AVZ Discussion 2022


Mmmmm - A Research Permit not covering the whole of the original 13359, well it's movement but that's about all.

View attachment 15727
Actually on further investigation I don't think it's changed at all since at least last year!
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Seems to me we've been in transition status for the past 4 months or so ever since the decree. The gimp down at cami tinkers with the computer occasionally, big deal. It still doesn't say exploitation permit and a large chunk of the tenement is still missing.
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Biding my Time 1971
As Obe said, some movement

Yesterday this said PR active, today it says transition from PR to PE. Still the carved off piece, but definitely a change in status


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Master of Quan
Tantalex teasing on the bird they have a big announcement coming up, wonder if northern part of ( what was ) our tenement is part of that….
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As Obe said, some movement

Yesterday this said PR active, today it says transition from PR to PE. Still the carved off piece, but definitely a change in status
I only see this change as a positive. Thanks Obe & Xerof.
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Not a poster, but I have been here on TSE since near the beginning reading all of the 490 pages of comments along the way, no need to post and regurgitate the same ole comments that many make, but very thankful of the ‘smarts’ which is here….

Initially AVZ was 100% of my holdings, now they are probably 25% but it is the one I give a shit about the most…

Anyways, just an observation, we get excited about going into the ASX200 with actual uncertainty still sitting over ML etc, as everyone knows when you get into ASX200, you are then controlled by the instos in relation to SP, so we then complain like shit whilst in asx200, then when something like this happens we are complaining that we are now not in asx200, me, well I’m stoked, I’ve seen my other 75% of holdings been treated like games by the instos and that has pissed me off, SYA, CXO, RNU etc. If we are going to play with the big boys with the biggest Lithium mine in the world lets have our shit sorted, then play and have that protection around us. Stoked we have been in holding pattern whilst the world of SP’s have gone to shit for many

So, I am patient as all hell, SP can still do its thing outside of ASX200, AVZ can still do its thing…then lets re-enter ASX200 in whatever time as rock solid as ever and I would hope that it is a whole different scenario with the instos controlling our SP

Optimistic maybe
Hopeful maybe
Hi Berabakan

Thank you for your well-considered post.

I take a slightly different view in that we should not underestimate the potential for damage caused by our removal from the ASX200 & 300, particulary in an environment of globally rising inflation and interest rates that divert investment funds away from the sharemarket and crimps expectations. It's another reason for institutional investors to shy away. However, to be fair, they only need to ensure their investments are compliant by EoFY audit time, so they have time to unload in a managed way.

Nonetheless, that's collectively a lot of invested money not going into the sharemarket generally, and not going to AVZ in particular. As a result I think we can expect considerable selling pressure over the next few months, regardless of potentially positive announcements along the way. Can the shortfall be made up by mum & dad investors? I don't know, but I suspect not.

I sincerely hope the board and CEO have done their homework well in advance, and have their announcements ready to roll, particularly the BFS and full capex funding arrangements. If not, things may get ugly (as if they are not ugly already).

Yes, I am getting fatigued with this seemingly never-ending saga, but hold and will continue to hold my share of this Li monster.

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On this matter, some in AVZ and the DRC have expected,

- The entire original claim to move from PR to PE.

- The Southern section (as per screen shot previous post) to be issued a PE with balance of Northern section reissued under a PR for 5 years.

- Retain Southern section under PE and balance of Northern section goes to AJN / Klaus / Cong / Congo Resources / Minister of Portfolio (Princess fuck face)

CAMI was compromised as we know, (new personnel are slow) this has been the time consuming bottle neck. As advised this was one of the items that was apparently sorted, so we wait on the processing of most likely the second item/option above, unless the ground has changed in the last few days and Klaus and friends have found some renewed support or strategy that changes things for AVZ, although unlikely, not even AVZ and their good lawyers can get in front of every attack the company has faced.

Cheers The Fox 🦊
Fox, so you’re saying changing of the guard at CAMI and expecting new PR in northern section to be reissued to AVZ? So Dathcom get back all area originally had? (based on current intel).
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Tantalex teasing on the bird they have a big announcement coming up, wonder if northern part of ( what was ) our tenement is part of that….
Big announcement is they are being charged an doing time in a DRC jail
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Yeah I get that the board may be using silence as a tactic. I don't expect them to be constantly slamming the DRC government as that would obviously be unproductive. But again it doesn't add up to me that they are silent and their lawyer is allowed to talk. Surely they can release the same information that he is saying publicly in official announcements. Or they should just come out and say that they can't comment further until everything is sorted.

