AVZ Discussion 2022


17th May 2021

AVZ Minerals Limited (ASX: AVZ, “the Company” or “AVZ”) is pleased to announce all of the required documentation to support its application for the Permis d’Exploitation (or Mining Licence) in respect to the Manono Lithium and Tin Project (“Manono Project”) has been lodged and accepted for consideration by the Cadastre Minier in Kinshasa.

The documentation and formal application – which were submitted by AVZ’s majority-owned DRC company, Dathcom Mining SA, will now be assessed by the DRC Government prior to approval of the granting of the Mining Licence for the Manono Project as soon as practicably possible.

AVZ’s Managing Director, Mr Nigel Ferguson, said: “Lodging our formal application for a Mining Licence for the Manono Project is yet another significant milestone for the Company.

“It marks the culmination of our highly strategic and well executed exploration programme and is another signal that the Company is rapidly advancing towards the construction phase of our mining project and, ultimately, moving into production.”

“We expect granting of the Mining Licence for the Manono Project to be expedited by the DRC Government so that we can maintain our construction schedule to deliver the first SC6 on train by Q1 2023.”

“A Mining Licence will also allow the Company to quickly progress the Manono Project to a ‘bankable’ study level, set as a condition precedent and as required by prospective financiers of the Manono Project.”

Nearly 17 months since expidited 🥱

4th May 2022

DRC Minister of Mines has signed the ministerial decree to award the Mining Licence for the Manono Lithium and Tin Project to Dathcom Mining SA (Dathcom)

DRC Mining Code requires the Cadastre Minier (CAMI), operating under the supervision of the Minister of Mines, to calculate the surface rights fee and officially award the Mining Licence following the receipt of payment

AVZ’s Managing Director, Mr. Nigel Ferguson, said:
“The receipt of the Ministerial Decree to award the Mining Licence is leading to a watershed moment for AVZ and our partners, with the official award of the Mining Licence from CAMI expected in a matter of days."

5 months ago :rolleyes: FFS


Heard somewhere Nigel is back in DRC.
🤞 he's got a big pineapple for Jean Felix Mupande.
Anyone else knows if Nigel is back in DRC?Wouldn’t it be nice if the signing ceremony is this Sunday? Wishful thinking 😇
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Anyone else knows if Nigel is back in DRC?Wouldn’t it be nice if the signing ceremony is this Sunday? Wishful thinking 😇
Someone said they just saw him at Movie World .
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CAMI and Chinese are on the same team .
Team King Cong, alias Mr. Chop Stick from the Fleuve Congo Hotel Kinshasa.

(I wonder how Simon paid for that little getaway, probably by offering cheap accommodation in a wired room, with compliments from Xi, collecting compromise material for the home country)


They removed Simon's penthouse already by circumcising his tower.

The fornicator can sleep on the banks of the Congo River from here on. :oops:😚:poop:
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The German roadshow was in late April. If this is true then management knew about the division of PR13359 before the ministerial decree.

It doesn't add up to me that this is the reason we are in suspension especially considering they didn't have any problems trading for the first 3 days after the decree and seemed happy enough with the splitting of the tenement in their comments in the May 4th announcement.
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Biding my Time 1971
I have always assumed they were comfortable with the arrangement, as you have pointed out, all seemed OK, despite protestations on here that the Mining Code says you can't do the split.

So, for me the issue then became one of some form of attack on the validity of AVZ retaining the Northern split. Something like that might have then thrown the CATH deal into a spin

Or I am naive and the real reason was the Zijin and Dathomir ownership issues

Fucked if I know, no-one knows or can't say. I hope Nigel knows
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View attachment 17977

The German roadshow was in late April. If this is true then management knew about the division of PR13359 before the ministerial decree.

It doesn't add up to me that this is the reason we are in suspension especially considering they didn't have any problems trading for the first 3 days after the decree and seemed happy enough with the splitting of the tenement in their comments in the May 4th announcement.
I still think the ML cannot be issued until Cominière transfers the 10% free carried part of Dathcom to the DRC Government.

Is anybody aware, if this transfer took place, taking in consideration the ownership dispute with every party involved.

Would be great if/when the company informs the shareholders of that bit of info.
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View attachment 17977

The German roadshow was in late April. If this is true then management knew about the division of PR13359 before the ministerial decree.

It doesn't add up to me that this is the reason we are in suspension especially considering they didn't have any problems trading for the first 3 days after the decree and seemed happy enough with the splitting of the tenement in their comments in the May 4th announcement.
Agree . Nigel clearly states the ML is for Roche Dure and the southern section of CDL only . I'm guessing it's an ownership dispute with the Chinese and their connection with CAMI . Otherwise why couldn't we have the ML for Roche Dure and tackle the other as an ongoing issue ?
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In celebration of a rare green day on the market

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It is nice to see come green on the screens.

I think Basket Case is more fitting on the AZV thread at the moment...

