AVZ Discussion 2022


Gday Gents, slightly embarrassing ask here but i've been mostly off the threads for the past week dealing with a birthday (who would've thought they could go for a few days?), but moreso a baby and a crazy hour job. I was trying to find the info about Zijin capitulating came from, i've spent the last half hour (with a tasty shiraz) and also a squiz last night scrolling through comments but haven't found the gold yet. If anyone can point it out in simple quick form it'd be much appreciated (sorry, i don't want to be the "not DYOR" guy...)
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The Fox

All good foxy I honestly hope you don't end up applying Vaseline to a pineapple along with wombat for all our sakes 🤞

No doubt your Intel is good along with those before you, I personally know of a few positives that have happened over the past couple of months that haven't even been mentioned here or anywhere from what I can tell.

In the DRC, how long it takes that's really all that's in question here. So far fucking forever, for everything. If this is the same, I for one won't be upset because I'm expecting it. If it's sooner then halle-fucking-lujah! 🥳

Cheers mate. The watershed moment in all of this was the relatively unexpected withdrawal of Zijin, bloody amazing. When I heard everything was sorted and we have 75% I said to myself yeh, sure, what about Zijin.

Happy to then see this domino has fallen when I was expecting this would be the last issue to be resolved frankly.

For those that have followed all my recent posts, please remember there were many days and weeks where the Zijin matter was probably expected to be ongoing forever even after ML awarded.

I was very relieved to know that this issue was taken care of by the DRC GOV in support of AVZ.

For what it is worth there has been much work going on and I’m assured we are not talking months now to complete all items and make an announcement, not weeks either, but days for all other items to be announced, including the ML. I’ve been provided an updated timeline and it’s just days not weeks, take it or leave it, believe it or not, don’t give a ….

Tthe best and only intel I can provide without putting myself in the wrong spotlight, and if you don’t understand that or what I mean, please don’t bother asking for clarification as there will be no reply from me.

Cheers The Fox 🦊
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Cheers mate. The watershed moment in all of this was the relatively unexpected withdrawal of Zijin, bloody amazing. When I heard everything was sorted and we have 75% I said to myself yeh, sure, what about Zijin.

Happy to then see this domino has fallen when I was expecting this would be the last issue to be resolved frankly.

For those that have followed all my recent posts, please remember there were many days and weeks where the Zijin matter was probably expected to be ongoing forever even after ML awarded.

I was very relieved to know that this issue was taken care of by the DRC GOV in support of AVZ.

For what it is worth there has been much work going on and I’m assured we are not talking months now to complete all items and make an announcement, not weeks weeks either, but days for all other items to be announced, including the ML. I’ve been provided an updated timeline and it’s just days not weeks, take it or leave it, believe it or not, don’t give a ….

Tthe best and only intel I can provide without putting myself in the wrong spotlight, and if you don’t understand that or what I mean, please don’t bother asking for clarification as there will be no reply from me.

Cheers The Fox 🦊
Well said The Fox👍👍👍. I am sure that you and others share intels in good faith. So if people don't like it because of whatever reasons things don't happen per what was shared, they can go jump the lake and get f... with triple pineapple. The entitlement attitude of some on here is astounding.
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*To Remind, In case anyone here missed the Memo ;)

RDC #!#.png

RDC #.png

RDC ##.png

RDC on Twitter.png

*Food for thought from your🤞


Frank :cool:
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All sounds promising.
What I'd really like to know however is what's happening with the claims regards Dathomir and Mmcs. Zigin was a problem but given that 15% was never in our possession I can't help but think that the Dathomir/mmcs issue is a bit more serious.
If we bought 15% only for that percentage or part of that percentage to be retracted then this places a very big question mark over the reliability of DRC judicial system and the credibility of our management by extension.
If anything can damage the share price coming out of suspension and be further milked by the boatcu#t, the media and others then isn't this it?
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The Fox

Monday boys
Monday or Tuesday is the current intel, agree. 👍

Meaning the announcements etc. I’m hoping to see something in the local press prior to that time relating to recent items. But won’t stick my neck out again due to obvious issues with some contributors here enjoying looking forward to sticking the pineapple in 🥹 .(Understandable and I get it)

For what it is worth, the end game is happening now re ML, one week, three days, one month, one day, roll the dice. Advice is it is done.

Sleep tight or toss and turn, up to you.

I will be sleeping really well considering all that has happened over the last 3 months, knowing and very confident to what news is coming out our way. (Positive of course)

Oh yeh !! The Fox 🦊
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Days of our DRC Lives.jpeg

Civil service: an agent arrested for fraudulent collection of the salaries of his colleagues

A public servant holding 34 bank cards from his colleagues and who fraudulently received their salaries, was arrested on Thursday August 25, 2022, at the Equity Bank counter located at 7th Limete Street in Kinshasa.

