AVZ Discussion 2022

Likewise Sammael all good here. Just needed to get it off my big titted chest!

Sorry to say that my contacts are also saying that we are close to gaining the ML, but no cigar quite yet.
Apparently talks are progressing, and will continue to hopefully progress in the right direction this coming week.
There's definitely a few twists & turns coming, but until the ML is issued we're stuck in no man's land.

And here’s me thinking you were a petite glamour puss 😉
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Sexual tension between nells and wombat is strong
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Sexual tension between nells and wombat is strong
Now I know she has big tits my feelers are starting vibrate . IMO of course.
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Now I know she has big tits my feelers are starting vibrate . IMO of course.
how do you know nells is a girl? stated big chested tits which could be a large size male. nells, if you're a girl no offence and glad to have some balance on the forum.
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First of all.............congratulations with your daughter getting married and being a grand father once again.....(y)

Secondly...........commiserations on having to " sell the farm " to achieve that............:(:ROFLMAO::unsure:

Thirdly................Why does the " boss " have to drive you everywhere ? Medical ?

Fourthly..........As you may know, i hate AGMs...........full of BS, but considering the " ROYAL SHIT SHOW " that has transpired since May 2022, i aint going to miss this upcoming AGM in November , no matter how busy i am, especially if the extension of suspension goes beyond tomorrow..........:mad:

I think its time for poor suffering longs to get some clarity..........will we get it ?

What questions should we ask Nigel ?

Here is mine.

a) Nigel, how long have you known about the SNACK transaction with Cominiere & Zijin for 15% ?

Why didnt you feel the need to inform the ASX / shareholders about this potential conflict ?

Is this dispute the only reason why all the timelines for updated BFS, SEZ, FID, Cath confirmation etc has been delayed to the shit house or is there more ?

b) Can you inform us with whats going on with our crown jewel...............CDL ?

Has AVZ exercised the necessary requirements for the exploration lease to be renewed for another 5 yrs in its entirety ?

Interested what you and others might want to ask.............one thing is for sure, the AGM will be robust to say the least.....especially if i take the stand.....;)

View attachment 18433

If you are going to make the trip ole boy, will very much look forward to meeting you plus all of the other AVZ comrades.

Hoping for the best tomorrow, especially for the poor pricks who are all in , trapped and need some coin desperately!

Here is my question for the AGM : Where's my f--king money !?
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Now I know she has big tits my feelers are starting vibrate . IMO of course.
dodgeball boobies GIF
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Expecting another extension tomorrow by all accounts we are closer. But what is closer in DRC-speak?

It’s open an closed really if you follow the laws, contracts and agreements. No Zijin you corrupt wanks, Dathomir get laughed out and CAMI should have already granted ML so it should prompt some attention on who and why it’s being held up…..should being the operative word. But this is pineapple country so we wait. Quietly hoping the hold up is of a positive type of nature along the lines of a non-Chinese partner.

AGM Question

Nigel what has happened with the arbitration that was to be held in September.
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Got me fucked why lawyers are chasing boatman as surely there's more important work to be done. And let's face it avz haven't proved all the boatman report to be bs yet. Ie what is the manono ownership. None of that crap has been definitely sorted yet. So unfortunately hard to call it bs. JUST STICK TO THE TASK OF GETTING THE FUCKEN ML for chist sake this stock is doing g my fucken head in.
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For those who like to be teased a little, I’ve attached a link I found dated 08/10/22…. I particularly hope @The Fox and @Nellie17 like this one

I think HKT might stand for the Hong Kong Times, but to be honest I’ve finally started to go as bonkers as everyone else here
Disagree mate.
You're the only one here who's closer to sanity than a couple of months ago.
You haven't even threatened to leave for at least a week.
New meds?
If so, what are they, 'cos I need to get them?
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Disagree mate.
You're the only one here who's closer to sanity than a couple of months ago.
You haven't even threatened to leave for at least a week.
New meds?
If so, what are they, 'cos I need to get them?

I keep telling you guys, it’s the magic mushrooms 🍄 from the Martinsville cow paddocks 😉
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Now I know she has big tits my feelers are starting vibrate . IMO of course.
Nell’s just sent this to me in confidence, but she knows what I’m like 😉

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Well I have to say, I'm on the verge of wanting to kill someone over all this so in the mean time I recorded the second episode of my other rug pull.

If you all feel like a distraction have a listen. Prolly worth listening to Episode I first though. To get the gist and follow the narrative.

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Now that is the most rational take on this fuck up to date imo. Gov like all gov's trying to lay the blame on someone else while they go on shafting people. Well done mate
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My AGM question:

Why can't I afford an AMG yet?
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I don’t understand this boatman drama, yes it was bullshit but does it matter in current situation… no.. who gives a flying fuck move on. All energy and time should be into resolving current issues

There’s some weird smoke and mirrors going on here..
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