AVZ Discussion 2022

Are You Stupid Fran Healy GIF by Travis

The next person talking about bullshit arbitration well fuck me.... watch out!

Do your friggin homework before posting bullshit about ICC Arbitration.

Not having a personal go, but common man...fuck, this is done and dusted and has been for months.
Mate no offence, until I see an announcement saying otherwise, we are at ARBITRATION. They have been announcing these updates whilst in suspension. Pretty clear I think and next update is either we have successfully got the three arbitrators OR based off recent events, Zijin have pulled the plug.

Sick of all this bullshit, I spoke to Nigel this, oh I've heard that, Ann definitely this week. Give me a break ffs.

Tell me in writing where it says we are not at ARBITRATION and I'll apologise.
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A summit on the industrialization of southern Africa held in the DRC


A dozen Heads of State of the Economic Community of Southern African States (SADC) held a summit on Wednesday in Kinshasa on the industrialization of the sixteen member countries of the sub-region, called upon to develop their own “value chains”, noted an AFP team.

The theme chosen was: “Promoting industrialization through agro-processing, mineral beneficiation and the development of regional value chains with a view to achieving inclusive economic growth”.

“There is no one outside of Africa who will come and build Africa the way we want it to be built,” outgoing SADC chairperson Lazarus Chakwera from Malawi said at the outset, noting that Americans, Europeans and Asians spend only “a few million dollars” on building infrastructure on the continent.

“For this reason, we need to create our own development resource pools. We already have the natural and mineral resources, which should be more than enough to fund any project we need across Africa,” he said. he adds.

“The plunder we allowed the West to carry out in the Democratic Republic of Congo is a sin we must repent of,” he said.

The time has come to show and tell “to the world with one voice that Africa is open for business, but Africa is not for sale”.

*Succeeding him in the rotating presidency of the SADC, the Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi made in his speech the commitment to invest himself, with all the Member States of the SADC, in the construction of infrastructures with a view to industrialization in the sub-region.

*Member States must “accelerate the implementation of relevant and related projects” with a view to achieving this objective, making use of new information and communication technologies considered as “instruments and catalysts for industrialization”, he said. (y)

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Fresh projects are needed for mining to meet demand

Times are good for the mining sector, but more exploration and mine development is vital if it is to keep up with future demand – for battery minerals in particular. 🔋

With the focus now on minerals that can build a low-carbon future, Ralf Hennecke, Managing Director of Omnia Group company BME, has emphasized a commodity pipeline that is falling short.

“Greenfield projects to boost the production of key commodities are scarce,” he said.

“Minerals like nickel, copper, cobalt and platinum group metals are likely to experience supply shortages in the not-too-distant future if new projects are not initiated soon.”

He reiterated that new mining operations – or even large expansions – typically take 7-10 years to progress from the planning stage to the production of metal.

There is a likelihood that the demand-supply gap in many minerals could worsen if levelling production rates are not augmented with new sources of supply.

The demand for battery minerals is being driven by a range of green technologies – even though there is still uncertainty about which minerals will be most in demand in the future.

“We are fortunate that mining is attracting substantial interest from investors, especially as the sector embraces environmental, social and governance (ESG) priorities,” he said.

“It is also being supported by its key supply partners in pursuing important sustainability goals; this is all contributing to a more stable outlook, also building on more constructive links with communities and host governments.”

The mining industry has also taken an active stance concerning climate change, which is a key priority for many end customers of mineral products.

Hennecke pointed to the ongoing pursuit of efficiency in mining – to serve both sustainability and production imperatives.

On this front, mines are looking increasingly to their partners in the supply chain for enabling technology and skill sets.

“As we work together with mines to improve on-site efficiencies, supply partners like BME can assist customers in reaching output and sustainability goals,” he said.

“The digital age offers a great deal to our efforts in developing productive technologies, and we are confident that investors will also recognise this potential.”

Operationally, mines and their supply partners must carefully balance their sustainability and efficiency priorities with the security of supply, he emphasised.

Building and maintaining robust supply chains has returned to the spotlight since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Economic lockdowns severely disrupted global logistics networks and many – such as shipping – are yet to recover. More recently, geo-political instability caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has added to the factors that threaten reliable supply chains.

“Despite these challenges, we hope to see levels of investment grow in mineral-rich countries like the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia among others,” said Hennecke.


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Hang on a tick - Jens is saying that we *have* exercised our pre-emptive rights. Is this just some loose twitter wording, or have we in fact just purchased that 15%?