This agent was apprehended thanks to the control and verification mechanism put in place by the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the public service, as part of the fight against fraud and anti-values within the public service.

Questioned, the person concerned put forward, according to the communication service of the public service, arguments which did not convince Jean-Pierre Lihau who considered, for his part, that this fact is of extreme gravity requiring an in-depth investigation. by the authorized bodies.

The Minister of Public Service gave directives for investigations to be carried out by the judicial police with the aim of dismantling this network at the base of the embezzlement of the salaries of public officials of the State.

In addition, Jean-Pierre Lihau expressed the full determination of the government to fight against corruption and fraud within all public administrations in accordance with the guidelines received from the Head of State Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo.

Moreover, since his arrival at the Ministry of the Public Service, Jean-Pierre Lihau, has undertaken to cleanse the public administration of all kinds of anti-values in order to achieve the objective assigned to him to straighten out and modernize the public administration.



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Monday or Tuesday is the current intel, agree. 👍

Meaning the announcements etc. I’m hoping to see something in the local press prior to that time relating to recent items. But won’t stick my neck out again due to obvious issues with some contributors here enjoying looking forward to sticking the pineapple in 🥹 .(Understandable and I get it)

For what it is worth, the end game is happening now re ML, one week, three days, one month, one day, roll the dice. Advice is it is done.

Sleep tight or toss and turn, up to you.

I will be sleeping really well considering all that has happened over the last 3 months, knowing and very confident to what news is coming out our way. (Positive of course)

Oh yeh !! The Fox 🦊
Lets go!

Given the drought of official information we have at the moment - any information is appreciated. It is up to the reader to take everything with a grain of salt and use their own professional judgemetnt.
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The Fox

Lets go!

Given the drought of official information we have at the moment - any information is appreciated. It is up to the reader to take everything with a grain of salt and use their own professional judgemetnt.

Thank you for your words and the common sense approach 👍 This has all been a shit storm for sure and now over three months of disbelief of course.

Fortunately this is now the end game and I’m certain AVZ will come out from all of this as the significant winner and owner (via ML and PR) of the vast majority of Manono 👍

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Thank you for your words and the common sense approach 👍 This has all been a shit storm for sure and over three months of disbelief of course.

Fortunately this is now the end game and I’m certain AVZ will come out from all of this as the significant winner and owner (via ML and PR) of the vast majority of Manono 👍

Mate this intel and you personally are the reason i got off "the Crapper". Thanks for all your work and openness
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The Fox

All sounds promising.
What I'd really like to know however is what's happening with the claims regards Dathomir and Mmcs. Zigin was a problem but given that 15% was never in our possession I can't help but think that the Dathomir/mmcs issue is a bit more serious.
If we bought 15% only for that percentage or part of that percentage to be retracted then this places a very big question mark over the reliability of DRC judicial system and the credibility of our management by extension.
If anything can damage the share price coming out of suspension and be further milked by the boatcu#t, the media and others then isn't this it?
Hmm. Your concerns are certainly valid when you have one of the worlds biggest mining companies that is fully backed by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) trying to duck you over and just for good measure let’s include another major influencer (in the DRC) with Simon Cong, Klaus with the newly formed Congo Resources and AJN supported by the Ministry of Portfolio doing their best to pick off some of Manono.

If you researched press releases on the above, well everyone would freak out. Basically a poor outcome / case scenario re the northern section of Manono. (Press releases around Early-Mid May) is disturbing with regard to these fuckers. I have been assured since that such efforts have failed on good authority. The efforts of the above entities have been exposed by recent investigations and all is in AVZ favour just to let you know. (At this time. Doesn’t mean said entities don’t get a new life and renewed interference at some stage, just saying.)

To your point re Dathomir. I agree that this crap needs to be set aside or claims confirmed in favour of AVZ in announcements when coming out of suspension.

Yet in saying that, I would not be surprised if the claims by Dathomir are ignored IMO, hard to say if they will be addressed anymore then have already been by the IGF and indirectly by AVZ via ignoring same.

It’s a tricky one, acknowledging or ignoring, best to remember that AVZ would be acting on advice from Piper and Momentum Lawyers etc on this, in their hands we are.

Love the new •Manono Project” landing page re the AVZ website, making a statement much !!

Maybe that statement is the most important thing at the moment 😁

Part 2. (If you have come this far, just keep going). 😁

So here we are at one of the greatest inflection points for AVZ in the history of the company.

