So what are you trying to say AVZ has NO HOPE...omg...!
Surely you dont mean Avz has lost control of the situation...!????????
No not down the toilet......hope not..!...imo
So what are you trying to say AVZ has NO HOPE...omg...!
Not enough space to park his car with him in it with his hairdo.200 by 400 meters clearly wasn't large enough, fucking amateurs!
Hope they were not your Xmas presents
Yep seems like that bud… Hope Nigel and AVZ Crew have understood this now hence legal action taken place.We really were always in a lose-lose situation:
1) Pay the bribes, be blackmailed and have license revoked when refusing to pony up for the inevitable increasing extortion.
2) Don't pay bribes, officials see themselves as entitled to skim off the top and would rather make life hell for tens of thousands of people just to keep the status quo of their corruption.
Game was rigged from the start.
Infamous NZ blogger ran a site called Whale Oil Beef Hooked.An Irishman an Englishman and a Scot walked into a pub......
Naaaahhhh....... can't beef hooked
Extradition is only allowed if the perpetrator has committed an offence in the territory of the requesting State; outside its territory by a national of that State; or outside its territory by a person foreign to that State, when the offense can be prosecuted under Congolese lawsWhy ask a question of holders when one simple search can reveal an answer the poster is looking for, unless you’re baiting of course … There are no bilateral extradition agreements between Australia & DRC.
And they are still trying to get info for their bosses about what is really going on.