Now that would be a red letter day…
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Just be careful if Z get the rights to the site next door. Next minute:

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Mate no offence, until I see an announcement saying otherwise, we are at ARBITRATION. They have been announcing these updates whilst in suspension. Pretty clear I think and next update is either we have successfully got the three arbitrators OR based off recent events, Zijin have pulled the plug.

Sick of all this bullshit, I spoke to Nigel this, oh I've heard that, Ann definitely this week. Give me a break ffs.

Tell me in writing where it says we are not at ARBITRATION and I'll apologise.
Tell me in writing where it says we are not at ARBITRATION and I'll apologise.

Where does it say we are at ARBITRATION??
Ice Cube Reaction GIF
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Tell me in writing where it says we are not at ARBITRATION and I'll apologise.

Where does it say we are at ARBITRATION??
Ice Cube Reaction GIF
And you reckon I spam…. now I know why you haven’t been working on that board game! 😉
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I even had some of the faces ready for you to start making the cards: Here’s Jean Sama Lukonde and Adele Kahinda Mayina


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Cominiere - Zigin and Klaus


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Ok, ok…. I know that’s enough!!
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Tell me in writing where it says we are not at ARBITRATION and I'll apologise.

Where does it say we are at ARBITRATION??
Ice Cube Reaction GIF

First sentence of the ann?? Company provides an update on the ARBITRATION proceedings before the ICC in Paris.

AVZ have filed its response. Note the word here "FILED ITS RESPONSE".

Which is oh wait, let me do some research here,
cause err umm I need to use my brain 😵‍💫


What does that heading say you might ask?
Commencing the ARBITRATION

Responding to the request is Article 5 which we have done and also the last paragraph from the ann, the ICC will now decide whether the tribunal will consist of one or three arbitrator's.

This step is article 12.


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Am I actually a dumb dog? How can one think we aren't at arbitration? 🧐

Can you explain why you think we are not arbitration?
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First sentence of the ann?? Company provides an update on the ARBITRATION proceedings before the ICC in Paris.

AVZ have filed its response. Note the word here "FILED ITS RESPONSE".

Which is oh wait, let me do some research here,
cause err umm I need to use my brain 😵‍💫

View attachment 14700
What does that heading say you might ask?
Commencing the ARBITRATION

Responding to the request is Article 5 which we have done and also the last paragraph from the ann, the ICC will now decide whether the tribunal will consist of one or three arbitrator's.

This step is article 12.

View attachment 14701

View attachment 14690
Am I actually a dumb dog? How can one think we aren't at arbitration? 🧐

Can you explain why you think we are not arbitration?
I think the theory is that Zijin have openly said they are giving the 15% back. Essentially this being an admission of wrongdoing. Therefore proceeding with arbitration for that 15% would seem counterintuitive.
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I think the theory is that Zijin have openly said they are giving the 15% back. Essentially this being an admission of wrongdoing. Therefore proceeding with arbitration for that 15% would seem counterintuitive.
Hey M, yes that's fine and i get that and as I said earlier, if the news is true then Zijjn will have rescind the arbitration request.

One tweet regarding the potential 15% being returned does not magically mean arbitration isn't happening. It would simply mean in due course that the arbitration request will be withdrawn for which it should be.
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Hey M, yes that's fine and i get that and as I said earlier, if the news is true then Zijjn will have rescind the arbitration request.

One tweet regarding the potential 15% being returned does not magically mean arbitration isn't happening. It would simply mean in due course that the arbitration request will be withdrawn for which it should be.
No doubt the sensible approach to these things. As we’ve learnt, sources are hard to trust, even when it appears to be AVZs lawyers. Fingers crossed for clarity soon!
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Geez, here I am trying to organise getting a Manono board game going. @JAG has gone missing, although I think he reported he was well on the way to drunkeness a few hours ago and all the talk is on arbitration. The ICC informed AVZ of Zigin’s actions, AVZ informed the ICC they wanted 3 arbitrator’s. The ICC will have to notify AVZ of Zigin’s actions as soon as official and then AVZ will have to notify ASX as soon as official because it’s price sensitive. So sit back and have an official cone while you wait, geez when has AVZ ever been on time?! By the way, I choose to believe this twitter news, and I’m also choosing to believe it comes straight from Nells. Looks like I’m just going to have to email GameStop to get this board game going
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Ok, ok…. I know that’s enough!!
Agree, enough. So much crap on here of late. Good that Fox keeps posting.
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*Fyi, Gotta love the new Sheriff in Town, as

Jules Alingete puts Gécamines and SNCC in agreement for a financial patrol and prolonged concomitant control

The Inspectorate General of Finance (IGF) does not want to backtrack on its determination to put an end to the predation that has long characterized companies in the state portfolio.

