) and relayed by GlobeNewswire, confirms the optimism about lithium. According to the authors of the document, the global market for lithium-ion batteries (used in electric vehicles and certain electronic devices) will experience a compound annual growth rate of 15.90% until 2026.
It should be emphasized that all of these forecasts start from a simple observation, that governments, environmental organizations and international organizations are all campaigning for the reduction of the carbon footprint, in order to limit global warming. This is why all projects that can help achieve its objectives receive special attention, both from political decision-makers and investors.
The great promise of the Manono project
Until the interesting discoveries announced by AVZ Minerals, the Manono site was not known to harbor large lithium reserves.
It has certainly already been the subject of mining between 1919 and 1982, and moreover continues to shelter small mining artisans, but it was then about the extraction of tin and tantalum. The successive updates of Dathcom, a joint venture created with the Mining Company (Cominière), therefore aroused surprise and growing enthusiasm on the part of investors and potential buyers of future lithium production.
Given the importance of metal, manufacturers of materials for electric batteries are scrambling to secure supplies very early, even for projects that are not yet in production. It must also be said that, in the case of Manono, they were encouraged by the data published by AVZ Minerals, majority partner in Dathcom.
Thus, the definitive feasibility study published almost a year ago, in April 2020, estimated the life of the mine at 20 years. This forecast is based, we learn, on the mineral resources of Manono, which is considered the largest hard rock lithium deposit in the world. It hosts 44.6 million tonnes of “proven” reserves and 48.5 million “probable” reserves. Over the 20-year lifespan, the mine is expected to have an annual production capacity of 700,000 tonnes of spodumene concentrate (SC6), a raw material needed for the production of lithium hydroxide and carbonate. Manono should also deliver 45,375 tonnes of primary lithium sulphates each year.
In addition, the project is also attractive on the financial aspect. In addition to the annual EBITDA of USD 380 million over the life of the mine, the project would post, according to the DFS, an internal rate of return of 33% and a net present value after tax of USD 1.03 billion.
This last point should even see a significant improvement due to the constant progress recorded by the lithium market in recent months. Realizing the potential of the project will require an investment of USD 545.5 million, recoverable after 2.25 years. These estimates are already very promising and have been rather well received on the market, as evidenced by the rise of more than 200% of the title of AVZ on the ASX stock exchange, in Australia.
World-class lithium quality
Over the course of studies demonstrating the capabilities of the Manono project, producers of materials for electric batteries are pointing the tip of their noses. Just months after the feasibility study, AVZ Minerals received its Christmas present in the form of Manono's first-ever lithium offtake agreement.
Announced a few months ago, the partnership negotiated with Ganfeng Lithium, one of the largest Chinese producers of materials for electric batteries, will be spread over an initial period of five years, likely to be extended thereafter. Under the terms of the contract, AVZ must supply annually up to 160,000 tonnes of spodumene concentrate (SC6).
"The fact that we have signed our first offtake agreement with China's largest producer of lithium compounds only reinforces our belief that the Manono project is world-class," commented Nigel Ferguson, CEO of the company.
Manono, a strategic location for the industry of the future…
To confirm its hopes, the company sought the support of the Canadian laboratory Kingston Process Metallurgy. The results of the tests announced in January 2021 thus revealed that the spodumene extracted in the DRC can be perfectly used in the production of electric batteries. The primary sulphate obtained after purification contains more than 80% pure lithium, which is the ideal raw material for the production of lithium-ion batteries. This good news may have increased buyer interest, as less than two months later, AVZ Minerals confirmed that it had already found buyers for over 50% of the marketable SC6 production at Manono. The company has entered into a new supply agreement with another Chinese partner, the company Shenzhen Chengxin Lithium,
The company has entered into a new supply agreement with another Chinese partner, the company Shenzhen Chengxin Lithium, one of the world's leading producers of lithium hydroxide and carbonate. The latter has undertaken to purchase annually up to 180,000 tonnes of SC6 concentrate. The agreement covers an initial period of three years, but may be extended by prior agreement of the parties.
Ready to go into production?
Over the past few months, AVZ Minerals has made significant progress in the development of the Manono project. Alongside the off-take agreements, the company is for example studying ways to reduce the carbon footprint of its future activities on the site. She asked for an independent assessment, whose recently revealed findings showed that the mine may be one of the cleanest in the world. The company intends to rehabilitate the Mpiana-Mwanga hydroelectric power plant, which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This plant should have a capacity of 54 MW in the long term, making it possible to achieve 90% savings on energy expenditure.
She asked for an independent assessment, whose recently revealed findings showed that the mine may be one of the cleanest in the world. The company intends to rehabilitate the hydroelectric power station of Mpiana-Mwanga. Added to this is the acquisition of an electric vehicle fleet, which will limit diesel consumption. While the various engineering works are progressing, all that remains is to complete the financing in order to start the construction work.
The entry into production is expected to increase the DRC's influence in the strategic metals sector and generate millions of US dollars in revenue for the public coffers. For now, Kinshasa is hesitating, plunging Manono's project into total uncertainty.
With Ecofin Agency
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In reference to Cruiser 51 post above

Hitachi Energy was out in Manono and Mwanga last week , either doing the assessment or providing quotes for refurb of power lines or station.
Won't post the link to suggest why they were there as it was intended to give away the reason they were there. (They posted photos of the township of Manono, some of you may have picked up the connection.) So there is a lot happening in background.