Does my intel and others matter, not much in the scheme of things, the seasoned investors here on TSE will take all this banter with a grain of salt (some with a mild interest or curiosity at best) until all is confirmed by the company via ASX announcements or via prominent “in county” press releases (and that is fair enough).

For those here feeling concerned, don’t. I’m quite certain the worst is behind us and enjoying the proverbial clean air / water / unfettered granting of the ML is soon to be ours to enjoy in the land of Manono.

For those here on the edge with much to loose on AVZ, I sympathise with you during this never ending period of uncertainty of the company’s history, this may all seem unbearable, yet it is understandable considering the environment AVZ is working in and the magnitude of the resource, who wouldn’t want a piece of Manono !!!

I humbly suggest you don’t stress that much with things out of our control and take some comfort that many companies (or investments in same) have to deal with all sorts of crap on their journey.

Fortunately AVZ is likely sitting on the biggest Lithium reserve in the world and at a time the world is desperate for same.

Re investing in resources, lithium, well it doesn’t get much better then this, perfect storm etc, so hold tight all, as Frank has always said, the future is electric !! 👍😁

Soon all will be made right and we can go back to pressing the refresh button multiple times a day on our trading platform when AVZ back in the game, bigger, stronger and better then before 😁

Massive chance of the short squeeze depending on the announcements, good luck to all on riding the next AVZ wave. 👍😁

Cheers The Fox 🦊


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The Fox

PS. A few days away from expected announcements might have been a blessing considering the Dow dropping 700 points in early trade. Happy for next AVZ announcements to be Tuesday after this turmoil flattens out. 👍
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PS. A few days away from expected announcements might have been a blessing considering the Dow dropping 700 points in early trade. Happy for next AVZ announcements to be Tuesday after this turmoil flattens out. 👍
880 as we speak 😬 I’m doing round the clock monitoring 🤣
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Hmm. Your concerns are certainly valid when you have one of the worlds biggest mining companies that is fully backed by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) trying to duck you over and just for good measure let’s include another major influencer (in the DRC) with Simon Cong, Klaus with the newly formed Congo Resources and AJN supported by the Ministry of Portfolio doing their best to pick off some of Manono.

If you researched press releases on the above, well everyone would freak out. Basically a poor outcome / case scenario re the northern section of Manono. (Press releases around Early-Mid May) is disturbing with regard to these fuckers. I have been assured since that such efforts have failed on good authority. The efforts of the above entities have been exposed by recent investigations and all is in AVZ favour just to let you know. (At this time. Doesn’t mean said entities don’t get a new life and renewed interference at some stage, just saying.)

To your point re Dathomir. I agree that this crap needs to be set aside or claims confirmed in favour of AVZ in announcements when coming out of suspension.

Yet in saying that, I would not be surprised if the claims by Dathomir are ignored IMO, hard to say if they will be addressed anymore then have already been by the IGF and indirectly by AVZ via ignoring same.

It’s a tricky one, acknowledging or ignoring, best to remember that AVZ would be acting on advice from Piper and Momentum Lawyers etc on this, in their hands we are.

Love the new •Manono Project” landing page re the AVZ website, making a statement much !!

Maybe that statement is the most important thing at the moment 😁

Part 2. (If you have come this far, just keep going). 😁

So here we are at one of the greatest inflection points for AVZ in the history of the company.

Does my intel and others matter, not much in the scheme of things, the seasoned investors here on TSE will take all this banter with a grain of salt (some with a mild interest or curiosity at best) until all is confirmed by the company via ASX announcements or via prominent “in county” press releases (and that is fair enough).

For those here feeling concerned, don’t. I’m quite certain the worst is behind us and enjoying the proverbial clean air / water / unfettered granting of the ML is soon to be ours to enjoy in the land of Manono.

For those here on the edge with much to loose on AVZ, I sympathise with you during this never ending period of uncertainty of the company’s history, this may all seem unbearable, yet it is understandable considering the environment AVZ is working in and the magnitude of the resource, who wouldn’t want a piece of Manono !!!

I humbly suggest you don’t stress that much with things out of our control and take some comfort that many companies (or investments in same) have to deal with all sorts of crap on their journey.

Fortunately AVZ is likely sitting on the biggest Lithium reserve in the world and at a time the world is desperate for same.

