AVZ Discussion 2022



Ummmm really Xerox did u just ask the same person twicešŸ¤Ŗ
Has Tom been crowing ? I need to check the bird
I am not Der Geist.
Yes I skimmed it too and have now come back to it to have a proper look.

However small a win, It is good that AVZI were ruled in favour for the procedural rules and the place of arbitration, I bet those fuckers were trying for Hong Kong. So now its 1-1 (Zijin got the first goal with their 1 arbitrator to bribe)
The Arbitration itself is still to happen though and I really don't like the way in which this announcement was framed as a win, if we are celebrating this how low are our expectations? Nothing really has happened yet, so Zijin are purposely dragging this on, lets face it if they were out they would ask for a quick resolution and put up a very very lame fight then say to their holders we tried but the evil westerners and their round eyes they colluded to cheat us poor Chinese.

I have very little faith now that Zijin have stopped in their BS attempt to cheat their way into Manono.

The Dathomir case is referencing the one on twitter where the judge was supposed to take a few days. Wanker judge was obviously on the take, so now that drags on too, interesting as we were following up on this an never got anything back so no doubt it was hushed up and filed at midnight.

It's not looking good for this to be cleared up by the time the shitshow rolls around. Certainly not as good as I first imagined, if this is how we are to be treated at the roadshows they will quickly become shitshows WE ARE TIRED OF THE BULLSHIT MANAGEMENT!!!

More fucking easter eggs from those in the DRC supposedly on our 'side' but we're used to fucking easter eggs, champagne on ice and fucking imminent announcements, motherfucker just get the cunting thing signed stop fuck-arsing around on 20k-30k a month while many of us poor bastard investors who PAY YOUR PISSING WAGES struggle and suffer mentally and financially, its not fucking much to ask, afterall its not like you've had over a fucking year now to get the fucking thing signed, you all should think yourself lucky to still be in a job with that performance. You bastards should freeze your astronomical wages till the fucking ML is through and we are bloody building a mine, out of concrete and not fucking empty promises, easter eggs and champagne, show some god dam empathy and compassion. While we are at it fucking dive into those deep pockets of yours and BUY SOME SHARES what the fuck is wrong with your conviction, my balls are aching at just how little money the BOD have bothered to invest into the company. Words - Action = SHIT

fuck me Bags mushrooms kicked in

all too soft on managekeny last several AGMs. The share price doped us with last AGM. I am expecting we get doped again. But not holding my breath
It does seem to me like this is what happened though. Surely AVZ was aware through its local contacts and law team that Dathomir was awarded the tribunal decision. It also seems to me like they were planning to sweep it under the rug and not mention it, like they did with the last tribunal decision and like they seem to have done with everything that doesn't suit our interests (e.g Zijin) until their hands were forced. This announcement really appears thrown together around limited facts and at a strange time remove from the things it's detailing - like they have been questioned about it and thought well okay now we have to inform the market- which ties in perfectly with what Tommy says about this only happening after AFR questioned AVZ about the tribunal results.

It really isn't a good look IMO, and reinforces my concerns about the company's disclosure track record. Which really is woeful given any critical examination of the earlier timeline on Dathomir and Zijin issues.

Poor form.
Yes, it really does look like they were forced to say something rather than AFR say it.

AVZ seems worried about its shareholders revolting on management. I for one expressed, ā€œif I see redā€ā€¦.and your opinion confirms what I have apprehended.

Giving Nigel some slack, he apparently knows rugby. And one tactic in rugby, revolving in an around a scrum, is all kinds of scheit is raked internally, but outwardly, you stand proud, and ready to coordinate and score.

I really donā€™t have an answer to appease us all except to say things are supposed to work and AVZ abided by the rules but when youā€™re dealing with crookery on a level we never thought possible, I mean ask what precedent there is for this Congo open corruption, this is an astonishing battle that is also a political battle for survival.

And Iā€™ve thought could AVZ have done things differently to avert this? Only one option I can see is, Klaus could have been retained, but he left sometime late 2018,
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The Company is aware of a DRC Tribunal decision dated 20 September 2022 granting a request by Dathomir Mining Resources SARL (Dathomir) for the interim suspension of payments of purchase prices under SPAs by which Dathomir agreed to sell and AVZI agreed to buy a 15% interest in Dathcom (Dathomir SPAs) pending arbitration.
Yes, but AVZ maintains it is not a party to the matter and has done so since day 1 with media speculation statement.
Oddly, it feels obliged to comment at all. Itā€™s because of this sense of obligation that we or many of us are starting to feel like jilted lovers.

Consider the passage of time, AFR learned very late to only have enquired as Tom Richardson claims on Tuesday. Thatā€™s 28 days. Why did it take so long to leak out? Dathomir didnā€™t leak it surely.
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Moneybags, I could be more negative about the company, but some people take it personally.


