AVZ Discussion 2022


Hi all,
I’ve been a lurker here for many months- might have got here around the Morse code invite on HC. I think I’ve read every entry on this thread and dished out a lot of likes most days. I don’t have much to add to the discussion, but wanted to quickly appreciate every persons posts and thank you all for the information, thoughts, speculation, humour, bikes and especially Jag’s pictures. Like most, my general sentiment seems to be getting more rosy but I certainly understand any frustrations voiced and appreciate people venting in their own way too! I feel more comfortable riding out whatever happens in next few months. It’s been a hell of a ride so far and you folk have helped me form a picture in my mind of what’s going on. No idea how accurate it is but at least I have a picture!!! I’ve found the whole thing very interesting as someone without much knowledge previously to the inner workings of the DRC, or even mining contracts and particularly the price of snacks overseas. I’m lucky enough to not be overly anxious about my investment but I still wake in the night and check my phone to see what shenanigans are going down in the DRC because of my interest. I have tried to explain the whole situation as it’s gone along to my teenage kids to give them an education which has been a big challenge in itself- I’ve left the pineapples out!
Fwiw I’m going with a Sept 20 opening.
Enjoy your weekend all.
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Is it just me or are all the blokes on this forum massive piss heads? Half of whom brew and distill their own hooch!

I've actually begun something unprecedented, abstaining from alcohol for the entirity of spring! I've taken a few weeks to a month off at most in the past, the old Dry July. But this will be the longest break in 2 decades. I don't plan on going back to the juice all that much when that's done either.

Ok so relevance to AVZ... Well this whole ordeal made me drink more in the beginning, but that in turn made me make this decision to abstain.
To be honest I feel pretty amazing just 10 days in.
I realised my health is my real true wealth, and while I can't do anything about my wealth being tied up right now, I CAN take better care of my health.

So I gotta thank AVZ for that, in a fucked up way :)
Take care of your selves lads.
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Is it just me or are all the blokes on this forum massive piss heads? Half of whom brew and distill their own hooch!

I've actually begun something unprecedented, abstaining from alcohol for the entirity of spring! I've taken a few weeks to a month off at most in the past, the old Dry July. But this will be the longest break in 2 decades. I don't plan on going back to the juice all that much when that's done either.

Ok so relevance to AVZ... Well this whole ordeal made me drink more in the beginning, but that in turn made me make this decision to abstain.
To be honest I feel pretty amazing just 10 days in.
I realised my health is my real true wealth, and while I can't do anything about my wealth being tied up right now, I CAN take better care of my health.

So I gotta thank AVZ for that, in a fucked up way :)
Take care of your selves lads.
*Thanks and Well done Bro, that reminds me of something Homer said,

Homer Solution.jpg

#Health !!!! .jpg




Food for thought :unsure:

Frank :cool:
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Settle down dude, I'm not at your disposal to respond to you within some pre-determined time frame FFS. Why the fuck do I bother?

I don't need to be here.

I don't need you to put your anxiety on me.

I'll fuck'en post when I want to. Maybe I'll stick to DM's from now with others who are not so unreasonable and demanding.

Have a great weekend dude, see ya round. 🤪
I don't belong here. But still I would like to note that you seem to have found the right words. As far as I know your post is the first to replace BRN among the top posts. What this means for I don't know but it is your words with which you have achieved this. Sounds like fist on the table. Congratulations!
and I'm off again 😶‍🌫️
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Biding my Time 1971
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I don't belong here. But still I would like to note that you seem to have found the right words. As far as I know your post is the first to replace BRN among the top posts. What this means for I don't know but it is your words with which you have achieved this. Sounds like fist on the table. Congratulations!
and I'm off again 😶‍🌫️
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So Zijin haven't gone anywhere and in fact they had a win with the ICC. AVZ wanted 3 arbitrators and Zijin wanted 1. This could drag on for ever.
Had a dummy spit yesterday, today's a new day and hopefully we get the news we've been waiting for during week.😀
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So you're suggesting that we are in suspension due to the Zijin fiasco?
Join the dots yourself. Look at what I wrote, and then read this:

Monday May 09 was trading halt day, what was before that? Zijin publishing on it’s website a message on it’s position.

The Fox

Had a dummy spit yesterday, today's a new day and hopefully we get the news we've been waiting for during week.😀
All good. Sam is correct as I take things to personally, and I should be the one to take a breath at times. Be very nice when AVZ is past all this current crap and we can get on with more important things like building a mine and plant. 👍😁🦊
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The Fox

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Ok Foxey , you have your ear to the ground . Would like to know your opinion re this announcement re Arbitration . @Nellie17 your opinion also please . @obe wan if you could also shed some light . Cheers
Hi Wombie, my take on the announcement is the arbitration process is just the process needed to close off the case. As we know Zinjin is out of the picture. I'd be thinking it will be put to rest in the not to distant future.
Re the boatman comment, to me it appears that this might be to help satisfy some queries from the asx. I also think it might be to send a message to boatman that avz will be taking this further legally.
Let's wait and see.
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