Re investing in resources, lithium, well it doesn’t get much better then this, perfect storm etc, so hold tight all, as Frank has always said, the future is electric !! 👍😁

Soon all will be made right and we can go back to pressing the refresh button multiple times a day on our trading platform when AVZ back in the game, bigger, stronger and better then before 😁

Massive chance of the short squeeze depending on the announcements, good luck to all on riding the next AVZ wave. 👍😁

Cheers The Fox 🦊
Cheers Fox, I always love these little inside info drops, you never know if they are correct made up but either way it keeps the time ticking by. I must say your info seems to be more legit than others.

Here's hoping for some sweet news articles from the DRC approving it all before an announcement on Monday or Tuesday.
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Gday Gents, slightly embarrassing ask here but i've been mostly off the threads for the past week dealing with a birthday (who would've thought they could go for a few days?), but moreso a baby and a crazy hour job. I was trying to find the info about Zijin capitulating came from, i've spent the last half hour (with a tasty shiraz) and also a squiz last night scrolling through comments but haven't found the gold yet. If anyone can point it out in simple quick form it'd be much appreciated (sorry, i don't want to be the "not DYOR" guy...)
Is this what you're looking for ?
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obe wan

Hmm. Your concerns are certainly valid when you have one of the worlds biggest mining companies that is fully backed by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) trying to duck you over and just for good measure let’s include another major influencer (in the DRC) with Simon Cong, Klaus with the newly formed Congo Resources and AJN supported by the Ministry of Portfolio doing their best to pick off some of Manono.

If you researched press releases on the above, well everyone would freak out. Basically a poor outcome / case scenario re the northern section of Manono. (Press releases around Early-Mid May) is disturbing with regard to these fuckers. I have been assured since that such efforts have failed on good authority. The efforts of the above entities have been exposed by recent investigations and all is in AVZ favour just to let you know. (At this time. Doesn’t mean said entities don’t get a new life and renewed interference at some stage, just saying.)

To your point re Dathomir. I agree that this crap needs to be set aside or claims confirmed in favour of AVZ in announcements when coming out of suspension.

Yet in saying that, I would not be surprised if the claims by Dathomir are ignored IMO, hard to say if they will be addressed anymore then have already been by the IGF and indirectly by AVZ via ignoring same.

It’s a tricky one, acknowledging or ignoring, best to remember that AVZ would be acting on advice from Piper and Momentum Lawyers etc on this, in their hands we are.

Love the new •Manono Project” landing page re the AVZ website, making a statement much !!

Maybe that statement is the most important thing at the moment 😁

Part 2. (If you have come this far, just keep going). 😁

So here we are at one of the greatest inflection points for AVZ in the history of the company.

Does my intel and others matter, not much in the scheme of things, the seasoned investors here on TSE will take all this banter with a grain of salt (some with a mild interest or curiosity at best) until all is confirmed by the company via ASX announcements or via prominent “in county” press releases (and that is fair enough).

For those here feeling concerned, don’t. I’m quite certain the worst is behind us and enjoying the proverbial clean air / water / unfettered granting of the ML is soon to be ours to enjoy in the land of Manono.

For those here on the edge with much to loose on AVZ, I sympathise with you during this never ending period of uncertainty of the company’s history, this may all seem unbearable, yet it is understandable considering the environment AVZ is working in and the magnitude of the resource, who wouldn’t want a piece of Manono !!!

I humbly suggest you don’t stress that much with things out of our control and take some comfort that many companies (or investments in same) have to deal with all sorts of crap on their journey.

Fortunately AVZ is likely sitting on the biggest Lithium reserve in the world and at a time the world is desperate for same.

Re investing in resources, lithium, well it doesn’t get much better then this, perfect storm etc, so hold tight all, as Frank has always said, the future is electric !! 👍😁

Soon all will be made right and we can go back to pressing the refresh button multiple times a day on our trading platform when AVZ back in the game, bigger, stronger and better then before 😁

Massive chance of the short squeeze depending on the announcements, good luck to all on riding the next AVZ wave. 👍😁

Cheers The Fox 🦊
Well I think this thing was expected to have been in nigels hand last week only to have been told to come back later yet again ; expected to have been in hand Thursday, probable release on Friday, no ann, so odds on finally collected from Cami DRC time yesterday and ann Monday.....seems not the case...im a bit of a realist, this thing does have to be out by the 31st ; if not they are out of the asx200. Wouldn't surprise me one bit, that even though everything apparently is sorted out......yet still not issued...(some little screw still missing or maybe the office clerk didn't turn up for work due to having a bad game day or some other ‘ person couldn't make it) ....that our mate in Cami might issue something, which isn't toooootally to Nigels liking, but he’ll take it anyway just so he gets this thing opened by the 31st...just my thoughts...i think if Nigel was in here he’d have told us himself last week, this weeks, yesterday etc etc

Nigel waiting at the Cami desk


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Hmm. Your concerns are certainly valid when you have one of the worlds biggest mining companies that is fully backed by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) trying to duck you over and just for good measure let’s include another major influencer (in the DRC) with Simon Cong, Klaus with the newly formed Congo Resources and AJN supported by the Ministry of Portfolio doing their best to pick off some of Manono.

