AVZ Discussion 2022


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Naughty Naughty
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Case adjourned till 31 August....Suspension will most probably remain...dammmmmm
Screen Shot 2022-08-29 at 8.58.03 pm.png
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The Fox

Not relevant to the awarding of the ML was the feed back wasn't it ? At least that's the vibe I got .Obviously not a big issue . Not important enough to inform share holders . Hey but we get our info from out the back of the sheds where the kids smoke . The lack of communication from this company is a f--king joke .

Well the old throw away line is "why don't you call or email the company" and express your dissatisfaction. Might make you feel better. (y)
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I hope the brewery won't be idle, get a noice nurse and tell her how to do it. ;):giggle::devilish:
Thanks cruiser! But Jag has sworn me to secrecy and contractually his allaeged 15% (that I still don’t recall signing over) entitles him to all he can drink, a share of the snacks and I’m only allowed to show him how it’s all done…

Operation complete and staying overnight and home tomorrow..

Thanks to everyone’s kind wishes and words!!

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Case adjourned till 31 August....Suspension will most probably remain...dammmmmm
View attachment 15356
Thanks mate.

That's a really disappointing picture she has used. Maybe you could let her know and probably use one from the recent announcement ?

AVZ are not mining and would never allow this to happen with people's lives put at risk in such a way. If she is to be an alliance then she needs to promote not demote our company.
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Thanks cruiser! But Jag has sworn me to secrecy and contractually his allaeged 15% (that I still don’t recall signing over) entitles him to all he can drink, a share of the snacks and I’m only allowed to show him how it’s all done…

Operation complete and staying overnight and home tomorrow..

Thanks to everyone’s kind wishes and words!!

I have evidence from.....!! We are partners MF!
sci-fi no GIF by Ghosted
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Nothing at the moment from my efforts this afternoon. I’m hoping one or two others here might have some feedback on the current status. Nellie was onto it earlier and one of the regulars posters said he was speaking to the journalist who made the report on WhatsApp. (Although she apparently had little understanding of AVZ and was pretty inexperienced)

Cheers The Fox 🦊
Hi fox, you and many other newer folks won't know this but once apon a time in the early days people shared a little bit more on here. However for obvious reasons as the forum gains more users this has tapered off a bit.

50/50 imo. Based on my interpretations of a few snippets in consideration with what you and others have said more recently.
As always too many crooks, cronies and hyenas over there to ever be sure that things won't continue to be held up regardless of any positive outcomes...

A few things floating around atm really.

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The Fox

Thanks Fox,

Has your Intel been that this case has nothing to do with the awarding of the ML? Can't be to much longer for it if you were told last week.
Howdy 9cardomaha,

It appears this court case commenced last Thursday based on Nellie's post. (I assume Thursday DRC time, meaning Friday us) I confirmed again around the same time that everything is sorted etc, 75% done and end of story there, and ML forthcoming.

What I don't know could fill the MCG and I'm digging for information like many others, this includes whether this case has any bearing on AVZ/ML since my feedback and anything else of course. It is unlikely this case was a surprise to AVZ or tabled in court at the same time as my most recent feedback IMO.

Looking at usual timelines for court dates etc, logically, you would have to think that this case has been in the pipe of many weeks or months, so in lieu of any new information, the recent feedback indicates this case was not of any concern to AVZ around the issuance of the ML as dicussed last week.

That's all I can piece together at this stage without an update I'm afraid, which I appreciate is not much.

Has this court case escalated some issues in recent days that now pushes things out? I don't know, no doubt that is a possibility.

Maybe AVZ thought this court case was a non-issue, yet now since it's getting some social media attention and local press, or taking longer then expected, AVZ might now decide to wait for the court's decision on Wednesday prior to finalising announcements and releasing same. Which makes sense.

I was talking to some of my fellow members of the Sunshine and Lollipops group and maybe this time the delay is in our favour, considering what the market is doing.

It's a bit of a guessing game for the last few days I'm afraid. Others might have something to share from feedback on the court case, not sure, but that would be nice.

Cheers The Fox 🦊
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Thanks cruiser! But Jag has sworn me to secrecy and contractually his allaeged 15% (that I still don’t recall signing over) entitles him to all he can drink, a share of the snacks and I’m only allowed to show him how it’s all done…

Operation complete and staying overnight and home tomorrow..

