AVZ Discussion 2022

The Fox

Question for anyone with timeline of this shit show... what was the earliest some of these shitty events happened that we questionably should have heard about via an asx announcement?

I can kind of justify management not letting on about some shit, but, it bugs me to think of the market cap performance shares of last year.... would news of events that we possibly should have been told about have interrupted that?

From memory some of this shit goes back more than 12 months?
This article with significant detail was published a month before AVZ suspension.

(the above news agency also published front page articles on the 6 Directors of Cominiere and the now famous snacks.

There were a few articles with a lot less detail on the same topic in Jan and Feb 2022, I came across these a few months ago, basically one or two paragraph stating a transaction had happened etc.

These were not a publications that were unpinned by compliant or scandal. Also, I vaguely remember AVZ may not have been mentioned, just Dathcom, Cominiere and Zijin.

Most DRC news agencies archive older content so harder to find as time goes on, they don't have the same budget for their servers as the BBC of course, and the search engines are basic. (if they have one)

I'll try to locate the earlier articles or see if I saved them at the time. Others might have them saved and can share.

Maybe there are other new items in 2021, not sure. Seems it was all kept pretty quite as far as publications are concerned until 2022.

Cheers The Fox 🦊

The Cominière delightes Chinese Zijin in the lithium project | Le Soft international​

The International Soft n°1550|MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2022.

If it's true, it's sleeping up. A real scandal as it now breaks out with every dive. This is the bitter observation that we could make. In a letter that sounds like a stingy, the General Inspectorate of Finance reportedly wrote to Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde Kyenge and pays particular attention to a note on the results of a check of the regularity of the sale of the shares of Cominière SA, a company of the State Portfolio, in Dathcom Mining SA. The note? A real questioning of the Head of Government...

The case? Better, the umpteenth case, because they are now legion: the 15% of the shares of the public company La Cominière in the company Dathcom Mining to the Chinese company Zijin Mining, carried out in violation of the legal provisions on the disengagement of the State from the Portfolio.

These shares were valued at US$150,000,000, they were sold at US$34,440,000. Shortfall: $1,560,000.

Then, the squandering of the proceeds of this sale. Of these US$3,440,000 received and, in conjunction with the Board of Directors of Cominière SA, the managers of this public company have already distributed US$6,800,000.
There is no shortage of reasons, in their eyes: payment of snacks, fees, commissions and remuneration to those who contributed to the realization of this operation.

And, since there are not two without three, sale free of the 5% of the shares of Cominière SA in Dathcom Minging SA to Dathomir Mining Sarl. Which 5% would have been resold for US$85 million. A diagram that reminds many others...

In this leaked letter, three points stand out clearly and are bolded and highlighted: "sale of the state's mining heritage"; "delapidation of the proceeds from the sale of 15% of the Cominière SA's shares in Dathcom Minging company"; "free transfer...". In short, a scandal that awaits an exemplary sanction.

The IGF, which knows how to call a cat a cat, suspects three officials: the Chief Executive Officer a.i. of Cominière SA, Athanase Mwamba Misao, the members of the Board of Directors of Cominière who allegedly authorized these operations, Portfolio Minister Adèle Kahinda Mayina.

According to the circles close to the case, it is following the recommendations issued by H.E.M. the President of the Republic, Head of State, for the supervision of all the State's financial operations, (that) the General Inspectorate of Finance has just carried out a mission to control the sale of the holdings of the company Cominière SA, Company of the State Portfolio,

After this control mission, three important facts are obvious and for which "we seize your authority for decision," the letter writes.

This is: sale of the state's mining heritage. The sale of 15% of the shares of the Public Company La Cominière in Dathcom Mining to Zijin Mining was made in violation of the legal provisions on the disengagement of the State of Portfolio Enterprises.

Indeed, the 15% of the shares of Cominière SA valued at US$150,000,000 (US dollars one hundred and fifty million) were transferred to Zijin Mining for a total value of $33,40,000 (US dollars thirty-three million four hundred and forty thousand). This is followed by a shortfall of US$116,560,000 (US dollars one hundred and sixteen million five hundred and sixty thousand); "delapidation of the proceeds of the sale of 15% of the Cominière SA's shares in Dathcom Mining.