In this sense, the IGF head of service, Jules Alingete, and Victor Batubenga, his deputy, both made the trip to Gécamines and the National Railway Company of Congo (SNCC) in the city of Lubumbashi on instructions from the Head of State.

This trip, points out the communication unit of the IGF, was to explain to the trade unionists of Gécamine and the SNCC as well as the public representatives of these companies in the portfolio of the State "the deep motivations of the concomitant control called the financial patrol implementation and its objectives".

Invited to speak in the room of Gécamines filled like an egg, Jules Alingete explained that the activation of the concomitant control, the financial patrol, follows the ineffectiveness of the control of Management, a posteriori, to put an end to the predation to which public management was subject.

"The financial patrol, provided for by the laws of the Republic, is in no way co-management, but rather a daily control of management acts," he said.

This patrol, he added, is primarily aimed at prioritizing the programming and payment of social benefits due to staff to meet the wishes of the President of the Republic, "the people first".

Then, the monitoring of the benefits due to Public Agents who must respect the legal texts and also the taxation of all suppliers and service providers who do business with public entities.

Finally, the promotion of tax culture by all government enterprises and their business partners.

At the end of the meeting, the trade unionists and representatives praised the merits of the financial patrol.

They believe that all public managers must internalize the implementation of good governance, a vision dear to the Head of State with the support of the IGF, this will thus allow the mobilization of revenue and the country will achieve a substantial budget.

View attachment 14584

Food for thought on the long and winding Dirty, Dusty, Dangerous Road to Mining Manono :rolleyes:


Frank :cool:
*Fyi, re:-The new Sheriff in Town, as

IGF and Court of Auditors join forces to track down financial offenders

Jules Alingete and Jimmy Munganga champion the good governance advocated by the Head of State.


Both men are determined to hunt down financial “criminals” and “unruly”…

The General Inspectorate of Finance -IGF- is committed to the good performance of public finances.

This determination meets that of the Court of Auditors.

Thursday, August 18, the Inspector General Head of Department went to meet the First President of the Court of Auditors, newly installed, to make contact with a view to a promising collaboration in the pursuit of their sovereign objectives.

Jules Alingete and Jimmy Munganga discussed at length their respective missions which converge in several points.

The number 1 of the IGF reassured his host of the determination of his structure to support the Court of Auditors in the a posteriori control of public finances.

The two men also addressed the question of the coordination of control of actions on the ground in order to avoid any overlap likely to interfere with the work of each.

It was also a question of seizing the legal need to transmit the IGF report to the Court of Auditors to see the perpetrators of the embezzlement being prosecuted. (y)

At the end of the hearing, Jules Alingete was full of encouragement towards the Court of Auditors which he considers "revitalized".

According to him, this will make it possible to complete the system provided for by the legislator: the administrative sanction, the judicial sanction of criminal acts and the sanction of the Court of Auditors for mismanagement.

“The control function is further restored and enhanced.

Public management can gradually be improved with this revitalization of the Court of Auditors”, rejoiced the cop of public finances, recalling in passing the determination of the President of the Republic to fight against anti-values.

“We, the control body, must internalize the values that must fight the anti-values, namely: integrity, firmness and competence,” he continued.

And to conclude: “we leave with a lot of satisfaction. The predators of our public finances, these criminals, will henceforth be qualified as undisciplined, according to the language of the Court of Auditors”.

For his part, the First President of the Court of Auditors reassured that his jurisdiction will fully play its role so as not to seize up the public finance management and control machine.

“When the Court of Auditors sanctions a manager for mismanagement, he is unworthy of managing public affairs, he is fired.

We will do our job.

It's up to others to do theirs," he suggested.

He then explained the control procedure: “We carry out our investigations and when we find serious irregularities in the head of a control, we propose precautionary measures which can go as far as revocation.

It is up to the supervisory authority to relay the decision of the Court of Auditors within 5 days”.

The new head of the Court of Auditors wants to be very determined to "fight against anti-values through judicial control".

As a reminder, the General Inspectorate of Finance is a specialized service attached to the Presidency of the Republic.

A descendant of the Special Corps of Finance Inspectors, the IGF was officially created by Presidential Ordinance on September 15, 1987.

It definitively came under the direct authority of the President of the Republic under the terms of Ordinance No. 09/097 of December 8, 2009.

Its mission is to verify and control all revenues and all expenditures that have an impact on the State budget.

As for the Court of Auditors, it is the supreme institution of control of finances and public goods in DR-Congo.

It is a financial jurisdiction with jurisdiction over the entire national territory.

Its general and permanent power to control the management of finances, assets and accounts of the central government, the province, the decentralized territorial entity and its auxiliary bodies as well as any person governed by public or private law enables it to to judge the accounts of the main public accountants assigning revenue or expenditure.

