The problem we have is with the Chinese Communist Party not the DRC officials / government . IMO. So if one is to believe the Chinese have paid off all the corrupt officials over the years, then how can one expect those corrupt officials to side with AVZ . The Chinese would have them over a barrel . This is the dilemma the DRC GOV is faced with imo . Even with the ICF report and all the AVZ evidence staring them in the face . It's all there to see . So now the stall tactics come into play . Run it round in circles. Wear the opposition down . Grind them into the ground . Admit to nothing . Make them go away . We are 6 months into this shit fight . The Chinese now exposed have sucked us in to their long game vortex . Death by a thousand pineapples . However this time they have come up against a formidable opponent imo . Nige ain't giving up . IMONow that is the most rational take on this fuck up to date imo. Gov like all gov's trying to lay the blame on someone else while they go on shafting people. Well done mate
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