Of the total amount of the proceeds of the sale of 15% of the shares,340,000 of US$340,000 (US dollars thirty-three million four hundred and forty thousand), the Cominière SA has already used about $6,800,000 (US dollars sin millions eight hundred thousand) for snacks, fees, commission and remuneration for the benefit of the people who contributed to the sale of the shares

Then: "Free transfer of 5% of the shares of Cominière SA in Dathcom Mining SA for the benefit of Dathomir Mining Sarl. The alleged gracious and provisional transfer of 5% of the Cominière shares in Dathcom Mining SA to Dathomir Mining Sarl, which occurred in 2017, turned out, in the transfer contract, to be final and irrevocable, with a price agreed between the two parties, but whose revenues were not traced to Cominière SA. There is a presumption of the use of forgery on the part of the Director General a.i. to carry out a fraudulent transfer of 5% of shares."

Then close by designating those responsible. "All these facts are the responsibility of the a.i. Director General of Cominière SA, the members of the Board of Directors of the said company as well as the Minister of State, Minister of the Portfolio".

La Cominière SA is a young mining company with its head office at No. 5167 Nyembo Avenue, Socimat district, in Kinshasa-Gombe. It was created on April 12, 2010 after the decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders, namely, the Ministry of the Portfolio and the National Institute of Social Security whose new name, since July 15, 2018 (law of July 15, 2016), is the National Social Security Fund, CNSS.

The Cominière has 35 mining perimeters scattered throughout North Katanga, the Tanganyika and Haut-Lomami provinces where pegmatite-type rocks rich in spodumène are found, a lithium mineral associated with stanno-coltaniferous minerals.

More specifically in the territories of Manono, Mitwaba, Kalemie, Malemba-Nkulu, Bukama, Moba, Nyunzu, Kongolo. The company carries out all the study, prospecting, research and mining operations of cassitérite, tantalum, niobium, tungsten, lithium, gold and all grantable and recoverable mineral substances.
The history of Cominière dates back to 1920 when the Geological and Mining Company of Belgian engineers and industrialists extracted tin from Manono. In 1960, the aftermath of independence, the Geological and Mining Company sold its assets to the Geological and Mining Society of Congo.

Renamed Congo-Étain in 1968, then Zaïre-Étain in 1971, the company saw its production gradually fall. In 1997, it took over the name Congo-Étain, before being reborn, in the early 2010s, under the name of Cominière, the Congolese Mining Operations, whose capital is held by the Congolese State (90%) and the National Social Security Fund (10%).

Dathomir Mining Resources, owned by the influential Chinese businessman Cong Mao Huai, called to Congo Simon Cong, and considered the bridgehead of Chinese business in the country, concluded, in September 2020, an agreement to sell 10% of its shares in Manono to the Australian project operator, AVZ Minerals.

The finalization of the transaction makes AVZ Minerals the 75% owner of the lithium site compared to 25% for the Cominière State company.

Zijin Mining is a Chinese mining company. It is the third largest copper company in China. It is the main gold company in China and operates the Zijinshan mine, China's largest gold mine. In May 2015, Zijin Mining bought 47% of the Kamoa project for $412 million from Canadian Ivanhoe Mines.

In total, Zijin Mining has 57% in the Kamoa copper mine and 51% shares through its subsidiary Jin Cheng Mining in the Musonoie Global Mining Company.

Classified as a strategic metal in Congo, lithium is a rare metal. It is involved in the manufacture of batteries and batteries, in particular for solar panels, computers, smartphones and electric cars, but also in the glass and ceramics industry, such as in the manufacture of special lubricants and alloys, the treatment of air tainted by CO2, the pharmaceutical industry and that of rubber and thermoplastics.

The world's largest producers of lithium to date are Bolivia, Chile and Argentina, called the "lithium triangle", as well as China and Australia. Lithium from Congo could eventually prove to be the easiest to extract and of the highest quality. The country that hosts a number of essential metals for the energy transition and stirs up lusts, is already the world's leading supplier of cobalt and one of the major players in copper production, attracts the whole world with its immense lithium reserves.

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The Fox

Question for anyone with timeline of this shit show... what was the earliest some of these shitty events happened that we questionably should have heard about via an asx announcement?

