AVZ Discussion 2022


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What REALLY fucks me off is that if Tittle Tattle Tom is to be believed, he got tipped off about the DATHOMIR Tribunal outcome, asked some questions, and once again, AVZ have been forced to come clean with the information.

I don’t care if AVZ think it’s immaterial and of no effect, just let us know on a timely basis. They are starting to look a bit silly, being called out by Mr Cut and Paste for a second time.

@Der Geist, were you aware of the Tribunal outcome? @R2D2, were you?
Ummmm really Xerox did u just ask the same person twice🤪
Has Tom been crowing ? I need to check the bird
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Does AVZ really care that much about boatman and that smarmly little fuck tommy.. I don’t think so.. we (investors) have read and understand the boatman report is bullshit.. something else is about to Happen
Tommy really does have that weasel look doesn’t he, what a surprise he is one. It would be nice if this was the start of a flurry of announcements leading upto our ML before the roadshow.
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*Sorry to here that Johnno, We have plenty to spare over here in the East with more to come that we don't need or want atm :eek:

Most of this ( 100mm + fell in 24 Hrs ) :oops:

A case of Rain - Rain Go Away atm

Enough is Enough 🌧️

View attachment 19466

Looking out my Front Door the other Day it was like this 🌧️

View attachment 19464


Cheers 🤞

Frank ☔
At least the car looks clean mate ;)
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What REALLY fucks me off is that if Tittle Tattle Tom is to be believed, he got tipped off about the DATHOMIR Tribunal outcome, asked some questions, and once again, AVZ have been forced to come clean with the information.

I don’t care if AVZ think it’s immaterial and of no effect, just let us know on a timely basis. They are starting to look a bit silly, being called out by Mr Cut and Paste for a second time.

@Der Geist, were you aware of the Tribunal outcome? @R2D2, were you?
I’m not in the loop. In fact, I didn’t realise he was tipped off, but you’re right.
It seems Boatman has a decent contact in the Congo.
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Sorry Jag. Your comment is too cryptic for me. Please elaborate? Surely BOD won't do roadshows w/o prior positive ASX announcements?
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I agree just give the prick 30 mill. It's a cheep way to confirm 75% imo. Then there can be no dispute.
Do that and we prove that we can be blackmailed.
Others will line up.
Govt will continue to do fuck all for as long as it suits and maybe say it's our fault for dancing with the devil.

This is the government's mess to sort.
If left alone, they will eventually do so and leave AVZ with a rump company or territory.
Only because the slimmey shits will have carved up the snacks
Then that fat fuck FT will be swanning around the Western world with a big hard on.
US and Europeans won't care about ownership. They just want lithium.
And don't kid yourself that it's about supply security.
Western car manufacturers are investing in Chinese factories.
And as for NF
Don't get me started.
The mogadon kid
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Mr Clean

First post - but long time poster on the crapper.

With arbitration proceeding, does that mean you’re one ball short from now on?


What REALLY fucks me off is that if Tittle Tattle Tom is to be believed, he got tipped off about the DATHOMIR Tribunal outcome, asked some questions, and once again, AVZ have been forced to come clean with the information.

I don’t care if AVZ think it’s immaterial and of no effect, just let us know on a timely basis. They are starting to look a bit silly, being called out by Mr Cut and Paste for a second time.

@Der Geist, were you aware of the Tribunal outcome? @R2D2, were you?

It does seem to me like this is what happened though. Surely AVZ was aware through its local contacts and law team that Dathomir was awarded the tribunal decision. It also seems to me like they were planning to sweep it under the rug and not mention it, like they did with the last tribunal decision and like they seem to have done with everything that doesn't suit our interests (e.g Zijin) until their hands were forced. This announcement really appears thrown together around limited facts and at a strange time remove from the things it's detailing - like they have been questioned about it and thought well okay now we have to inform the market- which ties in perfectly with what Tommy says about this only happening after AFR questioned AVZ about the tribunal results.

It really isn't a good look IMO, and reinforces my concerns about the company's disclosure track record. Which really is woeful given any critical examination of the earlier timeline on Dathomir and Zijin issues.

Poor form.
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Do that and we prove that we can be blackmailed.
Others will line up.
Govt will continue to do fuck all for as long as it suits and maybe say it's our fault for dancing with the devil.