Charbella, just off the top of my head and without any looking into itā€¦. I think it refers to AVZ wanting three Judges at Arbitration (Procedural Order No: 1)

Which means it ruled in AVZā€™s favour of requesting three judges rather than one

I havenā€™t looked into the announcements yet as I am still too flabbergasted by the language I am readingā€¦. There are far too many people trying to take my and @Winenutā€™s mantelā€¦.
There are far too many people trying to take my and @Winenutā€™s mantelā€¦.

You're there to be shot at.
Every lion king is deposed
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Oh Nuts, we were just about to pass the mantle over to @Mr Inappropriate and now youā€™ve taken an unbreakable grip on it and @TDITD is trying to wrestle it from youā€¦. Itā€™s all happening!!

The only one who can take that mantle from you now isā€¦.
Look, Iā€™ll confess Iā€™m up against it. I usually only see the announcements after work, so Nuts gets a full business day to stew on the contents and create new invective for Z / PRC / BOD / Jean Claude van Damme / any other corrupt mutherfuckers, long before Iā€™ve managed to string together a few naughty words to post here.

In spite of this handicap, I will fight on.
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Look, Iā€™ll confess Iā€™m up against it. I usually only see the announcements after work, so Nuts gets a full business day to stew on the contents and create new invective for Z / PRC / BOD / Jean Claude van Damme / any other corrupt mutherfuckers, long before Iā€™ve managed to string together a few naughty words to post here.

In spite of this handicap, I will fight on.

Good for you Mr Inappropriate, my sentiments exactlyā€¦. Fight On Slugger
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Charbella, just off the top of my head and without any looking into itā€¦. I think it refers to AVZ wanting three Judges at Arbitration (Procedural Order No: 1)

Which means it ruled in AVZā€™s favour of requesting three judges rather than one

I havenā€™t looked into the announcements yet as I am still too flabbergasted by the language I am readingā€¦. There are far too many people trying to take my and @Winenutā€™s mantelā€¦.
Hi Moneybags, thanks for your reply. I have gone back to all the announcements and canā€™t find anything related to procedural request from AVZ. With regards to AVZ wanting three judges at Arbitration, the ICC has informed the parties that it appointed a sole arbitrator. I am buggered!
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Hi Moneybags, thanks for your reply. I have gone back to all the announcements and canā€™t find anything related to procedural request from AVZ. With regards to AVZ wanting three judges at Arbitration, the ICC has informed the parties that it appointed a sole arbitrator. I am buggered!
I wouldnā€™t dwell on it. AVZ is just trying to derisk.
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Hi Moneybags, thanks for your reply. I have gone back to all the announcements and canā€™t find anything related to procedural request from AVZ. With regards to AVZ wanting three judges at Arbitration, the ICC has informed the parties that it appointed a sole arbitrator. I am buggered!
Iā€™ll see what I can dig upā€¦.

Funny thing only just happened, can you believe I just got a call from the Chinese Embassy!!

Unbelievable but trueā€¦. I hung up but am posting the number here below:
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Biding my Time 1971
Bags, you should have heard them out. I also got a call and they offered to buy my shares for $5 šŸ«„šŸ«„šŸ«„šŸ«„
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Bags, you should have heard them out. I also got a call and they offered to buy my shares for $5 šŸ«„šŸ«„šŸ«„šŸ«„

Not funny X, Iā€™m deleting the number from the threads and just keeping a photo of itā€¦. Very Sus mate
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Just for you @Winenut @MoneyBags1348 @Frank @TDITD

When you have too much tonight and posted just look here.....love ya's o_O

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This announcement is essentially just a response to the AFR query?
Absolutely... Tommy enquired, they felt like they needed to release info on it because of that...
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Iā€™ve read, re-read, and read again that word-salad abomination of an announcement.
Itā€™s almost like someone threw some duck entrails at google translate and this is what popped out the end. FMD.

Caution: What follows is a madmanā€™s reverse-engineered interpretation of said word salad. Read at your own risk.

Now thatā€™s out of the way, I think I can see AVZ painting a positive picture here:

Thing 1. Z/ICC Arbitration: The next action is for the ICC to determine whether it has *jurisdiction* to hear the case. AVZ think the ICC does not have jurisdiction and, if correct, the case will not proceed to the next step (of ā€œbeing heard on its meritsā€).

Thing 2. DRC Tribunal: AVZ are seemingly so confident on this one they did not even send the office coffee boy to stand in the corner of the hearing room and play pocket billiards for a few hours. What the shit, Batman? Either that or they were binge-watching Doomsday Preppers and forgot to put the alarm on - dunno which.
Anyhoo, AVZ are saying ā€œwe donā€™t give a fuck - itā€™s not a properly constituted arbitral tribunalā€, presumably because the dispute mechanisms are laid out in detail in other legal documents (JV agreement or somesuch thing). In other words, ā€œuntil such time as one of these numbnuts from Dathomir invokes a proper dispute with us, itā€™s ours thanks all the sameā€.