I can kind of justify management not letting on about some shit, but, it bugs me to think of the market cap performance shares of last year.... would news of events that we possibly should have been told about have interrupted that?

From memory some of this shit goes back more than 12 months?
Last few paragraphs on this article is certainly Cominiere selling 15% to Zijin, yet only Cominiere is mentioned. 🦊

He is the pride of Congo | Le Soft international​

The International Soft n°1546|THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2022.

We could write everything, we could comment on everything, it remains that in a little more than three years of being able Tshisekedi, definitely, we will remember a name: Jules Alingete Key. This name is mentioned in Congo; it is mentioned abroad; it is cited in the media around the world. Of course, some figures may be missing, but the man has done and does his part. There are one less than those reported by the Minister of Finance in his 2021 Report. "A historic record in the mobilization of domestic revenues. A significant increase in domestic revenues of 70% in 2021 compared to 2020 to reach CDF 11,838 billion compared to 6,968 billion in 2020, "writes the text.


If the figures of the Régies financières have soared like never before and, at no time, the state's budget is more than $10 billion as never before in the country's history, that Finance Minister Nicolas Serge Kazadi Kadima-Nzuji is now heading to more than $12 billion, it is it is time for Congo to have recognition to one man and, only one

And above all, the man who discovered him in March 2019, two months after his seizure of power, recruited him and appointed him on June 30 as head of the General Inspectorate of Finance; who accompanies him, gives him, in the face of his achieved results, full and complete confidence.

This man is the President of the Republic, Head of State, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo without whom, the Inspector General of Finance, Head of Service, Jules Alingete Key, would be nothing today, would be early, humiliated, devoured by the underworld.

Jules Alingete testifies himself, he who does not hide anything: how many times, he has not been brought large envelopes, in his office, for him to be silent; envelopes brought by ministers, bosses of public and private companies, provincial governors! How many threatening anonymous calls, announcing a tragedy, did he not receive? Jules Alingete Key remained the same, marble, determined for his investigations, in his investigations, continuing to do what he had to do: his share of work...

To those who judge his action today without result, he has the right sentence: "I am not justice".
But among those who have to make an administrative decision, in the face of obvious guilt, whether they are ministers or not, Jules Alingete Key does not let go.

This is what happened to the Minister of State, Princess Adèle Kayinda Mayina, Moral Authority of the ALDEC party, allied to the AFDC-A of the President of the Senate, Modeste Bahati Lukwebo.
On February 10, the Inspector General of Finance, Head of Service, pursued the minister to her office, as a gendarme pursues - chases - the criminal, to his limits, to spit on him, unless there is due to respect for the function, the truth, in at least one case, that of the SCTP, the ex-ONATRA.

"The truth about the meeting between Portfolio and IGF. During the said meeting, the IGF reaffirmed its finding of serious financial embezzlement at the part of the companies concerned and urged the Ministry of the Portfolio to urgently punish guilty public agents, "writes the Twitter account of the General Inspectorate of Finance, @IgfRdc, taking everyone to witness.

Then, Jules Alingete Key himself, to outbid, on his official account @ALINGETEJULES_K: "I refuse to debate with manifestly corrupt authorities that hinder the fight against impunity triggered by the President of the Republic, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi @Presidence_RDC @IgfRdc #IGF".
And to @IgfRdc to take over by talking about "acts of predation in public enterprises in the state" and "diversions that take place there in an organized gang".

Princess Adèle Kayinda Mayina was wrong; she tried to cover up criminals by raising suspicions about her own responsibility.
Because, in this case, the IGF campaign has carried. The cleaver has fallen. According to various sources, it was the President of the Republic himself, in the face of suspicion, who ordered "the suspension of their duties of the agents involved in the embezzlements at the SCTP".

Now, more than ever, the fear of the gendarme is experienced in the country. Finance Minister Nicolas Serge Kazadi Kadima-Nzuji disputes the check requested by the brand new CÉNI office, the independent national electoral center, supposed to be the perfect model of transparency in the management of everything.

The check of $1.6 million that the CÉNI office requested from the minister to buy vehicles from his office, is "30 to 40 times higher than the price charged on the market", thus disqualifying this barely established citizen institution, which is bent under criticism, and the Minister to direct it to the IGF, the only one able to certify figures.