Thanks to everyone’s kind wishes and words!!

I have the feeling Jag is trying to do a zijin on you while your noice nurse is giving your eyes a bit of a workover.

Would you like a pineapple??
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If we manage to get out of suspension on the 1st will wr keep our pla e in asx200? Or does ut have to be before?

Tension building 🥴🥵
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If we manage to get out of suspension on the 1st will wr keep our pla e in asx200? Or does ut have to be before?

Tension building 🥴🥵
*we, *place
Avziety has ruined my spelling 😆
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Well the old throw away line is "why don't you call or email the company" and express your dissatisfaction. Might make you feel better. (y)
Well as you know that is pointless . But what I have done on more than one occasion is contact the company and very politely ask for any updates or clarification . Guess what their reply was on all occasions . Yep you guessed it . No reply . Zero , Nada , Zilch .
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Howdy 9cardomaha,

It appears this court case commenced last Thursday based on Nellie's post. (I assume Thursday DRC time, meaning Friday us) I confirmed again around the same time that everything is sorted etc, 75% done and end of story there, and ML forthcoming.

What I don't know could fill the MCG and I'm digging for information like many others, this includes whether this case has any bearing on AVZ/ML since my feedback and anything else of course. It is unlikely this case was a surprise to AVZ or tabled in court at the same time as my most recent feedback IMO.

Looking at usual timelines for court dates etc, logically, you would have to think that this case has been in the pipe of many weeks or months, so in lieu of any new information, the recent feedback indicates this case was not of any concern to AVZ around the issuance of the ML as dicussed last week.

That's all I can piece together at this stage without an update I'm afraid, which I appreciate is not much.

Has this court case escalated some issues in recent days that now pushes things out? I don't know, no doubt that is a possibility.

Maybe AVZ thought this court case was a non-issue, yet now since it's getting some social media attention and local press, or taking longer then expected, AVZ might now decide to wait for the court's decision on Wednesday prior to finalising announcements and releasing same. Which makes sense.

I was talking to some of my fellow members of the Sunshine and Lollipops group and maybe this time the delay is in our favour, considering what the market is doing.

It's a bit of a guessing game for the last few days I'm afraid. Others might have something to share from feedback on the court case, not sure, but that would be nice.

Cheers The Fox 🦊
Well the source for your intel was obviously unaware of this court case that as you say had "probably been in the pipeline for weeks or months ". Hope you are not having your chain pulled Fox? Or should I say "we" are not having our chains pulled ?
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obe wan

If we manage to get out of suspension on the 1st will wr keep our pla e in asx200? Or does ut have to be before?

Tension building 🥴🥵
Stickshift was correct on the other channel ; the asx 200 rebalance list is actually on the 2nd I.e first Friday on the month ; I had it down as the 1st , so we really would have needed to be by (before ) that date ; so yes the 1st ; which is obviously before the 2nd; is the cut .

This CAT date which was oddly 30 sept whilst our date was 1st…. Looking at that 4 week period and how this court case has seemed to just come out of nowhere ; but in reality it hasn’t as these things take time to arrange … I reckon that 4 weeks was dropped in there to allow for possibly renegotiation should Dathomir come away with something pre ROFR percentages.

There always seemed to be gossip / those in the know about cominiere ; but no one could seem to shed light onto dathomir situation ; so much so, that it was just disregarded .At this stage it would appear that the ML could be announced irrgardless of the outcome here , as even a Dathmoir 15% wouldn’t take AVZ down to sub 50%….in the case of a dathomir win, A 15% win is highly unlikely , as it was broken into an earlier 5% and followed later on by the 10%; that 10% if they were to be successful would likely be the figure ….. of course then that 4 week period would likely become a time for reneg with CAT ; but what are the cards being dealt then ? ….. ( without ROFR % in play ) CAT would be down to 14% for AVZ to retain 51%….. then we have higher spod pricing and ML in hand …. AVZ would be needing to pull some percentage from the ROFR I reckon to get CAT back to into the 20s ; I’m not sure they’d be happy with 14% and paying higher $$ for it.

