FĆ©lix Tshisekedi favorite for a second term
The results of the surveys published on Wednesday August 24, 2022 on the 2023 elections in the DRC, in a report by the American social research agency Geopoll, report that the majority of Congolese remain united in granting a second term to President FĆ©lix Tshisekedi.
During this survey carried out throughout the national territory on a sample of more than 10,000 Congolese, most of the interviewees remain determined to grant a second term to Felix Tshisekedi.
āSlightly more than half of those questioned express their desire to grant a second term to President Tshisekedi, while a third say they do not intend to vote for another candidateā can we read in this report.
Last FĆ©lix Tshisekedi other potential candidates include, Martin Fayulu, MoĆÆse Katumbi and Joseph Kabila with a low percentage. 
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Presidential 2023 at the FCC: Kabila or... no one?
While the main major Congolese political parties and groups are gradually revealing the identity of their candidates for the next presidential election, scheduled for 2023, the Front Commun pour le Congo (FCC) does not officially say a word about the identity of its future candidate.
Unofficially, it is the name of his moral authority, Joseph Kabila Kabange, who comes up insistently.
As a result, questions arise about the real motivations of the members of the political camp of the former Head of State, knowing that the latter seems to have his head elsewhere.
From the Congolese Lambda to the strategists of the anti-chamber of the Head of State, passing through the Western chancelleries, obsessed with the political situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo, we observe Joseph Kabila's actions under the magnifying glass.
The international press lends him intentions to bounce back, to try to recover the imperium he ceded, at the end of the first peaceful and civilized transfer of power in 2019, to his successor FĆ©lix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo.
Local media, nostalgic for his regime which ejected money into the press, await his return to the political arena as a BarƧa-Real classico from Madrid.
Equal to himself, Joseph Kabila remains silent in his farms in Kingakati and Katanga, from where he makes only rare private trips.
Each of his public appearances makes headlines.
His sympathizers, who are also recruited among those disappointed with the Tshisekedi regime, praise his alleged popularity, visible according to them, through onlookers who applaud the passage of the procession of the former RaĆÆs.
Programmed to think Kabila?
At the Common Front for the Congo, at least, in the ranks of the rare dignitaries of the former presidential camp still loyal to Kabila, it is him or no one as a candidate for the next presidential election.
Those, like Joseph Kokonyangi, who dare to come out publicly in favor of the candidacy of the former first lady Olive Lembe Kabila are lectured by their colleagues.
Everyone is waiting for the boss's reaction. Hurry up.
Matata Ponyo, Martin Fayulu, Jean-Marc Kabund, Adolphe Muzitoā¦the list of declared candidates to face the outgoing president, who has announced his intention to run for a second term, is growing.
There is also talk of a probable strategic candidacy of Jean-Pierre Bemba, who could suit the outgoing president, in the sense that the leader of the MLC could recover votes which should go to the opposition candidates.
MoĆÆse Katumbi, leader of Together for the Republic has not yet declared himself a candidate, but his relatives and the distance that has developed between him and the Head of State say a lot about his ambitions.
In the meantime, there is total silence at the FCC concerning its candidate for the supreme office.
Does the group of NƩhƩmie Mwilanya, Aubin Minaku, Jeanine Mabunda, FƩlix Kabange Numbi, Henri Mova, Raymond Tshibanda, Bruno Tshibala, JosƩ Makila, Marie-Ange Mushobekwa, Francine Muyumba, Marie-Ange Lukiana and others consider itself incapable to choose a candidate other than Joseph Kabila?
It seems to be so, so everyone has their eyes on Kingakati.
What push observers to wonder if these personalities, among whom are imminent intellectuals and experts in different fields, would not be to a certain extent intellectually programmed to think only of Joseph Kabila.
Others instead accuse the moral authority of the FCC of not having prepared its successor.
They evoke the failure of his dolphin in the presidential election of 2018, appointed late, Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary.
On this subject, several observers are wondering why Aubin Minaku or Matata were not preferred by the husband of Mrs. Olive Lembe.
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