Ready to go into production?
Over the past few months, AVZ Minerals has made significant progress in the development of the Manono project. Alongside the off-take agreements, the company is for example studying ways to reduce the carbon footprint of its future activities on the site. She asked for an independent assessment, whose recently revealed findings showed that the mine may be one of the cleanest in the world. The company intends to rehabilitate the Mpiana-Mwanga hydroelectric power plant, which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This plant should have a capacity of 54 MW in the long term, making it possible to achieve 90% savings on energy expenditure.
She asked for an independent assessment, whose recently revealed findings showed that the mine may be one of the cleanest in the world. The company intends to rehabilitate the hydroelectric power station of Mpiana-Mwanga. Added to this is the acquisition of an electric vehicle fleet, which will limit diesel consumption. While the various engineering works are progressing, all that remains is to complete the financing in order to start the construction work.
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In regards to the road shows, is my SMSF able to pay costs involved in attending. I think it should but I am not sure. Is anyone able to provide some general guidelines
I'd recommend asking your accountant and/or your auditor of the fund.

I'd be recommending against claiming it in the SF
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Lots of jungle drums beating in the Congo, I think we all hear most of them now thanks to Kiki and others. Not to mention AVZ being more on the front foot with sharing information etc. (Yet a little fuck’en late if you ask me)

Is Nigel warming up for a victory lap? Maybe. Very keen to hear the feedback from Perth meeting. Or read the AVZ announcements just prior.

To be honest I’m a little AVZ burnt out these days. Spent significant hours, days and weeks in the past trying to understand where things are at while communicating with as many connections as possible. All this has taken a toll, my motivation to seek out information at the moment is just about gone.

It is obvious things are coming to a head particularly with the Roadshows taking place. Since the first of these is within days, I’ll see what comes from the first meeting and if any motivation to dig around again returns thereafter.

AVZ management will have to step up and treat shareholders a little better IMO. Maybe all sins will be forgiven in the near future assuming all matters are sorted. I don’t know. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the reasons for the Roadshows is to appeal or win over larger shareholders to avoid any trouble coming up from the ranks regarding non-disclosure and other claims.

I’m pretty angry at management, and I use that word loosely. It’s hard to see what they have done right or wrong with the lack of information they provided, as such it doesn’t pass the pub test or smell test IMO.

Granted if there are legal or important strategic reasons not to disclose things that’s fine, or at least understandable. Yet the company could have stated same to shareholders along the way and made the usual “unable to comment when matters are before the courts as to avoid prejudice etc, adversely affect AVZ legal position etc, rights or claims etc. Yet it was almost like let’s ignore it all and hope the disclosure issue goes away.

It’s all well and fine to say other parties are full of shit and spreading lies and that’s all we are going to say. But when things are in the courts, even a low level local court, this should be disclosed to shareholders and the market, right back in 2021 etc.

If everything was disclosed in real time the fight could have been taken public and all the groups that have supported AVZ could have mobilised earlier, including reporters, shareholders, civil society groups and there would have been more political pressure applied earlier rather then later. The IGF would have moved the court case to Kinshasa many months earlier. MoP caught out earlier, Zijin tail between the legs earlier. Cong with his hand out earlier.

The outcomes would likely be the same, just completed earlier. Would the SP have suffered a hit earlier, of course. Would it bounce back earlier yes.

Who ever provided the strategy to AVZ to keep your head down and let’s just tread quietly has been wrong. All this shit including Zijin should have been hit with a hammer on the head in real time, meetings called with Felix immediately, not one year after Zijin try to steal part of Manono.

Who has benefited from this saga dragging out??? AVZ advisors? Certainly not shareholders I can tell you that.

Anyway, rant over. I’ve been invited but not attending Roadshows, I don’t like being lied to and provided false information and I’ve had enough of that from Nigel.

Tempted to hand back my VIP membership to the AVZ Sunshine and Lollipops group, however that would be a step to far. I’ll just sulk a little longer then bounce back when we are through this current bullshit, that should have been sorted months ago.