If you researched press releases on the above, well everyone would freak out. Basically a poor outcome / case scenario re the northern section of Manono. (Press releases around Early-Mid May) is disturbing with regard to these fuckers. I have been assured since that such efforts have failed on good authority. The efforts of the above entities have been exposed by recent investigations and all is in AVZ favour just to let you know. (At this time. Doesn’t mean said entities don’t get a new life and renewed interference at some stage, just saying.)

To your point re Dathomir. I agree that this crap needs to be set aside or claims confirmed in favour of AVZ in announcements when coming out of suspension.

Yet in saying that, I would not be surprised if the claims by Dathomir are ignored IMO, hard to say if they will be addressed anymore then have already been by the IGF and indirectly by AVZ via ignoring same.

It’s a tricky one, acknowledging or ignoring, best to remember that AVZ would be acting on advice from Piper and Momentum Lawyers etc on this, in their hands we are.

Love the new •Manono Project” landing page re the AVZ website, making a statement much !!

Maybe that statement is the most important thing at the moment 😁

Part 2. (If you have come this far, just keep going). 😁

So here we are at one of the greatest inflection points for AVZ in the history of the company.

Does my intel and others matter, not much in the scheme of things, the seasoned investors here on TSE will take all this banter with a grain of salt (some with a mild interest or curiosity at best) until all is confirmed by the company via ASX announcements or via prominent “in county” press releases (and that is fair enough).

For those here feeling concerned, don’t. I’m quite certain the worst is behind us and enjoying the proverbial clean air / water / unfettered granting of the ML is soon to be ours to enjoy in the land of Manono.

For those here on the edge with much to loose on AVZ, I sympathise with you during this never ending period of uncertainty of the company’s history, this may all seem unbearable, yet it is understandable considering the environment AVZ is working in and the magnitude of the resource, who wouldn’t want a piece of Manono !!!

I humbly suggest you don’t stress that much with things out of our control and take some comfort that many companies (or investments in same) have to deal with all sorts of crap on their journey.

Fortunately AVZ is likely sitting on the biggest Lithium reserve in the world and at a time the world is desperate for same.

Re investing in resources, lithium, well it doesn’t get much better then this, perfect storm etc, so hold tight all, as Frank has always said, the future is electric !! 👍😁

Soon all will be made right and we can go back to pressing the refresh button multiple times a day on our trading platform when AVZ back in the game, bigger, stronger and better then before 😁

Massive chance of the short squeeze depending on the announcements, good luck to all on riding the next AVZ wave. 👍😁

Cheers The Fox 🦊
Dude, you are on fire.

Thanks for taking the time to write this up and ease the collective tension. Going back a few weeks I had concluded that we were in for a rolled gold rogering. I’m still convinced that we’ll lose something along the way, but your description of status and events sounds very promising indeed.

I can wait until Tuesday, but only just. Any longer than that and I might just burst..
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As Fox mentioned earlier, Monday wouldn’t be the best for any announcements 😳

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Gday Gents, slightly embarrassing ask here but i've been mostly off the threads for the past week dealing with a birthday (who would've thought they could go for a few days?), but moreso a baby and a crazy hour job. I was trying to find the info about Zijin capitulating came from, i've spent the last half hour (with a tasty shiraz) and also a squiz last night scrolling through comments but haven't found the gold yet. If anyone can point it out in simple quick form it'd be much appreciated (sorry, i don't want to be the "not DYOR" guy...)

Second this...

New job is killing me, in my interview they asked if I was ok to do overtime and my reply was "yeah sure, some days you just need to stay and get a job finished." Turns out overtime is every day and 12 hour days are everyday. Had my in-laws here last week which made my standard day go something like this...

4:30am - Get out of bed, go to work and turn my body into a pretzel to crawl through a roof
6:00/6:30pm - Get home from work, shower and head out for dinner
9:30pm - Go to bed

Rinse and repeat that everyday, infact the last time I even managed to hit the 'XXXXX replied to the thread' link appears to be on Tuesday. Gone are the unemployed days of making coffee and shit posting Simpsons memes all day.

All I've managed to gather is that Zijin have pulled the pin on their claim to the 15% and we should get some news on Monday/Tuesday?
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