Management have an awful track record of over promising and under delivering with the mining license. The initial announcement on the the 17th of May 2021 (link above) said that they expect the granting of the licence to be expedited by the DRC government. Then we had constant claims of the license being a few weeks away and Nigel's champagne at Christmas comment. I understand that they are relying on information given to them and that things change but at some point they should have wised up to the games being played and tempered expectations.

Whether you like it or not investors generally don't want the uncertainty of not being able to access funds without being told why. Look at that Maja woman on Twitter that lost 350k by forfeiting on a house. Obviously she is irresponsible for putting herself in that situation but at the same time there are others in similar circumstances and stories like that won't sit well with potential investors.

I personally know people with deep pockets either for themselves or with the investment funds they work for that constantly crapped on to me over the years about sovereign risk in the DRC. Earlier this year they were finally saying that they would consider buying when we get the license. Now they won't ever touch it even if they miss out on great returns because it's not worth the risk of not being able to access their money if they need it.

I don't expect management to swing in and out of trading just so people can access funds. I'd rather be suspended until everything is sorted but also recognise that markets wouldn't function properly if companies could just halt whenever they felt the share price would drop. We traded through all other parts of this process and in my opinion the only justification for this action was to avoid our offer to Cominiere for the 15% that included AVZ shares being devalued as I have said here previously.

As for taking the DRC government to court I should have clarified that I was referring to the comment made by Nigel in this interview (link above) released on the 29th of September 2021. In his response to the question about the license progress at 3.05 he says that the DRC government have 30 days (It says 30 business days in the the DRC mining code) from the favourable opinion being put in place to award the licence otherwise AVZ can have it issued by court order.

I support management not pursuing that legal option as it would be a terrible way to start the project. Also the chances of us actually winning that case would be practically zero. If Zijin and Cong can snack their way to favourable decisions then the government could easily provide a lifetime all you can eat buffet for the judge hearing the case.

Yes holding through these years has certainly made me tolerant to the shit we have had to endure and will continue to face. I certainly wasn't unaware when I invested that it would be a difficult operating environment and have repeatedly been reminded of that by others. I don't think anyone here is crazy for wanting to hold long term but if we are being played and this is going to drag on and on then I would be open to a take over.

Ultimately I aim to hold around 90% of my shares until dividends if all goes well with the license so if anything I am crazier than you. I just don't like the can being kicked down the road endlessly without any sort of communication or show of solidarity from the board when they have commented on matters previously.

Your posts are excellent.

“the 29th of September 2021. In his response to the question about the license progress at 3.05 he says that the DRC government have 30 days (It says 30 business days in the the DRC mining code) from the favourable opinion being put in place to award the licence otherwise AVZ can have it issued by court order.”

Yes I recall this “court order” comment too, but couldn’t recall when or where exactly so thankyou. What is not clear is the “favourable opinion” - if that is CAMI head then this is the bureaucratic hitch.

But if Cami not relevant, it seems Lukusa Momentum lawyers would be advising to not embarrass DRC government? So why is Nigel making such aggressive comment? Probably to prepare shareholders for the rough ride.

September 2021 it seems AVZ already knew about Zijin
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Tantalex teasing on the bird they have a big announcement coming up, wonder if northern part of ( what was ) our tenement is part of that….
Unless AVZ has done some something to forfeit part of the lease, this is outrageous. The idea that crooks can do this and get away with it makes my blood boil. Equally concerning is the thought of these fucknuts getting into production before us (or at the same time) and messing withe the supply side (and yes, I know there is a lot in the ground).

Is the carved out part for exploration, or exploitation?
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Do you have an earlier screenshot version? I think that’s been pending for a year.
Here's one from april 22nd
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The Fox

Fox, so you’re saying changing of the guard at CAMI and expecting new PR in northern section to be reissued to AVZ? So Dathcom get back all area originally had? (based on current intel).
Hi Dom

What’s become apparent in recent weeks is even AVZ being on the front line in the DRC with their finger in the button do not know what will happen tomorrow or the next day.