Anyway they couldn’t get this case switched to Kinshasa ; we were stuck with Lubumbashi which isn’t the preferred spot to have a judge ( even this new one ) hanging around waiting to make a decision imo ; hopefully he can resist the brown bags bouncing off his bedroom window in the dead of the night or coffee time phone calls .

At this stage, with this court case going on , I reckon best thing is to do even if ML was in Nigel’s pocket right now , would be to delay any announcement until the 1st ; cutting it very fine now ; but this thing hanging in the wind , (whether many seem to know about it or not as it certainly hasn’t been broadcasted in market channels ) would likely cause some headwinds or if we announced ML say today or tomowow and then a negative ann came out after the case , then we have just pissed in the wind .

Waiting to see what the judge comes out with and holding any Ann’s off until Thursday is the best in any case ; positive news and we are go ; negative dathmoir news and they massage it with good ML and Zijin Gonski news .

Having Simon Cong / Dathomir back on board …. Now that would be ironic for sure ; …. Imagine he then sold his percentage to Zijin …. Have a wrecked anyones head yet 🤣🤣 . AVZ then pays out top offer for Cominieres 15% gives Cat 10 and we end up with AVZ 56% , Zijin 10% , CAT 24% , DRC 10% … enjoy your coffee and morning thoughts 🤣
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Stickshift was correct on the other channel ; the asx 200 rebalance list is actually on the 2nd I.e first Friday on the month ; I had it down as the 1st , so we really would have needed to be by (before ) that date ; so yes the 1st ; which is obviously before the 2nd; is the cut .

This CAT date which was oddly 30 sept whilst our date was 1st…. Looking at that 4 week period and how this court case has seemed to just come out of nowhere ; but in reality it hasn’t as these things take time to arrange … I reckon that 4 weeks was dropped in there to allow for possibly renegotiation should Dathomir come away with something pre ROFR percentages.

There always seemed to be gossip / those in the know about cominiere ; but no one could seem to shed light onto dathomir situation ; so much so, that it was just disregarded .At this stage it would appear that the ML could be announced irrgardless of the outcome here , as even a Dathmoir 15% wouldn’t take AVZ down to sub 50%….in the case of a dathomir win, A 15% win is highly unlikely , as it was broken into an earlier 5% and followed later on by the 10%; that 10% if they were to be successful would likely be the figure ….. of course then that 4 week period would likely become a time for reneg with CAT ; but what are the cards being dealt then ? ….. ( without ROFR % in play ) CAT would be down to 14% for AVZ to retain 51%….. then we have higher spod pricing and ML in hand …. AVZ would be needing to pull some percentage from the ROFR I reckon to get CAT back to into the 20s ; I’m not sure they’d be happy with 14% and paying higher $$ for it.

Anyway they couldn’t get this case switched to Kinshasa ; we were stuck with Lubumbashi which isn’t the preferred spot to have a judge ( even this new one ) hanging around waiting to make a decision imo ; hopefully he can resist the brown bags bouncing off his bedroom window in the dead of the night or coffee time phone calls .

At this stage, with this court case going on , I reckon best thing is to do even if ML was in Nigel’s pocket right now , would be to delay any announcement until the 1st ; cutting it very fine now ; but this thing hanging in the wind , (whether many seem to know about it or not as it certainly hasn’t been broadcasted in market channels ) would likely cause some headwinds or if we announced ML say today or tomowow and then a negative ann came out after the case , then we have just pissed in the wind .

Waiting to see what the judge comes out with and holding any Ann’s off until Thursday is the best in any case ; positive news and we are go ; negative dathmoir news and they massage it with good ML and Zijin Gonski news .

Having Simon Cong / Dathomir back on board …. Now that would be ironic for sure ; …. Imagine he then sold his percentage to Zijin …. Have a wrecked anyones head yet 🤣🤣 . AVZ then pays out top offer for Cominieres 15% gives Cat 10 and we end up with AVZ 56% , Zijin 10% , CAT 24% , DRC 10% … enjoy your coffee and morning thoughts 🤣
In other words this could all still turn to shit . The enemies number 1 mission is to stop AVZ getting the ML . Zijin will still be in the shadows. Fingers crossed the ML drops this week , but personally I have my doubts . GLTAH
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