"I am in favor of the control of the IGF, including the CENNI. The three electoral processes were extremely expensive and there was very little control. Whenever the CENI comes with requests, we will look at them closely."

On another file - that of the Cominière firm - the IGF says it is ready, again. A file born from a government inquiry initiated by the National Deputy of Kipushi, ex-Katanga, Memba Ebenga Nanou, "for explanations on the sale of solo shares by Comminiere, a portfolio company of the Congolese State" and in which some would have seen the hand of the Minister of State for Spatial Planning, Guy Loando Mboyo and Chinese financiers.

Here too, the IGF announced on its Twitter account that it "will examine under a scrutiny the file of the sale of 15% of the state's shares in the mining company Comminiere to enlighten public opinion and Justice on a possible organized band predation of the state portfolio".

More than ever and without a doubt, and certainly without delay, the Congolese Nation must be grateful to Jules Alingete Key.

Of course, she doesn't lose anything to wait, but all the signals are green. Under Alingete, the IGF does the job. It is up to justice to do his own. Impossible is not Congolese. Congo can if it wants to.

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I love it how we are all just doing each other's heads in . I feel like on a merry go round I can't get off and every time it goes full circle someone punches me in the face .
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Any guesses for how long the next extension will be ? I'm going with a 1 month extension . They may throw in some feel good drill results .
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Any guesses for how long the next extension will be ? I'm going with a 1 month extension . They may throw in some feel good drill results .
1-2 weeks according to the grapevine. But who knows, everyone is full of shit imo.
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Master of Quan
Any guesses for how long the next extension will be ? I'm going with a 1 month extension . They may throw in some feel good drill results .
Fuck it, Decemeber 31st.
Plan for the worst hope for the best
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1-2 weeks according to the grapevine. But who knows, everyone is full of shit imo.
If they go for a short extension then they better be confident this time . Prick tease me once and the joke is on me . Prick tease me twice and the joke is on me . But prick tease me 3 times and the joke is on ................shit come to think of it the joke is still on me . Just hurry up FFS!
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Any guesses for how long the next extension will be ? I'm going with a 1 month extension . They may throw in some feel good drill results .
Dear Wombat,


AVZ Minerals Limited refers to the Company's request for an extention to its voluntary suspension dated 15 September 2022, in relation to the finalisation and release of an announcement with respect to its mining and exploration rights for the Manono Lithoum and Tin project.

The Company advises that the subject of the initial trading halt request remains incomplete and requests a further extension to the voluntary suspension until the commencement of trade on 31 October 2022 or an earlier announcement to the market regarding its mining and exploration rights for the Manono project.

Some new line about the Company being confident of a positive outcome and trading again inserted here.

This copy and pasted request has been authorised for release to the ASX by Nigel and the rest of the board.


Carlos Danger
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Dear Wombat,


AVZ Minerals Limited refers to the Company's request for an extention to its voluntary suspension dated 15 September 2022, in relation to the finalisation and release of an announcement with respect to its mining and exploration rights for the Manono Lithoum and Tin project.

The Company advises that the subject of the initial trading halt request remains incomplete and requests a further extension to the voluntary suspension until the commencement of trade on 31 October 2022 or an earlier announcement to the market regarding its mining and exploration rights for the Manono project.

Some new line about the Company being confident of a positive outcome and trading again inserted here.

This copy and pasted request has been authorised for release to the ASX by Nigel and the rest of the board.


Carlos Danger
Thank you for the personal touch.
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1-2 weeks according to the grapevine. But who knows, everyone is full of shit imo.
Why is everyone 'full of shit!'?
Most on here are trying to help each other with the slightest bit of info possible. How's your grapevine going that you keep referring too? We've heard jack shit from that!
This has been a total head fuck scenario,
But you accusing that everyone who is offering anything, is full of shit!
Well fuck you!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,

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Why is everyone 'full of shit!'?
Most on here are trying to help each other with the slightest bit of info possible. How's your grapevine going that you keep referring too? We've heard jack shit from that!
This has been a total head fuck scenario,
But you accusing that everyone who is offering anything, is full of shit!
Well fuck you!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,