This is the government's mess to sort.
If left alone, they will eventually do so and leave AVZ with a rump company or territory.
Only because the slimmey shits will have carved up the snacks
Then that fat fuck FT will be swanning around the Western world with a big hard on.
US and Europeans won't care about ownership. They just want lithium.
And don't kid yourself that it's about supply security.
Western car manufacturers are investing in Chinese factories.
And as for NF
Don't get me started.
The mogadon kid
Right rant over
Back under my stone
But first apologies to the girls for comparing your downstairs bits to Mr lying smug face .
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Biding my Time 1971
Sama has higher priorities…..FFS

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So we should be expecting another seperate announcement later today like the last time on, "arbitration proceedings and investigations update" ?
Here I knew something was amiss 😡😡😡😡

Management thinks SHs are naive and giving their own spin on things which we have to defend against boatman and co. and look really stupid doing so.
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Here I knew something was amiss 😡😡😡😡

Management thinks SHs are naive and giving their own spin on things which we have to defend against boatman and co. and look really stupid doing so.
So the way I read today's announcement was;

DRC courts have said the deal between AVZ and Dothomire has nothing to do with us, we can't reverse it as it's under international rules and needs to be heard by the ICC if you want to fight about it. So unless Dathomire take us to arbitration, we should have 75% stitched up and can move on the ML and the hold ups.

The other battle at arbitration sounds like we won to have first heard the fight of pre-emptive rights and if they were followed correctly, if they were, then a fight for ownership will move forward. If AVZ was back doors, then we can move to purchase the extra 15%

Please tell me if I'm wrong, that just how I read it all. Not bad news, not good news, pretty much what we all knew. The only thing I feel has changed is it's not Zijin that's the hold up, I think it's the DRC case.
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During the Question/Answer session at the Chatham house Royal Institute of International Affairs conference, I hope someone asked Felix about the DRC Manono Lithium asset as the world is aware of it.




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So the way I read today's announcement was;

DRC courts have said the deal between AVZ and Dothomire has nothing to do with us, we can't reverse it as it's under international rules and needs to be heard by the ICC if you want to fight about it. So unless Dathomire take us to arbitration, we should have 75% stitched up and can move on the ML and the hold ups.

The other battle at arbitration sounds like we won to have first heard the fight of pre-emptive rights and if they were followed correctly, if they were, then a fight for ownership will move forward. If AVZ was back doors, then we can move to purchase the extra 15%

Please tell me if I'm wrong, that just how I read it all. Not bad news, not good news, pretty much what we all knew. The only thing I feel has changed is it's not Zijin that's the hold up, I think it's the DRC case.
Thank you 🙏

But in last 6 months we have comforted ourselves with our own interpretations to believe we are in good, which should have been the job of AVZ’s management to prove it to us with solid evidence.

These roadshows are 5 months too late. We still have no idea why we are in suspension and what are we doing and waiting for to get out of it.

With approximately $10k/day combined salary of the AVZ team, it’s not too much to ask to get better clarity from them for our investments when the make these announcements 🤷‍♂️
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Thank you 🙏

But in last 6 months we have comforted ourselves with our own interpretations to believe we are in good, which should have been the job of AVZ’s management to prove it to us with solid evidence.

These roadshows are 5 months too late. We still have no idea why we are in suspension and what are we doing and waiting for to get out of it.

With approximately $10k/day combined salary of the AVZ team, it’s not too much to ask to get better clarity from them for our investments when the make these announcements 🤷‍♂️
Completely agree, the company's ability to communicate to shareholders is terrible and always has been, however their in country respect and the way they seem to get things done ought to be commended. A lot of other companies would have sold up and left by now.
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The Arbitrator has issued Procedural Order No.1-3 ruling in favour of AVZI

Do we know what procedural order No.1-3 entails? Anyone?
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How on earth did you get this

"DRC courts have said the deal between AVZ and Dothomire has nothing to do with us, we can't reverse it as it's under international rules and needs to be heard by the ICC if you want to fight about it."

From the announcement? Did we read the same one?

The DRC courts literally said it did have something to do with them, and literally ruled to reverse it. They also didn't say anything to do with ICC that was just AVZ saying yeah sure they ruled in Dathomirs favour but we won't recognize that, only arbitration.
The Company is aware of a DRC Tribunal decision dated 20 September 2022 granting a request by Dathomir Mining Resources SARL (Dathomir) for the interim suspension of payments of purchase prices under SPAs by which Dathomir agreed to sell and AVZI agreed to buy a 15% interest in Dathcom (Dathomir SPAs) pending arbitration.
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"As previously announced and consistent with the above statements, AVZ confirms that it retains legal title to a 75% interest in the Manono Project and its pre-emptive rights over the balance of the Project." 20/10/22

So basically AVZ is ignoring Cong's claims . It's bogus and has no relevance . So Cong is off in his own little world trying to make something out of nothing and we ain't playing his game . ML coming up ?
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The Arbitrator has issued Procedural Order No.1-3 ruling in favour of AVZI

Do we know what procedural order No.1-3 entails? Anyone?
Charbella, just off the top of my head and without any looking into it…. I think it refers to AVZ wanting three Judges at Arbitration (Procedural Order No: 1)

Which means it ruled in AVZ’s favour of requesting three judges rather than one

I haven’t looked into the announcements yet as I am still too flabbergasted by the language I am reading…. There are far too many people trying to take my and @Winenut’s mantel….
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