So yeah, I think itā€™s positive. If correct, it might explain the vibe about being close to the ML, but who the fuck knowsā€¦

Oh, and to AVZ management: Hi. I hereby volunteer to write your announcements from this point forward. Iā€™ll write some nice words that are both syntactically correct and logically structured. Then Iā€™ll hand it over Wino and Moneybags who will add the kind of verbs and adjectives that would make a soldier blush. These announcements, so authored, will then be both understandable and entertaining. You know it makes sense.
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Iā€™ve read, re-read, and read again that word-salad abomination of an announcement.
Itā€™s almost like someone through some duck entrails at google translate and this is what popped out the end. FMD.

Caution: What follows is a madmanā€™s reverse-engineered interpretation of said word salad. Read at your own risk.

Now thatā€™s out of the way, I think I can see AVZ painting a positive picture here:

Thing 1. Z/ICC Arbitration: The next action is for the ICC to determine whether it has *jurisdiction* to hear the case. AVZ think the ICC does not have jurisdiction and, if correct, the case will not proceed to the next step (of ā€œbeing heard on its meritsā€).

Thing 2. DRC Tribunal: AVZ are seemingly so confident on this one they did not even send the office coffee boy to stand in the corner of the hearing room and play pocket billiards for a few hours. What the shit, Batman? Either that or they were binge-watching Doomsday Preppers and forgot to put the alarm on - dunno which.
Anyhoo, AVZ are saying ā€œwe donā€™t give a fuck - itā€™s not a properly constituted arbitral tribunalā€, presumably because the dispute mechanisms are laid out in detail in other legal documents (JV agreement or somesuch thing). In other words, ā€œuntil such time as one of these numbnuts from Dathomir invokes a proper dispute with us, itā€™s ours thanks all the sameā€.

So yeah, I think itā€™s positive. If correct, it might explain the vibe about being close to the ML, but who the fuck knowsā€¦

Oh, and to AVZ management: Hi. I hereby volunteer to write your announcements from this point forward. Iā€™ll write some nice words that are both syntactically correct and logically structured. Then Iā€™ll hand it over Wino and Moneybags who will add the kind of verbs and adjectives that would make a soldier blush. These announcements, so authored, will then be both understandable and entertaining. You know it makes sense.

šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ The funny thing is I think you got the first part wrong Mr I

Now Iā€™m going to have to re-read it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
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šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ The funny thing is I think you got the first part wrong Mr I

Now Iā€™m going to have to re-read it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
Maybe. Have an other read and share your thoughtsā€¦
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Iā€™ll see what I can dig upā€¦.

Funny thing only just happened, can you believe I just got a call from the Chinese Embassy!!

Unbelievable but trueā€¦. I hung up but am posting the number here below:
MB if possible can you please drop me a private message on the call you received? I canā€™t see how to initiate a message to youā€¦
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Who has their finger in this fuckin PIE!!!!! Guess fucking WHO
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Iā€™ve read, re-read, and read again that word-salad abomination of an announcement.
Itā€™s almost like someone threw some duck entrails at google translate and this is what popped out the end. FMD.

Caution: What follows is a madmanā€™s reverse-engineered interpretation of said word salad. Read at your own risk.

Now thatā€™s out of the way, I think I can see AVZ painting a positive picture here:

Thing 1. Z/ICC Arbitration: The next action is for the ICC to determine whether it has *jurisdiction* to hear the case. AVZ think the ICC does not have jurisdiction and, if correct, the case will not proceed to the next step (of ā€œbeing heard on its meritsā€).

Thing 2. DRC Tribunal: AVZ are seemingly so confident on this one they did not even send the office coffee boy to stand in the corner of the hearing room and play pocket billiards for a few hours. What the shit, Batman? Either that or they were binge-watching Doomsday Preppers and forgot to put the alarm on - dunno which.
Anyhoo, AVZ are saying ā€œwe donā€™t give a fuck - itā€™s not a properly constituted arbitral tribunalā€, presumably because the dispute mechanisms are laid out in detail in other legal documents (JV agreement or somesuch thing). In other words, ā€œuntil such time as one of these numbnuts from Dathomir invokes a proper dispute with us, itā€™s ours thanks all the sameā€.

So yeah, I think itā€™s positive. If correct, it might explain the vibe about being close to the ML, but who the fuck knowsā€¦

Oh, and to AVZ management: Hi. I hereby volunteer to write your announcements from this point forward. Iā€™ll write some nice words that are both syntactically correct and logically structured. Then Iā€™ll hand it over Wino and Moneybags who will add the kind of verbs and adjectives that would make a soldier blush. These announcements, so authored, will then be both understandable and entertaining. You know it makes sense.
After reading the announcement 100 times, I think your interpretation of point 1 is on the money.
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Jesus ā€¦i have some reading too do ā€¦dont you fellas /Nellie & others work ā€¦apparently Nige & Board are rolling out the Welcome mat šŸ˜†
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