There have been far more bullish comments as part of feedback around everything being sorted then I have stated here. I always include the caveat “apparently” etc.

Yes the last decent info I picked up was everything was completed in AVZ’s favour (apparently) yet we all see the court case with Cong is taking longer then expected to finalise, as is the case with what is expected from CAMI.

So to answer your question more clearly yes the feedback was 100% positive on PR to PR and all other items. However there was also feedback on expected day/date to come out of suspension which has now been passed.

I can only surmise that AVZ are still being played with by some (unexpectedly) within hours and days after the champagne was being plunged into the ice buckets.

As mentioned earlier, in fear of more pineapples, I’m still seeking some feedback at the moment to share, not that anything I or others say affects the outcome here of course, but it’s nice to have some info to help make sense of current status and timeline to ML and coming out of suspension.

I like many others loaded up a bit more of AVZ knowing ML was “imminent” only to find 4 months later we await what should of happened in early May.

Anyway, from here it’s unlikely the court case with Cong will drag on much further and CAMI is under significant pressure from multiple parties to finalise the PE.

When everything comes out, this whole drama will make a interesting mini series on the ABC, assuming there is a happy ending in more ways then one. 😁

Cheers The Fox 🦊
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Hi Dom

What’s become apparent in recent weeks is even AVZ being on the front line in the DRC with their finger in the button do not know what will happen tomorrow or the next day.

There have been far more bullish comments as part of feedback around everything being sorted then I have stated here. I always include the caveat “apparently” etc.

Yes the last decent info I picked up was everything was completed in AVZ’s favour (apparently) yet we all see the court case with Cong is taking longer then expected to finalise, as is the case with what is expected from CAMI.

So to answer your question more clearly yes the feedback was 100% positive on PR to PR and all other items. However there was also feedback on expected day/date to come out of suspension which has now been passed.

I can only surmise that AVZ are still being played with by some (unexpectedly) within hours and days after the champagne was being plunged into the ice buckets.

As mentioned earlier, in fear of more pineapples, I’m still seeking some feedback at the moment to share, not that anything I or others say affects the outcome here of course, but it’s nice to have some info to help make sense of current status and timeline to ML and coming out of suspension.

I like many others loaded up a bit more of AVZ knowing ML was “imminent” only to find 4 months later we await what should of happened in early May.

Anyway, from here it’s unlikely the court case with Cong will drag on much further and CAMI is under significant pressure from multiple parties to finalise the PE.

When everything comes out, this whole drama will make a interesting mini series on the ABC, assuming there is a happy ending in more ways then one. 😁

Cheers The Fox 🦊
Appreciate the ongoing updates. Thanks.
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Unless AVZ has done some something to forfeit part of the lease, this is outrageous. The idea that crooks can do this and get away with it makes my blood boil. Equally concerning is the thought of these fucknuts getting into production before us (or at the same time) and messing withe the supply side (and yes, I know there is a lot in the ground).

Is the carved out part for exploration, or exploitation?
Wow Tantalex must have organised an export route to the coast and an export license for SC6. Maybe they are building their own ferry.

Is Tantalex building a hydroxide or a battery plant on top of their piles of shit, or are they hoping to do a deal with AVZ to process their material?

Have you considered where they are going to build their processing plant, Can't see that happening on AVZ's ML area.

Nigel was talking, in the past, about giving them access on AVZ's lease to their piles of mining waste, however if they behaved like cowboys on the lease, to make sure they did not endanger other people's lives on the lease.
There was never talk of Tantalex building a processing plant on AVZ's mining lease, only giving access under certain rules.

Their announcement could have something to do with drilling results, or a plan how to process their stuff, or other tenements.

However they don't have the power station, so power from diesel gen sets.

Just a few things to consider.

They are operators like Klaus and Cong, no intention to mine, just to fuck around.

All IMO.
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obe wan

Actually on further investigation I don't think it's changed at all since at least last year!
That's the part you should be looking at ; need a guide dog ?


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Biding my Time 1971
That's the part you should be looking at ; need a guide dog ?
Looks like he needs a guide dog lol.
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