All good Nells, just a moment of frustration. To be taken jokingly.
Hoping for positive outcomes relatively soon. Just sharing what little I can in my own way without getting anyone in trouble.
I am hearing of further positive developments outside of social media however it is difficult to have much faith in the DRC at this point.
That's all. Let's say they are the ones who seem to be full of shit.
I share whatever I possibly can here through ongoing research and appreciate the work and insight of others.
Apologies to have offended you.
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Same boat @BEISHA ..Thank Fuck school hols are over ,my Boss goes back to work & life on da farm returns to kinda normal .We had #2 Daughter married #1 Daughter give birth to our 3rd grand son …sold a shit load of sheep :( ,Was driven everywhere which frustrates the fuck out of me

AGM should be interesting ,hopefully i will attend but have to be driven there so the Boss needs to take a day off school .Be nice to catch up with JAG ,Yourself ,Nut & Cash plus any of the fellas coming over from the East …Might have enough there for Nuts famous “Circle Jerk”I know you you younger fellas are up for anything :)

If this suspension goes past tomorrow it may be classified as a “Fuck Fest” which is the next step down from a “Royal Shit Show”.Shirley Nige wont go into meeting still in suspension if so he have bigger balls than @JAG???.Keep well all hopefully we get good news tomorrow
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First of all.............congratulations with your daughter getting married and being a grand father once again.....(y)

Secondly...........commiserations on having to " sell the farm " to achieve that............:(:ROFLMAO::unsure:

Thirdly................Why does the " boss " have to drive you everywhere ? Medical ?

Fourthly..........As you may know, i hate AGMs...........full of BS, but considering the " ROYAL SHIT SHOW " that has transpired since May 2022, i aint going to miss this upcoming AGM in November , no matter how busy i am, especially if the extension of suspension goes beyond tomorrow..........:mad:

I think its time for poor suffering longs to get some clarity..........will we get it ?

What questions should we ask Nigel ?

Here is mine.

a) Nigel, how long have you known about the SNACK transaction with Cominiere & Zijin for 15% ?

Why didnt you feel the need to inform the ASX / shareholders about this potential conflict ?

Is this dispute the only reason why all the timelines for updated BFS, SEZ, FID, Cath confirmation etc has been delayed to the shit house or is there more ?

b) Can you inform us with whats going on with our crown jewel...............CDL ?

Has AVZ exercised the necessary requirements for the exploration lease to be renewed for another 5 yrs in its entirety ?

Interested what you and others might want to ask.............one thing is for sure, the AGM will be robust to say the least.....especially if i take the stand.....;)


If you are going to make the trip ole boy, will very much look forward to meeting you plus all of the other AVZ comrades.

Hoping for the best tomorrow, especially for the poor pricks who are all in , trapped and need some coin desperately!

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Deleted member 1612

If the AGM goes ahead without any progress on the current ‘situation’ I expect AVZ will bring a security detail much like FT’s back from the DRC! Here’s the shareholder exit:


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If the AGM goes ahead without any progress on the current ‘situation’ I expect AVZ will bring a security detail much like FT’s back from the DRC! Here’s the shareholder exit:
I would say Nigel will be asking Felix where he got his bullet proof vest from and weather he can send him a discount code.
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First of all.............congratulations with your daughter getting married and being a grand father once again.....(y)

Secondly...........commiserations on having to " sell the farm " to achieve that............:(:ROFLMAO::unsure:

Thirdly................Why does the " boss " have to drive you everywhere ? Medical ?

Fourthly..........As you may know, i hate AGMs...........full of BS, but considering the " ROYAL SHIT SHOW " that has transpired since May 2022, i aint going to miss this upcoming AGM in November , no matter how busy i am, especially if the extension of suspension goes beyond tomorrow..........:mad:

I think its time for poor suffering longs to get some clarity..........will we get it ?

What questions should we ask Nigel ?

Here is mine.

a) Nigel, how long have you known about the SNACK transaction with Cominiere & Zijin for 15% ?

Why didnt you feel the need to inform the ASX / shareholders about this potential conflict ?

Is this dispute the only reason why all the timelines for updated BFS, SEZ, FID, Cath confirmation etc has been delayed to the shit house or is there more ?

b) Can you inform us with whats going on with our crown jewel...............CDL ?

Has AVZ exercised the necessary requirements for the exploration lease to be renewed for another 5 yrs in its entirety ?