It ensures compliance with the deadlines for the production of the accounts by the main public accountants assigned.

President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi calls on the government to prioritize the general interest of the population


The President of the Republic, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, called on the government of the Republic to give priority to the general interest of the population, which constitutes the basis of the supervisory power in public enterprises, establishments and public services, during the 65th meeting of the Council of Ministers which he chaired, Friday in person at the City of the African Union, in Kinshasa.

The government spokesman, Minister of Communication and Media, Patrick Muyaya Katembwe, who declared it in the report of the said Council, read on the antennas of the Congolese National Radio Television (RTNC), indicated that the Chief of the State who revealed that in view of the various reports which have reached him on the performance of public enterprises, public establishments and services of the State, urged the members of the government to always give priority to the general interest in the collaboration with the various agents in the management of companies for the good of these companies.

He also revealed that the Head of State returned to the meeting of the 42nd Summit of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) held from August 9 to 17, 2022 in Kinshasa and placed under the theme : “Promote industrialization through the development of minerals and the development of regional value chains in order to achieve inclusive and sustainable economic growth”.

"For President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi, these meetings helped to reiterate SADC's desire to promote and strengthen socio-economic, political and security cooperation between these Member States as well as to stimulate regional integration with a view to achieve peace, stability and prosperity.

He took as an example, the efforts undertaken with Zambia in the development of minerals for the development of regional value chains through the construction of a factory for the manufacture of lithium-based batteries in the Democratic Republic of Congo", hammered the Minister Muyaya Katembwe.

The government spokesperson also specified that this Summit, which also marked the investiture of President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi at the head of this regional organization, calls for many responsibilities beyond the great return that the DRC is signing on the international scene since his investiture to the supreme magistracy, adding that the Head of State congratulated and thanked the Congolese people, the government and all the structures that were involved for the success and the good organization of these meetings which allow our country to affirm its vocation of regional leadership.

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More Food for thought on who paid who and who got caught :mad:

Who got Fat on too many Snacks and who's going to Court :ROFLMAO:

Go get em Jules, Go DRC, Go AVZ, Go Manono :)

GLTASH's (y)

Cheers 🍻

Frank :cool:
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The Fox

Well boys and girls, what an interesting 24 hours, how things can turn and turn quickly. Sure there are some outliers to rope and bring in, however the Zijin fiasco is all but dead and buried.

Finally we are at the pointy end of the stick and in coming days more positive information and announcements should follow. Very good chance IMO of announcements and out of suspension by the end of this week, assuming no more delays on the DRC / Cami side of things. Let's see what tomorrow brings.

Good to know big Nigel is now in town (meaning the DRC) ready to accept the ML and attend the signing ceremony. :)

Cheers The Fox 🦊
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The Fox

Well boys and girls, what an interesting 24 hours, how things can turn and turn quickly. Sure there are some outliers to rope and bring in, however the Zijin fiasco is all but dead and buried.

Finally we are at the pointy end of the stick and in coming days more positive information and announcements should follow. Very good chance IMO of announcements and out of suspension by the end of this week, assuming no more delays on the DRC / Cami side of things. Let's see what tomorrow brings.

Good to know big Nigel is now in town (meaning the DRC) ready to accept the ML and attend the signing ceremony. :)

Cheers The Fox 🦊
PS. Sorry, no word as yet on the Northern section. Frankly, don't care that much as RD has enough Lithium for 100 years. ;)
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The Fox

Agree, enough. So much crap on here of late. Good that Fox keeps posting.
Cheers Big Ears. :) Funny thing is that you get a bit of news and for what ever reason it changes, then changes again and again. I've cracked the champagne a few times in the last couple of months only to be advised, Oh, there's a delay, oh there's another issue to sort out, so I have been very hesitant to say much.

Only days ago the feedback on the ground was so confident and forthright that I felt confident of sharing some info. I likely got the same intel that Nellie did a couple of weeks ago when it was expected Zijin was dust, but thought it best to keep my powder dry a little longer just in case the timeline blows out again, and it did.

As I've said before, Nellie was on the money at that time as there was significant confidence around major announcements being made in AVZ's favour a week and a half ago.

The video of Zijin's capitulation was almost a week ago BTW, thats how long it takes for these things to come out sometimes. So in short, it takes more time then expected (obviously) for things to flow through not just to the public but to Cami and the Ministry of Mines to organise issuance of surface rights and payment, and a signing ceremony etc, all of which is out of AVZ's hands timeline wise.

High confidence that later this week AVZ is out of suspension with a bunch of positive announcements. 👍😀

Cheers The Fox 🦊
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