Love and Peace, The Fox 🦊
hi fox,

much appreciation for all your hard yards to date...

with much respect, and no offence, but, we can't honestly know whether we would have been better off undertaking a different approach... and certainly not without knowing the actual undertakings and transactions over the last 12 months... who knows if we might have been told to piss off if we went at FT harder, earlier etc as you suggest we should have...

i completely understand the frustrations and your exhaustion... but, we can't know... we could easily be at 20c rather than in a suspension... it's your opinion and far from FACT... your assessment could be right... but, could also be miles off... unfortunately we can only trust or have hope in those that know all the facts are making the best decision with info at hand...

i do think we could have been given better information for sure... but, again, unfortunately, without knowing the facts, it's possible that the kind of statement you were suggesting they make, might have actually gotten them in hot water with ASIC / ASX (and to AVZ's detriment)... so it's bloody hard to know... other than we all know we've had a gut full of it... i am supportive of whatever gets us the best long term result (which i have no idea what that is)...but, with sympathy towards those stuck that need cash sooner...

cheers all... ready for a long weekend here in vic.. chins up, good times are coming
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Hates a beer
Who else cringes every time you see the Congolese refer to mining as "exploitation" of the resource? For a nation with bad memories of being colonised it's a strange term to use. I guess it's related to whatever the equivalent is in French?
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Hah yeah man, thank GOD ( well @zeeb0t ) for this place.
Imagine going through all of this with only the crapper and endless trolls.
And thank god for all of you guys here too, I really feel part of a specialised community here. We can let our guards down a little and enjoy it too.

I was just thinking back to what it was like on the crapper right before this place happened, just mercilessly trolling by sociopaths.

So thank you to everyone.

GO TSE! :)
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I feel it in my plumbs
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With the Manono project, the DRC seduces the whole world with the quality of its lithium​