Interested what you and others might want to ask.............one thing is for sure, the AGM will be robust to say the least.....especially if i take the stand.....;)

View attachment 18433

If you are going to make the trip ole boy, will very much look forward to meeting you plus all of the other AVZ comrades.

Hoping for the best tomorrow, especially for the poor pricks who are all in , trapped and need some coin desperately!

Had a slight seizure late August so no driving for 6 months plus no operating machinery ,chainsaws but Nurse Ratchet (Boss) has allowed ride on mowing so the property is looking pristine

Question time
Who the fuck is blocking promised ML???
Why are we in suspension
Why no information flowing through to SH
Is Felix capable or fucking useless

Just a few off the top off the head
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obe wan

Had a slight seizure late August so no driving for 6 months plus no operating machinery ,chainsaws but Nurse Ratchet (Boss) has allowed ride on mowing so the property is looking pristine
View attachment 18437
Question time
Who the fuck is blocking promised ML???
Why are we in suspension
Why no information flowing through to SH
Is Felix capable or fucking useless

Just a few off the top off the head
I don’t think anyone is blocking the mining licence if AVZ are happy to take Roche Dure and move on whilst leaving Carrier behind.

Nigel doesn’t feel like giving out freebies ; issue also with leaving Carrier to whomever imo ; is that if the Chinese get on there ; they’ll just gorge themselves on carrier and probable choke everything up
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First of all.............congratulations with your daughter getting married and being a grand father once again.....(y)

Secondly...........commiserations on having to " sell the farm " to achieve that............:(:ROFLMAO::unsure:

Thirdly................Why does the " boss " have to drive you everywhere ? Medical ?

Fourthly..........As you may know, i hate AGMs...........full of BS, but considering the " ROYAL SHIT SHOW " that has transpired since May 2022, i aint going to miss this upcoming AGM in November , no matter how busy i am, especially if the extension of suspension goes beyond tomorrow..........:mad:

I think its time for poor suffering longs to get some clarity..........will we get it ?

What questions should we ask Nigel ?

Here is mine.

a) Nigel, how long have you known about the SNACK transaction with Cominiere & Zijin for 15% ?

Why didnt you feel the need to inform the ASX / shareholders about this potential conflict ?

Is this dispute the only reason why all the timelines for updated BFS, SEZ, FID, Cath confirmation etc has been delayed to the shit house or is there more ?

b) Can you inform us with whats going on with our crown jewel...............CDL ?

Has AVZ exercised the necessary requirements for the exploration lease to be renewed for another 5 yrs in its entirety ?

Interested what you and others might want to ask.............one thing is for sure, the AGM will be robust to say the least.....especially if i take the stand.....;)

View attachment 18433

If you are going to make the trip ole boy, will very much look forward to meeting you plus all of the other AVZ comrades.

Hoping for the best tomorrow, especially for the poor pricks who are all in , trapped and need some coin desperately!

That's me man, no one's fault but my own.
But I'm in deep deep shit financially, the silence and length of this is becoming too much to bare.

The silence is what really scares me, it tells me things are actual far far worse and we've been fed bullshit that everything is sorted.

It's crazy that if we come out of suspension tomorrow morning, everything is great, even if the sp dips hard.
If we're extended... man I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do.
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That's me man, no one's fault but my own.
But I'm in deep deep shit financially, the silence and length of this is becoming too much to bare.

The silence is what really scares me, it tells me things are actual far far worse and we've been fed bullshit that everything is sorted.

It's crazy that if we come out of suspension tomorrow morning, everything is great, even if the sp dips hard.
If we're extended... man I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do.
Azzler, interested in a an off market transfer?
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I don’t think anyone is blocking the mining licence if AVZ are happy to take Roche Dure and move on whilst leaving Carrier behind.

Nigel doesn’t feel like giving out freebies ; issue also with leaving Carrier to whomever imo ; is that if the Chinese get on there ; they’ll just gorge themselves on carrier and probable choke everything up
“Dont think anyone is blocking ML”
No one knows whats going on ..where’s the communication??? Its been 22 weeks of SFA …its ok for AVZ management …they’re still drawing salaries ..some of us have $millions locked up and key thrown away for WHAT reason .Will Nige have the plumbs to go into AGM still in suspension that’ll make it around the 27 week mark …surely not
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