Hi All
I spend a few days away, then spend half my Sunday catching up ...........

Vents, pat on the backs, bikes, pretty chics, boats, cars, pineapples, vasoline, majic mushroom / crack pipes, dancing, more corruption stories, positive posts from the FOX / Frank / Jag / Bin plus others...........

TSE AVZ forum has it all................and i love it !!
As i say to my good friend FRANK, via PMs..............TSE AVZ threads is UNIQUE....... its not just about informative AVZ posts, this is a community as well, an avenue to release tension, to share joy, to allow ones personality to really shine without judgement, something the CRAPPER will never be able to achieve or allow.
I feel like i know each and everyone of you top posters...........without ever meeting ......
Its been aaages since i have tuned into HC...........not even to read BS posts from my multi nic mortal enemy .....the FLASH, now thats sayin something right there.......
So keep doing , what you are all doing...........I appreciate it!
4 more days until we find out if AVZ is rleased from this tedious, tiring , emotional rollercoaster trading halt..........will 1/9/22 be PARTY time ?
I certainly fucking hope so, the informative posts suggests corruption is being reeled in, that AVZ is on secure ground, but that will only be galvanised for certain via official ASX announcements............i gotta say its tantalising to say the least........MACRO has been wobbly of late, turned shit on Friday night, but come Thursday, the wheel may start to turn by then , going by my TA
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Could the DOW find support at the 50 fib ( 31933 ) ?
Or will it be the 61 fib support ( 31383 ) ?
Either way, maximum 1000pt drop which could be executed by Thursday...........potential perfect storm in the making.
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Same scenario applies for the GLOBAL X too...........
I had a massive win from my other pet project ASN during the week............so i have an extra $80k ready to top up if and when AVZ gets back on the trading table this week......
Here is hoping for a positive result come 1/9/22..............

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Stay strong AVZ community.................and be kind to one another, as we are all in the same boat together comrades !!
imo, imo, imo