October 26, 2022 TIGHANA MASIALA Economy, Politics 0

The DRC is home to a number of metals that are essential to the energy transition and that stir up covetousness. While the country is already the world's largest supplier of cobalt and one of the major players in copper production, it now aims to add lithium mining to its bow. With its immense reserves, the Manono project in Tanganyika province is ideally placed to help it achieve this goal and the conditions are ripe for its development.
A healthy
Analysts and observers are unanimous. Demand for lithium can only continue to grow in the short to medium term, which will support higher prices. Like nickel or cobalt, lithium is used in the production of lithium-ion batteries, which are essential for electric vehicles. However, according to a BloombergNEF analysis published in mid-January 2021, sales of these cars are expected to increase by 60% and continue to grow over the decade, thanks in particular to incentive policies in most countries and the announced end of the diesel engine.
At the same time, a report by market research firm Market Research Future (MRF) and relayed by GlobeNewswire, confirms optimism about lithium. According to the authors of the paper, the global lithium-ion battery market (used in electric vehicles and some electronic devices) will witness a compound annual growth rate of 15.90% until 2026.
It should be noted that all these forecasts are based on a simple observation, that governments, ecological organizations and international organizations are all campaigning for the reduction of the carbon footprint, in order to limit global warming. This is why all projects that can help achieve its objectives receive special attention, both from political decision-makers and investors.
The great promises of the Manono
Until the interesting discoveries announced by AVZ Minerals, the Manono site was not known to house large lithium reserves.
It was certainly the subject of mining between 1919 and 1982, and continues to be home to small artisanal miners, but it was then the extraction of tin and tantalum. The successive updates of Dathcom, a joint venture created with the Compagnie minière (Cominière), have therefore aroused surprise and growing enthusiasm on the part of investors and potential buyers of the future lithium production.
Given the importance of metal, manufacturers of materials for electric batteries are scrambling to secure supplies very early, even for projects that are not yet in production. It must also be said that, in the case of Manono, they were encouraged by the data published by AVZ Minerals, majority partner in Dathcom.
Thus, the final feasibility study published nearly a year ago, in April 2020, estimated the life of the mine at 20 years. This forecast is based, we learn, on the mineral resources of Manono, which is considered the largest hard rock lithium deposit in the world. It hosts 44.6 million tonnes of "proven" reserves and 48.5 million "probable" reserves. Over the 20-year lifespan, the mine is expected to have an annual production capacity of 700,000 tonnes of spodumene concentrate (SC6), a feedstock needed for the production of lithium hydroxide and carbonate. Manono is also expected to deliver 45,375 tonnes of primary lithium sulphates each year.
In addition, the project also seduces on the financial aspect. In addition to the annual EBITDA of USD 380 million over the life of the mine, the project would have an internal rate of return of 33% and an after-tax net present value of USD 1.03 billion, according to DFS.
This last point should even see a significant improvement due to the steady growth recorded by the lithium market in recent months. Realizing the project's potential will require an investment of USD 545.5 million, recoverable after 2.25 years. These estimates are already very promising and have been rather well received in the market, as evidenced by the rise of more than 200% of AVZ's stock on the ASX stock exchange, in Australia.
lithium quality
In the course of studies demonstrating the capabilities of the Manono project, producers of materials for electric batteries are pointing the tip of their nose. Just a few months after the feasibility study, AVZ Minerals received its Christmas present in the form of Manono's first-ever lithium picking agreement.
Announced a few months ago, the partnership negotiated with Ganfeng Lithium, one of China's largest producers of battery electric materials, will run for an initial period of five years, with the possibility of being extended thereafter. Under the terms of the contract, AVZ is to supply up to 160,000 tonnes of spodumene concentrate (SC6) annually.
"The fact that we have signed our first drawdown agreement with China's largest producer of lithium compounds only reinforces our belief that the Manono project is world-class," said Nigel Ferguson, CEO of the company.
Manono, a strategic place for the industry of the future...
To confirm its hopes, the company sought the support of the Canadian laboratory Kingston Process Metallurgy. The results of the tests announced in January 2021 revealed that spodumene extracted in the DRC can be perfectly used in the production of electric batteries. The primary sulfate obtained after purification contains more than 80% pure lithium, the ideal raw material for the production of lithium-ion batteries. This good news may have increased buyer interest, as less than two months later, AVZ Minerals confirmed that it had already found buyers for more than 50% of SC6's marketable production at Manono. The company has entered into a new supply agreement with another Chinese partner, Shenzhen Chengxin Lithium, one of the world's leading producers of lithium hydroxide and carbonate.
The company has entered into a new supply agreement with another Chinese partner, Shenzhen Chengxin Lithium, one of the world's leading producers of lithium hydroxide and carbonate. The latter has committed to purchasing up to 180,000 tonnes of SC6 concentrate annually. The agreement is for an initial period of three years, but may be extended by prior agreement of the parties.
Ready to go into production?
Over the past few months, AVZ Minerals has made significant progress in the development of the Manono project. In addition to the levy agreements, the company is considering, for example, ways to reduce the carbon footprint of its future activities at the site. It called for an independent assessment, whose findings have recently emerged have shown that the mine can be one of the least polluting in the world. The company plans to rehabilitate the Mpiana-Mwanga hydroelectric power plant, which will mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. This plant should have a capacity of 54 MW in the long term, allowing to achieve 90% savings on energy costs.
It called for an independent assessment, whose findings have recently emerged have shown that the mine can be one of the least polluting in the world. The company intends to rehabilitate the Mpiana-Mwanga hydroelectric power plant. Added to this is the acquisition of an electric car fleet, which will limit diesel consumption. While the various engineering works progress, all that remains now is to complete the financing in order to launch the construction work.
The entry into production is expected to increase the DRC's influence in the strategic metals sector and generate millions of US dollars in revenue for the public coffers. For now, Kinshasa is hesitating, plunging Manono's project into total uncertainty.
With Ecofin Agency
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Quick reminder to AVZ masochists, pineapplers, drunks, stoners and other assorted thrillseekers. No Nut November is just around the corner. Take the pledge...if you're game:

Speaking of thrill seekers, the $10m Golden Eagle run this Saturday at Rosehill features In the Congo, trained by Gai Waterhouse and currently listed as third favourite at $8.50. May be a good chance for AVZ punters to finally score a divvy lol.
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Hates a beer
Speaking of thrill seekers, the $10m Golden Everest run this Saturday at Rosehill features In the Congo, trained by Gai Waterhouse and currently listed as third favourite at $8.50. May be a good chance for AVZ punters to finally score a divvy lol.
The chance of seven and a half bags in a couple of minutes
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Speaking of thrill seekers, the $10m Golden Eagle run this Saturday at Rosehill features In the Congo, trained by Gai Waterhouse and currently listed as third favourite at $8.50. May be a good chance for AVZ punters to finally score a divvy lol.

I had a bet on that nag race 5 Moonee Valley on Sept 3rd

Bloody thing still owes me 50 bucks! :ROFLMAO:

I might just do the old AVZ double-down on Saturday and see if I can get my money back!!

Not financial advice. Gamble(invest) responsibly... :p
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Musk is in the house :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

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How will Zijin break the news to its shareholders that they handed back the 15% bargain investment deposit of US$5 million in Dathcom to the DRC Government, without losing face?

Don't forget that the news items quoted are Aussie 9/5/22 and not 5/9/22.

Are they going to say we tried to steal it for you, or are they going to say we were just joking? :oops::oops::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::eek::eek::eek::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

More likely they will say,

did-someone-say KFC.jpg




#AVZManono # .jpg



IMO ;)
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