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Biding my Time 1971
My old mates King Crimson sum it all up beautifully


Talk, it's only talk
Arguments, agreements
Advice, answers
Articulate announcements
It's only talk
Talk, it's only talk
Babble, burble, banter
Bicker, bicker, bicker
Brouhaha, balderdash, ballyhoo
It's only talk
Back talk
Talk talk talk
It's only talk
Comments, cliches, commentary, controversy
Chatter, chit-chat, chit-chat, chit-chat
Conversation, contradiction, criticism
It's only talk
Cheap talk
Talk, talk, it's only talk
Debates, discussions
These are words with a D this time
Dialog, duologue, diatribe
Dissention, declamation
Double talk, double talk
Talk, talk, it's all talk
Too much talk
Small talk
Talk that trash
Expressions, editorials
Explanations, exclamations, exaggerations
It's all talk
Elephant talk
Elephant talk
Elephant talk

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Thats me on green days......

Screen Shot 2022-10-04 at 2.35.37 PM.png
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My old mates King Crimson sum it all up beautifully


Talk, it's only talk
Arguments, agreements
Advice, answers
Articulate announcements
It's only talk
Talk, it's only talk
Babble, burble, banter
Bicker, bicker, bicker
Brouhaha, balderdash, ballyhoo
It's only talk
Back talk
Talk talk talk
It's only talk
Comments, cliches, commentary, controversy
Chatter, chit-chat, chit-chat, chit-chat
Conversation, contradiction, criticism
It's only talk
Cheap talk
Talk, talk, it's only talk
Debates, discussions
These are words with a D this time
Dialog, duologue, diatribe
Dissention, declamation
Double talk, double talk
Talk, talk, it's all talk
Too much talk
Small talk
Talk that trash
Expressions, editorials
Explanations, exclamations, exaggerations
It's all talk
Elephant talk
Elephant talk
Elephant talk

For me and others, its like this after months of silence

AVZ !!!!!
We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
Like we used to do
We don't love anymore
What was all of it for?
Oh, we don't talk anymore
Like we used to do
I just heard you found the one you've been looking
You've been looking for
I wish I would have known that wasn't me
'Cause even after all this time, I still wonder
Why I can't move on
Just the way you did so easily
Don't wanna know
Kind of ML you're HOLDING tonight
If Zijin holding onto you so tight
The way I did before
I overdosed
Should've known your love was a game
Now I can't get you out of my brain
Oh, it's such a shame
That we don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore

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I didn't say we had relinquished 50% of the tenements. Others picked up some possible mining code issues.

I noted there seemed to be some possible changes in the size/boundaries but didn't know why or what or how much

I don't actually know what's going on at CAMI with regard to the tenements (unfortunately) and whether it's legal, approproriate, within the DRC mining guidelines or not

I certainly don't know if CDL under tenement 13359 is now not included but am concerned it may be at risk

And I've never cast an opinion as to whether Nigel (or anyone at AVZ) has played this well or otherwise
Hey @Winenut, apologies if my post came across the wrong way - I certainly wasn't attributing the speculation to you - what I wrote was just my own train of thought triggered by something that (I think) you mentioned re 50% relinquished rules in the mining code.

Certainly wasn't intending to "verbal" you or jangle any nerves. I think we are all jangled enough right now!
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Anyone got any ideas as to why the ICC Case Conference did not take place? "The Parties will be convened to a case management conference in September 2022 "
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Thats me on green days......

View attachment 17978

Sum up my feeling.

Every time I see you and I look into your price
There's a feeling that I get
And it's way down deep inside,
I've been trying to hold on, but the trolls say you're rubbish
I just hope you realize what my heart is going through

How long, must this feeling go on
How long, must I stand the pain and
How long, must this feeling go on
Waiting for the night
Waiting for the right time to come

I know all about the hurt and the problems in the past
I know why you fight the Chinese,
'Cause you think they just wont last long
Well, I'm here to tell you what ol'Nigl doing is all cool
There ain't no Lithium mine in life
That can take the place of you

How long, must this feeling go on
How long, must I stand the pain and
How long, must this feeling go on
waiting for the night
Waiting for the right time that you'll run
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Sum up my feeling.

Every time I see you and I look into your price
There's a feeling that I get
And it's way down deep inside,
I've been trying to hold on, but the trolls say you're rubbish
I just hope you realize what my heart is going through

How long, must this feeling go on
How long, must I stand the pain and
How long, must this feeling go on
Waiting for the night
Waiting for the right time to come

I know all about the hurt and the problems in the past
I know why you fight the Chinese,
'Cause you think they just wont last long
Well, I'm here to tell you what ol'Nigl doing is all cool
There ain't no Lithium mine in life
That can take the place of you

How long, must this feeling go on
How long, must I stand the pain and
How long, must this feeling go on
waiting for the night
Waiting for the right time that you'll run

Don't get sad . Get angry . Are there any songs out there about seek and destroy . I don't want tears I want f--king blood .
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Don't get sad . Get angry . Are there any songs out there about seek and destroy . I don't want tears I want f--king blood .
Well look no further than Iggy and the Stooges

"Search and Destroy"

Makes you want to thrash around a room just breakin' shit :ROFLMAO:

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Master of Quan
Well that’s it, I think everyone’s lost the plot.
Might go crazy myself!

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Anyone got any ideas as to why the ICC Case Conference did not take place? "The Parties will be convened to a case management conference in September 2022 "
AVZ management said it, so it didn't happen yet. Pretty simple ;) it's just the way of things.
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